Recent Publications:
Refereed Journal Articles
Dalen, M., B. Tubana, Y. Kanke, J. Lofton, and H.J. Mascagni, Jr. 2014. Growth and yield of corn grown on two alluvial soils of Louisiana under different phosphorus rates. J. of Plant Nutrition (In Review).
Abbas, H.K., H.J. Mascagni, Jr.. H.A. Bruns, W.T. Shier, and K.E. Damann. 2012. Effect of planting density, irrigation regimes, and maize hybrids with varying ear size on yield, and aflatoxin and fumonisisn contamination levels. American J. of Plant Sciences doi:10.4236/ajps.2012.
Clawson, E.L., H.J. Mascagni, Jr., G. Breitenbeck, J. Liscano, D. Boquet, J. Liscano, and K. McCarter. 2011. Winter crops as bioassays of soil N-supplying capacity. J. of Plant Nutrition 34:861-876.
Boquet, D. J., B. S. Tubana, H. J. Mascagni, Jr., M. Holman, and S. Hague. 2009. Cotton responses to fertilizer nitrogen rates in a cotton-corn rotation. Agronomy Journal 101:400-407.
Mascagni, H.J., Jr. S.A. Harrison, and G.B. Padgett. 2008. Influence of sulfur fertility on wheat yield performance on alluvial and upland soils. Commun. in Soil Sci. and Plant Analysis 39:2133-2145.
Bruns, H.A., H.K. Abbas, H.J. Mascagni, Jr., R.D. Cartwright, and F. Allen. 2007. Evaluations of short-season corn hybrids in the Mid-South USA. Online. Crop Management doi:10.1094/CM-2007-105-01-RS.
Harrison, S.A., R.D. Barnett, Phil Bruckner, H.J. Mascagni, and S.H. Moore. 2001. Registration of ‘LA422’ wheat. Crop Sci. 41:926.
Tubajika, K.M., S.A. Harrison, J.S. Russin, and H.J. Mascagni, Jr. 2001. Effect of planting date, cultivar, and seed treatment on leaf rust severity of wheat along the Gulf Coast. Cereal Research Comm. 29:109-114.
Tubajika, K.M., H.J. Mascagni, Jr., K.E. Damann, and J.S. Russin. 2000. Susceptibility of commercial corn hybrids to aflatoxin contamination in Louisiana. Cereal Research Comm. 28:463-467.
Harrison, S.A., H.J. Mascagni, and S.H. Moore. 1999. Registration of ‘Secretariat LA495’ oat. Crop Sci. 39:877-878.
Tubajika, K.M., H.J. Mascagni, Jr., K.E. Damann, and J.S. Russin. 1999. Nitrogen fertilizer influence on aflatoxin contamination of corn in Louisiana. J. of Agric. and Food Chemistry 47:5257-5260.
Kinery, J.R., J.R. Williams, R.L. Vanderlip, J.D. Atwood, D.C. Reicosky, J. Mulliken, W.J. Cox, H.J. Mascagni, Jr., S.E. Hollinger, and W.J. Wiebold. 1997. Evaluation of two maize models for nine U.S. locations. Agron. J. 89:421-426.
Mascagni, H.J, Jr., S.A. Harrison, J.S. Russin, H.M. Desta, P.D. Colyer, R.J. Habetz, W.B. Hallmark, S.H. Moore, J.L. Rabb, R.L. Hutchinson, and D.J. Boquet. 1997. Nitrogen and fungicide effects on winter wheat produced in the Louisiana Gulf Coast region. J. of Plant Nutrition 20:1375-1390.
Mascagni, H. J., Jr. and D. J. Boquet. 1996. Starter fertilizer and planting date effects on corn rotated with cotton. Agron. J. 88:975-982.
Louisiana Agriculture (Publication of the Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station)
Mascagni, H.J., Jr. and B.S. Tubana. 2013. Influence of nitrogen rate on corn yield over the past decade on two Mississippi River alluvial soils. LA Agric. 56(2) (Online only).
Tubana, B.S., D.L. Harrell, H. Mascagni, Jr., D. Boquet, and H.P. Viator. 2013. On-site optical sensor-based nitrogen recommendations make sense. LA Agric. 56 (2):16-19.
Tubana, B.S., J. Wang, and H. Mascagni, Jr. 2013. Soil phosphorus buffer coefficient can improve soil test-based phosphorus recommendations. LA Agric. 56(2):20-21.
Mascagni, R., S. Harrison, K. Arceneaux, and B. Bell. 2010. Influence of raised beds, row spacing, and seeding rate on production of wheat on alluvial soil. LA Agric. 53(1):28-29.
Padgett, B., C. Hollier, R. Mascagni, and M. Purvis. 2009. Foliar-applied fungicides in corn: Does it pay? LA Agric. 52(3):26-27.
Mascagni, H. and R. L. Bell. 2009. Influence of irrigation, row configuration, and seeding rate on grain sorghum yield on alluvial clay. LA Agric. 52(3):29,34.
Mascagni, H. J., E. Clawson, D. Lanclos, D. Boquet, and R. Ferguson. 2008. Comparing single-row, twin-row configurations for Louisiana crop production. LA Agric. 51(3):16-17.
Mascagni, H.J., S.A. Harrison, B. Padgett, and R. Bell. 2006. Influence of seeding rate on wheat yield potential. LA Agric. 49(4):19-20.
Mascagni, H.J., D.J. Boquet, and B. Bell. 2006. Influence of starter fertilizer on corn yield on Mississippi River alluvial soils. LA Agric. 49(4):32-35.
Harrison, S.A., K. Arceneaux, H.J. Mascagni, and B. Padgett. 2006. Wheat and oat variety releases. LA Agric. 49(4):11.
Padgett, B., S.A. Harrison, P. Colyer, H.J. Mascagni, and C. Hollier. 2006. Managing stripe rust in Louisiana. LA Agric. 49(4):15-16.
Moore, S.H., S.A. Harrison, H.J. Mascagni, W.D. Caldwell, R.P. Reagan, J.E. Richard, M.E. Deloach, K.J. Arceneaux, and R.L. Bell. 2006. Testing wheat and feed grain varieties for performance. LA Agric. 49(4):21.
Moore, S.H., K.E. Damann, H.J. Mascagni, Jr., and H.K. Abbas. 2006. Reducing aflatoxin in corn. LA Agric. 49(4)23-24.
Mascagni, R. and R. Bell. 2005. Planting patterns for different grain sorghum hybrids. LA Agric. 48(1):17.
Mascagni, R., S. Harrison, B. Padgett and B. Bell. 2005. Influence of soil type on wheat’s response to sulfur fertilization. LA Agric. 48(3):20-21.
Mascagni, R. and R. Bell. 2004. Flex-ear, fixed-ear corn and optimum plant population. LA Agric. 47(3):9-10.
Moore, S.H., H.K. Abbas, M.S. Kang, H.J. Mascagni, Jr., K.E. Damann, J.L. Rabb, L. Brown, and W. Hall. 2004. Commercial corn hybrids with superior resistance to aflatoxin. LA Agric. 47(3):7-8.
Mascagni, H.J., Jr. and S.A. Harrison. 2003. Wheat yield and maturity:Influence of variety and planting date. LA Agric. 46(1):12-13.
Mascagni, R., D. Boquet, A. Coco, and S. Hague. 2002. Evaluation of nitrogen rates for corn in a cotton-corn rotation. LA Agric. 45(3):18.
Mascagni, H.J., Jr. and D.R. Burns. 2000. Influence of row spacing and plant population on performance of grain sorghum hybrids. LA Agric. 43(3):16-17.
Other Publications of LAES (Research Summaries and Research Reports):
Mascagni, H.J., Jr., R. Levy, S. Brown, B. Buckley, K. Cater, C. Hollier, D. Kerns, J. Lofton, B. Padgett, and Bill Waltman. 2013. Performance of corn hybrids in Louisiana, 2013. Research Summary No. 199 (Online).
Mascagni, H.J., Jr., K. Arceneaux, S. Brown, B. Buckley, K. Cater, J. Fluitt, D. Groth, D. Harrell, S. Harrison, C. Hollier, D. Kerns, J. Leonards, R. levy, J. Lofton, R. Regan, and Bill Waltman. 2013. Performance of grain sorghum hybrids in Louisiana, 2013. LAES Research Summary No. 200 (Online).
Harrison, S.A., K. Arceneaux, L. Bissett, B. Buckley, K. Cater, A. Cooper, M. Deloach, R. Ferguson, D. Harrell, J. Leonards, H.J. Mascagni, K. McCarthy, G.B. Padgett, P. Price III, M. Purvis, R. Regan, J. Stapp, D. Stephenson, T. Talbot, H.P. Viator, W. Waltman, and G. Williams. 2013. Performance of small grain varieties in Louisiana, 2012-13. LAES Research Summary No. 197 (Online).
Mascagni, H.J., Jr., S. Brown, M. Deloach, D. Kerns, J. Kruse, J. Lofton, B. Padgett, and S. Sterling. 2012. Performance of corn hybrids in Louisiana, 2012. LAES Research Summary No. 196 (Online).
Mascagni, H.J., Jr., K. Arceneaux, S. Brown, M. Deloach, J. Fluitt, D. Harrell, S. Harrison, C. Hollier, D. Kerns, J. Kruse, J. Leonards, J. Lofton, B. Padgett, R. Regan, and S. Sterling. 2012. Performance of grain sorghum hybrids in Louisiana, 2012. LAES Research Summary No. 195 (Online).
Harrison, S.A., K.J. Arceneaux, L.J. Bissett, S. Blanche, T.L. Brown, G. Close, P.D. Colyer, M.E. Deloach, J. Fluitt, D.E. Groth, D.L. Harrell, J.P. Leonards, H.J. Mascagni, Jr., K. McCarthy, G.B. Padgett, M. Purvis, R.P. Regan, S. Viator, and G. Williams. 2012. 2012 Small grain performance trials. LAES Research Summary No. 194 (Online).
Mascagni, H.J., Jr. B. Blanche, M. Deloach, J. Kruse, R. Leonard, B. Padgett, and S. Sterling. 2011. Performance of corn hybrids in Louisiana, 2011. LAES Research Summary No. 191.
Mascagni, H.J., Jr., K.J. Arceneaux, S. Blanche, M.E. Deloach, J. Fluitt, D.L. Harrell, S.A. Harrison, C.A. Hollier, J. Kruse, B.R. Leonard, J.P. Leonards, G.B. Padgett, R.P. Regan, and S. Sterling. 2011. Performance of grain sorghum hybrids in Louisiana, 2011. LAES Research Summary No. 192 (Online).
Harrison, S.A., K.J. Arceneaux, L.J. Bissett, S. Blanche, T.L. Brown, G. Close, P.D. Colyer, M.E. Deloach, J. Fluitt, D.E. Groth, D.L. Harrell, J.P. Leonards, H.J. Mascagni, Jr., K. McCarthy, G.B. Padgett, M. Purvis, R.P. Regan, S. Viator, and G. Williams. 2011. Performance of small grain varieties in Louisiana, 2010-11. LAES Research Summary No. 190 (Online).
Mascagni, H.J., Jr., R. Bell, M. Deloach, R. Ferguson, J.Hayes, R. Leonard, R. Levy, and B. Padgett. 2009. Performance of corn hybrids in Louisiana, 2009. LAES Research Summary No.183 (Online).
Mascagni, H.J., Jr., R. Bell, K. Arceneaux, M. Delaoch, R. Ferguson, D. Groth, D. Harrell, J. Hayes, S. Harrison, C. Hollier, R. Leonard, J. Leonards, R. Levy, B. Padgett, C. Roider, R. Regan, and G. Schexnayder. 2009. Performance of grain sorghum hybrids in Louisiana, 2009. LAES Research Summary No. 182 (Online).
Harrison, S.A., K. Arceneaux, R.L. Bell, D. Harrell, P.D. Colyer, M. Deloach, R. Ferguson, J. Leonards, H.J. Mascagni, K. McCarthy, G.B. Padgett, M. Purvis, R. Regan, G, Schexnayder, H.P. Viator, and G. Williams. 2009. 2009 Small grain performance trials. LAES Research Summary No. 181 (Online).
Mascagni, H.J., Jr., R. Bell, K. Arceneaux, M. Delaoch, R. Ferguson, D. Groth, D. Harrell, J. Hayes, S. Harrison, C. Hollier, D. Lanclos, R. Leonard, J. Leonards, S. Moore, B. Padgett, C. Roider, R. Regan, and G. Schexnayder. 2008. Performance of grain sorghum hybrids in Louisiana, 2008. LAES Research Summary No. 179 (Online).
Mascagni, H.J., Jr., R. Bell, K. Arceneaux, M. Deloach, D. Harrell, J. Hayes, S. Harrison, C. Hollier, D. Lanclos, J. Leonards, S. Moore, B. Padgett, C. Roider, and R. Regan. 2007. Performance of grain sorghum hybrids in Louisiana, 2007. LAES Research Summary No. 175 (Online).
Harrison, S.A., K. Arceneaux, R.L. Bell, J. Bond, P.D. Colyer, M. Delaoch, J. Leonards, H.J. Mascagni, S.H. Moore, G.B. Padgett, M. Purvis, R. Regan, J. Richard, G. Schexnayder, D. Strickland, and H.P. Viator. 2007. Performance of small grain varieties in Louisiana, 2006-07. LAES Research Summary No. 174 (Online).
Mascagni, H.J., Jr., R. Bell, K. Arceneaux, D. Caldwell, M. Deloach, D. Harrell, S. Harrison, C. Hollier, D. Lanclos, J. Leonards, S. Moore, B. Padgett, C. Roider, and R. Reagan. 2006. Performance of grain sorghum hybrids in Louisiana, 2006. LAES Research Summary No. 171 (Online).
Harrison, S.A., K. Arceneaux, R.L. Bell, J. Bond, P.D. Colyer, M. Deloach, J. Leonards, J.F. Liscano, H.J. Mascagni, S.H. Moore, G.B. Padgett, M. Purvis, R. Reagan, J. Richard, G. Schexnayder, K. Sekhan, and H.P. Viator. 2006. Performance of small grain varieties in Louisiana, 2005-2006. LAES Research Summary No. 170 (Online).
Harrison, S.A., K. Arceneaux, R.L. Bell, J. Bond, P.D. Colyer, M. Deloach, F. Larue, J. Leonards, J.F. Liscano, H.J. Mascagni, S.H. Moore, G.B. Padgett, M. Purvis, J. Rabb, R. Reagan, J. Richard, K. Sekhon, and H.P. Viator. 2005. 2005 Small grain performance trials & research reports. LAES Research Summary No. 165 (Online).
Mascagni, H.J., Jr., R. Bell, K. Arceneaux, J. Bond, M. Deloach, W. Hall, S. Harrison, D. Lanclos, J. Liscano, S. Moore, J. Rabb, C. Roider, and R. Reagan. 2005. Performance of grain sorghum hybrids in Louisiana, 2005. LAES Research Summary No. 168 (Online).
Tubajika, K.M., H.J. Mascagni, Jr., K.E. Damann, and J.S. Russin. 2000. Aflatoxin production in corn by Aspergillus flavus relative to inoculation, planting date, and harvest moisture in Louisiana. LAES Research Report No. 102.
Mascagni, H.J., Jr. and S. Harrison. 2001. Influence of variety on wheat yield performance and maturity. LAES Research Report No. 113.
Mascagni, H.J., Jr. and B. Tubana. 2013. Optimal nitrogen rate for corn on two Mississippi River alluvial soils. In Agronomy Abstracts, Am. Soc. of Agronomy [CD-ROM].
Mascagni, H.J., Jr. 2013. Influence of planting date and hybrid on corn yield performance and seed quality on Mississippi River alluvial soils. In Agronomy Abstracts, Am. Soc. of Agronomy [CD-ROM].
White, B., H.J. Mascagni, Jr., P. Dupree, and B. Tubana. 2013. Silicon and nitrogen fertilization influences wheat biomass and grain yield. In Agronomy Abstarcts, Am. Soc. of Agronomy [CD-ROM].
Dupree, P., H.J. Mascagni, Jr., J. Lofton, B. White, Y. Kanke, and B. Tubana. 2013. Integrating soil nitrate testing to refine nitrogen fertilizer recommendations in Louisiana corn production systems. In Agronomy Abstracts, Am. Soc. of Agronomy [CD-ROM].
Mascagni, H.J., Jr. 2013. Influence of planting date on corn yield performance and seed quality for seven corn hybrids produced on Mississippi River alluvial soils.. SCC33 Variety Testing Meeting Annual Meeting. Feb. 4-7. Ponce, Puerto Rico.
Dalen, M., B. Tubana, J. Teboh, Y. Kanke, J. Lofton, and H. Mascagni. 2012. Changes in phosphorus functional fractions of two Louisiana alluvial soils grown with corn at different phosphorus rates. In Agronomy Abstracts, Am. Soc. of Agronomy [CD-ROM].
Mascagni, H., Jr., T. Udeigwe, M. Dalen, Y. Kanke, and B. Tubana. 2012. Impact of annual phosphorus fertilization on Mehlich III extractable phosphorus of An alluvial soil under corn and cotton rotation. In Agronomy Abstracts, Am. Soc. of Agronomy [CD-ROM].
Mascagni, H.J., Jr. 2012. Different versions of the same hybrid. Part of a panel discussion. SCC33 Variety Testing Meeting Annual Meeting. Feb. 8-10. New Orleans, LA.
Mascagni, H.J., Jr. 2012. Animal control in research plots. SCC33 Variety Testing Meeting Annual Meeting. Feb. 8-10. New Orleans, LA.
Mascagni, H.J., Jr. 2012. Reporting variety testing data. Part of a panel discussion. SCC33 Variety Testing Meeting Annual Meeting. Feb. 8-10. New Orleans, LA.
Mascagni, H.J., Jr. 2011. Enhancement of nitrogen fertilizer efficacy for corn production on Mississippi River alluvial soils. pp. 23-25. In Proc. 14th Annual National Conservation Systems Cotton & Rice Conference. Feb. 1-2. Baton Rouge, LA.
Mascagni, H.J., Jr. 2011. Influence of row configuration, single versus twin rows, on corn yield on two Mississippi River alluvial soils. In Agronomy Abstracts, Am. Soc. of Agronomy [CD-ROM].
Mascagni, H.J., Jr. and B. Tubana. 2011. Influence of supplemental nitrogen applications on corn yield on two Mississippi River alluvial soils. In Agronomy Abstracts, So. Branch Am. Soc. of Agronomy [CD-ROM].
Mascagni, H.J., Jr. 2011. Corn fertility research in Louisiana. SCC33 Variety Testing Annual Meeting. Feb. 8-10. Corpus Christie, TX.
Mascagni, H.J., Jr. 2010. Overview of LSU variety testing. SCC33 Variety Testing Annual Meeting. Jan. 26-30. St. Pete, FL.
Mascagni, H.J., Jr. 2008. Influence of nitrogen rate and timing of application on corn yield on Mississippi River alluvial soils. pp. 39-40. In Proc. 11th Annual National Conservation Systems Cotton & Rice Conference. Jan. 21-22. Tunica, MS.
Mascagni, H.J., Jr. and R. Bell. 2008. Influence of nitrogen fertilizer placement on corn yield in single and twin-row production systems. In Agronomy Abstracts, So. Branch Am. Soc. of Agronomy [CD-ROM].
Mascagni, H.J., Jr. and R. Bell. 2008. Influence of row configuration on grain sorghum yield on upland and alluvial soils. In Agronomy Abstracts, Am. Soc. of Agronomy [CD-ROM].
Tubana, B.S., J. Stevens, H. Mascagni, E. Clawson, D. Boquet, D. Harrell, J. Wang, and J. Teboh. 2008. Effect of phosphorus fertilization on early growth of corn on six alluvial soils in Louisiana. In Agronomy Abstracts, Am. Soc. of Agronomy [CD-ROM].
Mascagni, H.J., Jr.. 2008. Field protocol for conducting variety performance trials. SCC33 Variety Testing Annual Meeting. Jan 22-23. San Antonio, TX.
Mascagni, H.J., Jr. and R. Bell. 2007. Influence of row configuration, single versus twin-row, and cultural practices on corn and grain sorghum yield on Mississippi River alluvial soils. In Agronomy Abstracts, Am. Soc. of Agronomy [CD-ROM].
Mascagni, H.J., Jr., G. Breitenbeck, D. Boquet, and E. Clawson. 2007. Optimal fertilizer nitrogen rates for corn production in the Mid-South (New Management Practices for Fertilizer N Symposium). In Agronomy Abstracts, Am. Soc. of Agronomy [CD-ROM].
Mascagni, H.J., Jr., B. Williams, and R. Bell. 2007. Influence of desiccants and timing of desiccant applications on sorghum grain development and yield. In Agronomy Abstracts, So. Branch Am. Soc. of Agronomy [CD-ROM].
Mascagni, H.J., Jr. 2007. Influence of row configuration, single versus twin-row, and cultural practices on corn and grain sorghum yield on Mississippi River alluvial soils. pp 56-58. In Proc. Of the 10th Annual National Conservation Systems Cotton & Rice Conference. Jan. 29-30. Houston, TX.
Mascagni, H.J., Jr. and B. Bell. 2007. Influence of nitrogen fertilizer rate and timing on corn yield and nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency on two Mississippi River alluvial soils. In Proc. LA Agric. Sciences Assoc. Baton Rouge, LA [CD-ROM].
Mascagni, H.J., Jr. 2006. Influence of late nitrogen applications on corn yield on two Mississippi River alluvial soils. In Agronomy Abstracts, So. Branch Am. Soc. of Agronomy [CD-ROM].
Mascagni, R., D. Boquet, B. Bell, and J. Caylor. 2006. Optimal fertilizer nitrogen rates for corn production in northeast Louisiana. In Proc. of LA Agric. Sci. Assoc. Alexandria, LA [CD-ROM].
Mascagni, H.J., Jr., S.A. Harrison, B. Padgett, and R. Bell. 2005. Influence of sulfur fertility on wheat yield on Louisiana alluvial and upland soils. In Agronomy Abstracts, So. Branch Am. Soc. of Agronomy [CD-ROM].
Extension Publications
Levy, R.J., H.J. Mascagni, J. Lofton, B. Haggard, J. Stevens, G. Close, and K. Norman. 2013. Corn hybrids for grain 2014. LCES Pub. 2827 (Online).
Kruse, J., H.J. Mascagni, Jr., R.J. Levy, Jr., B. Golden, J. Lofton, M.E. Deloach, J.C. Stevens, Jr., and G. Close. 2012. Corn hybrids for grain, 2012. LCES Pub. 2827 (Online).
Kruse, J., C.A. Hollier, D.L. Harrell, H.J. Mascagni, Jr., M.E. Deloach, S.A. Harrison, J. Lofton, B. Buckley, and J.M. Sterling. 2012. Grain sorghum hybrids for grain, 2012. LAES Pub. 2831 (Online).
