LCAAA Minutes Summary 1953 – 2008

The attached document contains a brief summary of some of the information included in minutes of meetings of committees, the Boards of Directors, and the Member meetings of the Louisiana County Agricultural from 1953 to 2008.

Agents Association (LCAAA). Most of the information came from the files of LCAAA which were accumulated and organized by Director Emeritus Denver T Loupe, LCES Archivist. Additional information came from the LSU Hill Memorial Library where the LCES Archives are located and is noted as (Hill).

The existing files include no information prior to 1953. They include very little information from the years 1958, 1972, 1982, and 1985. The date of a meeting may be included in this summary because it was mentioned in minutes of a previous or subsequent meeting but no other information about that meeting has been found. Some meeting information is from an agenda where no minutes were found.

Names are printed as they were found in the minutes, although an attempt was made to correct errors. Board meetings usually take place in December, and in the spring, summer and fall. Board and Member meetings are held in December and at the summer meeting and may be reported as one meeting. Motions passed in Board meetings are usually introduced and passed in subsequent Member meetings. The motion is generally included only once in this summary although in some cases, a motion is introduced in several meetings and may be included more than once. Committee reports are referred to as a recommendation by the Committee Chair.

It is hoped that a review of the events included will be of some value to former, current and future members of the LCAAA. Anyone with additional information about the LCAAA who wishes to share that information for inclusion in updates to this summary, or to contribute files for inclusion in the LCAAA permanent collection to be housed in Hill Memorial Library, can contact their County Agent for assistance, or send them directly to Bill Branch. Annie Coco, Ed Twidwell, James Devillier, Brian Chandler, Thurmond L Morgan and Boyd Padgett have provided several items for inclusion in the files.

8/17/2018 2:19:17 PM
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