Beehive Buzz: Hemp Propolis


Honey bees using propolis to close a hole. Photo: Dany Wyns, University of Minnesota, Bee Lab.


A tincture of propolis & CBD. Photo: Mamie's Apothecary.


Propolis CBD healing salve. Photo: Oakwood Natural Living Herbal Apothecary.

Amy from West Monroe shared this comment recently, “It is interesting that this article [Honey Bees & Industrial Hemp] doesn't mention [hemp propolis].”

Amy is correct that the article cited only pollen and honey with respect to hive products from industrial hemp. Before discussing hemp propolis specifically, let us look at the benefits of bee propolis in general.

The Bee Lab at the University of Minnesota reported, “Along with pollen, nectar, and water, honey bees collect resins from plants and trees. The bees load these sticky resins into the pollen baskets on their hind legs and carry them back to the hive. Once they enter the hive, we call these resins propolis. ‘Pro-‘ means ‘for’, or ‘in front of’, and ‘-polis’ means ‘the city’, and indeed ‘propolis’ is used to protect the ‘city’ of bees.

Propolis can be used to smooth rough surfaces and seal crevices, which allows the colony to control airflow and maintain homeostasis inside the hive.”

Besides being a type of natural “caulking” for bee hive, propolis has useful medical benefits for people. The UM Bee Lab summarizes the benefits of propolis,“ People have taken advantage of the medicinal properties of propolis for ages, using propolis tinctures to treat coughs and colds, and for a variety of other ailments.”

An online search for “hemp propolis” yielded results from enterprises selling this product. One online firm describes its hemp propolis, “This super potent CBD Isolate extract contains CBD Isolate combined with bee propolis, a natural additive that is known for its anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, antiseptic, and antibacterial properties. With a rich cannabinoid CBD Isolate tincture retains an earthy flavor and can be taken sublingually or applied as a topical solution.”

Another company is promoting its “Propolis CBD Healing Salve”, and its online ad says, “This is a medicinal salve used for healing the skin. It contains pure raw beeswax, organic raw unrefined shea butter, handcrafted comfrey oil, handcrafted ginger oil, raw bee propolis, non-synthetic Vitamin E, cannabis (sativa) full spectrum CBD oil, turmeric root, sweet orange, black peppercorn, and oregano.

Uses - As a daily moisturizer, severe dry cracked skin, bruising, skin ulcers, common psoriasis, psoriasis of the hands, eczema, diabetic skin sores, callouses, chapped skin, cracked heels, rough elbows and split cuticles. We have had several testimonials on how this product has given relief to arthritic hands and knees when used twice daily on a consistent basis. “

One enterprise has “All-Natural Hemp Derived CBD Tincture”. The narrative on this product talks about the ingredients of its tincture, “Our Propolis CBD tincture uses a unique blend of Raw Honey, Propolis and (120 Proof) Grain Alcohol to give you your daily dose of Vitamin Health. Some of the most impressive health benefits of propolis include its ability to protect the immune system, prevent certain types of cancer, reduce inflammation, lessen allergic reactions, heal wounds, promote circulation, boost eye health, stop cell death, improve cognition, and strengthen bones. For Energy, Stress, Inflammation, Mental Clarity and Overall Health and Wellness. NuHoney is Our All Natural, no additives, non-psychoactive (THC Free) blend of Raw Honey/Propolis and 99% Hemp Derived CBD Isolate.”

While there is much research of regular propolis , the science of hemp propolis seems to be scarce. One scientific article from Poland looked at the effects of propolis and CBD extract to treat human brain tumors. However, this therapy failed to produce any anti-tumor activity.

Please send your beekeeping questions and pictures to Keith Hawkins, Area Horticulture Agent (AHA), 337.2845188 or . Also, you can be on the “beemail” email list by emailing your request to the address above.

“This work has been supported, in part, by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Renewable Resources Extension Act Award, Accession Number 1011417.”

“Mention of trade names or commercial products and services in this article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute endorsement by Louisiana State University AgCenter.”

3/17/2022 6:16:36 PM
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