7th and 8th Grade!
If you attended last year, you cannot attend again this year.
4-H Challenge Camp is one of the most valuable experiences a young person can have. It’s a learning experience where youth can learn team building, decision making, communication and conflict resolution skills through practical application in the great outdoors.
February 23rd & 24th
6pm Thursday-7pm Friday
Camp Grant Walker
Cost: $70.00
Registration Deadline:
February 6th
If Interested Email blafargu@agcenter.lsu.edu
Registration for competitions must be done through 4-H Online. Deadlines will be provided once we have that information.
*4-H Southern Regional Shoot
March 10 – March 19, 2023
Gonzales and Port Allen
*4-H State Shoot
April 14 - 23, 2023
Shreveport and Grand Cane
Date: December 20,2022 at 1:00pm
Who can participate: Ages 11 through 18.
Deadline to Sign Up: December 13th
The babysitting workshop is being held at the 4-H Office.
Activities include First Aid and Safety, making safe snacks, creating interactive games, the art of storytelling, and marketing your services. Participants will make a babysitting kit as part of the workshop.
Please sign up by clicking on the QR Code! On December 14th Parents will be emailed the time that their child needs to arrive at the workshop
Livestock Show (FAIR ENTRY)
Livestock Show (FAIR ENTRY)
Complete YCQA Training and pay $12 fee online for each exhibitor. Download certificate of completion and make note of code. Fair entry link is where you will enter Parish, District, and State Livestock Shows using 4-H Online login BEFORE deadlines AND enter YCQA Certification code when requested.
Visit: yqcaprogram.org
We are here to help with this new process.
If at any time you have questions, please contact the 4-H Office 337-639-4376 or kmanuel@agcenter.lsu.edu
An opportunity to provide Christmas gifts to kids in your very own community!
Toys must be new and there is no price limit!
Turn in toys to the 4-H Office by December 9th
Our first official Chef Club Meeting will be on Dec 19, 2022, at 9:00 am. The meeting will be held at the 4-H office. This meeting is open to kids that have previously registered for this club. Our November meeting was cancelled. We will have an extra meeting in the spring or summer to make up for the meeting that was cancelled.
The contest theme is Beef: A Sustainable Choice.
Posters must be on 22 inches by 28 inches poster board. Digital entries must be designed using either Microsoft Publisher, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator or Canva. All digital entries must be saved in high resolution 300 dpi in all the following file formats: original design file, png, and pdf.
Due to the 4-H office by January 23, 2023
The 4-H Honor Chord Award recognizes 4-H members who are graduating seniors.
Go to: https://www.lsuagcenter.com/topics/kids_teens/even...
For 4-H youth to receive the 4-H Honor Chord, they must meet the following requirements:
Scott Tractor Scholarship Due March 15, 2022. Must turn in application to the Allen Parish 4-H Office no later than March 15, 2022. You may request an application by emailing blafargue@agcenter.lsu.edu
Our next meeting will be held on December 19th! Please arrive at the 4-H Office at 1pm. We will visit the nursing home then head back to the 4-H office for a meeting and Christmas Party.
If you are interested in helping at the babysitting workshop, please register and type in Junior Leader where it asks for club.
A Great Community Service Opportunity!
Allen Parish 4-H Clubs this is a great community service opportunity! Collect socks with grips for our senior citizens. The Junior Leader Club will deliver socks on December 19th.
Contest will be held on February 10, 2023, at Oberlin Elementary & High Schools
All 4-H’ers must pre-register contest with club leader *Leaders please remember to Pre-Register on time, February 3rd. This allows us enough time to properly prepare for demonstration day. If registration is turned in on time your members will potentially be first in line to give their presentation.
*Limited to 1 Demonstration Presentation Per 4-H Member.
*Only 4-Hers and Judges will be allowed in contest room. Exceptions may apply for special needs children. Members should set up their presentation by themselves.
*Trifold Boards are used for presentations
*Individual= 1 member and Team= 2 members *Information to include on Tri-Fold Board: 1) Title/ Cover Poster; 2) Materials/ supplies needed; 3) Steps/ Process; 4) Summary
Þ At Demonstration Day you can: give a demonstration, a speech, commodity talk, career prep or the dress review. 8th-12th grades will have specific topics to choose from.
Þ Dress Review: Garments are due to the 4-H office by February 3,2023, please email blafargue@agcenter.lsu.edu if you need a form
Þ 4-H’ers who do not attend school on February 10th will NOT be excused to participate in Demonstration Day.
Þ 4-H’er must exhibit proof of complete demonstration or public speech to their club’s adult leader.
Þ 4-H volunteer leaders need to contact school principal and arrange for use of a bus for Demonstration Day.
****Name Tag Contest! Members are required to wear a tag that includes members name and club. Leaders, please turn in a tag design at demonstration day.
Keep it simple! Sometimes the simplest ideas presented well are better than complex ideas presented poorly.
Parents if you have any questions, please contact your school leader or email blafargue@agcenter.lsu.edu