(02/28/23) BATON ROUGE, La. — James Hendrix, conservation agronomist for the LSU AgCenter Northeast Region, has been named the Conservation Systems Soybean and Corn Researcher of the Year for 2023.
Hendrix received the award during the 2023 National Conservation Systems Cotton and Rice Conference held recently in Baton Rouge.
Hendrix said he has always supported the positive coexistence of agriculture and the environment.
“Shortly after I started my career as a 4-H youth development agent with the LSU AgCenter, I was asked to attend a committee meeting focused on identifying and developing management practices to improve water quality in impaired waterbodies within a local watershed,” he said.
Hendrix said his inspiration to educate youth and adults on how today’s agricultural production benefits the environment comes from working with AgCenter and other land-grant scientists to modify historical practices and develop new ones.
“I’ve spent numerous hours in primary and secondary school classrooms, at environmental camps, workshops and field days teaching agriculture and the environment,” he said. “Once I became a watershed agent with the Louisiana Master Farmer Program and conservation agronomist for the Northeast Region, the teaching continued in schools for youth and at field days, workshops, research and demonstration sites and conferences for producers and landowners.”
Dennis Burns, AgCenter agent and research coordinator at the Northeast Research Station near St. Joseph, said Hendrix’s work is valuable for producers in the region.
“James does conservation research on cover crops and tillage at the Northeast Research Station and is involved with other conservation projects in the Northeast Region,” Burns said.
Hendrix said it was an honor to receive the award at this conference, which was attended by many of the best research scientists, extension professionals, agricultural consultants, industry representatives and agricultural producers. It is an achievement he will forever enjoy.
“I thank all of those who I have worked with in the past and current endeavors that are the real reason I am receiving this honor,” he said.
James Hendrix, left, the LSU AgCenter conservation agronomist for the Northeast Region, speaking here at a field day, was named the Conservation Systems Soybean and Corn Researcher of the Year for 2023. Hendrix received the award during the 2023 National Conservation Systems Cotton and Rice Conference held recently in Baton Rouge. LSU AgCenter file photo
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture