Compliance and Training

Mandatory Employee Training

To remain knowledgeable about important policies and procedures, and to stay in compliance with state and federal regulations, all LSU AgCenter employees are required to complete the following mandatory training on AgEd. Course descriptions and instructions for registration are outlined below. The law places the burden on the employee to complete the annual education. If an employee doesn’t complete the programs, then the violation of law is on the employee’s part, which may result in suspension, dismissal, and/or fines.

The Mandatory Employee Training includes the following:

  • Louisiana Board of Ethics
  • Title IX and Power Based Violence
  • Cybersecurity
  • Civil Rights

Keep up to date with your completed AgEd Courses here.

Louisiana Board of Ethics

Required annually (every calendar year). The deadline for completion is December 31 at 11:59 pm.

All public employees are required to complete one hour of training on the Code of Governmental Ethics each calendar year (La RS 42:1170).

Failure to comply with this mandate constitutes a violation of the La. ethics code. Any employee who is found to have violated any provisions of the ethics code can be removed, suspended, or ordered to have a reduction in pay or demotion by the Ethics Board. The Board can also impose fines of not more than $10,000, or both.

All classified, unclassified, and other academic employees, faculty members, contingent/transient workers, graduate and teaching assistants, and student workers who have worked 90 days or longer for the calendar year are required to take this training.

Required annually (every calendar year). The deadline for completion is December 31 at 11:59pm.

Visit LSU AgCenter AgEd, Courses Required Yearly, Ethics Education Program 2024.

Power-based Violence Prevention & Response Training

Required annually (every calendar year). The deadline for completion is September 30 at 11:59 pm.

LSU AgCenter's Title IX Training satisfies the training requirements outlined in both the 2012 Louisiana Senate Concurrent Resolution 107, which requires one hour of sexual harassment training, and in Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, which requires training on sexual misconduct prevention.

All classified, unclassified, and other academic employees, faculty members, contingent/transient workers, graduate and teaching assistants, and student workers r are required to take this training.

The deadline for completion is September 30 at 11:59 pm.

Visit LSU AgCenter AgEd, Courses Required Yearly, Power-based Violence & Sexual Misconduct Education & Prevention 2024

Cybersecurity Training

All LSU AgCenter Faculty and Staff.

Visit LSU AgCenter AgEd, Courses Required Yearly, Cybersecuirty Traning

This training must be completed by 11:59 PM on December 31st each calendar year.

Civil Rights

All classified, unclassified, and other academic employees, faculty members, contingent/transient workers, graduate and teaching assistants, and student workers are required to take this training.

To access this training visit AgEd, courses required yearly, Civil Rights Online Course 2024.

This training must be completed by 11:59 PM on December 31st each calendar year.

7/11/2024 6:27:07 PM
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