Dustin L. Harrell

Address 1

Ph.D. Agronomy and Environmental Management (soil chemistry/fertility), 8/2005
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA
Dissertation: Chemistry, management, and testing of phosphorus and zinc in selected calcareous Louisiana soils.

M.S. Agriculture (soil fertility), 06/2001
Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, TX
Thesis: The effects of K fertilization practices on Coastal Bermudagrass grown on two east Texas soils.

B.S. Agriculture Science, 12/1997
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX

Enhance Louisiana rice production by evaluating and improving nutrient and cultural management practices.

July 2017 – Present Professor, Extension Rice Specialist and Research Agronomist, LSU AgCenter H. Rouse Caffey Rice Research Station, Crowley, LA.

Dec. 2014 – June 2017 Associate Professor, Extension Rice Specialist and Research Agronomist, LSU AgCenter H. Rouse Caffey Rice Research Station, Crowley, LA.

Dec. 2012 – Dec. 2014 Associate Professor, Research Agronomist. LSU AgCenter Rice Research Station, Crowley, LA (80%) and LSU School of Plant, Environmental and Soil Science, Baton Rouge, LA (20%).

July 2011 – Dec. 2012 Associate Professor, Research Agronomist. LSU AgCenter H. Rouse Caffey Rice Research Station, Crowley, LA.

Aug. 2006 – July 2011 Assistant Professor, Research Agronomist. LSU AgCenter H. Rouse Caffey Rice Research Station, Crowley, LA.

Sept. 2005 – Aug. 2006 Soil Scientist, United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resource Conservation Service, Robstown, TX.

June 2001 – Aug. 2005 Graduate Research/Teaching Assistant, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA.

June 1999 – Aug. 2001 Graduate Research/Teaching Assistant, Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, TX.

Jan. 1998 – June 1999 Agriculture Science Instructor, Troup, TX.

Other Scholarly or Creative Activities or Other Contributions to the Profession

a) Committees

Rice Variety Acreage Committee Chair. Rice Technical Working Group. 2015 – present.

Regulatory Affairs and Food Safety Committee, USA Rice Federation. Member 2013 – present.

Temperate Rice Conference, Bangkok, Thailand. 2014. Session Chair.

Rice Culture Panel Chair, 2013 – 2014. Rice Technical Working Group.

Certified Crop Advisor Panel Chair, 2013 – 2014. Rice Technical Working Group.

Geographic Representative (Louisiana), Committee, 2013 – 2014. Rice Technical Working Group.

Local Arrangements Committee, 2013 – 2014. Rice Technical Working Group.

LSU AgCenter Red River Research Station Agronomist Search Committee. 2009.

LSU AgCenter Dean Lee Research Station Agronomist Search Committee. 2009.

LSU School of Plant, Environmental and Soil Sciences Director Search Committee Member. 2008-2009.

Rice Culture Panel Chair – 2009 Rice Technical Working Group Meeting.

Committee, Rice Varieties and Management Tips. 2006-present.

LSU soils and soil fertility committee. 2006-present.

Southwest Louisiana Soybean Advisory Committee (2006 – current)

Southwest Louisiana Rice Advisory Committee (2006 – current)

Soil Testing and Plant Analysis Advisory Committee (2006 – current)

Vermilion Parish Rice Advisory Committee (2006 – current)

LSU AgCenter Variety Testing Committee (2006 – current)

b) Professional Affiliations

Faculty Council Member – off campus representative, School of Plant, Environmental and Soil Sciences (2011 – 2014)

Rice Technical Working Group (2006-Current)

Soil Science Society of America (2000-Current)

American Society of Agronomy (2000-Current)

Crop Science Society of America (2000-Current)

Sigma Xi – Scientific Research Society (2004-Current)

Louisiana Association of Agronomists (2004)

Louisiana Agriculture Sciences Association (2006-2008)

Professional Soil Scientists Association of Texas (2006)

c) Peer Review

Louisiana Agriculture, Editorial Board. (2013 – 2016)

Peer manuscript reviewer, Agronomy Journal (2007-Current)

Peer manuscript reviewer, Soil Science Society of America Journal (2007-Current)

Peer reviewer, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station state project (CRIS)

Peer manuscript reviewer, University of California Extension Publications

Research Support/Grant Activities: Total Project Funding $3,242,268


A regional program for production of multiple agricultural feedstocks and processing to biofuels and biobased chemicals. USDA-NIFA. August 2015 – July 2016. (PI:V. Kochergin; Co-PI: Many). $17,289,335 (Harrell $61,841).

A regional program for production of multiple agricultural feedstocks and processing to biofuels and biobased chemicals. USDA-NIFA. August 2012 – July 2014. (PI:V. Kochergin; Co-PI: Many). $17,289,335 (Harrell $127,800; for 2nd two year period).

A regional program for production of multiple agricultural feedstocks and processing to biofuels and biobased chemicals. USDA-NIFA. August 2011 – July 2014. (PI:V. Kochergin; Co-PI: Many). $17,289,335 (Harrell $116,901; for 1st two year period).

Tillage, silviculture and waste management. USDA-CSREES Special Grant. August 2008 – January 2010. (PI: D. Morrison; Co-PI: D. Harrell, D. Boquet, L. Southern, M. Blazier, L. Gaston, and C. Theegala). $343,542 (Harrell $35,000).

Tillage, silviculture and waste management: Best management practices for conservation tillage cropping systems and for animal waste utilization and management. USDA-HATCH Special Grant. August 2006-January 2007. (PI: D. Morrison; Co-PI: D. Harrell, D. Boquet, L. Southern, M. Blazier, L. Gaston, and C. Theegala). $343,542 (Harrell $41,860).

b) Commodity Boards - $1,551,860

Evaluation of soybean cultural and fertility practices in Southwest Louisiana. Louisiana Soybean and Grain Research and Promotion Board. January 2016-December 2016. $64,910.

Louisiana Rice Research Verification Program. 2016-December 2016. $21,000.

Integration of cover crops into Louisiana production systems. Soybean and Grain Research and Promotion Board. January 2016-December 2016. $4,800.

Rice management strategies for efficient utilization of agronomic inputs and natural resources. Louisiana Rice Research Board. January 2016-December 2016. $131,250.

Evaluation of soybean cultural and fertility practices in Southwest Louisiana. Louisiana Soybean and Grain Research and Promotion Board. January 2015-December 2015. $64,710.

Integration of cover crops into Louisiana production systems. Soybean and Grain Research and Promotion Board. January 2015-December 2015. $7,000.

Louisiana Rice Research Verification Program. 2015-December 2015. $21,000.

Rice management strategies for efficient utilization of agronomic inputs and natural resources. Louisiana Rice Research Board. January 2015-December 2015. $131,250

Evaluation of soybean cultural and fertility practices in Southwest Louisiana. Louisiana Soybean and Grain Research and Promotion Board. January 2014-December 2014. $64,710.

Evaluation of grain sorghum ratoon potential in Southwest Louisiana. Louisiana Soybean and Grain Research and Promotion Board. January 2014-December 2014. $1,500.

Rice management strategies for efficient utilization of agronomic inputs and natural resources. Louisiana Rice Research Board. January 2014-December 2014. $106,313

Effects of water management on rice grain yield, milling, and grain arsenic concentration: Continuation of a UAS rice multi-state effort. Louisiana Rice Research Board. January 2014-December 2014. $25,000

Evaluation of soybean cultural practices in southwest Louisiana. Louisiana Soybean and Grain Research and Promotion Board. January 2013-December 2013. $32,431

Rice management strategies for efficient utilization of agronomic inputs and natural resources. Louisiana Rice Research Board. January 2013-December 2013. $118,125

Rice management strategies for efficient utilization of agronomic inputs and natural resources. Louisiana Rice Research Board. January 2012-December 2012. $131,250

Rice management strategies for efficient utilization of agronomic inputs and natural resources. Louisiana Rice Research Board. January 2011-December 2011. $131,250

Rice management strategies for efficient utilization of agronomic inputs and natural resources. Louisiana Rice Research Board. January 2010-December 2010. $125,000

Rice management strategies for efficient utilization of agronomic inputs and natural resources. Louisiana Rice Research Board. January 2009-December 2009. $120,000

Evaluation of sweet sorghum for ethanol production. American Sugarcane League. January 2008-December 2008. (PI: M. Salassi, Co-PI: S. Viator, D. Harrell, J. Whatley, A. Hogan, M. Alison, M. Pitman, K. Han, and K. Gravois). $15,000. (Harrell $2,200).

Rice management strategies for efficient utilization of agronomic inputs and natural resources. Louisiana Rice Research Board. January 2008-December 2008. $99,061

Rice management strategies for efficient utilization of agronomic inputs and natural resources. Louisiana Rice Research Board. January 2007-December 2007. $108,000

Agronomic limitations of soybean yield and seed quality in US. USA Soybean Board. July 2007-June 2010. (PI: P. Pedersen; Co-PI: Multiple, J. Board-LSU). $1,522,678 (LSU $243,661; Harrell $60,000).

c) Foundations - $87,400

Effect of Water Management on Rice Grain Yield, Milling Yield, and Grain Arsenic Concentration: A Multi-State Effort. USA Rice Foundation. Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2014. (PI: D. Harrell; Co-PI: Steve Linscombe and Manoch Kongchum). $10,000

Effect of Water Management on Rice Grain Yield, Milling Yield, and Grain Arsenic Concentration: A Multi-State Effort. USA Rice Foundation. Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2013. (PI: D. Harrell; Co-PI: Steve Linscombe and Manoch Kongchum). $18,900

Soil-based nitrogen test for fertilizer management in rice. USA Rice Foundation. July 2007-June 2010. (PI: R. Norman-UA; Co-PI: D. Harrell-LSU, T. Walker-MSU, G. McCauley-TAMU, and T. Roberts-UA). $180,000 (Harrell $30,000).

Midseason nitrogen applications aided by remote sensing technology. USA Rice Foundation. August 2007-July 2010. (PI: T. Walker-MSU; Co-PI: D. Harrell-LSU, R. Norman-UA, S. Bajwa-UA, and J. Bond-MSU). $90,000 (Harrell $28,500).

d) LSU AgCenter State Wide Variety Testing Program - $184,543

Small grains performance trial-Wheat. January 2015-January 2016. $572

Small grains performance trial-Wheat. January 2014-January 2015. $3,118

Small grains performance trial-Wheat. January 2013-January 2014. $2,760

Small grains performance trial-Wheat. January 2012-January 2013. $3,660

Small grains performance trial-Wheat. January 2011-January 2012. $2,340

Small grains performance trial-Wheat. January 2010-January 2011. $2,200

Small grains performance trial-Wheat. January 2009-January 2010. $2,200

Small grains performance trial-Wheat. January 2008-January 2009. $2,100

Small grains performance trial-Wheat. January 2007-January 2008. $1,800

Small grains performance trial-Wheat. January 2006-January 2007. $1,900

Soybean variety trial. January 2015-January 2016. $15,057

Soybean variety trial. January 2014-January 2015. $18,330

Soybean variety trial. January 2013-January 2014. $17,900

Soybean variety trial. January 2012-January 2013. $16,400

Soybean variety trial. January 2011-January 2012. $16,450

Soybean variety trial. January 2010-January 2011. $12,474

Soybean variety trial. January 2009-January 2010. $12,474

Soybean variety trial. January 2008-January 2009. $16,119

Soybean variety trial. January 2007-January 2008. $12,231

Soybean variety trial. January 2006-January 2007. $11,523

Grain sorghum hybrid trial. January 2015-January 2016. $1,937

Grain sorghum hybrid trial. January 2014-January 2015. $937

Grain sorghum hybrid trial. January 2013-January 2014. $1,375

Grain sorghum hybrid trial. January 2012-January 2013. $875

Grain sorghum hybrid trial. January 2011-January 2012. $625

Grain sorghum hybrid trial. January 2010-January 2011. $1,437

Grain sorghum hybrid trial. January 2009-January 2010. $1,437

Grain sorghum hybrid trial. January 2008-January 2009. $1,687

Grain sorghum hybrid trial. January 2007-January 2008. $1,250

Grain sorghum hybrid trial. January 2006-January 2007. $1,375

e) Industry Support (Unrestricted and Restricted Grants) - $1,033,563

2016 ($142,410)

Evaluation of P and K rate and time of application on rice variety and hybrid yield. January 1, 2016 – December 31, 2016. RiceTec. (unrestricted) $27,750.

Evaluation of ContainN in rice production. January 1, 2016 – December 31, 2016. AgExplorer. (unrestricted) $9,600.

Evaluation of N response of CPS breeding program rice varieties and rice hybrids. January 1, 2016 – December 31, 2016. (restricted) $29,280.

Evaluation of KOCH Biological Services experimental bio-stimulant on nutrient uptake, yield and yield components in drill-seeded, delayed flood rice production. January 1, 2016 – December 31, 2016. KOCH Biological Services. (unrestricted) $12,150.

Evaluation of urease inhibitors on ammonia volatilization potential, nitrogen uptake and yield in drill-seeded delayed flood rice production. January 1, 2016 – December 31, 2016. KOCH Agronomic Services. (unrestricted) $17,280.

Evaluation of Palisade application rate and time of application on rice growth and grain yield. January 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015. Syngenta (unrestricted) $3,250.

Evaluation of volatilization and rice yield potential of Excelis Maxx treated urea in rice production. January 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015. Timac Agro. (unrestricted) $9,600.

Evaluation of experimental Helena fertilizers in rice. January 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015. Helena Chemical Co. (unrestricted). $5,200.

Evaluation of Frit zinc fertilizers in rice production. January 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015. Frit Ind. (unrestricted). $2,800.

Evaluation of Helena foliar fertilizers and stimulants in rice production. January 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015. Helena Chemical Co. (unrestricted). $2,800.

Evaluation of P and K fertilization in soybeans. January 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015. Mosaic. (unrestricted) $5,200.

Effect of foliar application rate and frequency of copper sulfate containing solutions on rice copper uptake, growth, and yield. B. Tubana, D. Harrell, and M. Kongchum. Phyton Corp. (restricted) $57,500 ($17,500).

2015 ($166,942)

Agronomic evaluation and N response of new Clearfield varieties. January 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015. HorizonAg. (unrestricted) $27,800.

Evaluation of Bayer rice Hybrid USH14001 response to nitrogen fertilizer time of application and rate. January 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015. Crop Protection Services (Bayer hybrid rice program sold to CPS during research). (restricted) $9,992.

Evaluation of Bradex fertilizer products. Bradex. January 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015. (unrestricted) $7,650.

Evaluation of NZone Max and ContaiN in rice. January 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015. AgExplore. $11,200.

Evaluation of Prevent treated phosphorus fertilizer. January 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015. AgExplore. (unrestricted) $4,500.

Evaluation of Palisade application rate and time of application on rice growth and grain yield. January 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015. Syngenta (unrestricted) $8,000.

Evaluation of Excelis Maxx treated urea on rice grain yield. January 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015. Timac Agro. (unrestricted) $3,900.

Evaluation of Elite on soybean grain yield. January 1, 2015 – December 31, 1015. Timac Agro. (unrestricted) $1,950.

Evaluation of Hydra Hume in rice soils with high Mg base saturation. January 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015. Helena Chemical Co. (unrestricted) $2,100.

Evaluation of P rate and time of application on rice variety and hybrid yield. January 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015. RiceTec. (unrestricted) $15,750.

Evaluation of K rate and time of application on rice hybrids in the main and ratoon crop. January 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015. RiceTec (unrestricted) $29,250.

Evaluation of ammonia volatilization from urea, Agrotain Ultra-treated urea, Agrotain incorporated urea, and SuperU when surface broadcast on a dry, moist, or flooded rice field. January 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015. KOCH Agronomic Services (restricted) $15,000.

A Comparison of Agrotain Advanced, Agrotain Ultra stabilizers, and Agrotain Incorporated urea in soils common in the Mid-South. January 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015. KOCH Agronomic Services (restricted) $15,000.

Evaluation of liquid humus in rice production. January 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015. Actagro (unrestricted) $2,250.

Evaluation of rice yield potential and volatilization potential of Helena experimental N fertilizers. January 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015. Helena Chemical Co. (unrestricted) $12,600.

2014 ($146,250)

Fertility and agronomic evaluations of Clearfield varieties. January 2014 – December 2014. HorizonAg, $7,000

Evaluation of NUE, volatilization and yield potential of rice when using enhanced efficiency fertilizers applied on dry, moist, or flooded soils. Koch. (restricted) $15,000.

Evaluation of volatilization and yield potential of enhanced efficiency nitrogen fertilizers in drill-seeded delayed flood rice production. Koch. (restricted) $15,000

Evaluation of Rosen’s fertilizer products. January 2014 – January 2015. Rosen’s. $7,700

Evaluation of Palisade in rice production. January 2014 – January 2015. Syngenta. $6,000.

Evaluation of Avail treated MAP fertilizer in soybean production. January 2014 – January 2015. SFP. $5,000.

Evaluation of experimental hybrid rice response to N fertilization. January 2014 – January 2015. Bayer Crop Science. $7,200.

Evaluation of Arbor-Lock SRN in rice production. January 2014 – January 2015. Bradex, Inc. $5,850.

Evaluation of experimental N fertilizers in rice production. January 2014 – January 2015. BASF. $19,150.

Evaluation of Yara North America experimental fertilizer Amidis. Volatilization and rice yield response. $10,550.

Evaluation of NBPT product Factor. January 2014 – January 2015. Rosen’s Inc. $7,700.

Evaluation of experimental soybean lines. January 2014 – January 2015. Terral Seed, Inc. $11,500.

Evaluation of Mosaic Company experimental fertilizers for rice and soybean production. Mosaic International. January 2014 – January 2015. $14,300.

Evaluation of growth regulators in rice. January 2014 – January 2015. Frit Ind. $3,900.

Evaluation of NZone Max and ContaiN in rice. January 2014 – January 2015. AgExplorer. $10,400.

Soil fertility, agronomic, and plant pathological research in relation to silicon dynamics of soils cultivated for field crops production. P.I. B. Tubana, D. Harrell, H. Mascagni, R. Schneider, J. Lofton, and L. Datnoff. Edward C. Levy Co. $76,560 ($7500).

2013 ($128,610)

Evaluation of Pioneer soybeans. Pioneer Hi-Bred. January 2013 – 2014. $1,500

Evaluation of Clearfield rice. Horizon Ag. January 2013 – 2014. $4,500.

Evaluation of Helena Chemical Company product Headset in rice. Helena Chemical Company. January 2013 – December 2013. $3,300.

Evaluation of Helena Chemical Company product N-Fixx. Volatilization and rice yield response. Helena Chemical Company. January 2013 – December 2013. $4,800.

Evaluation of AgExplorer product NZONE MAX. January 2013 – December 2013. $4,950.

Evaluation of Yara North America experimental fertilizer Amidis. Volatilization and rice yield response. $20,000.

Evaluation of Rosen’s Inc. NBPT product Factor. Volatilization and rice yield response. $9,000.

Evaluation of KOCH fertilizer products. Volatilization and rice yield response. (restricted) $15,000.

Evaluation of Frit Industries zinc fertilizers in rice production. $3,000

Rice response to Arborite fertilizer. Weyerhaeuser NR Company. January 2013 – December 2013. (restricted) $17,760.

Evaluation of BASF experimental products. January 2013 – December 2013. (restricted) $8,000.

Soil fertility, agronomic and plant pathological research in relation to silicon dynamics of soils under crop production. Edward C. Levy Company. January 2013 – December 2013. PI: B. Tubana, Co-PI’s: L. Datonoff, H. Mascagni, and D.L. Harrell. $88,500 (Harrell $8,000).

Evaluation of Mosaic Company experimental fertilizers for rice and soybean production. Mosaic International. January 2013 – December 2013. $27,000.

Evaluation of Agri-Choice 3-2-3 pelleted poultry litter in rice production. HML Enterprises, LLC. $1,800.

2012 ($89,500)

Evaluation of AvGro on rice yield and agronomics. AvGro. January 2012 – December 2012. $3,300.

Evaluation of Mosaic Company experimental fertilizers for rice and soybean production. Mosaic International. January 2012 – December 2012. $27,000.

Evaluation of Pioneer group 5 soybean agronomics. Pioneer. January 2012 – December 2012. $1,500.

Evaluation of date of planting on Pioneer indeterminate soybean agronomics. Pioneer. January 2012 – December 2012. $5,000.

Evaluation of Helena Chemical Company products in rice. Helena Chemical Company. January 2012 – December 2012. $3,300.

Evaluation of Helena Chemical Company product N-Fixx. Helena Chemical Company. January 2012 – December 2012. $2,750.

Rice response to Arborite fertilizer. Weyerhaeuser NR Company. March 2012 – December 2012. $28,000.

Evaluation of SumaGro. World Harvest. January 2012 – December 2012. $2,200.

Evaluation of ProGibb for ratoon rice production. Valent. $2,500.

Evaluation of Bayer hybrid rice. Bayer CropScience. January 2012 – December 2012. $7,700.

Evaluation of Brandit fertility program. East Coast Agri-Technologies, Inc. January 2012 – December 2012. $1,750.

Evaluation of Clearfield rice varieties. Horizon Ag. January 2012 – December 2012. $4,500.

2011 ($95,110)

Evaluation of EmeraldBio product EB97 on CL151 rice yield and agronomics. Emerald BioAg. January 2011 – December 2011. $2,600.

Evaluation of Mosaic Company experimental fertilizers for rice and soybean production. Mosaic International. January 2011 – December 2011. $55,250.

Evaluation of Clearfield rice agronomics. HorizonAg. January 2011 – December 2011. $4,500.

Evaluation of Helena Chemical Company products in rice. Helena Chemical Company. January 2011 – December 2011. $12,600.

Evaluation of Weyerhaeuser fertilizer products in rice. Weyerhaeuser NR Company. March 2011 – December 2011. $20,160.

2010 ($42,020)

Evaluation of GreenSeeker technology for predicting mid-season nitrogen applications in rice. International Plant Nutrition Institute. January 2010-January 2011. (Co-PI: D. Harrell and B. Tubana-LSU, T. Walker, and J. Satterfield-MSU). $12,000 (Harrell $3,820).

Midseason nitrogen replacement and experimental fertilizer enhancement chemical evaluation. Helena Chemical. January 2010-December 2010. $4,400.

Evaluation of nitrogen and seeding rate effects on rice lodging. Horizon Ag. January 2010-December 2010. $3,000.

Evaluation of experimental composite fertilizers in rice and soybeans. Mosaic International. 2010. $30,800

2009 ($49,820)

Midseason nitrogen replacement in rice. Helena Chemical. January 2009-December 2009. $3,000.

Evaluation of experimental fertilizers. RiceCo. January 2009-December 2009. $10,000

Evaluation of GreenSeeker technology for predicting mid-season nitrogen applications in rice. International Plant Nutrition Institute. January 2009-January 2010. (Co-PI: D. Harrell and B. Turbana-LSU, T. Walker, and J. Satterfield-MSU). $12,000 (Harrell $3,820).

Evaluation of Agrotain. Agrotain International. January 2009-December 2009. $2,000

Evaluation of experimental composite fertilizers in rice. Mosaic International. 2009. $33,000

Response of ‘Arize’ rice hybrid to nitrogen. Bayer Crop Science. 2009. $2,500

2008 ($111,281)

Mosaic research funding project. December 2008-November 2013. $90,000 guaranteed first three years.

Evaluation of GreenSeeker technology for predicting mid-season nitrogen applications in rice. International Plant Nutrition Institute. January 2008-December 2008. (Co-PI: D. Harrell and B. Turbana-LSU, T. Walker and J. Satterfield-MSU). $12,000 (Harrell $4,000).

Evaluation of zinc fertilizers in rice production. Helena Chemical. January 2008-December 2008. $2,500.

Midseason nitrogen replacement in rice. Helena Chemical. January 2008-December 2008. $2,500.

Pioneer Soybean Disease Nursery 2008. Pioneer Hi-Bred International. March 2008-March 2009. $1,281.

Hybrid rice evaluations. RiceTec. January 2008-December 2008. $11,000.

2007 ($29,340)

Hydra Hume evaluation for rice production. Helena Chemical. January 2007-December 2007. $1,800.

Nitamin fertilizer and liquid nitrogen use in rice production. Georgia Pacific. January 2007-December 2007. $5,400.

Pioneer Soybean Disease Nursery 2007. Pioneer Hi-Bred International. March 2007-March 2008. $1,140.

Hybrid rice fertility research. RiceTec. January 2007-December 2007. $21,000.

2006 ($32,280)

Hydra Hume evaluation for rice production. Helena Chemical. January 2006 – December 2006. $1,800.

Hybrid rice fertility research 2006. RiceTec. January 2006-December 2006. $20,000.

Loveland Products Evaluation. Loveland. January 2006-December 2006. $4,500.

Nitamin fertilizer evaluation in rice. Georgia Pacific. January 2006-December 2006. $4,000.

Pioneer Soybean Disease Nursery 2006. Pioneer Hi-Bred International. March 2006- March 2007. $1,980.

f) Other Support - $1,500

BASF donation to research program. 2016. $1,500.

Generating Nitrogen Fertilizer Prescriptions for Crop Production Based on Nitrogen Algorithm Using Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle-Acquired Images and Ground-Based Optical Sensor. 2015. B. Tubana, D. Harrell, and H.Viator. LSU Board of Supervisors. $20,484 ($0).

g) Unfunded Grant Activity

Evaluation of water and nitrogen management practices for mitigation of greenhouse gases in rice production. USDA-CSREES Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program. PI - M. Kongchum, Co-PI’s – D. Harrell, R. DeLaune, J. Wang. 2010 -2012. $943,355.

Establishing a remote sensor-based approach for in-season characterization of biomass and yield potential of rice in the Mid-South. Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education. PI – B. Tubana, Co PI – D. Harrell. 2010-2011. $45,000.

Trait mediated interactions in rice and their implications for pest management. USDA CSREES Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program. PI-M. Stout, Co PI’s - J. Yuan, D. Harrell. D. Groth, E. Webster. 2009- 2011. $344,751.

Genetic dissection of nitrogen stress response in rice. USDA CSREES Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program. PI-P.K. Subudhi, Co PI- X. Sha and D. Harrell. 2009 – 2011. $349,697.

Precise midseason nitrogen rate determination for use efficiency and yield optimization of rice using a ground-based remote sensor. Louisiana Rice Research Board. PI – B. Tubana, Co PIs – J. Wang, D. Harrell. 2008. $10,153.

  • Distinguished Rice Research Team Research Award – Rice Technical Working Group, 2016. Clearfield Rice Research Team.
  • G & H Seed Research Excellence Award. 2015.
  • Louisiana Agriculture Distinguished Service Award. 2015.
  • USA Rice Foundation Rice Leadership Development Program Class. 2015.
  • National Conservation Systems Cotton & Rice Conference Rice Researcher of the Year 2014.
  • LSU AgCenter Internal Leadership Class, 2012 – 2013.
  • Distinguished Rice Research Team Research Award – Rice Technical Working Group, 2012. Rice Fertility Research Team.
  • Mosaic Company Fertility Endowed Professorship (received July 1, 2009).
  • Recipient of travel grant to attend the USDA CREES Grantsmanship Workshop, Washington, D.C. Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station. 2007.
  • The Rebecca and T.J. “Jack” Stanly Award. Stephen F. Austin State University Alumni Association. May 2002.
  • Louisiana Plant Protection Association & Louisiana Association of Agronomists Ph.D. student competition 3rd place. 2004 LPPA/LAA Meeting, Baton Rouge, LA.

a) Refereed Professional Journal Publications

Corbin, J.L., J.M. Orlowski, D.L. Harrell, B.R. Golden, L. Falconer, L.J. Krutz, J. Gore, M.S. Cox, and T.W. Walker. 2016. Nitrogen strategy and seeding rates affect rice lodging, yield, and economic returns in the midsouthern United States. Agron. J. doi:10.2134/agronj2016.03.0128.

Kanke, Y., B. Tubana, M. Dalen, and D.L. Harrell. 2016. Evaluation of red and red-edge reflectance-based vegetation indices for rice biomass and grain yield prediction models in paddy fields. Precision Agric. doi: 10.1007/s11119-016-9433-1.

Webster, E.P., J.B. Hensley, D.C. Blouin, D.L. Harrell, and J.A. Bond. 2016. Rice crop response to drift of imazamox. Weed Tech. 30(1):99-105. doi: 10.1614/wt-d-15-00024.1.

Oard, J.H., D.L. Harrell, D.E. Groth, K.F. Bearb, L.M. White, M. Esguerra, and S.D. Linscombe. 2015. Registration of ‘CL271’ rice. J. of Plant Registrations. 9:168-171. doi: 10.3198/jpr2014.09.0067crc.

Webster, E.P., J.B. Hensley, D.C. Blouin, D.L. Harrell, and J.A. Bond. 2015. Impact of off-site deposition of gulfosinate to non-Clearfield rice. Weed Tech. 29(2):207-216.

Oard, J.H., D.L. Harrell, D.E. Groth, K.F. Bearb, L.M. White, and S.D. Linscombe. 2014. Registration of ‘CL261’ rice. J. of Plant Registrations. 8(2):131-134. doi: 10.3198/jpr2013.10.0064crc.

Oard, J.H., D.L. Harrell, D.E. Groth, K.F. Bearb, L.M. White, and S.D. Linscombe. 2014. Registration of ‘Mermentau’ rice. J. of Plant Registrations. 8(2): 135-138.

Oard, J.H., D.L. Harrell, D.E. Groth, K.F. Bearb, L.M. White, and S.D. Linscombe. 2014. Registration of ‘CL111’ rice. J. of Plant Registrations. 8(1): 5-8.

Sha, X.Y., S.D. Linscombe, D.E. Groth, D.L. Harrell, L.M White, S.J. Theunissen, and B.J. Henry. 2013. Registration of ‘Della-2’ aromatic long-grain rice. J. of Plant Registrations. 7(3):296-272. doi: 10.3198/jpr2012.07.0012crc.

Oard, J.H, D.L. Harrell, D.E. Groth, K.F. Bearb, L.M. White, and S.D. Linscombe. 2013. Registration of ‘CL152’ rice. J. of Plant Registrations. doi: 10.3198/jpr2013.06.0029crc.

Hensley, J.B., E.P. Webster, D.C. Blouin, D.L. Harrell, and J.A. Bond. 2013. Response of rice to glyphosate drift. Weed Technol. 27:210-214.

Sha, X.Y., S.D. Linscombe, D.E. Groth, J.H. Oard, D.L. Harrell, L.M. White, C.C. Grimm, S.J. Theunissen, and B.J. Henry. 2013. Registration of ‘Jazzman-2’ aromatic long-grain rice. J. of Plant Registrations. 7(1): 26-30. doi:10.3198/jpr2012.02.0102crc.

Hensley, J.B., E.P. Webster, D.C. Blouin, D.L. Harrell, J.A. Bond. 2012. Impact of Drift Rates of Imazethapyr and Low Carrier Volume on Non-Clearfield Rice. Weed Tech. 26(2):236-242. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1614/WT-D-11-00128.1.

Tubaña, B.S., D.L. Harrell, T. Walker, J. Teboh, J. Lofton, and Y. Kanke. 2012. In-Season Canopy Reflectance-Based Estimation of Rice Yield Response to Nitrogen. Agron. J. 104:1604-1611. doi:10.2134/agronj2012.0214.

Blanche, S.B., X.Y. Sha, D.L. Harrell, D.E. Groth, K.F. Bearb, L.M. White, and S.D. Linscombe. 2012. Registration of ‘Caffey’ Rice. J. of Plant Registrations. 6:1-5. doi: 10.3198/jpr2011.03.0176crc.

Dillon, K.A., T.W. Walker, D.L. Harrell, L.J. Krutz, J.J. Varco, C.H. Koger, and M.S. Cox. 2012. Nitrogen sources and timing effects on nitrogen loss and uptake in delayed flood rice. Agron. J. 104:466-472.

Han, K.J., W.D. Pitman, W.M. Alison, M. Kim, D.L. Harrell, S. Viator, M.E. McCormick, K. Gravois, D.F. Day. 2012. Agronomic Considerations for Sweet Sorghum Biofuel Production in the South-Central USA. BioEnergy Research. doi:10.1007/s12155-012-9185-3.

Harrell, D.L., B.S. Tubaña, T.W. Walker, and S.B. Phillips. 2011. Estimating rice grain yield potential using normalized difference vegetation index. Agron. J.103:1717-1723.

Harrell, D.L., T.W. Walker, M.E. Salassi, J.A. Bond, and P.D. Gerard. 2011. Modeling rice grain yield response to nitrogen fertilization for delayed-flood production. J. Plant Nutr. 34:2158-2171.

Tubaña, B.S., D.L. Harrell, T. Walker, J. Teboh, J. Lofton, Y. Kanke, and S. Phillips. 2011. Relationships of spectral vegetation indices with rice biomass and grain yield at different sensor view angles. Agron. J. 103:1405-1413.

Sha., X.Y., S.D. Linscombe, F. Jodari, Q.R. Chu, D.E. Groth, S.B. Blanche, D.L. Harrell, L.M. White, J.H. Oard, M.H. Chen, S.J. Theunissen, and J.B. Henry. 2011. Registration of ‘Jazzman’ aromatic long-grain rice. J. Plant Registrations. 5:304-308.

Harrell, D.L., B.S. Tubana, J. Loftin, and Y. Kanke. 2011. Rice response to nitrogen fertilization under stale seedbed and conventional tillage systems. Agron. J. 103(2):494-500.

Blanche, S.B., X. Sha, D.L. Harrell, D.E. Groth, K.F. Bearb, L.M. White, and S.D. Linscombe. 2011. Registration of 'CL151' rice. J. Plant Reg. 5: (2) 177-180.

Harrell, D.L. and S. Blanche. 2010. Tillage, seeding and N rate effects on rice density, yield and yield components of two rice cultivars. Agron. J. 102(2): 592-596.

Sha, X.Y., S.D. Linscombe, S.B. Blanche, D.E. Groth, D.L. Harrell, L.M. White, and S.J. Theunissen. 2010. Registration of 'Neptune' southern medium-grain rice. J. Plant Reg. 4:179-182.

Harrell, D.L., J.A. Bond, and S. Blanche. 2009. Evaluation of main-crop stubble height on ratoon rice growth and development. Field Crops Res. 114(3):329-440.

Stout, J.M., D.L. Harrell, K.V. Tendall, and J. Bond. 2009. Impacts of seeding rate on interactions between rice and rice water weevils. J. Econ. Entomol. 102(5):1837-1845.

Blanche, S.B., S.D. Linscombe, X. Sha, K.F. Bearb, D.E. Groth, L.M. White, D. Harrell. 2009. Registration of 'Catahoula' rice. J. Plant Reg. 3:146-149.

Walker, T.W., J.A. Bond, B.V. Ottis, and D.L. Harrell. 2008. The effects of starter nitrogen to rice seeded at various densities. Online. Crop Mgnt. doi:10.1094/CM-2008-0911-01-RS.

Walker, T.W., J.A. Bond, B.V. Ottis, P.D. Gerard, and D.L. Harrell. 2008. Hybrid rice response to nitrogen fertilization for midsouthern United States rice production. Agron. J. 100(2): 381-386.

Bond, J.A., T.W. Walker, B.V. Ottis, and D.L. Harrell. 2008. Rice seeding and nitrogen rate effects on yield and yield components of two rice cultivars. Agron. J. 100(2): 393-397.

Harrell, D.L. and J.J. Wang. 2007. Evaluation of three- and five-step inorganic phosphorus chemical fractionation procedures along with inductively coupled plasma determination for calcareous soils. Soil Sci. 171(1):55-67.

Bond, J.A., T.W. Walker, E.P. Webster, and D.L. Harrell. 2007. Rice cultivar response to pensoxsulam. Weed Tech. 21(4):961-965.

Harrell, D.L. and J.J. Wang. 2006. Fractionation and sorption of inorganic phosphorus in calcareous Louisiana soils. Soil Sci. 171(1):39-57.

Wang, J.J. and D.L. Harrell. 2005. Effect of ammonium and phosphate ions on zinc adsorption and bioavailability in selected acid and calcareous soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 69:1026-1035.

Wang, J.J., D.L. Harrell, and P.F. Bell. 2004. Potassium buffering characteristics of three soils low in exchangeable potassium. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 68:654-661.

Wang, J.J., D.L. Harrell, R.E. Henderson, and P.F. Bell. 2004. Comparison of soil-test extractants for phosphorus, potassium, calcium, manganese, and iron in Louisiana Soils. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 35:145-160.

b) Books and Book Chapters

Harrell, D.L. 2014. Module 5.1-8: Application Timing of Phosphorus is Critical for Rice Yield in Southern U.S. In: Modules and Case Studies for the 4R Plant Nutrition Manual. IPNI, Peachtree Corners, GA. Available online: www.ipni.net/publication/4rmanual.nsf /0/7AFA34D9F4BA750B85257CE00071005D/$FILE/4RMANUAL-Module%205.1-8.pdf.

Harrell, D.L., J.A. Bond, and J.K. Saichuk. 2009. Soils, plant nutrition and fertilization. p. 23-33. In J.K. Saichuk (ed.) Louisiana Rice Production Handbook. Publ. 2321. Louisiana State Univ. AgCenter, Baton Rouge.

Blanche, S.B., D.L. Harrell, and J.K. Saichuk. 2009. General agronomic guidelines. p. 3-15. In J.K. Saichuk (ed.) Louisiana Rice Production Handbook. Publ. 2321. Louisiana State Univ. AgCenter, Baton Rouge.

c) Louisiana Agriculture (Published by the LSU AgCenter, peer reviewed)

Harrell, D.L., J. Leonards, R. Regan, and J. Fluitt. 2013. Reducing nitrogen volatilization losses in rice production. Louisiana Agriculture 56(2):28-31.

Harrell, D.L. 2013. Zinc: An essential micronutrient in Louisiana rice. Louisiana Agriculture 56(2):26-27.

Harrell, D.L., T.L. Roberts, R.J. Norman, N.A. Slaton, C.E. Wilson Jr., T.W. Walker, and G.N. McCauley. 2013. Development and validation of a nitrogen soil test for rice: N-STaR. Louisiana Agriculture 56(2):24-25.

Tubana, B.S., D.L. Harrell, H.J. Mascagni, D. Boquet, and H.P “Sonny” Viator. 2013. Optical sensor-based nitrogen recommendations make sense. Louisiana Agriculture 56(2):16-18.

Harrell, D.L. and S. Linscombe. 2013. U.S. rice production improves sustainability. Louisiana Agriculture 56(2):10.

Blanche S.B., D.J. Boquet, S. Sterling, D.L. Harrell, B. Padgett, T.K. Udeigwe, H.P. Viator, and C.A. Hollier. 2011. Louisiana Soybean Variety Testing Program. Louisiana Agriculture 54(2):18-19.

Viator, H.P., M. Alison, K. Gravois, K. Han, D. Harrell, A. Hogan, W. Pittman, M. Salassi, and J. Whatley. 2009. Sweet sorghum for biofuel production in Louisiana. Louisiana Agriculture 52(4):16-17.

Harrell, D.L. 2009. Evaluation of stubble height on ratoon growth in rice. Louisiana Agriculture 52(1):8-9.

Harrell, D.L. 2009. Pre-flood nitrogen applications in rice: Theory behind the practice. Louisiana Agriculture 52(1):10-11.

Hensley, J.B., E.P. Webster, D.L. Harrell, and S.L. Bottoms. 2009. Herbicide drift effects Louisiana rice production. Louisiana Agriculture 52(1):6-7.

Moore, S.H., M.C. Wolcott, D.L. Harrell, J.J. Wang, and W.H. Hudnall. 2006. Correcting zinc deficiency in corn. Louisiana Agriculture 49(4):33.

d) Newsletters

Harrell, D.L. and D. Groth. 2017. 30 March edition. Louisiana Rice Notes. 2017(3):1-8.

Harrell, D.L., M. Deliberto, M. Stout, B. Wilson, and A. Wilson. 2017. 22 March edition. Louisiana Rice Notes. 2017(2):1-11.

Harrell, D.L. 2017. 23 February edition. Louisiana Rice Notes. 2017(1):1-5.

Harrell, D.L. 2016. Bird Repellents for Seeded and Headed Rice. H. Rouse Caffey Rice Research Station News. 14(1):4.

Harrell, D.L. 2016. Starter Nitrogen Fertilizer Applications in Rice. H. Rouse Caffey Rice Research Station News. 13(4):4.

Harrell, D.L. and S. Linscombe. 2016. Northeast Louisiana Rice Research 2016. H. Rouse Caffey Rice Research Station News. 13(3):4.

Harrell, D.L. 2016. 18 August edition. Louisiana Rice Notes. 2016(9):1-7.

Harrell, D.L. 2016. 16 August edition. Louisiana Rice Notes. 2016(8):1-18.

Harrell, D.L. 2016. Reapplying lost nitrogen to corn after the flood waters recede. Louisiana Crops Newsletter. 6(4):13-14.

Harrell, D.L. 2016. Saturated soil conditions and nitrogen loss estimates. Louisiana Crops Newsletter. 6(3-2):1-2.

Harrell, D.L. and D. Groth. 2016. 5 June edition. Louisiana Rice Notes. 2016(7):1-5.

Harrell, D.L. and D. Groth. 2016. 16 June edition. Louisiana Rice Notes. 2016(6):1-5.

Harrell, D.L. 2016. 24 May edition. Louisiana Rice Notes. 2016(5):1-5.

Harrell, D.L. and D. Groth. 2016. 10 May edition. Louisiana Rice Notes. 2016(4):1-11.

Harrell, D.L. 2016. Importance of dry soils for urea applications in rice. Rice Research Station News. 13(2):5.

Harrell, D.L. and S. Linscombe. 2016. Is arsenic in rice an issue? Rice Research Station News. 13(2):4.

Harrell, D.L. and D. Groth. 2016. 25 March edition. Louisiana Rice Notes. 2016(3):1-4.

Harrell, D.L. and M. Deliberto. 2016. 11 March edition. Louisiana Rice Notes. 2016(2):1-5.

Harrell, D.L. 2016. Recommended rice varieties for 2016. Rice Research Station News. 13(1):3-4.

Harrell, D.L. 2016. 27 January edition. Louisiana Rice Notes. 2016(1):1-4.

Harrell, D.L. and D. Groth. 2015. 8 June edition. Louisiana Rice Notes. 2015(7):1-4.

Harrell, D.L. 2015. 26 May edition. Louisiana Rice Notes. 2015(6):1-5.

Harrell, D.L. and D. Groth. 2015. 8 May edition. Louisiana Rice Notes. 2015(5):1-3.

Harrell, D.L. and D. Groth. 2015. 17 April edition. Louisiana Rice Notes. 2015(4):1-3.

Harrell, D.L. and D. Groth. 2015. 9 March edition. Louisiana Rice Notes. 2015(3):1-4.

Harrell, D.L. 2015. 9 February edition. Louisiana Rice Notes. 2015(2):1-4.

Harrell, D.L. 2015. 21 January edition. Louisiana Rice Notes. 2015(1):1-4.

Harrell, D.L. 2015. Rice Verification Program update. Rice Research Station News. 12(4):6.

Harrell, D.L. 2015. Soybean research at the Rice Research Station. Rice Research Station News. 12(3):5.

Harrell, D.L. 2015. Midseason nitrogen fertilizer applications in rice varieties. Rice Research Station News. 12(2):4.

Harrell, D.L. 2014. Apply phosphorus fertilizer early to optimize rice yields. Mid-Southern fertility. 1(1):2-3.

Harrell, D.L. 2014. Identifying and Managing Zinc in Rice. Rice Research Station News 11(4):5.

Harrell, D.L. 2014. Seeding rates for rice varieties. Rice Research Station News 11(1):1.

Harrell, D.L. 2013. Can rice water management alter arsenic levels in rice? Rice Research Station News 10(4):7.

Harrell, D.L. 2013. Soybean research at the Rice Research Station. Rice Research Station News 10(3):6.

Harrell, D.L. 2013. Maximizing ratoon crop potential. Rice Research Station News. 10(2):5.

Harrell, D.L. 2013. Improving nitrogen use efficiency in pre-flood applications. Rice Research Station News 10(1):2.

Harrell, D.L. 2012. Don’t guess, soil test. Rice Research Station News. 9(4):2.

Harrell, D.L. 2012. Rice fields need sufficient zinc. Rice Research Station News. 9(1):1-2.

Harrell, D.L. 2011. To Texas went my hay – to Texas went my K. Rice Research Station News. 8(4):1-2.

Blanche, S.B., Harrell, D.L., Deloach, M., Close, G., Regan, R.P., Fluitt, J., Leonards, J.P., and Stapp, J. 2011. Preliminary Data - 2011 Alexandria, Winnsboro, and Crowley Soybean Official Variety Trials. Louisiana Crops Newsletter. 2(10): 11-24.

Harrell, D.L. 2011. Nitrogen Best Management Practices for Sustainable Rice Production. Rice Research Station News. 8(1):1-2.

Harrell, D.L. 2010. Changes in LSU AgCenter Soil Testing. Rice Research Station News. 7(4):3.

Harrell, D.L. 2010. Redefining optimum seeding rates in Clearfield varieties. Rice Research Station News. 7(3):2.

Harrell, D.L. 2010. Can reflectance technology provide real-time midseason N rate recommendations in rice? Rice Research Station News 7(1):5.

Harrell, D.L. 2009. Zinc: A piece of the localized decline puzzle? Rice Research Station News 6(1):2.

Harrell, D.L. 2008. Importance of soil testing in rice production. Rice Research Station News 5(4):4.

Harrell, D.L. 2008. Tillage and crop rotation research. Rice Research Station News 5(1):3-4.

Harrell, D.L. 2007. Timing is everything with nitrogen fertilizer applications. Rice Research Station News 4(2):1-2.

Harrell, D.L. 2007. Research to refine soil test recommendations in rice. Rice Research Station News 4(3):7.

e) Extension Publications and Research Reports

Harrell, D.L., M. Kongchum, J.P. Leonards, J.S. Fluitt, and J.R. Hartman. 2016. Rice Agronomy. In 108th Annual Research Report, H. Rouse Caffey Rice Research Station. La. Agri. Exp. Stn., LSU AgCenter, 108:97-262.

Harrell, D.L., S. Brown, A. Famoso, K. Fontenot, D. Groth, M. Kongchum, S. Linscombe, J. Oard, M. Stout, E.Webster, L. White, and R. Zaunbrecher. 2015. Rice Varieties and Management Tips 2016. LSU AgCenter Publication No. 2270. Baton Rouge, LA.

Harrell, D.L., M. Kongchum, J.P. Leonards, R.P. Regan, and J.S. Fluitt. 2015. Rice Agronomy. In 107th Annual research report, Rice Research Station. La. Agri. Exp. Stn., LSU AgCenter, 107:73-243.

Harrison, S.A., K.J. Arceneaux, L.J. Bissett, B. Buckley, K. Cater, A. Cooper, M. Deloach, R. Ferguson, D.L. Harrell, J.P. Leonards, H.J. Mascagni, Jr., K. McCarthy, G.B. Padgett, P. Price III, M. Purvis, R.P. Regan, J. Stapp, D. Stephenson, T. Talbot, H.P. Viator, W. Waltman, and G. Williams. 2015. 2015 Small Grain Performance Trials. LAES Research Summary No. 206.

Mascagni, H.J., Jr., K. Arcenaux, J. Beuzelin, S. Brown, B. Buckley, J. Fluitt, D. Fromme, D. Groth, D.L. Harrell, S. Harrison, C. Hollier, F. Huang, D. Kerns, M. Kongchum, J. Leonards, P. Price, C. Roider, K. Shannon, B. Waltman, and C. Woodard. 2015. Performance of grain sorghum hybrids in Louisiana 2015. LAES Research Summary No. 208.

Levy, R., B. Padgett, P.P. Price, D.L. Harrell, D.O. Stephenson, E. Webster, P.K. Bollich, C.A. Hollier, J. Davis, B. Buckley, J. Lofton, C. Woodard, and T.K. Normand. 2015. Soybean Variety Yields and Production Practices 2016. LAES Pub. No. 2269. LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge.

Alison, M., K.J. Han, D.L. Harrell, D. Day, S. Viator and M. Salassi. 2014. Sweet sorghum production guide. La. Coop. Ext. Pub. Pub. 3357. LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge.

Harrell, D.L., M. Kongchum, J.P. Leonards, R.P. Regan, and J.S. Fluitt. 2014. Rice Agronomy. In 106th Annual research report, Rice Research Station. La. Agri. Exp. Stn., LSU AgCenter, 106:86-260.

Harrison, S.A., K.J. Arceneaux, L.J. Bissett, B. Buckley, K. Cater, A. Cooper, M. Deloach, R. Ferguson, D.L. Harrell, J.P. Leonards, H.J. Mascagni, Jr., K. McCarthy, G.B. Padgett, P. Price III, M. Purvis, R.P. Regan, J. Stapp, D. Stephenson, T. Talbot, H.P. Viator, W. Waltman, and G. Williams. 2014. 2014 Small Grain Performance Trials. LAES Research Summary No. 202.

Saichuk, J.K., B. Schultz, C.A. Hollier, D.E. Groth, D.L. Harrell, E.P. Webster, L.M. White, M.C. Rush, M. Salassi, M.J. Stout, S.D. Linscombe, T.E. Reagan, S. Brown, and J.H. Oard. 2014. Rice Production Handbook. LAES Pub No. 2321. LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge.

Mascagni, H.J., Jr., K. Arceneaux, S. Brown, B. Buckley, K. Miller, J. Fluitt, D. Fromme, D. Groth, D.L. Harrell, S. Harrison, C. Hollier, D. Kerns, J. Leonards, J. Lofton, P. Price, R. Regan, K. Shannon, J. Stapp, T. Talbot, and Bill Waltman. 2014. Performance of Grain Sorghum Hybrids in Louisiana, 2014. LAES Research Summary No. 204.

Harrell, D.L., J.P. Leonards, R.P. Regan, and J.S. Fluitt. 2014. Rice Agronomy. In 105th Annual research report, Rice Research Station. La. Agri. Exp. Stn., LSU AgCenter, 105:85-286.

Levy, R., B. Buckley, B. Padgett, B. Guy, C.A. Hollier, D.L. Harrell, J.C. Stevens Jr., S. Viator, D.O. Stephenson, B. Haggard, J. Lofton, P.P. Price, P.K. Bollich, T.K. Normand, and C. Woodard. 2014. Soybean Variety Recommendations 2015. LAES Pub. No. 2269. LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge.

Lofton, J., C.A. Hollier, B. Buckley, D.L. Harrell, H.J. Mascagni Jr., S.A. Harrison, D.O. Stephenson, R. Levy, W.F. Waltman, and A. Cooper. 2014. Grain Sorghum Hybrids for Grain. LAES Pub. No. 2831. LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge.

Harrell, D.L., J.P. Leonards, R.P. Regan, and J.S. Fluitt. 2013. Rice Agronomy. In 104th Annual research report, Rice Research Station. La. Agri. Exp. Stn., LSU AgCenter, 104:95-280.

Saichuk, J.K., S. Brown, V. Deshotel, S. Gauthier, D.E. Groth, D.L. Harrell, C. Hollier, S.D. Linscombe, J. Oard, M.J. Stout, E.P. Webster, and L.M. White. 2013. Rice varieties and management tips, 2014. La. Coop. Ext. Pub. 2270. LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge.

Levy, Jr., R.J., G.B. Padgett, J. Loftin, T. Price, D.L. Harrell, D.O. Stephenson, S. Viator, C. Hollier, B.J. Haggard, B. Buckley, J. Davis, and P. Bollic. 2013. Performance of soybean varieties in Louisiana 2013. LSU AgCenter. Baton Rouge, LA.

Mascagni, Jr., H.J., J. Kruse, M.E. Deloach, S.A. Harrison, C.A. Hollier, D.L. Harrell, J. Loftin, B. Buckley, and S. Sterling. 2013. Grain sorghum for grain 2013. LSU AgCenter Pub. 2831.

Harrison, S.A., K.J. Arceneaux, L.J. Bissett, B. Buckley, K. Cater, A. Cooper, M. Deloach, R. Ferguson, D.L. Harrell, J.P. Leonards, H.J. Mascagni, Jr., K. McCarthy, G.B. Padgett, P. Price III, M. Purvis, R.P. Regan, J. Stapp, D. Stephenson, T. Talbot, H.P. Viator, W. Waltman, and G. Williams. 2013. 2013 Small Grain Performance Trials. LAES Research Summary No. 197.

Harrell, D.L., J.P. Leonards, R.P. Regan, and J.S. Fluitt. 2012. Rice Nutrition Experiments. In 103rd Annual Research Report. La. Agri. Exp. Stn., LSU AgCenter, 103:103-228.

Harrell, D.L., R. Levy, J.P. Leonards, R.P. Regan, and J.S. Fluitt. 2012. Cultural Management Research. In 103rd Annual Research Report, La. Agri. Exp. Stn., LSU AgCenter, 103:229-251.

Levy, Jr., R.J., D.J. Boquet, D.L. Harrell, J.C. Stevens, Jr., D.O. Stephenson, S. Blanche, B. Golden, G.B. Padgett, S. Viator, T.K. Udeigwe. 2012. Soybean Variety Recommendations 2012. LSU AgCenter. Baton Rouge, LA.

Mascagni, Jr., H.J., K.J. Arceneaux, S. Blanche, M.E. Deloach, J. Fluitt, D.L. Harrell, S.A. Harrison, C.A. Hollier, J. Kruse, B.R. Leonard, J.P. Leonards, G.B. Padgett, R.P. Regan, S. Sterling. 2012. Performance of Grain Sorghum Hybrids in Louisiana, 2012. LAES Research Summary No. 188.

Saichuk, J.K., S. Brown, V. Deshotel, D.L. Harrell, K. Fontenot, D.E. Groth, C. Holier, S.D. Linscombe, J. Oard, M.J. Stout, E.P. Webster and L.M. White. 2012. Rice varieties and management tips, 2013. La. Coop. Ext. Pub. 2270. LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge.

Harrison, S.A., K.J. Arceneaux, L.J. Bissett, S. Blanche, T.L. Brown, G. Close, P.D. Colyer, M.E. Deloach, J. Fluitt, D.E. Groth, D.L. Harrell, J.P. Leonards, H.J. Mascagni, Jr., K. McCarthy, G.B. Padgett, M. Purvis, R.P. Regan, S. Viator, G. Williams. 2012. 2012 Small Grain Performance Trials. LAES Research Summary No. 194.

Harrell, D.L., J.P. Leonards, R.P. Regan, and J.S. Fluitt. 2011. Rice Nutrition Research. In 102nd Annual Research Report. La. Agri. Exp. Stn., LSU AgCenter, 102:79-167.

Harrell, D.L., R. Levy, J.P. Leonards, R.P. Regan, and J.S. Fluitt. 2011. Cultural Management Research. In 102nd Annual Research Report, La. Agri. Exp. Stn., LSU AgCenter, 102:168-190.

Saichuk, J.K., S. Brown, V. Deshotel, D.L. Harrell, K. Fontenot, D.E. Groth, C. Holier, S.D. Linscombe, J. Oard, M.J. Stout, E.P. Webster, and L.M. White. 2011. Rice varieties and management tips, 2012. La. Coop. Ext. Pub. 2270. LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge.

Harrell, D.L., C.A. Hollier, J.P. Leonards, R.P. Regan, and J. Fluitt. 2011. Rotational Crop Research. In 102nd Annual Research Report, La. Agri. Exp. Stn., LSU AgCenter, 102:191-197.

Mascagni, Jr., H.J., K.J. Arceneaux, S. Blanche, M.E. Deloach, J. Fluitt, D.L. Harrell, S.A. Harrison, C.A. Hollier, J. Kruse, B.R. Leonard, J.P. Leonards, G.B. Padgett, R.P. Regan, S. Sterling. 2011. Performance of Grain Sorghum Hybrids in Louisiana, 2011. LAES Research Summary No. 188.

Harrison, S.A., K.J. Arceneaux, L.J. Bissett, S. Blanche, T.L. Brown, G. Close, P.D. Colyer, M.E. Deloach, J. Fluitt, D.E. Groth, D.L. Harrell, J.P. Leonards, H.J. Mascagni, Jr., K. McCarthy, G.B. Padgett, M. Purvis, R.P. Regan, S. Viator, G. Williams. 2011 Small grain performance trials. LAES Research Summary 181. Baton Rouge, LA.

Kruse, J., G.B. Padgett, C.A. Hollier, D.L. Harrell, H.J. Mascagni, Jr., J.A. Hayes, M.E. Deloach, B.R. Leonard, S. Blanche, S.A. Harrison, B. Golden. 2011. Grain Sorghum Hybrids for Grain 2011. LSU AgCenter. Baton Rouge, LA.

Levy, Jr., R.J., D.J. Boquet, D.L. Harrell, J.C. Stevens, Jr., D.O. Stephenson, S. Blanche, B. Golden, G.B. Padgett, S. Viator, T.K. Udeigwe. 2011. Soybean Variety Recommendations 2011. LSU AgCenter. Baton Rouge, LA.

Saichuk, J.K., C. Holier, D.E. Groth, D.L. Harrell, E.P. Webster, L.M. White, M. Rush, M.J. Stout, S.B. Blanche, S.D. Linscombe, X. Sha, and N. Hummel. 2010. Rice varieties and management tips, 2011. La. Coop. Ext. Pub. 2270. LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge.

Harrison, S.A., K.J. Arceneaux, L.J. Bissett, S. Blanche, T.L. Brown, G. Close, P.D. Colyer, M.E. Deloach, J. Fluitt, D.E. Groth, D.L. Harrell, J.P. Leonards, H.J. Mascagni, Jr., K. McCarthy, G.B. Padgett, M. Purvis, R.P. Regan, S. Viator, G. Williams. 2010 Small grain performance trials. LAES Research Summary 181. Baton Rouge, LA.

Blanche, S., D.J. Boquet, B. Golden, D.L. Harrell, C.A. Hollier, G.B. Padgett, T.K. Udeigwe, S. Viator. 2010. 2010 Louisiana Soybean Performance Trials.

Mascagni, R., B. Blanche, M. Deloach, B. Golden, D. Harrell, J. Hayes, S. Harrison, C. Hollier, J. Kruse, R. Leonard, and B. Padgett. 2010. Performance of grain sorghum hybrids in Louisiana, 2010. LAES Research Summary No. 188.

Viator, S., W. Alison, D.L. Harrell, K. Han, J. Griffin, D. Stephenson, J. Whatley, A. Hogan, M. Salassi, M. Deliberto, and T. Mark. 2010. Production of sweet sorghum in Louisiana as a biofuel feedstock crop. LSU Agricultural Center, Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, Staff Report No. 2010-03.

Harrell, D.L., J.P. Leonards, R.P. Regan, and J.S. Fluitt. 2010. Cultural management research. In 101st Annual Research Report. La. Agri. Exp. Stn., LSU AgCenter, 101:155-179.

Harrell, D.L., R. Levy, J.P. Leonards, R.P. Regan, and J.S. Fluitt. 2010. Rotational crop research. In 101st Annual Research Report, La. Agri. Exp. Stn., LSU AgCenter, 101:180-187.

Harrell, D.L., J.P. Leonards, R.P. Regan, and J. Fluitt. 2010. Rice nutrition research. In 101st Annual Research Report, La. Agri. Exp. Stn., LSU AgCenter, 101:95-154.

Harrell, D.L., J.K. Saichuk, and J.C. Stevens, Jr. 2009. A guide to poultry litter use in Louisiana rice production. LSU AgCenter. Pub. 3139. Baton Rouge, LA.

Saichuk, J.K., C. Holier, D.E. Groth, D.L. Harrell, E.P. Webster, L.M. White, M. Rush, M.J. Stout, S.B. Blanche, S.D. Linscombe, X. Sha, and N. Hummel. 2009. Rice varieties and management tips, 2010. La. Coop. Ext. Pub. 2270. LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA.

Levy, Jr., R.J., C.A. Roider, D.L. Harrell, H.G. Mascagni, Jr., J.A. Hayes, J.P. Leonards, M.E. Deloach, R.L. Bell, R.E. Ferguson, J. Shipp, and R.P. Regan. 2009. Grain sorghum hybrids for grain 2010. LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA.

Mascagni, H.J., Jr., R. Bell, K. Arceneaux, M. Deloach, R. Ferguson, D. Groth, D. Harrell, J. Hayes, S. Harrison, C. Hollier, R. Leonard, J. Leonards, R. Levy, B. Padgett, C. Roider, R. Regan, and G. Schexnayder. 2009. Performance of grain sorghum hybrids in Louisiana, 2009. LAES Research Summary No. 182 (on-line).

Saichuk, J.K., B. Schultz, C.A. Hollier, D.E. Groth, D.L. Harrell, E.P. Webster, L.M. White, M.C. Rush, M. Salassi, M.J. Stout, R. Levy, Jr., B. Sterling, S.D. Linscombe, T.E. Reagan, X. Sha, and N. Hummel. 2009. Rice production handbook. LSU AgCenter. Baton Rouge, LA.

Levy, R.J., A.B. Coco, D.J. Boquet, D.L. Harrell, E.L. Clawson, G. Williams, J.P. Caylor, J.A. Hayes, J.P. Leonards, J.C. Stevens Jr., M.E. Deloach, R.E. Ferguson, R.P. Regan, J. Kehler, and D.O. Stephenson. 2009. Soybean variety recommendations 2010. LSU AgCenter. Baron Rouge, LA.

Harrell, D.L., J.P. Leonards, R.P. Regan, and D.M. Walker. 2009. Rice agronomy. In 100th Annual Research Report. Rice Research Station, La. Agric. Exp. Stn., Baton Rouge, LA, 100:86-181.

Harrison, S.A., K. Arceneaux, R.L. Bell, D. Harrell, P.D. Colyer, M. Deloach, R. Ferguson, J. Leonards, H.J. Mascagni, K. McCarthy, G.B. Padgett, M. Purvis, R. Regan, G. Schexnayder, H.P. Viator, and G. Williams. 2009. 2009 Small grain performance trials. LAES Research Summary 181. Baton Rouge, LA.

Saichuk, J.K., C. Hollier, D.E. Groth, D.L. Harrell, E.P. Webster, L.M. White, M. Rush, M.J. Stout, S.B. Blanche, S.D. Linscombe, X. Sha, and N. Hummel. 2008. Rice varieties and management tips, 2009. La. Coop. Ext. Pub. 2270. LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA.

Levy, R.J., R.E. Ferguson, D.J. Boquet, E.L. Clawson, S.H. Moore, D.L. Harrell, C.J. Stevens, D.O. Stephenson, J.A. Hayes, A.B. Coco, M.E. Deloach, G. Williams, R.P. Regan, J. Kehler, J.P. Caylor, and J.P. Leonards. 2008. Soybean variety recommendations 2009. La. Coop. Ext. Pub. 2269. LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA.

Levy, R.J., R.L. Bell, M.E. Deloach, R.E. Ferguson, D.L. Harrell, J.A. Hayes, J.P. Leonards, H.J. Mascagni, C.A. Roider, and J. Shipp. 2008. Grain sorghum hybrids for grain, 2009. La. Coop. Ext. Pub. 2831. LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA.

Harrell, D.L., J.P. Leonards, R.P. Regan, and D.M. Walker. 2008. Rice agronomy. In 99th Annual Research Report. Rice Research Station, La. Agric. Exp. Stn., Baton Rouge, LA, 99:83-181.

Harrison, S.A., K. Arceneaux, R.L. Bell, D.G. Boquet, P.D. Colyer, M. Deloach, D.L. Harrell, J. Hayes, J. Leonards, H.J. Mascagni, S.H. Moore, G.B. Padgett, M. Purvis, R. Regan, G. Schexnayder, H.P. Viator, and G. Williams. 2008. 2008 Small grain performance trials. LAES Research Summary No. 178. Baton Rouge, LA.

Saichuk, J.K., S.B. Blanche, J.A. Bond, B.A. Castro, R.T. Dunand, K. Fontenot, D.L. Harrell, D.E. Groth, C.A. Hollier, S.D. Linscombe, C. Rush, X. Sha, M.J. Stout, E.P. Webster, and L.M. White. 2007. Rice varieties and management tips, 2008. La. Coop. Ext. Pub. 2270. LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA.

Harrell, D.L., J.P. Leonards, R.P. Regan, and D.M. Walker. 2007. Rice agronomy. In 98th Annual Research Report. Rice Research Station, La. Agric. Exp. Stn., Baton Rouge, LA, 98:89-214.

Lanclos, D., R. Bell, M. Deloach, R. Ferguson, D.L. Harrell, J. Hayes, J. Leonard, R. Mascagni, S. Moore, R. Regan, and C. Roider. 2007. Grain sorghum hybrids for grain 2008. La. Coop. Ext. Pub. 2831. 4 pp.

Lanclos, D., D. Boquet, E. Clawson, S. Moore, D. Harrell, J. Hayes, A. Coco, M. Deloach, R. Ferguson, G. Williams, R. Regan, J. Kehler, J.P. Caylor, and D. Strickland. 2007. Soybean variety recommendations and production tips 2008. La. Coop. Ext. Pub. 2269. 12 pp.

Harrison, S.A., K. Arceneaux, R.L. Bell, D.L. Harrell, P.D. Colyer, M. Deloach, J. Leonards, H.J. Mascagni, S.H. Moore, G.B. Padgett, M. Purvis, R. Regan, J. Richard, G. Schexnayder, D. Strickland, and H.P. Viator. 2007. 2007 Small grain performance trials. La. Coop. Ext. Res. Summary. 59 pp.

Moore S., D. Boquet, B. Buckley, E. Clawson, D.L. Harrell, J. Richard, M. Deloach, J. Caylor, C. Cookson, and R. Regan. 2007. 2006 Louisiana soybean variety performance trials. La. Coop. Ext. Res. Summary.

Saichuk, J.K., S.B. Blanche, J.A. Bond, B.A. Castro, R.T. Dunand, K.A. Fontenot, D.L. Harrell, D.E. Groth, C.A. Hollier, S.D. Linscombe, C. Rush, X. Sha, M.J. Stout, E.P. Webster, and L.M. White. 2006. Rice varieties and management tips 2007. La. Coop. Ext. Pub. 2270. 24 pp.

Mascagni, H.J. Jr., R. Bell, K. Arceneaux, D. Caldwell, M. Deloach, D.L. Harrell, S. Harrison, C.A. Hollier, D. Lanclos, J.P. Leonards, S. Moore, B. Padgett, C. Roider, and R. Regan. 2006. Performance of grain sorghum hybrids in Louisiana, 2006. La. Coop. Ext. Pub. 171. 17 pp.

f) Mass Media and Other On-line Publications

Harrell, D.L. 2017. Pre-flood urea should always be applied on dry soil. Rice Farming. 51(5):18.

Harrell, D.L. 2017. Sulfur and zinc fertilizer sources are important. Rice Farming. 51(4):20.

Harrell, D.L. 2017. Maximize fertilizer efficiency with these rules. Rice Farming. 51(3):25.

Harrell, D.L. 2017. Rice varieties, hybrids to mull for Louisiana in 2017. Rice Farming. 51(2):19.

Harrell, D.L. 2016. The infamous season. Rice Farming. 51(1):24-25.

Harrell, D.L. 2016. Maximize ratoon crop with these steps. Rice Farming. 50(5):22.

Harrell, D.L. 2016. Suite of insecticides offers control options. Rice Farming. 50(4):21.

Harrell, D.L. 2016. Eliminate weed competition early. Rice Farming. 50(3):21-22.

Harrell, D.L. 2016. Keep crop fertility in mind if you ratoon. Rice Farming. 50(2):25-26.

Harrell, D.L. 2016. LSU AgCenter Variety Recommendations. Rice Farming. 50(1):21-22.

Harrell, D.L. 2015. Scouting for disease is fundamental. Rice Farming. 49(6):19-20.

Harrell, D.L. 2015. Effective Rice Management is Effective Water Management. Rice Farming. 49(5):14.

Harrell, D.L. 2015. Begin weed-free and stay weed-free. Rice Farming. 49(4):20.

Harrell, D.L. 2015. The ‘right time’ to apply phosphorus in rice. Rice Farming. 49(3):18.

Harrell, D.L. 2015. Diversify to reduce yield loss potential. Rice Farming. 49(2):16-17.

Harrell, D.L. 2015. 2015 may go down as one of the most challenging seasons ever in Louisiana. Rice Farming. 50(1):25-26.

Harrell, D.L. 2013. Improving nitrogen use efficiency in pre-flood applications. Louisiana Farm and Ranch 9(2):8.

Roberts, T.L., A.M. Fulford, R.J. Norman, N.A. Slaton, T.W. Walker, C.E. Wilson, Jr., D.L. Harrell, and G.N. McCauley. 2012. Development and Implementation of N-STaR: the Nitrogen-Soil Test for Rice. Better Crops with Plant Food. 96(2):14-16.

Harrell, D.L. 2011. Estimating the fertilizer value of rice straw that went to Texas. Louisiana Farm and Ranch. 7(11):32-33, 37.

Tubaña, B.S., D.L. Harrell, T. Walker, and S. Phillips. 2011. Midseason nitrogen fertilization rate decision tool for rice using remote sensing technology. Better Crops. 95:22-24.

