Edward Twidwell

Twidwell, Edward K.
Title Professor
Department School of Plant, Environmental and Soil Sciences
E-mail ETwidwell@agcenter.lsu.edu
Address 1 220 M.B. Sturgis
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Phone 225-578-4564

B.S., Kansas State University
M.S., Purdue University
Ph.D., Purdue University

I worked as an Extension Specialist in the area of forage crops in South Dakota from 1987 to 1994 before moving to the LSU AgCenter in 1995. I work closely with extension agents throughout the state in providing educational programs dealing with forage crops. This involves demonstration field plots, meetings, field days, producer visits, written publications, phone calls and emails.

Teaching Responsibilities

AGRO 4005 Forage Ecology and Management

Professional Membership/Services

Member and Past President (2004-2005), American Forage and Grassland Council
Member and Past President (2007-2008), Louisiana County Agricultural Agents Assn.
Member and Secretary, Louisiana Forage and Grassland Council
Member, American Society of Agronomy

My primary area deals with the production and management of forage crops. The major forage crops grown in Louisiana include bermudagrass, bahiagrass, annual ryegrass, and various clovers. More than 2 million acres of land in Louisiana produce grazing and stored forages for animal consumption. I also work closely with the Forage Testing Laboratory.

I perform applied research projects dealing with pasture weed control. This involves the comparison of different herbicide products for control of broadleaf and grassy weeds in pastures, hayfields and fencerows.

I also work closely with forage research agronomists on conducting various forage research projects across the state.

Rice, L., K.J. Han and E. Twidwell. 2018. Challenges of alfalfa production on warm-season grass pastures. In: Vol. 27. Proc. Forage and Grassl. Counc., Jan. 14-17, Louisville, KY.

Han, K.J. and E.K. Twidwell. 2017. Herbage mass and nutritive value of bermudagrass influenced by non-growing season herbicide application. Agron. J. 109(3):1024-1030.

Han, K., D. Smith, S. Harrison, W. Alison and E. Twidwell. 2017. Can forage producers gain more from oat harvest management by targeting greater dry matter? Journal of the NACAA, Volume 10, No. 1. www.nacaa.com/journal/index.php?jid=726.

Jennings, J., K. Simon, E. Twidwell, M. Andrews, J. Carraway, H. Chaney and B. Griffin. 2017. Flood damage and recovery management for forages. Univ. of Arkansas Extension Service Pub. No. FSA3145.

Twidwell, E.K., M.W. Alison, G. Williams, J. Simmons and M. Milczarek. 2017. Cool-season pasture & forage varieties. LSU AgCenter pub. No. 2334.

Alison, M.W., C.F. Hutchison, E.K. Twidwell, Jerry Simmons and Greg Williams. 2017. Performance of cool-season annual forage crops in Louisiana, 2016-2017. LAES Research Summary No. 211.

Rice, L., E.K. Twidwell and K.J. Han. 2017. Efficacy of 2,4-DB herbicide for control of broadleaf weeds in mixed grass stands in alfalfa overseeded warm-season grass pastures in south central Louisiana. Vol. 71, page 36. In: Proceedings 71st Southern Pasture and Forage Crop Improvement Conference, June 5-7, 2017, Knoxville, TN.

Twidwell, E.K. and M.W. Alison. 2016. Preparation and planting of winter annual forages. LSU AgCenter pub. No. 3558.

Twidwell, E.K., M.W. Alison, W.D. Pitman, G. Williams, J.L. Ashley, S. Laird, J. Simmons, H.P. Viator and M. Shipp. 2016. 2016-2017 Cool-season pasture and forage varieties. LSU AgCenter pub. No. 2334.

Strahan, R.E., S. Gauthier and E.K. Twidwell. 2016. White clover recovery following broadleaf herbicides in pastures. Vol. 69, page 103. In: Proceedings Southern Weed Science Society, Feb. 7-11, 2016, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Strahan, R.E., S. Gauthier and E.K. Twidwell. 2016. Evaluation of Saflufenacil for buttercup control and white clover tolerance in pastures. Vol. 69, page 104. In: Proceedings Southern Weed Science Society, Feb. 7-11, 2016, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Strahan, R.E., S. Gauthier and E.K. Twidwell. 2016. Cherokee rose management in carpetgrass pastures. Vol. 69, page 107. In: Proceedings Southern Weed Science Society, Feb. 7-11, 2016, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Twidwell, E.K. and R.E. Strahan. 2016. Prickly sida control in Louisiana pastures. Page 28. In: Proc. National Association of County Agicultural Agents. July 24-28, 2016, Little Rock, AR.

Twidwell, E.K., R.E. Strahan, S.J. Dutile and M.J. Simon. 2016. Arrowleaf sida control in perennial warm-season grass pastures. In: Vol. 25. Proc. Forage and Grassl. Counc., Jan. 10-13, 2016, Baton Rouge, LA.

Laird, A.S., D.K. Miller, J.L. Griffin, E.K. Twidwell, M.W. Alison and D.C. Blouin. 2016. Residual effect of herbicides used in pastures on clover establishment and productivity. Weed Technology. Volume 30, No. 4, pg. 929-936.

Han, K.J. and E.K. Twidwell. 2016. Application of overseeded tropical legumes for enhanced utilization of summer grass pasture in the deep south region of the USA. Journal of the NACAA, Volume 9, No. 1. www.nacaa.com/journal/index.php?jid=613.

Sharpe, K.W., E.K. Twidwell, R.E. Strahan and A.L. Granger. 2015. Broomsedge control in perennial warm-season forage grass stands. Page 27. In: Proc. National Association of County Agricultural Agents. July 12-16, 2015, Sioux Falls, SD.

Morgan, D.S., E.K. Twidwell, R.E. Strahan, G. Gentry and J. Gurie. 2015. Smutgrass control in permanent pastures using chemical and cultural methods. Pages 35-36. In: Proc. National Association of County Agricultural Agents. July 12-16, 2015, Sioux Falls, SD.

Twidwell, E.K., M.W. Alison, W.D. Pitman, K.J. Han, T. Martin, G. Williams, J.L. Ashley, S. Laird, J. Simmons and H.P. Viator. 2015. Cool-season pasture and forage varieties. LSU AgCenter pub No. 2334.

Strahan, R.E. and E.K. Twidwell. 2015. Postemergence control of yellow foxtail in hybrid bermudagrass hay meadows. Vol. 68, page 63. In: Proc. Southern Weed Science Society, Jan. 25-28, 2015, Savannah, GA.

Strahan, R.E. and E.K. Twidwell. 2015. Postemergence control of large crabgrass in hybrid bermudagrass hay meadows. Vol. 68, page 64. In: Proc. Southern Weed Science Society, Jan. 25-28, 2015, Savannah, GA.

Han, K.J. and E.K. Twidwell. 2015. Early spring herbicide application on Bermudagrass forage yield and quality. Page 24. In: Proc. 69th Southern Pasture and Forage Crop Improvement Conference, March 30-April 1, 2015, Apalachicola, FL.

Han, K.J. and E.K. Twidwell. 2014. Does hay sample analysis reveal forage management practices by producers? Journal of the NACAA, Volume 7, No. 2. www.nacaa.com/journal/index.php?jid=371.

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