​St. Mary Parish Resident Inducted into 4-H Hall of Fame

4-h hall of fame.jpeg thumbnailGiving back to a program that was an important part of her childhood, Corrie Uze, was one of twelve 2022 inductees in the Louisiana 4-H Hall of Fame. The induction ceremony was held Saturday, November 12, 2022, at Camp Grant Walker.

Uze was an active 4-H member for 9 years holding offices including serving as St. Mary Parish Jr. Leadership President for 2 years. Her favorite project area was clothing, and she was awarded 4-H Club Congress trip where she was awarded Reserve Champion in the National Homemaking competition.

As a parent she wanted her children to have the same fulfilling 4-H experience. To insure a positive 4-H experience for all youth, Uze initially served as a school club volunteer but before long she took on other roles and responsibilities.

Former 4-H Agent, Adriana Drusini shared “Corrie brings joy to the program as she is always excited about helping and finding ways to make sure that more youth are involved.” Uze dedicated time to the Jr. Leadership program where she served as a chaperone. With her history and love in the homemaking area, she serves as contest superintendent for the St. Mary Parish Fair’s Homemaking Division.

Uze is instrumental in offering the 4-H Shooting Sports program in St. Mary Parish dedicating countless hours in her role as Shooting Sports Coordinator. Beyond project-based roles, Uze also serves on the St. Mary 4-H Foundation and St. Mary Parish 4-H Advisory Board.

In accepting the honor, Uze shared “4-H has been a part of my life since I was in the fourth grade and is still a big part of my life now that’s 40 plus years.It has helped shape me into the person that I am now. I only hope that I can instill in the kids that I work with how important 4-H really is. Heck I got my husband on the band wagon and was never in 4-H til now.”

11/18/2022 5:17:49 PM
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