Title | Professor |
Department | Audubon Sugar Institute |
GAita@agcenter.lsu.edu | |
Address 1 | 3845 Highway 75 St. Gabriel, LA 70776 |
Phone | 225-642-0135 |
(2023) John Clayton Award for Best Poster for the Factory Commission of the International Society for Sugar Cane Technologists (ISSCT).
(2023) August John Vitos Award for Best Poster for the Co-Products Commission of the International Society for Sugar Cane Technologists (ISSCT).
(2020-present) Co-Product Commissioner for the International Society for Sugar Cane Technologists (ISSCT).
(2019) August John Vitos Award for Best Poster for the Co-Products Commission of the International Society for Sugar Cane Technologists (ISSCT).
(2010) Tipton Team Research Award, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center.
(2006) Patent and PVP Club Award, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center.
(2001-2003) Graduate Tuition Award, Graduate School, Louisiana State University.
(2001) Outstanding Graduate Student Travel Scholarship, Department of Food Science, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center
DeQueiroz, G., Day, D. (2010). Biocide Compositions and related methods. Australian Patent 2003270523.
DeQueiroz, G., Stradi, B. (2009). Dilute Ammonia Process for the Treatment of Lignocellulosic Materials. US2009/033173.
DeQueiroz, G., Day, D. (2007) Biocide Composition and Related Methods. Chinese Patent 3825029.2.
DeQueiroz , G., Day, D. (2005) Biocide Composition and Related Methods. US Patent 6,866,870.
DeQueiroz , G., Day, D. (2005) Biocide Composition and Related Methods. South African Patent 2005/02838.
DeQueiroz , G., Day, D. (2005) Biocide Composition and Related Methods. Canadian Patent 24981000.
DeQueiroz , G., Day, D. (2005) Biocide Composition and Related Methods. European Union Patent (Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy) 03752221.6.
*= corresponding author
Ahmad, S., Anjum A. M., Aita, G. M., Khan, M., Khan, I. (2019) Source–Sink Relationship of Sugarcane Energy Production at the Sugar Mills. In: Khan M., Khan I. (eds) Sugarcane Biofuels. Springer, Cham with the DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-18597-8_14.
Viator H., Aita G., Aragon D., Ehrenhauser F., Salassi M., Birkett H. (2019) Sugarcane Biofuel Production in the USA. In: Khan M., Khan I. (eds) Sugarcane Biofuels. Springer, Cham with the DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-18597-8_16.
Aita, G*. and Kim, M. (2011) Pretreatment Technologies for the Conversion of Lignocellulosic Materials to Bioethanol. In: Sustainability of the Sugar and Sugar-Ethanol Industries. ACS Press, pp. 117-145. ISBN13: 9780841225985; eISBN: 9780841225992; DOI: 10.1021/bk-2010-1058
*= corresponding author
Aita, G.*, Moon, YH. (2023). Blackstrap Molasses as a Source of Bioactive Compounds for the Green Synthesis of Nanoparticles. Sugar Industry. 148(4): 206-213. DOI: 10.36961/si29706
Aita, G.*, Moon, Y. (2023). Effect of Cultivation Conditions on Extracellular Polymeric Substances Production by Microbial Isolates from Louisiana’s Crusher Juice. 31th ISSCT Proceedings.
Aita, G.*, Moon, Y. (2023). Unlocking the Real Potential of Black Soldier Fly Larvae Protein and Lipid Derivatives from Cane By-products as Animal Feed. 31th ISSCT Proceedings.
Eggleston, G., Aita, G., Triplett, A., Teixeira, V., Mandalika, A., Verret, C., St. Cyr, E., Foster, T. (2023) How sugarcane vinegars compare to other commercial vinegars: Composition and health benefits. 31th ISSCT Proceedings.
Aita, G.*, Moon, Y H. (2022). EPS-Producing Microorganisms from Louisiana’s Crusher Juice and the Effect of Processing Conditions on EPS Production. Sugar Tech. 25: 482-490. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12355-022-01235-y.
Aita, G.* (2022). Black Soldier Fly Larva as a Bioconversion Agent. International Sugar Journal. Blackboard Series. February issue.
Aita, G.* (2022). Fumaric Acid. International Sugar Journal. Blackboard Series. January issue.
Aita, G.*, Moon, Y. H. (2022). EPS- Producing Microorganisms from Louisiana’s Crusher Juice and the Effect of Cultivation Conditions on EPS Production. Factory Operations Seminar, LSU AgCenter, pages: 46-53.
Eggleston, G., Triplett, A., Aita, G., Teixeira, V., Verret, C., Cyr, E., Foster, T. (2022). How the Composition and Health Benefits of Sugarcane Vinegars Compare to Other Commercial Vinegars. SIT Proceedings.
Aita, G. (2022). Agricultural Residues as a Source of Prebiotics. Audubon Factory Corner. Sugar Bulletin. August Issue: pages, 19-22.
Eggleston, G., Aita, G., Triplett, A. (2022). Natural, Nutritious, and Functional Unrefined Sweeteners from Sugarcane That Meet New Consumer Demands. SIT Proceedings.
Aita, G.* (2021). Xylooligosaccharides: Bagasse Sugars as Prebiotics. International Sugar Journal. Blackboard Series. October Issue.
Aita, G.*, Moon, Y H. (2021). Microbial Polysaccharides at the Sugar Factory. International Sugar Journal. Blackboard Series. September Issue.
Aita, G.*, Moon, Y. H. (2021). Polysaccharide-Producing Microbial Organisms from Louisiana’s Crusher Juice. Factory Operations Seminar, LSU AgCenter, pages: 51-56.
Aita, G.* (2021). Extracellular Polysaccharides Produced by Leuconostoc spp. Audubon Factory Corner. Sugar Bulletin. June Issue: pages, 27-29.
Eggleston, G., Aita, G., Triplett, A. (2021). Circular Sustainability of Sugarcane: Natural, Nutritious, and Functional Unrefined Sweeteners That Meet New Consumer Demands. Sugar Technology . https://doi.org/10.1007/s12355-021-00994-4.
Aita, G.*, Moon, Y.
H., Verret, C., Foster, T. (2021). Energy Cane Bagasse as a Source of Prebiotics. International
Sugar Journal. January: 30-39.
Eggleston, G., Aita, G. (2021). Exploration of Sugarcane Products as a Major Source of Antioxidant phenolic Extracts in Commercial Foods and Beverages. International Sugar Journal. 122, 690-696. Republished in the International Sugar Journal World Sugar Yearbook 2021, 60-67.
Eggleston, G., Aita, G. (2020) Exploration of Sugarcane Products as a Major Source of Antioxidant Phenolic Extracts in Commercial Foods and Beverages. International Sugar Journal. October: 122, 690-696.
Aita, G.*, Moon, Y. H. (2020) Bioconversion of Cane Sugar Processing by-Products to Protein and Lipids by Black Soldier Fly (BSF) Larvae. International Sugar Journal. September: 50-58.
Aita, G.*, Moon, Y. H. (2020) Prebiotics from Energy Cane Bagasse. Sugar Industry. 145 (8): 488–494. DOI: 10.36961/si24679.
Liu, C., Li, M., Mei, C., Chen, W., Han, J., Yue, Y., Ren, S., French, A., Aita, G., Eggleston, G., Wu, Q. (2020) Cellulose Nanofibers from Rapidly Microwave-Delignified Energy Cane Bagasse and their Application in Drilling Fluids as Rheology and Filtration Modifiers. Industrial Crops and Products. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2020.112378.
Aita, G.*, Moon, Y. (2020) Bioconversion of Sugarcane By-Products to Protein and Lipids by Black Soldier Fly Larvae. Factory Operations Seminar LSU AgCenter, pages 52-58.
Henriquez, J. M., Eggleston, G., Gaston, P., Birkett, H., Moon Y. H., Aita, G. (2020) Monitoring Mud Consistency at Sugarcane Factories to Improve Mud Filtration. International Sugar Journal. January: 267-273.
Aita, G.*, Deng, F. (2020) Bagasse as a Source for Fumaric Acid Production. International Sugar Journal. January: 278-283.
Aita, G.* (2020). Bioconversion of Blackstrap Molasses to Protein and Lipids by BSF Larvae. Audubon Factory Corner. Sugar Bulletin, 98(8): pages, 19-21.
Aita, G.*, Deng, F. (2019) Production of Fumaric Acid from Bagasse. 30th ISSCT Proceedings, pages: 292-298.
Eggleston, G., Aita, G. (2019) Exploration of Sugarcane Products as a Major Source of Antioxidant Phenolic Extracts in Commercial Foods and Beverages. 30th ISSCT Proceedings, pages: 285-291.
Oladi, S., Aita, G.* (2019) Recovery of Non-Sugar Compounds from Bagasse Hydrolysates. Journal of Innovations in Energy Sciences. 1:1-9. http://www.scholarena.com/journals/journal-of-innovations-in-energy-science/articles-in-press.php#.
Moon, Y. H., Aita, G.* (2019) Crystal Size Analysis for Louisiana Sugar Factories: 2018/2019 Grinding Season. Factory Operations Seminar LSU AgCenter, pages 31-34.
Aita, G.*, Deng, F., Oladi, S., Cheong, D.”(2019) Syrup Production for Fuels and Chemicals from Bagasse.Louisiana Agriculture Magazine, Spring Issue. https://www.lsuagcenter.com/profiles/lbenedict/articles/page1553610389126.
Aita, G.*, Deng, F. (2019) Fumaric Acid Production from Bagasse.Louisiana Agriculture Magazine, Spring Issue. https://www.lsuagcenter.com/profiles/lbenedict/articles/page1553611560537.
White, P., Webber, C., Viator, R., Aita, G. (2019). Sugarcane Biomass, Dry Matter, and Sucrose Availability and Variability When Grown on a Bioenergy Feedstock Production Cycle. BioEnergy Research. 1-13. 10.1007/s12155-018-9951-y.
Fang, D., Aita, G.* (2018) Fermentation of Fumaric Acid from Lignocellulosic Syrup by Rhizopus Oryzae ATCC® 20344TM. BioEnergy Research. 11: 330-340.
Fang, D., Aita, G.* (2018) Optimization of Activated Carbon Detoxification of Dilute Ammonia Pretreated Energy Cane Bagasse Enzymatic Hydrolysate by Response Surface Methodology. Industrial Crops and Products. 115: 166-173.
Fang, D., Aita, G.* (2018) Detoxification of Dilute Ammonia Pretreated Energy Cane Bagasse Enzymatic Hydrolysate by Soluble Polyelectrolyte Floccculants. Industrial Crops and Products. 112: 681-690.
Oladi, S., Aita, G.* (2018) Interactive Effect of Enzymes and Surfactant on the Cellulose Digestibility of Un-washed and Washed Dilute Ammonia Pretreated Energy Cane Bagasse. Biomass Bioenergy. 109: 221-230.
Oladi, S., Aita, G.* (2017) Optimization of Liquid Ammonia Pretreatment Variables for Maximum Enzymatic Hydrolysis Yield of Energy Cane Bagasse. Industrial Crops and Products. 103:122-132.
Oladi, S., Aita, G.* (2017) Optimization of Ammonia Pretreatment by Surface Response Methodology. Factory Operations Seminar. LSU AgCenter, April, pages 40-47.
Deng, F., Aita, G.* (2017) Lignocellulosic Syrup Production from Energy Cane Bagasse and Furmaric Acid Fermentation. LSU Dissertation (available to public on July 2018).
Oladi, S., Aita, G.* (2017) Production of Fermentable Sugars from Energy Cane Bagasse. LSU Dissertation (available to public on May 2018).
Deng, F., Aita, G.* (2017) Lignocellulosic Syrup from Energy Cane. Factory Operations Seminar LSU AgCenter, pages 48-51.
Ahamed, N., Pranjali, M., Aita, G., Boldor, D. (2016) Effect of Frequency and Reaction Time in Focused Ultrasonic Pretreatment of Energy Cane Bagasse for Bioethanol Production. Bioresource Technology. 200:262-71.
Aita, G., Legendre, B. (2016) Sugar and Bioproducts Research for Louisiana. Audubon Sugar Institute 2012-2014 Report.
Yue, Y, Han, J., Han, G., Aita, G., Wu, Q. (2015) Cellulose Fibers Isolated from Energy Cane Bagasse using Alkaline and Sodium Chlorite Treatments: Structural, Chemical and Thermal Properties. Industrial Crops and Products. 76:355-363.
Cao, J., Aita, G.* (2015) Evaluation of Alkaline-and Fungal-Assisted Wet Storage of Energy Cane Bagasse. LSU Thesis. EDT-04042016-153937.
Pham-Bugayong, P., Aita, G.* (2015) Syrup Production from Enzyme Hydrolysates Derived from Dilute Ammonia Pretreated Sweet Sorghum and Energy Cane Bagasse. Factory Operations Seminar. LSU AgCenter, April, pages 27-29.
Pham-Bugayong, P., Aita, G.* (2015). Dilute Ammonia Pretreated Sorghum and Energy Cane Bagasse Enzymatic Hydrolysate Liquor for Syrup Production. LSU Agriculture. 58 (2): 23.
Kanitkar, A., Smoak, M., Chen, C., Scherr, T., Madsen, L., Hayes, D., Aita, G.* (2015) Synthesis of Novel Polyesters for Potential Applications in Skin Tissue Engineering. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 91: 733-741.
Kanitkar, A., Chen, C., Smoak, M., Hogan, K., Scherr, T., Hayes, D., Aita, G.* (2014) In Vitro Characterization of Polyesters of Aconitic Acid for Bone Tissue Engineering. Journal of Biomaterials Applications. 29(8) 1075–1085.
Qiu, Z., Aita, G.*, Mahalaxmi, S. (2014) Optimization by Response Surface Methodology of Processing Conditions for the Ionic Liquid Pretreatment of Energy Cane Bagasse. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 89(5): 682-689.
Pham-Bugayong, P., Aita, G.* (2014) Characterization of Enzyme Hydrolysates Derived from Dilute Ammonia Pretreated Sorghum Bagasse. Factory Operations Seminar LSU AgCenter, pages 73-76.
Kanitkar, A., Aita, G.*, Hayes, D. (2014) Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Polyester Scaffolds from Sugarcane Industry By-products for Use in Skin and Bone Tissue Engineering. LSU Dissertation. EDT-04072014-152859.
Qiu, Z., Aita, G.*, Mahalaxmi, S. (2014) Optimization by Response Surface Methodology of Processing Conditions for the Ionic Liquid Pretreatment of Energy Cane Bagasse. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 89(5): 682-689.
Pham-Bugayong, P., Aita, G.* (2014) Characterization of Enzyme Hydrolysates Derived from Dilute Ammonia Pretreated Sorghum Bagasse. Factory Operations Seminar LSU AgCenter, pages 73-76.
Aita, G. (2013) Starch Analysis of First Expressed Juice and Raw Sugar. Factory Operations Seminar LSU AgCenter, pages 20-24.
Kanitkar, A., Aita, G.*, Madsen, L. (2013) The recovery of Polymerization Grade Aconitic Acid from Sugarcane Molasses. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 88(12): 2188-2192.
Cao, S. Aita, G.* (2013) Enzymatic Hydrolysis and Ethanol Yields of Combined Surfactant and Dilute Ammonia Treated Sugarcane Bagasse. Bioresource Technology. 131: 357–364.
Qiu, Z. Aita, G.* (2013) Pretreatment of Energy Cane Bagasse with Recycled Ionic Liquid for Enzymatic Saccharification. Bioresource Technology. 129:532-537.
Cao, S., Aita, G.* (2012) Effect of Surfactants on the Pretreatment of Sugarcane Bagasse with Dilute Ammonia. LSU Thesis. EDT-11112012-190037.
Aita G.* (2012) Research Studies at the Renewable Fuels and Byproducts Laboratory. Audubon Sugar Institute Biennial Report LSU AgCenter, pages 5-6.
Aita, G.*, Walker, M. (2012) Ammonia-Assisted Storage of Sugarcane Bagasse. Factory Operations Seminar LSU AgCenter, page 37.
Han, K. J., Pitman, W., Alison, M. W., McCormick, M. E., Kim, M., Day, D. F., Aita, G. (2012) Evaluation of Sweet Sorghum Ethanol Production Potential Using Chemical Composition Analysis and Fermentation Gas Measures. GCB Bioenergy. 5 (4): 358-366.
Moreno, R., Aita, G.*, Madsen, L., Gutierrez, D., Yao, S., Hulburt, B., Brashear, S. (2012) Identification of Naturally Isolated Southern Louisiana’s Algal Strains and the Effect of Higher CO2 Content on Fatty Acid Profiles for Biodiesel Production. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 88 (5): 948-957.
Qiu, Z., Aita, G.*, Walker, M. (2012). Effect of Ionic Liquid Pretreatment on the Chemical Composition, Structure and Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Energy Cane Bagasse. Bioresource Technology. 117:251-256.
Chen, C., Aita, G.*, Boldor, D., Walker, M. (2012). Ethanol Production from Sorghum by a Microwave-Assisted Dilute Ammonia Pretreatment. Bioresource Technology. 110:190-7.
Qiu, Z., Aita, G.* (2012) Use of Ionic Liquid for the Pretreatment of Energy Cane Bagasse. LSU Thesis. EDT-11092012-135102.
Aita, G.*, Madsen, L. (2011) Added Value Through Bio-Plastics from Sugarcane. Factory Operations Seminar LSU AgCenter, page13.
Salvi, D., Boldor, D., Aita, G. M., Sabliov, C. M. (2011) COMSOL Multiphysics Model for Continuous Flow Microwave Heating of Liquids. Journal of Food Engineering. 104 (3): 422-429.
Aita, G*., Salvi, D., Walker, M. (2011) Enzyme hydrolysis and ethanol fermentation of dilute ammonia pretreated energy cane. Bioresource Technology. 102 (6): 4444-8.
Chen, C., Boldor, D., Aita, G.* (2011) Alternative Pretreatment of Sorghum Bagasse for Bio-Ethanol Production. LSU Thesis. EDT-07052011-143318.
Moreno, R., Aita, G.* (2011) Identification of Algal Strains by PCR Amplification and Evaluation of Their Fatty Acid Profiles for Biodiesel Production. LSU Thesis, EDT-01042012-150704.
Salvi, D., Boldor, D., Ortego, J., Aita, G. M., Sabliov, C. (2010). Numerical Modeling of Continuous Flow Microwave Heating: A Critical Comparison of COMSOL and ANSYS. Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy. 44 (4): 1-11.
Salvi, D., Aita, G*., Robert, D., Bazan, V. (2010) Dilute Ammonia pretreatment of sorghum and its effectiveness on enzyme hydrolysis and ethanol fermentation. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 161:67-74.
