Clover Chat January 2021

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Clover Kitchen

Join our spring project club: Clover Kitchen. Throughout February and March, students will receive 4 recipes to cook at home with their family! The ingredient list will go “live” on Fridays just in time for weekend grocery shopping along with a YouTube video with your local 4-H and FCS agent cooking the recipe. You can follow along with the video and cook up a great meal for your family. Join us in February for how to make a king cake at home! There is no charge to join- you just need to register using the link below.

Clover Kitchen Registration

Graduating Seniors

In an effort to recognize graduating 4-H seniors, the Louisiana 4-H Foundation sponsors the 4-H Honor Cord awards. Please visit the following 4-H Honor Cord application link for award criteria and information.

The deadline for submission is Friday, January 15th.

2021 4-H Honor Cord qualification information and application link:

Honor Cord Application

State 4-H Scholarships have been released. Pointe Coupee Parish will award numerous scholarships for the 2021 Graduates including:

Scott Truck and Tractor

Jeff Smith Memorial

Miles Brashier Memorial

Louisiana State 4H Scholarship

To apply for the scholarships please contact Mrs. Brandi for the application.

Applications will be due on Friday, February 26 at 3:00 p.m.

Record Books

Attention 4-H’ers, your 4-H Project/Record books and scrapbooks are due by March 26. It is never too late to get started. Record Books will be judged and return at April Club Meetings. Record Book awards will be given at the following levels:

  • Best of 4th grade book
  • Best of 5th grade book
  • Best of 6th grade book

All completed blue ribbon winners will be entered in a drawing for $25.00.

Junior Leader Updates

Pending upcoming COVID-19 restrictions, Junior Leader Meetings will return in person starting in February. The dates for the spring will be as followed:

February 17

March 10

April 14

When: 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Where: Multi Use Center

Beef Poster Contest

The beef poster contest encourages participants to learn more about the beef industry, meat science, and nutrition while developing marketing, communication, organization, and research skills. Division I (fourth to sixth grades); Division II (seventh to ninth grades); Division III Poster (10th to 12th grades); and Division III Digital (10th to 12th grades).

The contest theme is Green Beef. Posters must be on 22 inches by 28 inches poster board and must include the participant’s name, address, age, grade and parish/chapter on the back upper right corner of the poster.

Digital entries must be designed using either Microsoft Publisher, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator or Canva. All digital entries must be saved in high resolution 300 dpi in all of the following file formats: original design file, png, and pdf. **No templates may be used in the digital division, and all design work must be original and from scratch. Participants cannot use copyrighted pictures, clip-art or other materials. The poster will be disqualified if copyrighted material is used.

Awards include $200 to first place winners, $100 to second place winners and $50 to third place winners in each division for the state contest. Cash prizes are sponsored by the Louisiana Beef Industry Council. Posters are due to the 4-H office by Friday, January 29, 2020.

Spring Achievement Day

Although our Achievement Day will be different this year we are excited to announce our virtual Achievement Day. Many contests will stay the same as well as some new contest we are including. Be on the lookout for more information in the February CloverChat about our upcoming Achievement Day. Handicraft categories will include: birdhouses, photography, paint your pet, seed of the month poster, and clover kitchen picture poster.

Spring Workshop Opportunities

We are excited to announce a spring workshop series. The three-part workshop series will include project pick-up kits that you will be able to complete and turn in for Achievement Day Contest. The first of our series will be Building a Birdhouse. All supplies will be included and the cost will be $10.00 per kit. Please register at the link below. Workshops are open to all grades and clover buds. Registration for BirdHouse kits will be due by February 12, 2020. Birdhouse kit pickup will be the week of February 22, 2021, at the 4-H Office.

Birdhouse Registration

5/5/2021 8:54:19 PM
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