FCS Healthy Community Coalition Meeting Minutes - May 14, 2020

Cynthia Clifton, Isom, Sarah

FCS Healthy Community Coalition Meeting Minutes
May 14, 2020
10:00 a.m.
Microsoft Teams via Computer


  • Terry Charles Director of School and Nutrition – St. John Parish
  • Ivy Mathieu Community Volunteer
  • Artis Williams St. John United Way
  • Ashanti Johnson St. John Head Start
  • Valerie Vincent LSU AgCenter
  • Matthew Broussard Tobacco-Free Living
  • Laureen Arceneaux Community Volunteer
  • Donna Bliss CASA
  • Joe Carr Community Volunteer
  • Larry Sorapuru Community Volunteer
  • Patti Rodrigue Community Volunteer
  • Jada Nathan CAGNO
  • William Magee South Central Louisiana Human Services Authority
  • Tammy Swindle CAGNO
  • Precious Alexander CAGNO
  • Ashley Terry LSU AgCenter
  • Andre’ Brock LSU AgCenter
  • Lamont Bigham Department of Health & Human Services
  • Lisa Weber SU AgCenter
  • Diane Johnson Department of Health & Human Services
  • Kali Price Department of Health & Human Services
  • Shelia Baloney St. John Head Start
  • Melanie Burl St. John FINS
  • Anne Baudier BCBS
  • Sarah Isom LSU AgCenter
  • Cynthia Clifton LSU AgCenter

Cynthia Clifton welcomed everyone to the virtual Microsoft Teams meeting due to the stay-at-home order from Governor John Bel Edwards regarding the COVID-19, Coronavirus pandemic.

Cynthia Clifton informed the committee that President Hotard was scheduled to be the guest speaker to discuss St. John Parish and where they are now and where they are headed in the next couple of months due to the COVID-19. President Hotard was unable to attend due to an emergency with the parish. She did ask that we put her on the schedule for future meetings.

Cynthia Clifton moved on to the updates from the committees:

  • Community & School Gardens
  • Youth Voice
  • Community Engagement
  • Transportation

Andre’ Brock gave an update on the Community & School Gardens. He said that he was going to ECW and check on the gardens a couple of times during the week. Before the stay-at-home order and schools closing, the students had planted kale and strawberries. However, since the schools closed, he and a couple of master gardeners picked some of the kale and strawberries, but there was not a lot. They are focusing on when the schools reopen in the Fall so that they can plant other things with the students and maybe have a workshop or field day for the students to show off what they planted. He also said that he is happy with the volunteers and all that they have done this past year.

Next, Cynthia Clifton discussed the voting of the FCS Healthy Community logo. Out of the six logos to vote from, the second logo had the most votes. Valerie Vincent was asked to create and updated logo for the website and Facebook page. Ivy Mathieu asked if it would be possible to have a link on the parish website. Lamont Bigham was asked if there is anyway that our logo could link to the parish website. He stated that he does not know about outside companies linking with the parish website. He is going to check on that and get back with the committee.

Cynthia Clifton asked if there were any other discussions.

Larry Sorapuru asked about the Farmers Market for St. John Parish and not the market at Tractor Supply. He said that he wanted to explore more about the market to see how to get something in the parish. Cynthia Clifton asked Andre’ Brock if he could help answer that question for Larry Sorapuru. He said that he was not sure, but he had not seen any if there is one open. He said that he thinks they all shut down with the COVID-19 pandemic, but he knows that they are selling crafts now. He said that there are people selling produce on the side of the road. Larry Sorapuru said that he would like to explore with Tammy Swindle (she purchases food from Farmers Market for cancer patients) to see what could be done to get a Farmers Market back in St. John Parish. Tammy Swindle mentioned that she has a grant with the LSU AgCenter and Cancer Center of New Orleans to help people in St. John that have cancer. Larry Sorapuru said that this is something that is needed in the parish.

Cynthia Clifton stated that this is the new norm and that meetings will be help on computer until it is safe to go back to having face-to-face meetings. She also mentioned that she is doing an online Smart Shopping & Food Safety nutrition class on May 26, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. This class is a pilot to see how things are going to work. We know that everyone is at home and eating a lot and not moving as much as they should. There is more cooking now and some of the meals are not as healthy. Hopefully, this class with help us to get back into the routine of eating healthy and moving more again. William Magee asked that the link be sent to him so that he can get some of his clients with mental health to register.

Larry Sorapuru asked a question about mental health. He said that the word he is hearing now is that mental health is lacking. Is there a possible way to have counselors set up to talk to mental health persons? William Magee stated that he works for the Behavioral Mental Health Clinic in LaPlace a State sponsored agency, and that they are seeing clients either telephonic or telemarketing. Larry Sorapuru asked how are they reaching people with no phones or computers? He asked would it be possible to send someone out to the homes? William Magee said that he would check with the main office to see what could be done. They will share information to see how to work on this situation.

Ivy Mathieu asked if there are any type of resources in the parish or if one could be created for the needs of the people in the parish due to this virus? She asked how do we become a resource for services? The question was asked, do St. John parish have a resource guide or COVID-19 resource guide? Cynthia Clifton said that she will check into this. If not, the committee will work on getting something for the parish.

Since there were no more questions or comments, the next meeting date was scheduled for Thursday, August 20, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. Location to be announced later.

Cynthia Clifton thanked everyone for attending the meeting and gave best wishes to be safe.

The meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m.

Healthy St. John Logo

5/18/2020 7:10:22 PM
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