Kruse, J., B. C. Woolam, H.J. Mascagni, Jr., R.J. Levy, Jr., S. Blanche, D.J. Boquet, and B.
Golden. 2011. Corn hybrids for grain, 2011. LCES Pub. 2827 (Online).
Kruse, J., G.B. Padgett, C.A. Hollier, D.L. Harrell, H.J. Mascagni, Jr., J.A. Hayes, M.E. Deloach,
B.R. Leonard, S. Blanche, S.A. Harrison, and B. Golden. 2011. Grain sorghum hybrids for grain,
2011. LCES Pub. 2831 (Online).
Kruse, J., B. C. Woolam, H.J. Mascagni, Jr., R.J. Levy, Jr., S. Blanche, D.J. Boquet, and B.
Golden. 2010. Corn hybrids for grain, 2010. LCES Pub. 2827 (Online).
Kruse, J., G.B. Padgett, C.A. Hollier, D.L. Harrell, H.J. Mascagni, Jr., J.A. Hayes, M.E. Deloach,
B.R. Leonard, S. Blanche, S.A. Harrison, and B. Golden. 2010. Grain sorghum hybrids for grain,
2010. LCES Pub. 2831 (Online).
Levy, R.J., R. Bell, M. Delaoch, R. Ferguson, J. Hayes, R. Mascagni, and J. Shipp. 2009. Corn hybrids for grain, 2010. LCES Pub. 2827 (Online).
Levy, R.J., R. Bell, M. Deloach, r. Ferguson, D. Harrell, J. Hayes, J. Leonards, Rick Mascagni, R. Regan, C. Roider, and J. Shipp. 2009. Grain sorghum hybrids for grain, 2010. LCES Pub. 2831 (Online).
Levy, R. J., Jr., H. J. Mascagni, Jr., J. A. Hayes, M. E. Delaoch, R. L. Bell, R. E. Ferguson, S. H. Moore, and J. Shipp. 2008. Corn hybrids for grain, 2009. LCES Pub. 2827 (Online).
Levy, R. J., Jr.., C. A. Roider, D. L. Harrell, H. J. Mascagni, Jr., J. A. Hayes, J. P. Leonards, M. E. Delaoch, R. L. Bell, R. E. Ferguson, and J. Shipp. 2008. Grain sorghum hybrids for grain, 2009. LCES Pub. 2831 (Online).
Lanclos, D., R. Bell, M. Deloach, R. Ferguson, D. Harrell, J. Hayes, J. Leonard, R. Mascagni, S. Moore, R. Regan, and C. Roider. 2007. Grain sorghum hybrids for grain, 2008. LCES Pub. 2831.
Lanclos, D.Y., R. Bell, M. Deloach, R. Ferguson, R. Mascagni, and S. Moore. 2007. Corn hybrids for grain, 2008. LCES Pub. 2827.
Lanclos, D.Y., R. Bell, M. Deloach, R. Ferguson, D. Caldwell, R. Mascagni, and S. Moore. 2006. Corn hybrids for grain, 2007. LCES Pub. 2827.
Lanclos, D.Y., R. Bell, M. Deloach, R. Ferguson, J. Liscano, R. Mascagni, and S. Moore. 2005. Corn hybrids for grain, 2006. LCES Pub. 2827.
Lanclos, D.Y., R. Bell, J. Bond, M. Deloach, R. Ferguson, J. Liscano, R. Mascagni, S. Moore, and C. Roider. 2005. Grain sorghum hybrids for grain, 2006. LCES Pub. 2831.
2002-present: Professor, LSU AgCenter Northeast Research Station
1997-2002: Associate Professor, LSU AgCenter Northeast Research Station
1992-1997: Assistant Professor, LSU AgCenter Northeast Research Station
1985-1991: Assistant Professor, University of Arkansas
1981-1984: Graduate Research Assistant, North Carolina State University
1978-1981: Research Assistant, North Carolina State University
1975-1978: Graduate Research Assistant, LSU
Major Areas of Research Interest:
Teaching activities:
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture