Louisiana Agriculture Magazine Winter 2017

Louisiana Agriculture Magazine Winter 2017pdf

medicalmarijuanajpgAgriculture and Medicine

Hampton Grunewald
LSU AgCenter to proceed with obtaining a license from the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry (LDAF) for the production of medical marijuana. The AgCenter is currently working to select a supplier to operate in partnership with to produce medical marijuana. The law allows the AgCenter, as the licensee, to conduct research on medical marijuana.

BurdengardensjpgBotanic Gardens at Burden Focuses on Urban Agriculture Education

Jeff Kuehny
The LSU AgCenter Botanic Gardens has been undergoing significant changes as it moves from a crops research station to a center for urban agriculture education.

whitecrapemyrtlejpgManaging Crape Myrtle Bark Scale

Yan Chen and Allen Owings
A new pest on crape myrtles, the crape myrtle bark scale, is spreading in Louisiana, but can be managed.

bushkiller leafjpgManaging Two Highly Invasive Weed Species in Landscapes

Ron Strahan
Some of the toughest weeds to manage are those that spread vegetatively, such as bushkiller and torpedograss.

grazingjpgExtending Grazing Through Fall and Winter:

Is Stockpiled Bermudagrass an Option for Pregnant Beef Cows During Mid-to-late Gestation
Guillermo Scaglia, Jeffrey Gurie and Glen Gentry
Extending grazing through fall and winter reduces the amount of harvested forage needed to maintain cow performance and could reduce production costs.

formlationsjpgAntibacterial Botanical Formulations

Zhijun Liu
Many plant oils, including tea tree oil, are antimicrobial but need to mixed with water to offer benefit.

sugar crystaljpgSize Matters: Crystal Size Analysis for the Louisiana Sugar Industry

Franz Ehrenhauser, Daira Aragon, Cy Gaudet and Irnya Tishechkina
Size matters when it comes to sugar crystals and the efficient processing of can juice into refined sugar for human consumption.

healthy choicejpgHealthy Communities: Making Healthy Choice Easy

Denise Holston and Elisabeth Altazan
The Healthy Communities initiative uses a community participatory model to fight the obesity epidemic in Louisiana.

homeschoolingjpgHomeschooling Grows in Louisiana and the United States

Mark J. Schafer and Isaiah F.A. Cohen
Homeschooling offers an alternative to public or private schools and is likely to increase across the U.S. and in Louisiana.

cornrustjpgSouthern Corn Rust:

Development, Risk and Management

Clayton Hollier
Southern corn rust is a disease that affects the Louisiana corn crop annually, but at different incidences and severity

fighting obesityjpgFighting Obesity One Family at a Time:

Federal Nutrition Program Nearly 50 Years Old
Tobie Blanchard
For nearly 50 years, the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program, referred to as EFNEP, has been addressing challenges such as obesity.

Applied As a Spray Insecticide

Dennis Ring
Because Bacillus thuringiensis kills larvae of butterflies, moths and skippers (lepidopterans), care should be taken so that nontarget plants are not treated.

gardensjpgCommunity Gardening in Louisian

Johnny Morgan
The recent popularity of the farm-to-table movement is bringing greater interest to the concept of community gardening.

XunewfacultyjpgNew Faculty Profile: Wenqing Xu Finds Fulfillment in Food Safety

Tobie Blanchard
Wemqing Xu serves as the LSU AgCenter food safety specialist and is an assistant professor in the LSU College of Agriculture.

agcenternewsjpgAgCenter News

Topics include tree planting, farmer worker protection rules, the Livestock Show, resistant starch and new rice herbicide.

coanewsjpgCollege of Ag News

Topics include Hemline for Hearts event, advent of the seersucker suit, and student trip to Greece to study food.

4/12/2017 6:10:06 PM
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