Diane Sasser

Title Professor Emeritus
Department School of Nutrition and Food Sciences
E-mail DSasser@agcenter.lsu.edu
Address 1 269 Knapp Hall - LSU
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Phone 225-578-4448
Fax 225-578-4443

National Awards/Recognition

2005 Continued Excellence Award - National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences 2004 Distinguished Service Award - National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
1999 Team Award, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Louisiana nominee
1998 Team Award, USDA, Louisiana nominee
1992 Distinguished Service Award, National Association of Extension 4-H Agents
1990 Team Award, USDA Louisiana nominee
1987 Achievement in Service Award, National Association of Extension 4-H Agents

State Awards/Recognition

2008 Gamma Sigma Delta Exten sion Faculty Award
2007 Human Ecology State Extension Faculty Award
2004 to present Chair, Family and Child Development AgCenter Exchange Group, facilitating exchange of information and collaboration between Extension and Research faculty
2004 Educational Curriculum Package, 1st place -- Team Leader – Louisiana Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
2003 to present Team Leader, Family and Child Development State Team
2002 to present Chair, Family and Child Development Specialization Committee, guiding coursework of field faculty towards Family and Child Development Specialization
2004 Educational Technology Award, 1st place – Louisiana Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
1999 Epsilon Sigma Phi Scholarship – Epsilon Sigma Phi Extension Honor Fraternity
1996 to present Chair, Family and Child Development state program team, provide leadership for and the coordination and development of statewide education programs for parenting and early care and education, includes 19-25 field faculty, 13 paraprofessionals and 5 state specialists
1993 Communicator Awards (3) -- Field staff newsletter, News Story and Promotional Piece, Louisiana Association of Extension 4-H Agents
1987 Young Agents’ Award, Louisiana Association of Extension Home Economists
1987 Young Agents’ Award, Louisiana Association of Extension 4-H Agents
1987 Team Award, USDA Louisiana nominee
1986 Communicator Awards (3) -- News Story, Single News Photo, Radio Program, Louisiana Association of Extension 4-H Agents
1985 Epsilon Sigma Phi Scholarship – Epsilon Sigma Phi Extension Honor Fraternity

External Funding

Ongoing Support - Total $598,000

PI: Sasser, D. D. (2008-2009)
Project Title: Parents Preparing for Success
Funder: Louisiana Department of Social Services ($598,000)

Completed Support- Total $ 3,901,809

PI: Garrison, M. E., & Sasser, D. D. (2006-2007)
Project Title: LSU Families and Disasters Research Project: Hurricane Rita--Recovering and Rebuilding your Home and Community
Funders: Hatch (USDA) and Louisiana Experiment Station ($15,000 initial year)

PI: White R. E., & Sasser, D. D. (2006-2007)
Project Title: La Child Care Provider Training Program
Funder: LA Department of Social Services ($160,000)

PI: Sasser, D. D. (2007-2008)
Project Title: Parents Preparing for Success
Funder: Louisiana Department of Social Services ($598,000)

PI: Sasser, D. D. (2002-2003)
Project Title: Louisiana Parents as First Teachers Enhancement
Funder: Louisiana Children’s Trust Fund ($5000)

PI: Sasser, D. D. (1999-2000)
Project Title: Louisiana Parents as First Teachers
Funder: Louisiana Children’s Trust Fund ($10,000)

PI: Sasser, D. D. (1998-1999)
Project Title: Children in the Middle Enhancement
Funder: Louisiana Children’s Trust Fund ($15,000)

PI: Sasser, D. D. (1997-1998)
Project Title: Children in the Middle
Funder: Louisiana Children’s Trust Fund ($15,000)

PI: Sasser, D. D., & Berry, A. A. (2005-2006)
Project Title: Parents Preparing for Success
Funder: Louisiana Department of Social Services, $586,000

PI: Sasser, D. D., & Berry, A. A. (2004-2005)
Project Title: Parents Preparing for Success
Funder: Louisiana Department of Social Services, $475,000

PI: Foster, T., Sasser, D.D., & White, B. (2004) P
roject Title: Bossier/Caddo Dads Are Dynamic
Funder: Louisiana Department of Social Services ($83,760)

PI: White, B., & Sasser, D. D. (2004-2005)
Project Title: La Child Care Provider Training Program
Funder: Louisiana Department of Social Services ($288,750)

PI: White, B., & Sasser, D. D. (2003-2004)
Project Title: La Child Care Provider Training Program
Funder: Louisiana Department of Social Services ($210,000)

PI: Burts, D. C., Benedict, J. & Sasser, D.D. (2003-2004)
Project Title: Using Family Literacy Bags as a Vehicle for Parental Involvement and Literacy Development of Preschool Children
Funder: Junior League of Baton Rouge ($1,500)

PI: White, B., & Sasser, D. D. (2001-2002) Project Title: La Child Care Provider Training Program
Funder: Louisiana Department of Social Services ($840,799)

Selected Publications (Print and Electronic)

Refereed Journal Articles Garrison, M. E. & Sasser, D. (in press). Families and disasters: Making meaning out of adversity in Cherry, K. (Ed.). Lifespan Perspectives on Natural Disasters: Coping with Katrina, Rita and other Storms. New York: Springer Publishing.

Knowles, R., Sasser, D. & Garrison, M. E. (in press). Family resilience and resiliency following hurricane katrina in Kilmer, R.P., Gil-Rivas, V., Tedeschi, R.G., & Calhoun, L.G. (Eds.) (in press). Meeting the needs of children, families, and communities post-disaster: Lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.

Marks, L. D., Hopkins, K., Chaney, C., Nesteruk, O., & Sasser, D. (in press). My kids and wife have been my life: A qualitative study of married African-American fathers. In R. Coles & C. Green (Eds.), Dismissing the myth: The persistence of Black fatherhood in America. New York: Columbia University.

White, B. Sasser, D., Bogren, R., & Morgan, J. (in press) Photos Can Inspire a Thousand Words: Photolanguage as a Qualitative Evaluation Method. Journal of Extension.

Chaney, C., Marks, L. D., Sasser, D. D., & Hopkins, K. D. (in press). “Train up a child in the way…”: A qualitative study of how the Black church influences parents. In F. Columbus (Ed.), Family Relations. Hauppage, NY: Nova Science.

Marks, L. D., Hopkins, K., Chaney, C., Nesteruk, O., Monroe, P., & Sasser, D. (2008). “Together, we are strong”: A qualitative study of happy, enduring African-American marriages. Family Relations, 57, 171-184.

Sasser, D. D. (2006). The cooperative extension service: A resource on stress and coping for professionals, Stress, Trauma and Crisis, 9 (3-4), 247-262.

Garrison, M.E.B., Pierce, S. H., Monroe, P.A., Sasser, D. D., Shaffer, A. C., & Blalock, L. B. (1999). Focus group discussions: Three examples from family and consumer science research. Family and Consumer Science Research Journal, 28.

Print, Internal-Peer Review (Invited)

Laird, R. D., Sasser, D. D., & Bell, H. (2006) Parenting teens: Investing in human capital. Louisiana Agriculture, 48, 33.

Pierce, S. H., & Sasser, D. D. (1998). Bringing up children ages 2 to 5. Louisiana Agriculture, 41(2).

Print, Internal-Peer Review

Sasser, D. D., & Berry, A. A. (2003). Parents Preparing for Success. Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service.

Sasser, D. D. (2000). Baby’s First Three Years: Parents’ Roles as First Teachers. Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service.

Selected Leader Lessons

Sasser, D. D., & Frey, M. (2000). 4-H Project Leader Guides for 4th through 6th grades —Child Development, Publication #2782 LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA.

Sasser, D. D., & Frey, M. (2000). 4-H Project Leader Guides for 7th & 8th grades—Child Development, Publication #2783 LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA.

Sasser, D. D., & Frey, M. (2000). 4-H Project Leader Guides for 9th – 12th grades—Child Development, Publication #2786 LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. Mass Media, Web Page Development and Maintenance

Sasser, D. D. (July 20, 2006). The Don’ts of Sending Your Child Off to College. Online

Sasser, D. D. (July 18, 2006). 1st Year Of College Tough For Parents As Well As Students. Online

Sasser, D. D., Fox, J., & Hebert, L. G. (September 9, 2005). Strategies for Helping Youth Cope with Disaster. Online

Sasser, D. D. (February 22, 2005). Disputes Over Your Teen's Dress: Another Aspect of Adolescence. Online

Lesson Plans, Printed

Sasser, D. D. (2003). Parenting to Prevent Childhood Obesity. LSU AgCenter, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service, Baton Rouge, LA.