Aita, G.* (2010). Sucrose Loss During Milling and Methods for Prevention, Annual Factory Operations, Audubon Sugar Institute, Louisiana State University AgCenter, April 29, page 11.
Kim, M., Aita, G., Day, D. (2010) Compositional Changes in Sugarcane Bagasse on Low Temperature, Long-Term Diluted Ammonia Treatment. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 161 (1-8): 34-40.
Aita, G.*, Salvi, D., Robert, D. (2009) Ethanol Production from Sorghum by a Dilute Ammonia Pretreatment. Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology. 37: 27-34.
Aita, G.*, Salvi, D. (2009) Lignocellulose As a Source for Fuels and Chemicals. Louisiana Agriculture (Special Issue on Biofuels). 53 (4): 12-13.
Aita, G.* (2009) Overview on the Current Status of Lignocellulosics. Factory Operations Seminar LSU AgCenter, page 64.
Day, D., DeQueiroz, G., Chung, C. H., Kim, M. (2008) By-Products from Bagasse. International Sugar Journal. 110:7-11.
DeQueiroz, G.*. Day, D. (2008) Surface Decontamination of Bacillus subtilis Spores. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 46: 186-191.
DeQueiroz, G.*, Day, D., Legendre, B. (2008) Cellulose to Ethanol-Energy for the Future? Louisiana Agriculture. 51(2): 12-13.
DeQueiroz, G.* (2008) Integrated Biorefinery Research. Audubon Sugar Institute Biennial Report LSU AgCenter, pages 14-15.
DeQueiroz, G.*, Day, D. F. (2007) Antimicrobial Activity and Effectiveness of a Combination of Sodium Hypochlorite and Hydrogen Peroxide in Killing and Removing Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilms from Surfaces. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 103:794-802.
DeQueiroz, G.*, Stradi, B. (2007) Integrated Biorefinery Research for the Production of Biofuels and Bioenergy. Factory Operations Seminar LSU AgCenter, pages 31-39.
*= corresponding author
Aita, G. (2023). Green Synthesis and Antimicrobial Properties of Silver Nanoparticles from Molasses. SIT. New Orleans, LA, May 8-10.
Aita, G. (2023). Microorganisms in Sugarcane Processing. Fabrication Superintendents Conversation. St. Gabriel, LA, March 21.
Aita, G. (2023). Adding Value to Agricultural Residues and Sugar Crops Processing Byproducts. Mendel University, LSU & Warsaw University- Food Symposium 3.0 (Trends in Biotechnology). Baton Rouge, LA.
Aita, G.*, Moon, YH. (2023). Application of Green Nanotechnology in the Sugarcane Industry. Factory Operations Seminar. St. Gabriel, LA, April 19.
Aita, G.*, Moon, Y. H., Huh, S. (2022). Isolation and Identification of Extracellular Polysaccharide-Producing Microorganisms from Louisiana’s Crusher Juice. Joint ASSCT, Bonito Springs, FL, June 22-24.
Eggleston, G., Aita, G., Triplett, A. (2022).Natural, Nutritious, and Functional Unrefined Sweeteners from Sugarcane That Meet New Consumer Demands. Joint ASSCT, Bonito Springs, FL, June 22-24.
Aita, G.*, Moon, Y. H., Huh, S. (2022). Sugarcane Processing By-Products as Potential Diets for the Production of Protein and Lipids by Black Soldier Fly (BSF) Larvae. 44th Symposium on Biomaterials, Fuels and Chemicals. New Orleans, LA, May 1- 4.
Eggleston, G., Aita, G., Triplett, A. (2022).Natural, Nutritious, and Functional Unrefined Sweeteners from Sugarcane That Meet New Consumer Demands. SIT, in Orlando, FL, April 17-20.
Eggleston, G., Triplett, A., Aita, G., Teixeira, V., Verret, C., St. Cyr, E., Foster, T.(2022).How the Composition and Health Benefits of Sugarcane Vinegars Compare to Other Commercial Vinegars. SIT, in Orlando, FL, April 17-20.
Eggleston, G., Aita, G. (2022). Fructans are a More Pervasive Polysaccharide in the Sugarcane Industry than Previously Considered. ISSCT, webinar, September 29.
Aita, G. (2022). Potential Nutritive Value of Black Soldier Fly Larvae Reared on Cane Byproducts as Animal Feed. ISSCT, webinar, July 28.
G.*, Moon, Y. H. (2021). Polysaccharide-Producing Microbial Organisms from
Louisiana’s Crusher Juice. Factory Operations Seminar, LSU AgCenter, St.
Gabriel, LA.
Aita, G.*, Moon, Y.H., Verret, C., Foster, T. (2019). Production of XOS by Acid Hydrolysis From Energy-Cane Bagasse as a Source of Prebiotics. 30th ISSCT, San Miguel de Tucuman, Argentina.
Aita, G., Deng, F. (2019). Production of Fumaric Acid from Bagasse. 30th ISSCT, San Miguel de Tucuman, Argentina.
Aita, G.*, St. Cyr, E., Triplett, A., Eggleston, G. (2019). Antioxidant Content of Various Sugar Products Commercially Available in the USA. American Society for Sugar Cane Technologists (ASSCT), Point Clear, AL.
Moon, Y. H., Aita, G.* (2019) Crystal Size Analysis for Louisiana Sugar Factories: 2018/2019 Grinding Season. American Society for Sugar Cane Technologists (ASSCT), Point Clear, AL.
Moon, Y. H., Aita, G.* (2019) Crystal Size Analysis for Louisiana Sugar Factories: 2018/2019 Grinding Season. Factory Operations Seminar LSU AgCenter, St. Gabriel, LA.
Aita, G.*, Deng, F. (2019) Fumaric Acid Production from Energy Cane. Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), New Orleans, LA.
Aita, G.* (2018) Lignocellulosic Syrup from Energy Crops. Advances in Sugar Crop Processing and Conversion (ASCPC), New Orleans, LA.
Aita, G.* (2018) Fumaric Acid Fermentation from Lignocellulosic Syrup. Advances in Sugar Crop Processing and Conversion (ASCPC), New Orleans, LA.
Deng, F., Aita, G.* (2018) Syrup production from energy cane bagasse. 40th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, Clearwater, FL.
Deng, F., Aita, G.* (2018) Fumaric acid fermentation from lignocellulosic syrup as carbon source. 40th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, Clearwater, FL.
Oladi, S., Aita, G.* (2017) Removal of Non-Sugar Compounds from Dilute Ammonia Pretreated Energy Cane Bagasse Hydrolysates. 39th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, San Francisco, CA.
Deng, F., Aita, G.* (2017) Removal of Non-Sugar Compounds from Energy Cane Bagasse Enzymatic Hydrolysate by Flocculation and Activated Carbon for Syrup Production. 39th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, San Francisco, CA.
Cheong, D., Aita, G.* (2017) Syrup Production from Lignocellulosic Biomass. 39th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, San Francisco, CA.
Oladi, S., Aita, G.* (2017) Optimization of Liquid Ammonia Pretreatment by Response Surface Methodology. Factory Operations Seminar LSU AgCenter, St. Gabriel, LA.
Deng, F., Aita, G.* (2017) Lignocellulosic Syrup from Energy Cane. Factory Operations Seminar LSU AgCenter, St. Gabriel, LA.
Cheong, D., Fang, D., Cao, J., Oladi, S., Aita., G* (2016) Progress Towards the Production of Syrup from Bagasse. SUBI Meeting, Baton Rouge, LA.
Oladi, S., Aita, G.* (2016). Optimization of Ammonia Pretreatment and Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Energy Cane Bagasse using Response Surface Methodology. 38th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, Baltimore, MD.
Cao, J., Aita, G.* (2016). Evaluation of Fungal Assisted Wet-storage of Energy Cane Bagasse. 38th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, Baltimore, MD.
Deng, F., Aita, G.* (2016) Detoxification of Dilute Ammonia Pretreated Energy Cane Enzymatic Hydrolysate by Flocculation for Syrup Production. 38th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, Baltimore, MD.
Aita, G. (2015) Alternative Fuels and Chemicals from Grassy Feedstocks and the Sugar Mill Bio-Energy China, Beijing, China. Keynote Speaker.
Aita, G. (2015) Alternative Fuels and Chemicals Lignocellulosic Biomass. Henan Academy of Sciences, Henan Province, China.
Aita, G. (2015) Lignocellulosic Biomass. Henan Agricultural University, Henan Province, China.
Deng, F., Aita, G.*, Bugayong-Pham, P. (2015) Preliminary Detoxification of Dilute Ammonia Pretreated Energy Cane Enzymatic Hydrolysate by Activated Charcoal for Syrup Production. 37th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, San Diego, CA.
Cao, J., Aita, G.* (2015) Evaluation of Alkaline-Assisted Wet-Storage of Energycane Bagasse. 37th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, San Diego, CA.
Oladi, S., Aita, G.* (2015) Optimization of Liquid Ammonia Pretreatment Conditions for Maximizing Glucose Yield of Energycane Using Response Surface Methodology. 37th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, San Diego, CA.
Bugayong-Pham, P., Aita, G.* (2015) Characterization and Detoxification of Enzyme Hydrolysates Derived from Dilute Ammonia Pretreated Sorghum and Energycane Bagasse for Syrup Production. 37th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, San Diego, CA.
Bugayong-Pham, P., Aita, G.* (2014) Characterization and Detoxification of Enzyme Hydrolysates Derived from Dilute Ammonia Pretreated Sorghum Bagasse. 36th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, Clearwater, FL.
Kanitkar, A., Aita, G.*, Hayes, D., Madsen, L. (2014) Synthesis and Characterization of Biopolymers of Aconitic acid, Cinnamic acid and Glycerol for Tissue Engineering Applications. 36th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, Clearwater, FL.
Oladi, S., Aita, G.* (2014) Effect of Hot Water Pretreatment on the Chemical Composition and Enzyme Digestibility of Energy Cane. 36th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, Clearwater, FL.
Oladi, S., Aita, G.*, Mahalaxmi, S. Effect of Water Pretreatment on the Biomass Structure and Enzymatic Hydrolysis Yields of Sweet Sorghum Bagasse. 35th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, Portland, OR, April 29-May 2, 2013.
Kanitkar, A., Aita, G.*, Mahalaxmi, S. Synthesis and Characterization of Biocompatible Polyesters of Citric Acid, Cinnamic Acid and Glycerol. 35th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, Portland, OR, April 29-May 2, 2013.
Kanitkar, A., Aita, G.*, Madsen, L. Isolation of Aconitic Acid from Molasses Using Ethyl Acetate for the Production of Polyesters. 34th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, New Orleans, LA, April 30-May 3, 2012.
Jeong, Y., Day, D., Aita, G., Kim, M. Production of Cellulosic Ethanol from Sugarcane Treated with Dilute Ammonia at Moderate Temperatures. 15th International Biotechnology Symposium and Expo. Daegu, ROK, September 16-21, 2012.
Han, K. J., Pitman, W., Alison, M. W., McCormick, M., Day, D. F., Aita, G. Application of Feed Value Analysis for Prediction of Cellulosic Ethanol Production. CSSA Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH, November 3-6, 2012.
Qui, Z., Aita, G.* Effect of Ionic Liquid Pretreatment on the Structure, Enzymatic Hydrolysis and Fermentation of Energy Cane Bagasse. 34th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, New Orleans, LA, April 30-May 3, 2012.
Cao, S., Aita, G*. Effect of Tween 80 on the Pretreatment of Sugarcane Bagasse with Dilute Ammonia. 34th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, New Orleans, LA, April 30-May 3, 2012.
Cao, S., Aita, G.*, Walker, M. Impact of surfactants on dilute ammonia pretreatment of sugarcane bagasse. IFT Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, June 11-14, 2011.
Qiu, Z., Aita, G.*, Walker, M. Effect of ionic fluid-pretreated energy cane bagasse on enzyme hydrolysis. IFT Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, June 11-14, 2011.
Aita, G.*, Kim, M., Walker, M., Day, D. Mild alkaline pretreatment of sugarcane bagasse during storage. 33rd Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, Seattle, WA, May 2-5, 2011.
Aita, G.* and Kim, M. Pretreatment Technologies for the Conversion of Lignocellulosic Biomass to Fuels. ACS 66th SWRM/62nd SERMACS, New Orleans, LA, December 1-4, 2010.
Chen, C., Boldor, D., Aita, G.* Enhancing enzymatic digestibility of sweet sorghum by microwave pretreatment. ASBAE Annual International Meeting, Pittsburg, PA, June 20-23, 2010.
Aita, G.* 2010. Sucrose Loss During Milling and Methods for Prevention, Annual Factory Operations, Audubon Sugar Institute, Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA, April 29, 2010.
Aita, G.*, Salvi, D. 2010. Enzyme hydrolysis and ethanol fermentation of ammonia treated energy cane. 32nd Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, Clearwater Beach, FL, April 19-22, 2010.
Aita, G.* Current use of Lignocellulosics. Extension and Research Sugarcane Training, Sugar Research Station, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, St. Gabriel, LA, May 13, 2009.
Aita, G.* Overview on the Current Status of Lignocellulosics. Annual Factory Operations Seminar, Audubon Sugar Institute, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge, LA, April 28, 2009.
DeQueiroz, G. A.*, Robert, D. and Salvi, D. Ethanol Production from Sweet Sorghum by a Dilute Ammonia Solution. SIM 31rst symposium on biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, San Francisco, CA, May 3-May 5, 2009.
Kim, M., DeQueiroz, G. A. and Day, D. Compositional changes in sugarcane bagasse on low temperature, long-term ammonia treatment. SIM 31rst symposium on biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, San Francisco, CA, May 3-May 5, 2009.
DeQueiroz, G. A.* Biomass, Biofuels and the Biorefinery. Louisiana 25 X 25 State Alliance, New Orleans, January 29, 2009.
DeQueiroz, G. A.* Overview of Biofuels and Chemicals from Renewable Resources. SENATI, Chiclayo, Peru, November 27, 2008.
DeQueiroz, G. A.* Audubon Sugar Institute's Biorefinery Development Using Multiple Feedstocks. Louisiana Farm Bureau, August 13, 2008.
