(07/29/22) BASTROP, La. — Since 2002, Black farmers from across the country have converged on north Louisiana for the Morehouse Parish Black Farmers Field Day.
The bulk of the Southern University and LSU AgCenter field days are held at branches of the Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station around the state. But this 20-year tradition is held annually on the farm of one of the members of the Morehouse Black Farmers and Landowners Association.
This year, the field day was held July 22 on the Horace Hill Farm in Bonita, which is operated by Odis Hill.
A Southern University extension agent, Hill is the field day coordinator. He said this event is a way to let people know there are still African-American farmers and to provide the latest information on equipment, technology, seed and chemicals to these growers.
“This event also is a way to let young people know that farming is not just a lot of hard work,” he said. “There is hard work involved, but the payoff is worth the effort.”
For the past 20 years, members of the Morehouse Parish Black Farmers Association and the National Black Growers Council have sponsored the field day as a way to get young people in the area interested in agricultural careers and providing research-based information to landowners and growers.
Gina E. Eubanks, associate vice president of the LSU AgCenter, said the Morehouse Parish Black Farmers Field Day is another opportunity for a teachable moment.
“This shows that there can no longer be any silos,” Eubanks said. “We come here to communicate and to share information. But we don’t own that information. We have to share it.”
Dewayne Goldmon, senior advisor for racial equity with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, brought greetings from Secretary Tom Vilsack and information of interest to Black farmers.
“The American Rescue Plan created for the first time an equity commission,” Goldmon said. “You should be well represented because we have two members here under the tent — that’s Drs. Gina Eubanks and Harzell Reed.”
Melissa Cater, AgCenter Northeast Region director, said the field day draws people from around the state and the nation.
“The common theme that we’ve heard today is relationships,” she said. “It’s an event where people know they can come and connect and share with others with similar interests.”
During the field tours, AgCenter soybean specialist David Moseley discussed the variety tests that he conducts on research stations and individual farms.
“We know that varieties perform different in different areas of the state, so we do variety trials across the state” Moseley said. “With this heat and drought pressure, our total production could be down a little, even though we have more acres.”
AgCenter corn specialist Matt Foster said the harvest began last week and it’s too early to talk about the yields.
“What I can tell you is that overall, I believe our yields will be down due to the drought and heat,” he said.
Louisiana State Sen. Katrina Jackson discussed the importance of farmers having a legal will.
“If there is no will, it could cost your family so much that it ends up in a foreclosure sale,” she said. “You work hard for what you have, and a will is needed to make sure that it goes according to your wishes.”
Hill said farming is the oldest profession for Black people in this country, and the field day is a way to let young people know that there are more careers in agriculture than planting crops and raising animals.
Southern University extension agent Odis Hill extends a welcome to those attending the 20th Morehouse Black Farmers Field Day held in Bonita on July 22. Photo by Johnny Morgan/LSU AgCenter
LSU AgCenter soybean specialist David Moseley discusses the variety tests that he conducts on research stations and individual farms during the 20th Morehouse Black Farmers Field Day held in Bonita on July 22. Photo by Johnny Morgan/LSU AgCenter
Louisiana State Sen. Katrina Jackson explains the importance of farmers having a legal will at the 20th Morehouse Black Farmers Field Day held in Bonita on July 22. Photo by Johnny Morgan/LSU AgCenter