Article originally created August 1, 2013.
I have been receiving more calls about ULV malathion and its use on cotton. Outlined below are the rules regarding the use of ULV malathion and application intervals outlined by the LDAF.
Courtesy of Bobby Simoneaux:
An ultra-low volume (ULV) malathion and a ULV pyrethroid insecticide (tank mixed) may be applied to control plant bugs in cotton only between sunrise on May 15 through sunrise on September 15 of each year, subject to the following.
1. Applications shall be made at no less than seven day intervals at an application rate not to exceed the individual pesticide product labels and with no other dilutions or tank mixes.
2. Each application shall be reported, in writing and within 24 hours of the application, to the appropriate Boll Weevil Eradication Program district office by the farmer, agricultural consultant or owner/operator.
3. The report shall include the names and addresses of the farmer, agricultural consultant (if appropriate), owner/operator and applicator; the applicator’s number issued by the department; the field name or number; the number of acres treated; the name and EPA registration number of the pesticide product; and the application date and time.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the LDAF, Sebe Brown or Dr. David Kerns for more information.
Bobby Simoneaux: 225-925-3763
Sebe Brown Cell: 318-498-1283 Office: 318-435-2903
Dr. David Kerns Cell: 318-439-4844 Office: 318-435-2157
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture