Meals Made Tasty!

How can your meals taste great without the added fats, salts, calories, and sugars? Modifying your ingredients and cooking techniques can help you prepare healthy meals that taste great!

Reduce the Fat When purchasing meat, purchase lean cut meat to help reduce fat. Try low-fat or fat-free yogurt, sour creams, and milk.

Hold the Salt Purchase food items that are salt-free or reduced sodium. Always read food labels.

Sweeten things up Before modifying the sugar in your recipes, it is important to know that the sweetness of sugar varies and can be naturally found, in milk (lactose) and fruit (glucose) (NIH). Try using natural fruit sweeteners such bananas or applesauce.These items are also great in smoothies.

Season Food with Herbs and Spices Another way to season your food is using herbs and spices. For example:garlic, basil, thyme, cilantro, and rosemary can flavor your food without added salt.Spices to season your food include cinnamon, pepper, and ginger. Cinnamon can also sweeten your meals.

Change Cooking Methods Try baking, grilling, roasting, or boiling your food to help reduce fat.

Add a salad Adding a salad can help you receive your daily green vegetables recommended for the day. For food groups and daily recommendations go to

Try New Healthy Recipes full of nutrients and vitamins at Team Nutrition Recipes and Cookbook Toolkit to help you stay on track.

National Institute of Health. Sweeteners-Sugar. Retrieved from

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10/26/2018 1:49:29 PM
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