Sasser, D. D. (2002). PATHWAYS for Parents, Series of 5 Lessons. LSU AgCenter, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service, Baton Rouge, LA.
Lesson 1 – Dangerous Curves Ahead: Physical, Cognitive and Social/Emotional Development of Adolescents
Lesson 2 – Buckle Up! Parenting Responsibilities
Lesson 3 – Busy Intersections -- Decision-making for Adolescents and their Parents
Lesson 4 – Reading the Signs – Communication Skills
Lesson 5 – Road Blocks – Issues for Adolescents

Sasser, D. D. (2000). Baby’s First Three Years: Parents’ Roles as First Teachers. LSU AgCenter, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service, Baton Rouge, LA .

Sasser, D. D. (1999). Bringing Up Children 2 to 5. Parents’ Handbook. Publication #2762. LSU AgCenter, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service, Baton Rouge, LA.

Fletcher, T., Pierce, S., & Sasser, D. D. (1999). Bringing Up Children 2 to 5: Educators’ Handbook. Publication # 2761. LSU AgCenter, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service, Baton Rouge, LA

Selected Fact Sheets

Sasser, D. D., White, R E., & Cyrus, K. (2002). Louisiana Child Care Provider Training Program [brochure]. Baton Rouge: LSU Ag Center - Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service.

Sasser, D. D., Neely, R., & White, R. E. (May 2000). Are Your Children in the Middle of Your Conflict? Publication # 2799A-R, LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA.
# 2799A - Child’s View of Divorce.
# 2799B - Business of Co-parenting.
# 2799C - Coping With Stress and Change
# 2799D - Costs of Raising Children
# 2799E - Custody Issues Today
# 2799F - Dating Issues
# 2799G - Disciplining Children
# 2799H - Friendship and Support
# 2799I - Help! I Feel Overwhelmed!
# 2799J - Loss of a Relationship
# 2799K - Managing Income and Expenses
# 2799L - Not Enough Hours in the Day?
# 2799M - Separating Your Finances
# 2799N - Sharing Parenting
# 2799O - Talking With Children About Money
# 2799P - Talking With Your Children. Communicating within Your Family
# 2799R - Visitation Do's and Don'ts

Lesson Plans, Web-Based 

Child development/brain development.

Sasser, D. D. (June 15, 2006) Diapering Your Baby, Parents Preparing for Success. Online. http://www.lsuagcenter.com/family/parenting/adolescents/diapering+your+baby.htm

Sasser, D. D. (June 14, 2006) Baby Basics--Bathing Your Baby, Parents Preparing For Success. Online: http://www.lsuagcenter.com/family/parenting/adolescents/ppsp++baby+basics++bathing+your+baby.htm

Sasser, D. D., & Charles, S. (2005). Feeding Your Baby's Brain: Brain Development, Feeding Infants and Toddlers, and Prenatal Nutrition. Parents Preparing for Success Program. Online, (internal access only)

Sasser, D. D. (2003). Nurturing your Baby. Parents Preparing for Success Program. Online. (internal access only)

Sasser, D. D. (2003).Caring for your Baby. Parents Preparing for Success Program. Online. (internal access only)

Sasser, D. D. (2003). Understanding your Baby’s Development. Parents Preparing for Success Program. Online.  (internal access only)

Sasser, D. D. (2001). Caregivers' Role in Brain Development. Louisiana Child Care Provider Program. Online. (internal access only)

Sasser, D. D. (2001). Matching Ages to Activities. Louisiana Child Care Provider Program. Online. (internal access only)

Sasser, D. D. (2001). Puzzling Ages. Louisiana Child Care Provider Program. Online. (internal access only)

Sasser, D. D. (2001). Making Puzzles. Louisiana Child Care Provider Program. Online.  (internal access only)

Sasser, D. D. (2001). Helping Your Child Succeed in School. Louisiana Child Care Provider Program. Online. (internal access only)

Cooper-Parsons, L., & Sasser, D. D. (2001). Series of 17 Lessons Plans. Louisiana Child Care Provider Training Program. LSU AgCenter Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Online.  (internal access only)

Stress management/family & individual resilience/ building family strengths.

