Daniel Fromme

Fromme, Daniel
Address 1

  • Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas
    Doctor of Philosophy, Agronomy, August 2007
  • Texas State, San Marcos, Texas
    Masters of Ag-Education, August 1992
  • Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas
    Bachelor of Science, Crops, May 1979

Grant funding has amounted to $1.71 million during 2007 to 2018.Grant funds are provided by NRCS-LA-CIG, SARE, Texas Department of Agriculture, Texas Corn Producers Board, Texas Grain Sorghum Board, National Cotton Council, Cotton Incorporated, Louisiana Soybean and Feed Grain Board, and private industry.

  • Louisiana Agriculture Magazine, LSU AgCenter, 2018.

- Contributions made while serving on the editorial board.

  • Tom and Martha Burch and Delta and Pineland Endowed Professorship in Cotton Production, 2015.
  • Associate Professor and Extension Specialist Emeritus, Texas A&M Board of Regents, 2015.
  • Outstanding Leadership and Support on the Technical Advisory Committee, Texas Boll Weevil Eradication Foundation, 2014.

- For years of dedicated service and commitment to helping eradicate the boll weevil in Texas.

  • Team Award for Superior Service, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, 2014.

- Outstanding achievement in the development of the Replicated Agronomic Cotton Evaluation (RACE) Team.

  • Team Award for Superior Service, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, 2013.

- Outstanding contribution in the development of control methods for cotton root rot through applied research which has enabled Texas cotton producers to be more profitable.

  • Team Award for Superior Service, Texas AgriLife Extension Service, 2012.

- Innovative research and educational programs to promote the deep soil sampling method that help Texas producers in reducing fertilizer inputs and to be more effective in applying annual nitrogen requirements of cotton, corn, and grain sorghum.

  • Team Award for Superior Service, Texas AgriLife Extension Service, 2007.

- Innovative research and educational programs to promote cotton stalk destruction and other best management practices that help Texas cotton producers to more effectively control boll weevils and save more than five million dollars each year.

  • Award for Superior Service, Texas Cooperative Extension, 2004.

- Outstanding contribution to Texas Gulf Coast agricultural producers through focused research, leveraging of funds, and effective program delivery.

  • Outstanding Extension Agent-IPM, Texas Pest Management Association, 2003.

- For outstanding service and sincere dedication to the integrated pest management program and Texas farmers. Award is given annually to one EA-IPM.

  • Distinguished Achievement, Texas Agricultural Extension Service Specialists’ Association, 2002.

- For outstanding contributions to Texas Gulf Coast agricultural producers through focused research, leveraging of funds, and effective program delivery. This award is given annually to one Extension agent.

  • Outstanding Extension Agent-IPM, Texas Pest Management Association, 2001.

- For outstanding service and sincere dedication to the integrated pest management program and Texas farmers. Award is given annually to one EA-IPM.

Memberships in Professional Organizations:

  • American Society of Agronomy: 1999 – present
  • Crop Science Society of America: 1999 – present
  • Soil Science Society of America: 2008 – present
  • Louisiana Agricultural Consultants Association: 2016 – present

