This article was originally created on February 17, 2014.
We have reached a point in society where most of the population is talking about information overload. For some relief, this fact sheet provides information and background on the SoilWeb phone application. The phone used for this was an iPhone® 5s; the author did not have an AndroidTM to test.
SoilWeb is a great starting point for determining soil series located on your farm. But as with any Web application, there are limitations. First, let us look at how we use the app.
The disadvantages are listed not to discourage the use of the application but to know its limitations. The application is a great tool when you start trying to figure out what might be happening at deeper depths in the field that could cause problems or be beneficial.
If you have any questions concerning the use of this phone app or any of the data it provides, please contact:
Beatrix Haggard – (318) 498-2967 –