In this article:
4-H Summer Day Camp |
4-H University |
Achievement Day |
Horse Shows |
Outstanding 4-H'er |
Attending summer camp at Camp Grant Walker is the highlight for so many Louisiana 4-H youth, and adults. Unfortunately, due to the damage caused by two hurricanes in the fall of 2020, Camp Grant Walker is not well enough to welcome campers back in the summer of 2021. However, camp must go on in some way, so thanks to the Louisiana 4-H Program, Camp Grant Walker is leaving Pollock, Louisiana and coming to Pointe Coupee Parish on June 16, 2021!
4-H Day Camp is open to all 4th-6th grade 4-H’ers and will be held at the Multi Use Center in New Roads, LA. The cost of camp is $25.00 which includes snacks, lunch, and a t-shirt. 4-H Summer Day Camp will follow all LSU AgCenter COVID guidelines. This is a mostly outdoor event.
After this registration form and payment has been submitted to the 4-H office you will receive more detailed information about the camp with a link to register your child online on the State Camp Site. You MUST register your child online on the State Camp registration site to participate. Make all checks and money orders payable to Pointe Coupee 4-H Foundation.
Camp Location: Multi Use Center; New Roads, LA
Submit the attached form or register link below and payment to the Pointe Coupee 4-H Office by Friday, May 14, 2021. There is a limited amount of space. Participants will be selected on a first-come-first-serve basis.
The Louisiana Executive Board selected the theme Whatever It Takes for our 2021 4-H University. This theme could not be truer, as it is the shared goal of our 4-H faculty, agents, and youth to make 4-H University happen in 2021!
As an update, a hybrid plan for 4-H University is currently being reviewed by the 4-H faculty, contest superintendents and AgCenter administration. The plan will include a limited number of contests for 2021 of which some will be in-person, as well as virtual. Contests determination is based on a variety of criteria, some of which include, past participation, structure of contest in relation to safety guidelines, last year’s 4-H University process, and those contests which were successful in a virtual format, as well as facilities available.
For more information on 4-H University email Mrs. Brandi to fill out a registration form. Practices for contest will begin in April.
Due to COVID-19 all achievement day competitions will be held in a virtual matter. Each club will have the opportunity to participate in the song and yell contest. Other contest will include:
Demonstrations, club Songs and Yell, and all achievement day submissions should be pre-recorded and submitted to Mrs. Brandi at all entries are due by April 23, 2021.
The 4-H Horse Shows will be rapidly approaching, and now is the time to begin preparing for the Parish, District and State Horse Shows. Exhibitors must have possession of their horses prior to April 1, 2021. The horse program will run through the summer, ending in July with the State Horse show at the Lamar-Dixon Expo Center in Gonzales.
All registered horses must be officially registered in the name of the 4-H club member or an immediate family member on or before April 1, 2021. To show a grade horse (non-registered horse), the 4-H’er must submit a certificate of ownership to the Pointe Coupee 4-H Office. Grade horse certificates can be obtained from the 4-H Office.
Attention 4-H’ers, your 4-H outstanding 4-Her application is due to our 4-H office by April 23, 2021. If you are interested in applying, then ask your leader for an application. Don’t forget, you can count all the events and activities you did in 4-H from March 31, 2020 through April 30, 2021
The 4-H office will select and award 1st—3rd place in Elementary 4th, 5th and 6th, Junior high, and Senior division.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture