4-H Community Clubs offer an exceptional avenue for young individuals within local neighborhoods to engage in the enriching experiences that 4-H has to offer, without necessarily being associated with a school-based club. These clubs provide an inclusive and welcoming environment for youth from diverse backgrounds, making them an ideal match for faith-based organizations, community centers, and various other youth development establishments. Through 4-H Community Clubs, young participants have the opportunity to partake in a wide array of hands-on learning activities that develop essential life skills, foster friendships, and contribute positively to their communities. These clubs serve as a nurturing space where young minds can thrive, ensuring that the spirit of 4-H reaches far and wide across the community, fostering a generation of responsible and engaged citizens.
Here is a list of community clubs:
The Westbank Community Club is a great option for youth who are interested in raising livestock, gardening, and cooking! Some of the animals you can expect to see are horses, chickens, and bees. Members from this club have gone on to participate in our local competitions and even state competitions. The club leaders, Amanda Bravender and Ashley Ferlita, have their own Facebook page where they post updates. If you are interested in joining or want to stay updates on club meetings, please visit their Facebook page and send them a message: https://www.facebook.com/groups/573128934430486/
The Junior Leader Club is a vibrant and empowering program within the 4-H organization, dedicated to fostering the leadership potential of young individuals between the ages of 13 and 18. As an essential component of the 4-H youth development initiative, the club serves as a platform for members to enhance their leadership skills, community involvement, and personal growth. Through a combination of hands-on activities, workshops, and community service projects, the Junior Leader Club aims to create confident, responsible, and compassionate young leaders who will make a positive impact on their communities and beyond. Find out more about the club on our webpage.
The Jefferson Parish and Orleans Parish 4-H offices are collaborating to provide a monthly 4-H Archery Club at the Joe Brown Park Archery Range located at 5601 Read Blvd, New Orleans, LA 70127. The meetings take place on the last Saturday of every month. Archery is one of the many ways youth can develop a growth mindset and gain confidence by mastering a skill that interests them. Youth participants also have the opportunity to participate in state-wide archery contests. No prior experience necessary! Open to all Jefferson Parish and Orleans Parish 4-H members in grades 4th - 12th and are at least 9 years old. Parents/Guardians must enroll their child in 4-H Online for them to participate. All youth must be accompanied by parent/guardian at all Archery Club meetings to participate. To join, please contact a 4-H Agent on our Contact Page and enroll in 4-H Online on our 4-H Forms.
Dates for the next Archery Club Meeting:
June 29th, 2024
July 27th. 2024
Do you have an interest you want to share with the youth in your community? Are you interested in starting your own club? Please reach out to us! For a list of 4-H subject matters, please visit the LSU AgCenter website on 4-H projects. You can also visit our site on school clubs for more inspiration. If you have any questions about starting your own club, please reach out to a Jefferson Parish 4-H Agent.