Sasser, D. D. (September, 2005) Hurricane Katrina: 4-H Lesson Plan for Educators. LSU AgCenter. Online. (internal access only)

Sasser, D. D., & Cyrus, K. (2005). Part 1: Building Family Strengths: Communication - Raising your Child Together. Parents Preparing for Success. Online.  (internal access only)

Sasser, D. D., & Cyrus, K. (2005). Part 2: Building Family Strengths: Contentment - Marriage Matters - Parents Preparing for Success. Online.  (internal access only)

Sasser, D. D. (2003). Keeping your Baby Safe. Parents Preparing for Success Program. Online.  (internal access only)

Sasser, D. D., Berry, A. A., & White, R. E. (2003) Parents Preparing for Success Employee Handbook. Parents Preparing for Success Program. Online. (internal access only)

Presentations Professional Conferences

National (refereed)

Chaney, C., Sasser, D. & Garrison, M. E. (2008, November). Relationship quality as a post- disaster coping strategy in African-American Families. Paper presented at the National Council on Family Relations, Little Rock, Arkansas.

Marks, L. D., Hopkins, K., Chaney, C., & Sasser, D. (2008, November). Religion and strong, happy, enduring African-American marriages. Paper presented at the National Council on Family Relations, Little Rock, Arkansas.

Garrison, M. E. B., Sasser, D. D., Knowles, R., & White, R. E. (2008, June). Family Resilience: Similarities and Differences between Louisiana and Irish Families. Paper presentation at Groves Conference, Galway, Ireland.

Marks, L. D., Chaney, C., Hopkins, K., & Sasser, D. (2008, February,). A qualitative study of strong, happy, enduring African-American marriages. Society for Cross-Cultural Research, 37th Annual National Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Sasser, D. D., & White, R. E. (2005, October). Images as catalysts of expression: A demonstration of photolanguage. Workshop presented at American Evaluation Association (AEA), Toronto, Canada.

White, R. E., Cathey, L., Sasser, D. D., & Lejeune, E. (2005, October). Right from birth: A multi-method approach to evaluating childcare provider training. Poster presentation American Evaluation Association (AEA), Toronto, Canada.

White, R. E., Sasser D. D., Hurlbert, D.,& Woerner, D. (2005, May). A picture's worth a thousand words: Evaluating using photographs. Workshop presented at Children Youth and Families at Risk (CYFAR) Conference, Boston, MA.

Sasser, D. D., & White, R. E. (2004, May). E-valuations: An evolving online family and consumer sciences evaluation and reporting system. Presentation at Children, Youth and Families At Risk Conference (CYFAR), Seattle, WA.

White, R. E., & Sasser, D. D. (2003, November). E-valuations: An evolving electronic system for collecting impacts and outcome data . Presentation at American Evaluation Association (AEA) Conference, Reno, NV.

Sasser, D. D., Bryant, T., & Crnkovic, J. (2002, May) Children in the Middle. Presentation at Children Youth and Families at Risk (CYFAR) Conference, New Orleans, LA.

National (invited)

Garrison, M.E. Jenkins, P., Sasser, D. D., & Weber-Breaux, (2005, November) Lessons learned from the hurricanes. Workshop conducted at National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) Phoenix, AZ.

White, R. E., Sasser, D. D., & Hebert, C. (2006, May). Teachable moments: Rebuilding from the hurricanes and preparing for the future. Presentation at Children Youth and Families at Risk (CYFAR) Conference, Atlanta, GA.

2007-present Professor, Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

2001-2007 Associate Professor, Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

1996 – 2001 Assistant Specialist, Family Development, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service, Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

1998 – 2001 Adjunct Faculty, School of Human Ecology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

1981 – 1996 Home Economist, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service, detailed in Richland and Iberville Parishes respectively

1998 Ph. D. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Major: Human Ecology with Concentration in Family, Child and Consumer Sciences
Emphasis: Adolescent Development
Dissertation: An Exploratory Study of the Consumer Behavior of Working Adolescent Females

1985 M. Ed. University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, Louisiana
Major: Home Economics Education

1977 B. S. University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, Louisiana
Major: Home Economics Education

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