Jonathan Hubchen

Hubchen, Jonathan
Title Instructor
Department Agricultural and Extension Education and Evaluation Department
Address 1 JC Miller, Rm. 137
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Phone 225-578-6194
Fax 225-578-0777

Primary staff member responsible for preparing and submitting proposals or scopes of work that resulted in the following awards:

  • Partnerships for Food Industry and Development (PFID), Phase II, 2005-2010: $2.5 million awarded by USAID's Economic Growth and Trade Bureau
  • Partnerships for Food Industry and Development (PFID), Associate Award, 2004-2007: $1.3 million awarded by USAID's Regional Office for Southern Africa (USAID/EGAT)
  • Monitoring, Evaluation and Technical Support Services (METSS) Project - $1.5 million project to provide programmatic support to USAID/Ghana Mission
  • Borlaug Higher Education for Agricultural Research and Development, 2013 - Present: $1.3 million contributed by USAID to support research assistantships, tuition and individual research costs of seven international doctoral students
  • USDA-funded visiting scholar programs - 2013 - Present: $0.22 million for three Borlaug Fellowships and four Cochran Fellowships
  • USAID-funded Haiti AREA (Agricultural R&D) - 2017: $.21 million in obligations.
  • USDA-funded Armenian Food Safety Systems Project - 2012 - 2015: $0.21 million in additional obligations.

LSU AgCenter Experience

Assistant Director, LSU AgCenter, 10/09-Present: Coordinate International Program activities related to project management, proposals and budgets:

  • Project Management Coordination – Provide direct management or oversight of donor-awarded projects administered by International Programs on behalf of the LSU AgCenter.  This includes the USDA-funded Food Safety Program for the Republic of Armenia.
  • Program Design - Contributed to strategic partnership plans, including institutional appraisals, with two African Universities: the University of Namibia and Cuttington University of Liberia.  Assessed skill application by participants of a Southern University administered leadership program in Liberia.
  • New Business Coordination – Oversee identification and response to donor-funded development programs.

Project Coordinator, LSU AgCenter, 3/01-1/10: Oversaw USAID-funded Partnerships for Food Industry Development Project, currently in former USSR, Southern Africa and Nicaragua.

  • Project Assessment, Monitoring and Evaluation – Coordinated industry assessment of meat, seafood and poultry sectors in Ukraine & Moldova as well as target-based monitoring and documentation system for the entire project. Backstopped external evaluation and prepare final reports that document lessons learned from project operations.
  • Project Coordination – Oversaw project activities in post-harvest technology, product standards and fostering business partnerships; prepared additional funding proposals.
  • Organizational Management - Maintained partner relationships & communication and developed managerial capacity of nine partner institutes.

Twenty-six years of program and project management experience in commu­nity and inter­national devel­opment, specifically in the following areas:

  • Program Design & Management
  • Program Monitoring & Evaluation
  • Research De­sign & Manage­ment
  • Sustainable Agriculture/Natural Resource Management

Doctorate in Vocational Education (International Extension) Louisi­ana State University, 1990. Disserta­tion examined Farming Systems and stakeholder partici­pation in the Philippines.

Masters Degree in Vocational Education (International Extension), Louisiana State Univer­sity, 1989. Masters Thesis based on evaluation of on-farm trials in Honduras.

Bachelors Degree in Agricul­tural Economics, Cornell University, 1983. Courses focused in Management & International Agricul­ture.

Innovate . Educate . Improve Lives

The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture
