LSU AgCenter, partners receive award

(12/03/18) BOGALUSA, La. — The Bogalusa Mayor’s Wellness Council recently received an award for its work with the LSU AgCenter and other Washington Parish agencies to address rural issues.

The wellness council received the National Rural Health Day Community Star Award for organizing a multisector community coalition, Bogalusa Strong, which contributed to rural health in the community.

“We are honored to receive the National Rural Health Day Community Star Award,” said Mayor Wendy Perrette.“Bogalusa Strong has restored hope, health and happiness to our community, and that’s the power of rural.”

Well-Ahead Louisiana, a community-based network that promotes health, connects to the resources that make healthy living easily accessible to each and every person, said Valerie Vincent, AgCenter family and consumer sciences regional coordinator.

The AgCenter healthy communities program includes community-wide outreach to increase healthy behaviors and engage with and support healthy community workgroups that support healthy food consumption and increased physical activity, she said.

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Bogalusa Mayor Wendy Perrette accepts the National Rural Health Day Community Star Award for the city’sorganization of a multisector community coalition, Bogalusa Strong. Pictured from left, Landon Tims, City of Bogalusa Park & Recreation director; Kalissa Hyman, communications manager with International Paper; Perrette; Valerie Vincent, LSU AgCenter family and consumer sciences regional coordinator; State Rep. Malinda White; Taffy Morrison, Well-Ahead Louisiana healthy communities coach, Christie Mitchell, LSU AgCenter nutrition educator; Gloria Kates, Bogalusa City Council representative. Photo by Johnny Morgan/LSU AgCenter

12/3/2018 7:22:31 PM
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