Let's Eat for the Health of It Virtual Sessions Scheduled

Let's Eat for the Health of it Brocure PDF

brochure_pictureJPGLet's Eat for the Health of It is a curriculum for adults and is based on the latest scientific research about food and physical activity. Sessions will focus on the MyPlate which helps individuals use the dietary guidelines to make smart choices from every food group, find a balance between food and physical activity, get the most nutrition out of calories, and stay within daily caloric needs. The eight sessions to be offered are:

  • Be Active Your Way - May 31
  • Make Half Your Plate Fruits & Vegetables - June 2
  • Make Half Your Grains Whole Grains - June 4
  • Dairy: Switch to Skim of 1% Milk - June 8
  • Vary Your Protein Food Choices - June 9
  • Fats, Sugars, & Sodium - June 11
  • Food Safety - June 22
  • Shopping on a Budget - June 23

The sessions are free to attend and will be online using Microsoft TEAMS. Participants can join each session using their computer, iPad, or phone (audio only). Each session will be offered at 12noon. Feel free to register for all of the sessions or select the ones that interest you. Deadline to register is one week before the session you plan to attend. Please register using this link:https://forms.office.com/r/i0qx89CiTM

Contact Cathy Judd at 318-251-5134 or Layne Langley at 225-635-3614 if you have questions.

5/28/2021 8:55:15 PM
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