Harrell, D.L. 2011. Minimize Fertilizer Nutrient Loss: Use nitrogen BMPs for sustainable rice production. Rice Farming. April 2011.

Harrell, D.L. 2010. Can reflectance technology provide real-time midseason N rate recommendations in rice? FarmGate. May 2010.

Harrell, D.L. 2009. Zinc – An important but often forgotten micronutrient. Louisiana Farm and Ranch. March 2009.

Harrell, D.L. 2009. Mid-South rice fertilizer economics. Rice Farming 43(2):10-11.

Harrell, D.L. 2008. Sweet sorghum research at the Rice Research Station blog 1. (http://www.lsuagcenter.com/en/crops_livestock/crops/Bioenergy/Sweet+Sorghum+Blog/Report+from+Rice+South+Station+1.htm) published 05/04/2008.

Harrell, D.L. 2008. Sweet sorghum research at the Rice Research Station blog 2. (http://www.lsuagcenter.com/en/crops_livestock/crops/Bioenergy/Sweet+Sorghum+Blog/Rice+Research+Station+sweet+sorghum+trial++Week+4.htm) published 05/06/08.

Harrell, D.L. 2008. Sweet sorghum research at the Rice Research Station blog 3. (http://www.lsuagcenter.com/en/crops_livestock/crops/Bioenergy/Sweet+Sorghum+Blog/Rice+Research+Station+sweet+sorghum+trial++Week+5.htm) published 05/05/2008.

Harrell, D.L. 2008. Sweet sorghum research at the Rice Research Station blog 4. (http://www.lsuagcenter.com/en/crops_livestock/crop...) published 06/24/2008.

Harrell, D.L. 2008. Sweet sorghum research at the Rice Research Station blog 5. (http://www.lsuagcenter.com/en/crops_livestock/crop...) published 08/28/2008.

Harrell, D.L. 2008. Sweet sorghum research at the Rice Research Station blog 6. (http://www.lsuagcenter.com/en/crops_livestock/crop...) published 08/28/2008.

Harrell, D.L. 2008. 2008 Ratoon and tillage studies. Internet publication. (http://www.lsuagcenter.com/en/our_offices/research...) published 02/26/2008.

g) Proceedings and Abstracts

Harrell, D.L. 2015. Effect of soil moisture and pre-flood N source on volatilization, NUE, and yield of rice in a drill-seeded delayed flood production system. 18th Annual Cotton and Rice Conference. Jan. 14-16. Baton Rouge, LA. p33-34.

Kongchum, M., D.L. Harrell, N. Adotey, and J. Li. 2015. Methane Emissions from Main and Ratoon Rice Crop Under Different Water Management Systems in Louisiana. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Annual Meeting. 15-18 Nov., Minneapolis, MN. Available online: https://scisoc.confex.com/scisoc/2015am/webprogram...

Li, J. D.L. Harrell, M. Kongchum, and N. Adotey. 2015. Effect of Tillage and Fertilization on Agronomic and Nutrient Uptake of Sweet Sorghum. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Annual Meeting. 15-18 Nov., Minneapolis, MN. Available online: https://scisoc.confex.com/scisoc/2015am/webprogram...

Paye, W., B. Tubana, T. Babu, and D.L. Harrell. 2015. Silicon fertilization in rice: establishment of critical silicon level and its impact on availability of nutrients in soils of Louisiana. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings. November 15-15, 2015, Minneapolis, MN.

Kanke, Y., B Tubana, M. Dalen, and D.L. Harrell. 2015. Effects of water background and depth on red and red-edge reflectance based yield potential models in rice. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings. November 15-15, 2015, Minneapolis, MN.

Adotey, N., D.L. Harrell, J. Li, and M. Kongchum. 2015. Evaluation of Ammonia Volatilization and Yield Potential of Experimental Zinc Sulfate Coated Urea Fertilizers in Rice Production. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Annual Meeting. 15-18 Nov., Minneapolis, MN.

Harrell, D.L., T.W. Walker, T.L. Roberts, C. Greer, G. McCauley, and G. Stevens. 2014. Effect of water management on rice agronomics and grain arsenic concentration – preliminary results of a multi-state effort. 35th Rice Technical Working Group. New Orleans, LA. 18 – 21 Feb., 2014. Proc. 35th Rice Tech. Wrkg. Grp. 35:43-44.

Li, W., J.H. Oard, S.D. Linscombe, D.L. Harrell, X. Sha, D.E. Groth, and J.E. Richard. 2014. Progress in hybrid rice development and production at the LSU AgCenter Rice Research Station. 35th Rice Technical Working Group. New Orleans, LA. 18 – 21 Feb., 2014. Proc. 35th Rice Tech. Wrkg. Grp. 35:49.

Kaur, K., C. Hollier, D. Harrell, and D.E. Groth. 2014. Effect of nitrogen rate, source, and varietal susceptibility levels on the development of narrow brown leaf spot of rice. 35th Rice Technical Working Group. New Orleans, LA. 18 – 21 Feb., 2014. Proc. 35th Rice Tech. Wrkg. Grp. 35:77-78.

Kaur, K., C. Hollier, D.E. Groth, and D. Harrell. 2014. Role of seeding rate, tillage practices and varietal susceptibility levels on development of narrow brown leaf spot of rice. 35th Rice Technical Working Group. New Orleans, LA. 18 – 21 Feb., 2014. Proc. 35th Rice Tech. Wrkg. Grp. 35:78.

Barron, M.A., M. Kongchum, and D. Harrell. 2014. The effects of water management on rice yield and greenhouse gas emissions. 35th Rice Technical Working Group. New Orleans, LA. 18 – 21 Feb., 2014. Proc. 35th Rice Tech. Wrkg. Grp. 35:117-118.

Atwill, R.L., T.W. Walker, D.L. Harrell, L.J. Krutz, and J.H. Massey. 2014. The effect of various water management strategies on rice yield, NUE, and soil chemical properties on a Sharkey clay soil. 35th Rice Technical Working Group. New Orleans, LA. 18 – 21 Feb., 2014. Proc. 35th Rice Tech. Wrkg. Grp. 35:118.

Jeong, C., J.J. Wang, and D.L. Harrell. 2014. Effect of biochar amendment on methane and nitrous oxide emission and yield from a rice paddy from southwestern Louisiana. 35th Rice Technical Working Group. New Orleans, LA. 18 – 21 Feb., 2014. Proc. 35th Rice Tech. Wrkg. Grp. 35:144.

Adotey, N., D.L. Harrell, M. Barron, J. Li, M. Kongchum, J. Leonards, R. Regan, and J. Fluitt. 2014. Effect of water management on efficiency of preflood nitrogen applications in a drill-seeded, delayed flood rice production system. 35th Rice Technical Working Group. New Orleans, LA. 18 – 21 Feb., 2014. Proc. 35th Rice Tech. Wrkg. Grp. 35:147.

Harrell, D.L., M. Kongchum, M. Barron, N. Adotey, J. Li, J. Leonards, R. Regan, and J. Fluitt. 2014. Effect of soil moisture and pre-flood nitrogen source on volatilization, NUE, and yield of rice grown on a Crowley silt loam soil. 35th Rice Technical Working Group. New Orleans, LA. 18 – 21 Feb., 2014. Proc. 35th Rice Tech. Wrkg. Grp. 35:148.

Li, J., D.L. Harrell, and N. Adotey. 2014. Effect of tillage and fertilization on agronomics and nutrient uptake of sweet sorghum. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA 2014 International Annual Meetings, 2-5 Nov., Long Beach, CA, Online: https://scisoc.confex.com/scisoc/2014am/webprogram/Paper89510.html

Tubana, B., P. Wooiklee, T. Babu, P. Dupree, B. White, S. Chanda, S.C.M. Maia, M. Martins, D.L. Harrell, and M.S. Dalen. 2014. Impact of silica slag fertilization on grain yield, silicon accumulation and plant essential nutrient content of rice. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA 2014 International Annual Meetings, 2-5 Nov., Long Beach, CA, Online: https://scisoc.confex.com/scisoc/2014am/webprogram/Paper88763.html

Atwill, R.L., L.J. Krutz, T.W. Walker, D.L. Harrell, J.L. Corbin, and P. Fitts. 2014. The effects of various water management stratigies on rice yield, NUE, and soil chemical properties on a Sharkey clay soil. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA 2014 International Annual Meetings, 2-5 Nov., Long Beach, CA, Online: https://scisoc.confex.com/scisoc/2014am/webprogram/Paper86759.html

Adotey, N., D.L. Harrell, M. Kongchum, and J. Li. 2014. Effect of water management on efficiency of preflood nitrogen applications in a drill-seeded, delayed flood rice production system. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA 2014 International Annual Meetings, 2-5 Nov., Long Beach, CA, Online: https://scisoc.confex.com/scisoc/2014am/webprogram/Paper89411.html

Tafti, N., S. Penski, J.J. Wang, C, Jeong, M. Kongchum, A. Arceneaux, S. Dodla, and D.L. Harrell. 2014. Effect of biochar application on water quality in sugarcane and rice paddy. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA 2014 International Annual Meetings, 2-5 Nov., Long Beach, CA, Online: https://scisoc.confex.com/scisoc/2014am/webprogram/Paper89722.html.

Harrell, D.L. 2013. The rice ratoon crop: Agronomic and fertility research. 16th Annual National Conservation Systems Cotton and Rice Conference. 31 Jan. – 1 Feb., 2013. Baton Rouge, LA. Conf. Proc. p. 12 – 14.

Harrell, D.L. 2013. Evaluation of N volatilization losses from enhanced efficiency fertilizers in rice production. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA 2013 International Annual Meetings, 3-6 Nov., Tampa, FL., Online: https://scisoc.confex.com/crops/2013am/webprogram/Paper81628.html.

Adotey, N., J.L. Young, C. Sanderson, W. Wetherford, and D.L. Harrell. 2013. Evaluation Of Biomass Power Plant Wood Ash As a Liming Material For Agricultural Soils In East Texas. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA 2013 International Annual Meetings, 3-6 Nov., Tampa, FL., Online: https://scisoc.confex.com/crops/2013am/webprogram/Paper79493.html.

Corbin, J.L., T.W. Walker, P.W. Fitts, and D.L. Harrell. 2012. The impacts of nitrogen and potassium fertilization on rice lodging. Southern Branch of the American Society of Agronomy Abstracts. 5 – 7 February. Birmingham, AL.

Hummel, N.A., Meszaros, A., Cartwright, R.D., Fiser, S.M., Groth, D.E., Harrell, D.L., Hollier, C.A., Piazza, F.P., Saichuk, J.K., Schultz, B.R., Way, M.O., and Webster, E.P. 2012. Development of the RiceScout mobile application. Proc. Rice Tech. Wrkg. Grp., 34:86-87.

Corbin, J.L., Walker, T.W., Fitts, P.W., Harrell, D.L., and Bottoms, S.L. 2012. Evaluation of seeding rate, fertilization, and fungicide application for ‘CL151’ production. Proc. Rice Tech. Wrkg. Grp., 34:122.

Harrell, D.L., Gauthier, S.J., Courville, B.A., Fontenot, K.A., Roberts, T.L., and Norman, R.J. 2012. Farm scale validation of N-ST*R in Louisiana: Year 1 results. Proc. Rice Tech. Wrkg. Grp., 34:125-126.

Walker, T.W., Harrell, D.L., Rogers, C.W., Dillon, K.A., Brutz, L.J., Roberts, T.L., and Norman, R.J. 2012. Evaluation of preflood N strategies to maximize fertilizer use efficiency. Proc. Rice Tech. Wrkg. Grp., 34:128-129.

