In this article:
Achievement Day |
Clover Kitchen |
Graduating Seniors |
Junior Leaders |
Record Books |
Spring Workshop |
Due to COVID-19 all achievement day competitions will be held in a virtual matter. Each club will have the opportunity to participate in the song and yell contest. Other contest will include:
Demonstrations and club Songs and Yell should be pre-recorded and submitted to Mrs. Brandi at all entries are due by Friday, March 26, 2021.
a picture of the handicraft with the student’s name, school, and grade should be emailed to Mrs. Brandi by Friday, March 26, 2021.
posters or scrapbooks with the student’s name, school, and grade should be dropped off at the 4-H office by Friday, March 26, 2021.
Join our spring project club: Clover Kitchen. Throughout February and March, students will receive 4 recipes to cook at home with your family! The ingredient list will go “live” on Fridays just in time for weekend grocery shopping along with a YouTube video with your local 4-H and FCS agent cooking the recipe. You can follow along with the video and cook up a great meal for your family. Join us in February for how to make a king cake and Jambalaya at home! There is no charge to join- you just need to register
State 4-H Scholarships have been released. Pointe Coupee Parish will be awarding numerous scholarships for the 2021 Graduates including:
To apply for the scholarships please contact Mrs. Brandi for the application. Applications will be due on Thursday, February 24 at 3:00 p.m.
Pending upcoming COVID-19 restrictions Junior Leader Meetings will return in person starting in February. The dates for the spring will be as followed on Sundays:
When: 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Where: Multi Use Center
Attention 4-H’ers, your 4-H Project/Record books and scrapbooks are due by March 26. It is never too late to get started. Record Books will be judged and return at April Club Meetings. Record Book awards will be given at the following levels:
All completed blue ribbon winners will be entered in a drawing for $25.00.
We are excited to announce a spring workshop series. The first of our series will be Building a Birdhouse. All supplies will be included and the cost will be $10.00 per kit. Please register at the link below. Workshops are open to all grades and clover buds. Registration for Birdhouse kits will be due by February 12, 2020. Birdhouse kit pickup will be the week of February 22, 2021 at the 4-H Office.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture