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January is the month for new beginnings and a perfect time to begin exercising or increasing your physical activity for better health.
High-protein, low-fat, high-fiber pulse grains are heavy hitters for human health & nutrition and these plants boost soil fertility, also.
The need for opportunities for indoor physical activity (PA) during the cold & wet months of the year is important. Weather can promote or deter PA behaviors.
What is National Take a Hike Day? Grab your walking shoes, a dry snack mix and some drinking water and go on a walk in the woods or on a trail.
It is fall and the cooler temperatures make it is a great time to get outside and have fun with some physical activity (PA). Here are some ideas for PA.
Regular and longer walks not only increase your chances of living longer, but also help you get more energy, lose weight, stay healthy and positive.
Riding a Bicycle is Great Exercise and can be so much fun at any age. Biking can be a powerful workout to get the heart pumping.
June is Dairy Month! Show your bones some love and include 2-3 servings of Dairy per day.
Yoga is a great physical activity. All you need is a mat & a little time. It is inexpensive and easily done at home alone or with friends, a partner and family.
Healthy Communities Bike Safety Partnership: Let's Ride in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana. Youth are learning biking skills to ride safely in their neighborhoods.
LSU AgCenter Agent contributed to a neighborhood, helping the residents to adopt healthy food choices and get them to be more active.
Eating meals together is good for all family members. The more time spent on home food preparation, the higher the nutritious quality.
Gardening is good exercise. Make it a family affair or a community project. The results are lots of good veggies & getting some fresh air & physical activity.
Seniors in Jefferson Parish enjoy the Healthy eating series presented by Karen Marie the Salubrious RD. They have made positive dietary and exercise changes.
Fitness can be fun for youth and adults.
Healthy Communities work in Jefferson Parish: PHYSICAL ACTIVITY & Walk & Bike to School Day along with a Video
Suggestions for adding physical activity to a day can keep you healthy and happy.
Physical activity is recommended for everyone. National parks can offer exercise and time experiencing nature.
The Nutrition Agents and Nutrition Educator in Jefferson Parish came together to host their ALC on October 31, 2017.
An Infographic describing the work of Karen Marie Jones/ Area Nutrition Agent in Jefferson Parish with Seniors and the Impact made on those audiences.
Grand Isle Programming in Jefferson Parish including nutrition and 4H interventions. This video describes the Snap Ed & 4H teachings of the LSU AgCenter Agents
Grande Isle rests in the southern most point of Jefferson Parish. Karen Marie Jones, a nutrition Agent decided to focus her programming on the island in 2016.
3rd Graders at Hazel Park Hilda Knoff Elementary School in Jefferson Parish participate in the Body Quest curriculum with Karen Marie the SalubriousRD
Teaches clients the skills to cut fruits and vegetables safely with the correct tool/knife and, using food safety techniques.
LSU AgCenter Nutrition Minute Video on apples.