DeQueiroz, G. A.* and Tessier, M. Green Energy for Louisiana. Bio Energy Awareness Days (BEAD II), Washington, DC, June 19-22, 2008.
DeQueiroz, G. A.* Overview of Ethanol Production from Lignocellulosics. Tulane Engineering Forum, New Orleans, LA, May 8, 2008.
DeQueiroz, G. A.*, Bazan, V., Ramachandran, T., Day, D. and Legendre, B. Utilization of Fermentable Sugars from Sugarcane Bagasse to Ethanol. 15th New Orleans Carbohydrate Symposium, New Orleans, LA, April 10-12, 2008.
DeQueiroz, G. A.* Sweet Technology from Bagasse to Ethanol. American Society of Sugarcane Technologists, 38th Annual Meeting, Baton Rouge, LA, February 12, 2008.
DeQuerioz, G. A.* Biofuels from Lignocellulosics: Where Do We Stand Today. LSU AgCenter Annual Conference. Baton Rouge, LA, December 18, 2007.
DeQueiroz, G. A.* Biorefinery Research at the Audubon Sugar Institute. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA, November 2007.
Day, D., DeQueiroz, G. A., Chung, C. H. and Kim, M. By-products from Bagasse. 26th Congress International Society of Sucarcane Technologists, Dublin, South Africa, July 2007.
DeQueiroz, G. A.* Ethanol Production from Sugarcane Bagasse. 45th Annual St. Martin/Lafayette/St. Landry Sugarcane Field Day, LA. July 2007.
DeQueiroz, G. A.* and Stradi, B. Ethanol Production from Lignocellulosics, American Society of Sugarcane Technologists, 37th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, June 2007.
Stradi B. and DeQueiroz, G. A. Integrated Biorefinery Research for the Production of Biofuels and Bioenergy. Audubon Sugar Institute Factory Operations Seminar, April 2007.
DeQueiroz, G. A.* and Day, D. F. Phenolic Acids Released post Alkaline and/or Organosolv Treatment from Sugarcane Bagasse and Field Trash. Third Annual World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology and Bio-processing. Toronto, Canada, July 2006.
DeQueiroz, G. A.*, Chung, C. and Day, D. F. Enzyme Hydrolysis and Phenols Recovery Post Alkaline and Organosolv Treatment of Sugarcane Bagasse. 28th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, Nashville, TN, May 2006.
Day, D., DeQueiroz, G. A.*, Chung, C., Lee, Y. Process of Turning Sugarcane Bagasse into Cellulose and Lignin-Derived Products. American Society of Sucarcane Technologists, 35th Annual Meeting, Panama City, FL, June 2005.
DeQueiroz, G. A.* and Day, D. F. Effectiveness of a bi-Component Food Grade Sanitizer in the Removal of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilms from Surface Materials. American Society of Microbiologists (ASM) General Meeting, New Orleans, LA, May 2004.
DeQueiroz, G. A.* and Day, D. F. Response of Attached Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 19142 to Sanitizer Treatment. ASM South Central Branch, New Orleans, LA, November 2003.
Dr. Giovanna M. Aita is a tenured Professor at the Audubon Sugar Institute at Louisiana State University Agricultural Center with adjunct appointments in the School of Nutrition and Food Sciences and in the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering. Dr. Aita is a microbiologist who is finding ways to create the fuels and chemicals we use every day out of biomass, rather than petroleum. This poses considerable technical and economic challenges, which ultimately must be overcome with a minimal impact on the environment. With over 15 years of research experience, Dr. Aita’s research has focused primarily on the bioconversion of agricultural and woody residues, and low value processes by-products into sustainable fuels, platform chemicals, nutritional supplements, and antimicrobial biomaterials. Her research specializations are in the areas of biomass pretreatment, enzymatic hydrolysis, fermentation processes, antimicrobials, and nanomaterials. Her research has resulted in over 90 peer-reviewed publications and book chapters, patents, and in the recruitment and mentoring of graduate students, research associates, postdoctoral fellows, and visiting scholars. Dr. Aita has received research funding from federal agencies, state agencies, non-profit organizations, and industry totaling USD$14M, and has been the recipient of national and international awards from both industry and academia. She is a member of the International Society for Sugar Cane Technologists Co-Products Commission, Co-Chair of the Organizing Committee for Natural Products for the Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology (SIMB), and a member of the SIMB Chair Program Committee for Student and Poster Programs.
Undergraduate and graduate courses in the areas of food microbiology, food safety and biomass utilization for the production of biofuels and bioproducts.
BE 4342, Biological Engineering, Louisiana State
University, Summer Intersession. Topics: (1) Bioproducts from
Biomass, and (2) Microorganisms in Sugarcane and Raw Sugar Processing: Impact and Preventive Actions.
FDSC 7030, Special Topics.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture