December 2020

Originally Published on December 8, 2020.

Brooke LaFargue, 4-H Agent
Allen Parish


117 N 5th Street
Oberlin La 70655
Phone 337-639-4376 Fax:337-639-2985

Dates to remember!

  • Junior Leader Meeting: December 21st
  • Livestock Photo Contest: December 18th
  • Oberlin Aggie Day: January 9th
  • Allen Parish Livestock Show: January 15-16
  • Deadline to sign up for Chef Club: January 15th
  • Allen Parish Livestock Sale: January 21
  • Honor Chords: January 24
  • SW District Scholarship Paperwork Due: January 25
  • SW District Livestock Show: January 31-February 7
  • State Livestock Show: February 13-20
  • Ambassador Commodity Talk: February 22

Welcome to Allen Parish 4-H!

You may also find up to date information on the Allen Parish 4-H Facebook Page.

Our office has a new location:117 N 5th St. Oberlin La 70655

If at any time you have questions please email your 4-H Agent, Brooke

Due to Covid-19 there is always a possibility that an event maybe canceled. Please check our Facebook Page (Allen Parish 4-H)for announcements regarding all our 4-H Events.

How do I Join Allen Parish 4-H?

Parent Volunteers and You may join Allen Parish 4-H by using this link

Once you have enrolled online your leaders will be notified. The club leader will let you know the cost of dues. Dues are to be paid to the leaders.

4-H Pledge

I pledge my head to clearer thinking,

My heart to greater loyalty,

My hands to larger service,

and my health to better living,

for my club, my community, my country, and my world.

Junior Leaders

Our next meeting is Monday December 21, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. We will meet at the 4-H Office. Please bring no slip socks to donate to our Senior Citizens. We also plan to make Christmas cards. Wear an ugly sweater! Bring a White Elephant gift valuing up to $10. We will have your club shirts available at the meeting. Please wear a mask.

Calling all Louisiana 4-H'ers! Submit a photo for the statewide Holiday Livestock Photo Contest.

Your photo could be featured on the LSU Ag Center's social media on Christmas Day! The rules are simple.

Take a holiday photo with your livestock and submit the photo in the comments below.

Multiple entries will be accepted. Deadline to enter is December 18, 2020 at 11:59 p.m.


  • 4-H/FFA Livestock Show Dates
  • Allen Parish Show January 15-16, 2021
  • Allen Parish Livestock Sale January 21, 2021
  • SW District Livestock Show January 25-February 2, 2021
  • State Livestock Show February 13-20, 2021

Please join our Allen Parish Livestock Group on Facebook

If you have questions please email

Please note: Given the health concerns with COVID19 there is no guarantee that the Allen Parish Livestock Show will occur as advertised. With that in mind all livestock show participants and families should note that purchase and/or validation of animals is at their own risk and financial investment.

4-H Honor Cords

The 4-H Honor Cord Award recognizes 4-H members who are graduating seniors.

For 4-H youth to receive the 4-H Honor Cord, they must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a currently enrolled 4-H member and in good standing
  • Must be a graduating senior
  • Must have been enrolled in 4-H for at least 3 years of their high school career
  • Must have participated in at least one state sponsored 4-H program in the past 3 years, or demonstrated exemplary parish-level program involvement

Must complete the application form by January 24th!

2020 4-H Honor Cord qualification information and application on the 4-H Honor Cord page.

The Commodity Ambassador Contest

This State Contest is a unique state-level opportunity that exposes and prepares our younger 4-H members to public speaking. The BBQ Chicken, BBQ Turkey, and Egg Demonstration contests are events with advancement to the National 4-H contest held in Louisville, KY. Traditionally, division III winners would all be rewarded a spot on the State Educational Trip. We are transitioning this award system to monetary awards, except for those contests with national advancement opportunities. Our goal is to assist youth in advancing their public speaking skills, potentially awarding them in multiple ways for their hard work.

2021 ONLY – Virtual contest format

  • Division I and II entries for all categories will be submitted for entry as pre-recorded demonstrations speeches. Division III entries will be live speeches via Microsoft Teams on the following dates and tentative time frames:
  • Pre-recorded videos and all deliverables due: February 22nd,2021
  • Chicken BBQ, Turkey BBQ, and Egg Demo – March 2nd, 4:00-7:30 PM
  • Beef and Seafood Demo – March 3rd, 4:00 – 7:30 PM
  • A Commodity Crops – March 4th, 4:00-7:30 PM

Winners will be announced LIVE on the Louisiana 4-H Facebook and YouTube page on Friday, March 5th, at 6:30 PM. If your 4-H member is interested in competing now is the time to start preparing. Please contact Mrs. Brooke if you are

Demonstration Day

Its is that time of year to start thinking about Demonstrations. This year we are going to conduct our contest virtually. What is a Demonstration? A demonstration puts words with actions. During a demonstration each step is explained as the audience watches how each step is completed. Demonstrations are full of action-packed words, such as mix, saw, turn, or fold, that accurately describes the action that is being viewed.

Chef Club

Time to sign up for chef club! Our focus this year is families cooking together. If your child joins please make this an experience the whole family can take part in. Please sign your child up by January 15,2021.After the sign update, we will notify you when chef club boxes are ready for pick-up. Your monthly chef club box with include: a kitchen tool, recipe, and activities. Please sign up by clicking the link.

Chef club signup form


Everybody working together!

An important part of building a strong 4-H club or group is making sure that each person knows everyone else in the group. Volunteers and member’s need to be able to call each other by name and they need to feel comfortable working and learning with each other.

When you hear the word teamwork, what does that mean to you? Teamwork is when groups use each person’s skills to do a task. For example, the skills needed to build a basketball team are players who can dribble, pass the ball, shoot, rebound and play defense. When the team practices together and learns what each person can do, the coach can organize the team to fit with the skills of each player.

Birthday Line Up Activity:

This is a fun activity to get kids lined up. It may take 5–10 minutes, depending on the age of your students, so plan accordingly. The objective is to have students line up in order of their birthdays—January 1st through December 31st. To do this, they will need to know the order in which the months fall as well as their own birthday. They will also need to talk with one another in order to figure out who goes in front of whom. To make it super challenging, tell them they must do it without speaking at all, only using hand signals.

5/21/2021 8:01:59 PM
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