Louisiana Agriculture Magazine Summer 2016

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Summer 2016 pdf

foodincubatorjpgFood Incubator Celebrates Three Years of Success

Olivia McClure
The LSU AgCenter Food Incubator, which was established in 2012, has helped Louisiana food enrepreneurs find markets for their unique products.

MGclassjpgMaster Gardener Program Continues to Change and Grow

Linda Foster Benedict
The 22-year-old Louisiana Master Gardener Program is undergoing changes to expand its reach and become more digital.

cottontrargetspotjpgTarget Spot of Cotton: A Lion or a Lamb?

Trey Price, Myra Purvis, Hunter Pruitt, Jerry Bartleson, Dan Fromme and Boyd Padgett
Over the years in Louisiana, target spot, a foliar disease of cotton, has been considered a major issue.

sugarcaneborerjpgSearch for a Narrow-range, Minimum-risk Insecticide for Sugarcane Borer Control

T. Eugene “Gene” Reagan and Kenneth Gravois
Tebufenozide is at the center of integrated pest management control of the sugarcane borer in sugarcane in Louisiana.

ryegrassjpgUse of Bermudagrass Hay by Stocker Calves Grazing Annual Ryegrass Pastures

Guillermo Scaglia
With appropriate grazing management and animal health care, there is no need to provide hay to stocker cattle grazing high-quality pastures.

brassicacropjpgGrazing Brassicas During Fall Transition in South Louisiana

Guillermo Scaglia
Forage brassicas crops such as turnip, swede, rape and kale can be used to extend the grazing season in November and December.

recyclepottingjpgImpact of Salinity Stress Using Recycled Potting Media in Greenhouse Tomato Production

Changyoon Jeong, Carrie Lott, Nolan Glenn and Patrick Colyer
When producers grow tomatoes in greenhouses, they tend to use excess fertilizer and water to maximize yield. But this can lead to excess salinity.

antimicrobalbluejpgComplexities of Antimicrobial Use in Livestock and Poultry Production

Christine B. Navarre
Antimicrobial resistance is considered by many to be the most complex problem facing public health today.

SorghumjpgFeasibility of Grain Sorghum Ratoon Cropping in North Louisiana

Rick Mascagni
Early planting of grain sorghum maximizes kyield and enhances the ability to "ratoon" or produce a second crop from the original stubble.

careerfairjpgField Days and Career Fairs Help Youth See Opportunities in Agriculture

Tara P. Smith, Terri Crawford, Lekeisha Lucas-Powell, Ashley Powell, Lanette Hebert and Steve Linscombe
High school students are learning about careers in agriculture at youth field days at two of the LSU AgCenter's research stations.

SWpotatojpgSweet Potato Foundation Seed Production and the National Clean Plant Network Support

Christopher A. Clark and Tara P. Smith
The LSU AgCenter sweet potato foundation seed program began operations in 1949 with an emphasis on providing high-quality seed roots to the industry.

goatsjpgEconomics of Southeastern U.S. Meat Goat Production

Berdikul Qushim, Jeffrey M. Gillespie and Kenneth McMillin
LSU AgCenter researchers surveyed Southeastern U.S. meat goat producers to gather information about costs and returns associated with meat goat production.

goat1jpgGoat Production Grows in Louisiana

Johnny Morgan
Louisiana is not known as a major goat-producing state. But for those interested in the industry, there is a market for their animals.

Burden HousejpgBurden Museum & Gardens Celebrates 50 Years Since Original Land Donation

Rick Bogren
The Burden family began donating the property now known as the Burden Museum & Gardens to LSU 50 years ago.

botanicgardensjpgBotanic Gardens at Burden Provides Year-round Learning

Rick Bogren
The LSU AgCenter Botanic Gardens at Burden is home to research and extension Programs but also offers public events year-round.

agcnewsjpgAgCenter News

Mosquito control-related bee kills are avoidable; Flood damage to agriculture rises to $277 million; Boldor lead scientists on $4 million NSF grant; and more.

coanewsjpgCollege of Ag News

Student finds fashion inspiration in China; High school students get a look at agriculture in Governor's School; Laborde scholarship established; and more.

RingelmanjpgNew Faculty Profile: Waterfowl Research Returns Ringelman to His Roots

Tobie Blanchard

Kevin Ringelman, an assistant professor and waterfowl ecologist, grew up in North Dakota hunting and learning about ducks in that region.

10/12/2016 8:10:45 PM
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