Phillips, S.B. and Harrell, D.L. 2012. The right way to grow rice: 4R nutrient stewardship. Proc. Rice Tech. Wrkg. Grp., 34:132.

Harrell, D.L., Tubana, B.S., Walker, T.W., and Phillips, S.B. 2012. Using normalized difference vegetation index to estimate rice grain yield potential. Proc. Rice Tech. Wrkg. Grp., 34:142.

Kanke, Y., D. Harrell, M. Dalen, J. Teboh, and B. Tubaña. 2012. Improvement on sensor-based yield prediction model in rice using red edge reflectance. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings. October 21-24, 2012, Cincinnati, OH. Agronomy Abstracts [online].

Kanke, Y., D. Harrell, T. Walker, J. Lofton, J. Teboh, and B. Tubaña. 2012. Midseason nitrogen recommendation in rice using remote sensing technology. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings. October 21-24, 2012, Cincinnati, OH. Agronomy Abstracts [online].

Harrell, D.L. 2011. Determination of optimum plant populations for Clearfield® rice varieties using conventional and fall-stale seedbed tillage. Proc. 14th Annual National Conservation Systems Cotton and Rice Conference. Feb. 1-2, 2011. Baton Rouge, LA. p.14-15.

Harrell, D.L. 2010. Effect of tillage and N rate on rice yield, uptake and efficiency. Proc. 33rd Rice Tech. Wrkg. Grp., Feb. 22-25, 2010. Biloxi, MS. p.142.

Harrell, D.L. 2010. Tillage, seeding and N rate effects on rice emergence, yield and yield components. Proc. 13th Annual National Conservation Systems Cotton and Rice Conference. Jan. 12-13, 2010. Tunica, MS. p.19-21.

Harrell, D.L., J. Lofton, and B. Tubaña. 2010. Rice yield and uptake response to zinc fertilization on a high pH, low zinc soil. Proc. 33rd Rice Tech. Wrkg. Grp., Feb. 22-25, 2010. Biloxi, MS. p121-122.

Harrell, D.L., M. Kongchum, B. Tubana, J. Lofton, J. Leonards, R. Regan, and J. Fluitt. 2010. Rice response to zinc fertilization on a high pH, low zinc soil. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting. Oct.31-Nov.3. Long Beach, CA. Agronomy Abstracts [online].

Hensley, J.B., E.P. Webster, D.L. Harrell, S.L. Bottoms, T.P. Carlson, J.C. Fish, and J.A. Bond. 2010. Impact of simulated herbicide drift on rice grown for seed. Proc. South. Weed Sci. Soc. 63:127.

Hensley, J.B., E.P. Webster, D.L. Harrell, J.A. Bond, S.L. Bottoms, T.P. Carlson, and J.C. Fish. 2010. Seed response of rice to sublethal herbicide rates applied to simulate drift. Proc. 33rd Rice Tech. Wrkg. Grp., Feb. 22-25. Biloxi, MS. p.39.

Gauthier, S., D.L. Harrell, J. Saichuk, K. Landry, M. Wolcott, and R. Henderson. 2010. Survey of total salts in Vermilion Parish rice fields after the Hurricane Ike storm surge. Proc. 33rd Rice Tech. Wrkg. Grp., Feb. 22-25, 2010. Biloxi, MS. p.143.

Kanke, Y., J. Lofton, B. Tubana, D. Harrell, J. Teboh, T. Walker, and S. Phillips. 2010. Algorithm for predicting rice yield potential at different sensor head orientation. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting. Oct.31-Nov.3. Long Beach, CA. Agronomy Abstracts [online].

Roberts, T.L., R.J. Norman, T.W. Walker, D.L. Harrell, and G.N. McCauley. 2010. Across soils and state boundaries: Evaluation of N-STAR, soil-based nitrogen test for Mid-South rice production. Proc. 33rd Rice Tech. Wrkg. Grp., Feb. 22-25, 2010. Biloxi, MS. p.141.

Stout, M., D.L. Harrell, K. Tindall, and J. Bond. 2010. Impact of rice seeding rate on the interactions between rice and the rice water weevil. Proc. 33rd Rice Tech. Wrkg. Grp., Feb. 22-25, 2010. Biloxi, MS. p.90.

Teboh, J., B. Tubana, J. Lofton, D. Harrell, T. Walker, and S. Phillips. 2010. Response analysis of in-season rice biomass and grain yield to nitrogen fertilization. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting. Oct.31-Nov.3. Long Beach, CA. Agronomy Abstracts [online].

Tubana, B.S., D.L. Harrell, T.W. Walker, J. Teboh, J. Lofton, J. Fluitt, and S. Phillips. 2010. Rice yield potential algorithms based on canopy reflectance measured at different sensor head orientations. Proc. 33rd Rice Tech. Wrkg. Grp., Feb. 22-25, 2010. Biloxi, MS. p.115-116.

Harrell, D.L. 2009. Evaluation of conventional and reduced tillage practices on optimum seeding rate, nitrogen fertilization rate and yield components. Proc. 12th Annual National Conservation Systems Cotton and Rice Conference. Jan. 26-27, 2009. Marksville, LA. p.16-17.

Tubaña, B., D.L. Harrell, T. Walker, and S. Phillips. 2009. Canopy reflectance-based algorithm for in-season estimation of rice grain yield. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting. November 1-5. Pittsburg, PA. Agronomy Abstracts [online].

Harrell, D.L. 2009. Evaluation of conventional and reduced tillage practices on optimum seeding rate, nitrogen fertilization rate and yield components. Proc. 32nd Rice Tech. Wrkg. Grp., Feb. 18-21, 2008. San Diego, CA. p. 117-118.

Harrell, D.L., J.A. Bond, and R.T. Dunand. 2009. Evaluation of first crop cutting height on ratoon crop yield and panicle origin in drill seeded rice. Proc. 32nd Rice Tech. Wrkg. Grp., Feb. 18-21, 2008. San Diego, CA. p. 118.

Harrell, D.L. and J.A. Bond. 2009. Evaluation of tillage and rotation system effects on rice yield and selected chemical and physical properties: first three years. Proc. 32nd Rice Tech. Wrkg. Grp., Feb. 18-21, 2008. San Diego, CA. p. 125-126.

Harrell, D., B. Tubaña, T. Walker, and S. Phillips. 2009. Estimating in-season grain yield potential using mid-season canopy reflectance readings: a component of remote sensor-based nitrogen calculator. Nitrogen Use Efficiency Conference, West Lafayette, IN. Aug. 4-6, 2009.

Hensley, J.B., E.P. Webster, S.L. Bottoms, J.A. Atwal, and D.L. Harrell. 2009. Effects of simulated glyphosate and imazethapyr drift on rice. Proc. 32nd Rice Tech. Wrkg. Grp., Feb. 18-21, 2008. San Diego, CA. p. 138.

Roberts, T.L., R.J. Norman, T.W. Walker, D.L. Harrell, and G.N. McCauley. 2009. Regional assessment of soil-based nitrogen tests for rice production in the mid-south USA. Proc. 32nd Rice Tech. Wrkg. Grp., Feb. 18-21, 2008. San Diego, CA. p. 128.

Satterfield, J.M., T.W. Walker, S.G. Bajwa, R.J. Norman, D.L. Harrell, J.A. Bond, and J.J. Varco. 2009. Assessing midseason nitrogen status of rice using spectrophotometry. Proc. 32nd Rice Tech. Wrkg. Grp., Feb. 18-21., San Diego, CA. p. 110.

Saichuk, J.K., S. Blanche, D.L. Harrell, J. Hebert, K. Landry, and S. Theunissen. 2009. A comparison of hand sampled grain moisture versus combine sampled grain moisture to determine rice harvest timing. Proc. 32nd Rice Tech. Wrkg. Grp., Feb. 18-21, 2008. San Diego, CA. p. 114.

Walker, T.W., J.M. Satterfield, S.G. Bajwa, R.J. Norman, D.L. Harrell, J.A. Bond, and J.J. Varco. 2009. An evaluation of commercially available imagery of rice crop canopy affected by nitrogen nutrition. Proc. 32nd Rice Tech. Wrkg. Grp., Feb. 18-21, 2008. San Diego, CA. p. 116-117.

Harrell, D.L. and J.A. Bond. 2008. Evaluation of tillage and rotation system effects on rice yield and selected chemical and physical properties: first three years. Louisiana Agricultural Sciences Association (LASA) ann. mtg., Mar. 28, Baton Rouge, LA., [CD] p. 39.

Hensley, J.B., E.P. Webster, D.L. Harrell, S.L. Bottoms, and T.P. Carlson. 2008. Effects of Newpath drift on rice. 2008. Louisiana Agricultural Sciences Association (LASA) ann. mtg., Mar. 28, Baton Rouge, LA., [CD] p. 31.

Hensley, J.B., E.P. Webster, S.L. Bottoms, D.L. Harrell, and J.A. Atwal. 2008. Simulated glyphosate and imazethapyr drift on rice. Proc. South. Weed Sci. Soc. 61:11.

Hensley, J.B., T.P. Carlson, E.P. Webster, D.L. Harrell, J.A. Atwal, and S.L. Bottoms. 2008. Effects of imazamox and glufosinate drift on rice. Proc. South. Weed Sci. Soc. 61:35.

Harrell, D.L. and R.T. Dunand. 2008. Evaluation of first crop cutting height on ratoon crop yield and panicle origin in drill-seeded rice. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting, Oct. 5-9, 2008. Houston, TX. Agron. Abstr. [CD] 781-1.

Tubana, B., J.C. Stevens, H.J. Mascagni, D. Boquet, E. Clawson, D.L. Harrell, J.J. Wang, and J. Teboh. 2008. Effect of phosphorus fertilization on early growth of corn on six alluvial soils in Louisiana. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting, Oct. 5-9, 2008. Houston, TX. Agron. Abstr. [CD] 750-4.

J.J. Wang and D.L. Harrell. 2005. Comparison of phosphorus fractions in calcareous soils by different fractionation schemes. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meetings, Nov. 6-10, Salt Lake City, UT. (Agronomy Abstr.)

Harrell, D.L., J.J. Wang, and A. Roy. 2004. Speciation of Fe compounds in selected calcareous soils using XANES spectroscopy. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meetings, Oct. 31-Nov. 4, Seattle, WA. (Agronomy Abstr.).

Harrell, D.L., J.J. Wang, and A. Roy. 2004. Speciation of phosphorus compounds in calcareous soils using XANES spectroscopy. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meetings, Oct. 31-Nov. 4, Seattle, WA. (Agronomy Abstr.).

Harrell, D.L., J.J. Wang, and A. Roy. 2004. Speciation of phosphorus compounds in calcareous soils using XANES spectroscopy. Louisiana State University Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices (CAMD) Annual Users meeting. April 15, 2004. Baton Rouge, LA.

Harrell, D.L., J.J. Wang, and S. Moore. 2004. Management of zinc and phosphorus fertility for corn grown in a calcareous Louisiana soil. Louisiana Plant Protection / Louisiana Association of Agronomists meeting, March 26, 2004, Baton Rouge, LA. (LPPA/LAA Abstr.)

Harrell, D.L., J.J. Wang, and S. Moore. 2003. Soil testing and management of P and Zn for corn in calcareous Red River alluvial soils. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meetings, Oct.31-Nov. 4, 2003, Denver, CO. (Agronomy Abstr).

Harrell, D.L. and J.J. Wang. 2003. Chemical fractionation phosphorus in selected calcareous soils. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meetings, Oct.31-Nov. 4, 2003, Denver, CO. (Agronomy Abstr).

Cobb, B.J., D.L. Harrell, and J.L. Young. 2003. Effects of rate and time of K application on Coastal Bermudagrass. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meetings, Oct.31-Nov. 4, 2003, Denver, CO. (Agronomy Abstr).

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