Louisiana Agriculture Summer 2015

Louisiana Agriculture Summer 2015

Water Management at Catahoula Lake

Richard Keim

Sugarcane Aphid: A New Invasive Pest of Sorghum

David Kerns, Sebe Brown, Julien Beuzelin and Kurt M. Guidry

Environmental Impact and Forage Production of Various Ryegrass Planting Methods

Donna Morgan, Jeff Gurie and Glen T. Gentry

Challenges of Corn Nitrogen Management During Saturated Soils Conditions

Josh Lofton and Beatrix Haggard

Youth Focus on Healthy Water for Productive Wetlands

Randy LaBauve

4-H’ers Learn to Make Communities Safer from Disasters

Bruce Schultz

Robots and Artificial Reefs for Water Conservation and Management

Steven G. Hall, Daniel Smith, Randy R. Price, Melody Thomas and Jeanne Steyer

Water Use and Food Safety in the Fresh Produce Market

Achyut Adhikari and Marlene E. Janes

Sediment and Nutrient Sluicing to Restore University Lake

Y. Jun Xu

Louisiana Master Farmer Program: A Bridge Between Regulatory Agencies and Agriculture

Bruce Schultz

Young Farmer Award Winner Attributes Success to Seeking Good Advice, Thinking Big

Linda Foster Benedict

Griffin’s Career Spans Agriculture’s Weed Science Revolution

Olivia McClure

Researchers Continue Quest to Eradicate Salvinia from All Louisiana Waterways

Bruce Schultz

Increasing Levee Protection from Wave Overtopping Erosion

Jeffrey Beasley, Christopher Thornton, Steven Hughes and Edward Bush

Long-term Nutrient Change in the Mermentau and Vermilion Rivers

Songjie He and Y. Jun Xu

Scientists Optimize Nursery Irrigation Practices by Managing Water Output

Edward W. Bush and Jeff Beasley

Enforcement of New Clean Water Rule Still Unclear for Farmers

Olivia McClure

AgCenter News

College of Ag News

8/10/2016 6:52:48 PM
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