4-H Night with the Pelicans

Calling all basketball fans! Here’s your chance to watch a Pelicans game with other 4-H members around the state! 4-H Night with the Pelicans will take place on March 4, 2022. Activities include an exclusive 4-H pre-game party, t-shirt, and a post game photo if you can get 10 or more members of your 4-H club to register. To purchase tickets, you can either submit an order form on our website
https://bit.ly/3F4TaRk or you can order online at
https://pels.group/4HNight. The deadline is
February 11, 2022. We hope to see you and your family there!
Events in January

New year, new events! Start the year off right by participating in our competitions! On January 29, 2022 we will be holding the
Parish Cooking Contest. Participants will prepare a dish before the competition begins and have it be judged. There are multiple categories to enter such as Beef, Sugar, Bento Box and more! On January 29, 2022 we will also be hosting the
Parish Commodity Ambassador Contest. Participants will compete by doing a presentation on one of Louisiana’s famous commodities. Deadline to register is
January 21, 2022. For full rules and registration, visit
https://bit.ly/3lopAiA or scan the QR code to the left! Check the webpage regularly for updates as COVID-19 policies will change how the event will take place.
Junior Leaders Service Project

Members of the Jefferson Parish 4-H Junior Leaders club came together on December 18
th 2021 to put together holiday craft kits for children staying at a local shelter. The craft kits provided the children staying at the shelter with a way to celebreate the holidays by designing ornaments and creating holiday noise makers. Through their combined efforts, the Junior Leaders were able to make 25 craft kits. The 4-H Jefferson Parish office wanted to thank Frances Bustillo, Ethan Domingue, John Gross, Gavin House, Maia Peralta, Elizabeth Porrazzo, and hrilina for the amazing work they did! We also want to thank our volunteers Alaina House for donating the materials needed for the ornaments and Pooja M. Rakhs for taking wonderful pictures of the event.
Junior Leader Conference (JLC) and 4-H Online

We are excited to announce details for this year’s Junior Leader Conference. JLC will be a one night camp held at
Camp Grant Walker on
March 10-11 and repeated on
March 11-12. Participants will be able to choose which dates to attend.
Registration opens on
January 14, 2022. This year’s theme is “Back To Leadership” and includes sessions such as “Talking to the Past” and “Today’s Voices, Tomorrow’s Futures. More information will be provided next newsletter. If you will like to participate, you
must enroll in our new online enrollment system 4-H Online. For how to register to 4-H Online, please visit:
Volunteers Needed!
We have many events coming in the near future and need your support! Volunteering with 4-H is a great way to support the youth in your community. There are many ways you can volunteer. For instance, you can be a judge in our Commodities Ambassador or Cooking Contest. Perhaps you would like to assist us in setting up the 4-H Bicycle Rodeo. Or you can simply volunteer as a driver to help our members get to events or camps. We greatly appreciate any help we receive! If you would like to volunteer, please visit https://lsuagcenter.com/4hconnect or scan the QR code to the left. These positions require background checks and trainings, so please don’t hesitate!
2022 Co-op Conference
Ever wondered what it would be like to run a business with others? Here is your chance! 8th-12th graders will have the opportunity to sharpen their marketing and financial management skills as they compete in teams to build and manage their own cooperative business at the 2022 Cooperative Enterprise Teen Leadership Conference. The conference will take place at the Wesley Center in Woodworth LA from Thursday, March 24th- Saturday, March 26th. This event is generously sponsored by the Louisiana Council of Farmer Cooperatives. Registration deadline is February 25th. Please email hegger@agcenter.lsu.edu for details on registration.
Important Update: COVID-19 and In-Person Events
We here at Jefferson Parish 4-H value the health of our youth in the community. Due to the spike of COVID-19 cases in Jefferson Parish, we will be modifying our events to ensure social distancing precautions take place until further notice. We are striving for all of our events to be safe and enriching for all participants.
Special Accommodations
If you require special accommodations due to a disability in order to participate in our activities, please notify the 4-H office @504-736-6519 at least 48 hrs. prior to the event.
**For overnight events and camps, please notify the 4-H Office at least 2 weeks in advance.
As part of the LSU AgCenter’s Diversity initiative and in compliance with federal and state laws, all programs and activities of the LSU AgCenter are operated without discrimination on the basis of color, race, gender, national origin, age, political affiliation, veteran status, disability, marital status or religion.