Refereed Publications

  • Fromme, D. D., T.A. Spivey, and W.J. Grichar. 2019. Agronomic response of corn (Zea mays L.) hybrids to populations. Int. J. of Agr. Article ID 3589768, 8 pages.
  • Raper, T.B., J. Snider, D. Dodds, A. Jones, B. Robertson, D. Fromme, T. Sandlin, T. Cutts, and R. Blair. 2019. Genetic and environmental contributions to cotton yield and fiber quality in the MidSouth. Journal of Crop Science. 59: 307-317.
  • Bohara, H., S. Dodla, J. Wang, M. Darapuneni, M. Kongchum, D. Fromme, and D. Harrell. 2018. Impacts of N-stabilizers and biochar on nitrogen losses, nitrogen phytoavailability, and cotton yield in poultry litter-fertlized soils. Agronomy Journal. 110:2016-2024.
  • Eder, Z.P., S. Singh, D. Fromme, G. Collins, F. Bourland, and G. Morgan. 2018. Impact of cotton leaf and bract characteristics on cotton leaf grade. Journal Crop, Forage, and Turfgrass Management. doi:10.2134/cftm2017.07.0048
  • Eder, Z.P., S. Singh, D. Fromme, D. Mott, A. Ibrahim, and G. Morgan. 2017. Cotton harvest aid regimes and their interaction with cotton cultivar characteristics impacting leaf grade. Agronomy Journal. 109:2714-2722.
  • Fromme, D., T. Price, J. Lofton, T. Isakeit, R. Schnell, S. Dodla, D. Stephenson, W. Grichar, and K. Shannon. 2017. Effect of fungicide applications on grain sorghum growth and yield. Int. Journal of Agronomy. Article ID 5927816: 7 pages.
  • Fromme, D., D. Coker, M. McFarland, J. Mowrer, T. Provin, R. Schnell, and W. Grichar. 2017. Residual soil nitrogen credits for corn production along the upper Texas gulf coast region. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 40 (1):23-32.
  • Adusumilli, N., S. Davis, and D. Fromme. 2016. Economic evaluation of using surge valves in furrow irrigation of row crops in Louisiana: a net present value approach. Agr. Water Mgt. 174:61-65.
  • Kerns, D., D. Fromme, B. Baugh, and T. Doederlein. 2016. Ability of cotton on the Texas high plains to compensate for pre-bloom square loss and impact on yield and fiber quality. J. Cotton Sci. 20:103-115.
  • Price, T., R. Singh, and D. Fromme. 2015. First report of target spot caused by corynespora cassicola in Louisiana cotton. Plant Health Progress 16 (4): 223-224.
  • Lofton, J., B. Haggard, D. Fromme, and B. Tubana, 2014. Utilization of poultry litter, tillage, and cover crops for cotton production on highly degraded soils in northeast Louisiana. J. of Cotton Scie.18:376-384.
  • Fernandez, C.J., D.D. Fromme, and W.J. Grichar. 2012. Grain sorghum response to row spacing and plant populations in the Texas coastal bend region. Int. J. of Agr. Article ID 238634, 6 pages.
  • Fromme, D.D., J.T. Cothren, R.G. Lemon, and J. Bynum. 2014. Effect of an upper temperature threshold on heat unit calculations, defoliation timing, lint yield, and fiber quality in cotton. J. of Cotton Scie.18: 108-121.
  • Fromme, D.D., L.L. Falconer, R.D. Parker, R.G. Lemon, C.J. Fernandez, and W.J. Grichar. 2014. Effects of two planting patterns and plant densities on the productivity and profitability of cotton. Amer. J. of Exp. Agr. 4(2):130-141.
  • Fromme, D.D., W.J. Grichar, P.A. Dotray, and C.J. Fernandez. 2013. Grain sorghum tolerance and weed control with pyrasulfotole plus bromoxynil combinations. Crop Management. DOI 10.1094/CM-2013-0010-RS, 9 pages.
  • Fromme, D.D., P.A. Dotray, W.J. Grichar, and C.J. Fernandez. 2012. Weed Control and Grain Sorghum Tolernace to Pyrasulfotole plus Bromoxynil. Int. J. of Agr. Article ID 951454, 10 pages.
  • Fromme, D.D., C.J. Fernandez, W.J. Grichar, and R.L. Jahn. 2012. Grain sorghum response to hybrid, row spacing, and plant populations along the upper Texas gulf coast. Int. J. of Agr. Article ID 930630, 5 pages.
  • Siebert, M.W., J.M. Babcock, S. Nolting, A.C. Santos, J.J. Adamczyk, Jr., P.A. Neese, J.E. King, J.N. Jenkins, J. McCarty, G.M. Lorenz, D.D. Fromme, and R.B. Lassiter. 2008. Efficacy of cry1f insecticidal protein in maize and cotton for control of fall armyworm (Lepidoptera:Noctuidae). Florida Entomologist. 91(4): 555-565.
  • Bynum, J.B., J.T. Cothren, R.G. Lemon, D.D. Fromme, R.K. Boman. 2007. Field evaluation of chaperone for the effect on cotton lint yield. J. of Cotton Sci. 11(1):20-25.
  • Gwathmey, C.O., C.W. Bednarz, D.D. Fromme, E.M. Holman, and D.K. Miller. 2004. Response to defoliation timing based on heat-unit accumulation in diverse field environments. J. of Cotton Sci. 8(3):142-153.

Louisiana Agriculture

  • Price, T., M. Purvis, H. Pruitt, J. Bartleson, D. Fromme, and B. Padgett. 2016. Target spot of cotton: a lion or a lamb? Louisiana Agriculture Magazine summer issue: 12-14.

Production Guides

  • Fromme, D.D., T. Isakeit, and L. Falconer. 2011. Soybean Production in the Rio Grande Valley. Texas Water Research Institute, College Station, Texas.
  • Trostle, C., and D. Fromme. 2010. South and Central Texas Grain Sorghum Production Handbook. United Sorghum Checkoff Program, Lubbock, Texas.

Chapters in Books

  • Oosterhuis, D.M., N.P. Tugwell, D.D. Fromme, and F.M. Bourland. 2008. Using COTMAN to Manage Defoliation and Harvest Efficiency. In COTMAN Crop Management Systems. University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture and Cotton Incorporated.

Self-Study Articles

  • Fromme, D., Grain Sorghum Tolerance and Weed Control with Pyrasulfotole Plus Bromoxynil Combinations. 2013. Crop and Soils Magazine, Nov.-Dec.-pp. 37-43. (CEU article for certified crop advisors)

Extension Publications

  • Fromme, D., J. Dickson, S. Brown, J. Copes, W. Waltman, K. Shannon, Dana Landry, J. Stapp, D. Ezell, O. Clark, and B. Fitzpatrick. 2019. Cotton Varieties for Louisiana. LSU AgCenter Pub. 2135 Rev.
  • Fromme, D., D. Stephenson, K. Shannon, and D. Landry. 2018. Grain Sorghum Hybrids for Grain 2019. LSU AgCenter Pub. 2831 Rev.
  • Fromme, D., K. Shannon, and D. Landry. 2018. Corn Hybrids for Grain 2019. LSU AgCenter Pub. 2827 Rev.
  • Fromme, D., B. Padgett, and D. Landry. 2018. When to Plant Cotton. LSU AgCenter Pub. 3661.
  • Fromme, D., J. Dickson, S. Brown, J. Copes, W. Waltman, K. Shannon, Dana Landry, J. Stapp, and D. Ezell. 2018. Cotton Varieties for Louisiana. LSU AgCenter Pub. 2135 Rev.
  • Fromme, D., R. Mascagni. D. Stephenson, K. Shannon, D. Landry, and C. Woodard. 2017. Grain Sorghum Hybrids for Grain 2018. LSU AgCenter Pub. 2831 Rev.
  • Fromme, D., R. Mascagni, K. Shannon, D. Landry, and C. Woodard. 2017. Corn Hybrids for Grain 2018. LSU AgCenter Pub. 2827 Rev.
  • Dodds, D., D. Reynolds, T. Raper, B. Robertson, D. Fromme, T. Cutts, and T. Sandlin. 2017. Mid-South Cotton Defoliation Guide. UT Extension Institute of Agriculture Pub. W376.
  • Fromme, D., T. Price, and D. Stephenson. 2017. Utilizing Harvest Aids in Grain Sorghum. LSU AgCenter Pub. 3608.
  • Fromme, D., J. Copes, and T. Price. 2017. Estimating Yield Potential of Corn. LSU AgCenter Pub. 3605.
  • Adusumilli, N., S. Davis, and D. Fromme. 2017. Evaluation of Net Profits from Surge Irrigation in Row Crops in Louisiana. LSU AgCenter Pub. 3566.
  • Fromme, D., R. Mascagni, D. Stephenson, and K. Shannon. 2017. Grain Sorghum Hybrids for Grain. LSU AgCenter Pub. 2831 Rev.
  • Fromme, D., R. Mascagni, J. Stevens, and K. Shannon. 2017. Corn Hybrids for Grain. LSU AgCenter Pub. 2827 Rev.
  • Fromme, D., J. Dickson, S. Micinski, D. Kerns, S. Brown, K. Shannon, J. Stapp, W. Waltman, S. Laird, and D. Ezell. 2017. Cotton Varieties for Louisiana. LSU AgCenter Pub. 2135 Rev.
  • Fromme, D., and T. Price. 2016. Preharvest Sprouting or Weathering of Grain Sorghum. LSU AgCenter Pub. 3553.
  • Davis, S., and D. Fromme. 2016. Scheduling Irrigation for Agronomic Crops Using Estimation Methods. LSU AgCenter Pub. 3559.
  • Fromme, D., R. Mascagni, J. Stevens, and K. Shannon. 2016. Corn Hybrids for Grain 2016. LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge, La. Pub. 2827 Rev.
  • Fromme, D., J. Lofton, J. Dickson, S. Micinski, D. Kerns, S. Brown, K. Shannon, J. Stapp, W. Waltman, S. Laird, and D. Ezell. 2016. 2016 Cotton Varieties for Louisiana. LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge, La. Pub. 2135 Rev.
  • Fromme, D., R. Mascagni, J. Lofton, B. Haggard, J. Stevens, and K. Shannon. 2015. Corn Hybrids for Grain 2015. LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge, La. Pub. 2827 Rev.
  • Myers, G.D., D. Fromme, J. Lofton, B. Haggard, B. Buckley, J. Dickson, S. Micinski, D. Kerns, S. Brown, K. Shannon, J. Stapp, W. Waltman, S. Laird, and D. Ezell. 2015. 2015 Cotton Varieties for Louisiana. LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge, La. Pub. 2135 Rev.
  • Schnell, R., P. Porter, P. Baumann, and D. Fromme. 2015. Guide for Trait Selection in Corn. Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, College Station, Texas. SCS-2015-03.
  • Miller, D., D. Stephenson, and D. Fromme. 2014. 2014 Cotton Harvest Aid Guidelines for Louisiana. LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge, La. Pub. No. 3194.
  • Myers, G., D. Fromme, J. Lofton, B. Haggard, B. Buckley, J.I. Dickson, S. Micinski, and D. Kerns. 2014. Cotton Varieties for Louisiana. LSU Agcenter, Baton Rouge, LA. Pub. No. 2135.
  • Overstreet, C., E.C. McGawley, C. Hollier, D. Fromme. 2014. Nematode Management-Louisiana Cotton Production. LSU AgCenter. Baton Rouge Louisiana. Pub. No. 3354.
  • Guidry, K.M., M.J. Finger, D. Fromme, C.J. Graham, K. Gravois, K. Harboth, R.A. Hinson, C.F. Hutchison, T.K. Lavergne, B. Legendre, R.J. Levy, J. Lofton, C.G. Lutz, A.D. Owings, R.J. Pruitt, D.P. Reed, J.K. Saichuk, M.E. Salassi, S.M. Tanger. 2014. Outlook for Louisiana Agriculture. Dept of Ag. Economics, LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. Staff Report No. 2014-04.
  • Morgan, G.D., D.D. Fromme and D.A. Mott. 2013. Replicated Agronomic Cotton Evaluation (RACE) South, East and Central Regions of Texas, 2013. Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, College Station, Texas. SCS-2013. December, 2013.
  • Schnell, R., D.D. Fromme, 2013. Assessing Frost-Freeze Damage in Corn. Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, College Station, Texas. B-6014.
  • Morgan, G.D., D.D. Fromme and D.A. Mott. 2012. Replicated Agronomic Cotton Evaluation (RACE) South, East and Central Regions of Texas, 2012. Texas AgriLife Extension Service, College Station, Texas. SCS-2012. December, 2012.
  • Young, M., D.D. Fromme, M. McFarland, and S. Klose. Deep Soil Testing Offers the Potential to Reduce Fertilizer Costs. Texas AgriLife Extension Service, College Station, Texas. FARM Assistance Focus 2011-3. March, 2011.
  • Morgan, G.D., D.D. Fromme, P.A. Baumann, J. Grichar, B. Bean, M.E. Matocha, and D.A. Mott. Managing Volunteer Cotton in Grain Crops. Texas AgriLife Extension Service, College Station, Texas. SCS-2011-04. April, 2011.
  • Morgan, G.D., D.D. Fromme and D.A. Mott. 2011. Replicated Agronomic Cotton Evaluation (RACE) South, East and Central Regions of Texas, 2011. Texas AgriLife Extension Service, College Station, Texas. SCS-2011-12. December, 2011.
  • Parker, R.D., D.D. Fromme, A.E. Knutson, and M. Jungman. 2005. Managing Cotton Insects in the Sothern, Eastern, and Blackland Areas of Texas E-5. Texas Cooperative Extension, College Station, TX., March, 2005.
  • Parker, R.D., D.D. Fromme, A.E. Knutson, and M. Jungman. 2005. Suggested Insecticides for Managing Cotton Insects in the Southern, Eastern, and Blackland Areas of Texas E-5A. Texas Cooperative Extension, College Station, Texas, March, 2005.

  • Parker, R.D., D.D. Fromme, A.E. Knutson, and M. Jungman. 2004. Managing Cotton Insects in the Sothern, Eastern, and Blackland Areas of Texas E-5. Texas Cooperative Extension, College Station, TX., March, 2004.
  • Parker, R.D., D.D. Fromme, A.E. Knutson, and M. Jungman. 2004. Suggested Insecticides for Managing Cotton Insects in the Southern, Eastern, and Blackland Areas of Texas E-5A. Texas Cooperative Extension, College Station, Texas, March, 2004.

  • Parker, R.D., D.D. Fromme, A.E. Knutson, and M. Jungman. 2003. Managing Cotton Insects in the Sothern, Eastern, and Blackland Areas of Texas E-5. Texas Cooperative Extension, College Station, TX., March, 2003.
  • Parker, R.D., D.D. Fromme, A.E. Knutson, and M. Jungman. 2003. Suggested Insecticides for Managing Cotton Insects in the Southern, Eastern, and Blackland Areas of Texas E-5A. Texas Cooperative Extension, College Station, Texas, March, 2003.

Research Publications

  • Fromme, D., H.J. Mascagni, B. Buckley, B. Waltman, J. Copes, D. Harrell, B. Padgett, T. Price, and S. Harrison. 2018. Louisiana grain sorghum hybrid trials. LAES Research Summary No. 218.
  • Fromme, D., H.J. Mascagni, J. Copes, B. Buckley, B. Waltman, B. Padgett, and T. Price. 2018. Louisiana corn for grain hybrid trials. LAES Research Summary No. 217.
  • Mascagni, H.J., Hugo Anzueto, K. Arceneaux, B. Buckley, A. Castro, J. Fluitt, D. Fromme, D. Groth, D. Harrell, S. Harrison, C. Hollier, M. Kongchum, J. Leonards, B. Merritt, P. Price, C. Roider, K. Shannon, B. Waltman, and C. Woodard. 2017. Performance of grain sorghum hybrids in Louisiana. LAES Research Summary No. 214.
  • Mascagni, H.J., S. Brown, B. Buckley, D. Ezell, D. Fromme, D. Kerns, B. Padgett, P. Price, K. Shannon, J. Stapp, B. Waltman, and S. Washam. 2016. Performance of corn hybrids in Louisiana. LAES Research Summary No. 209.
  • Mascagni, H.J., K. Arceneaux, J. Buezelin, S. Brown, B. Buckley, J. Fluitt, D. Fromme, D. Groth, D. Harrell, S. Harrison, C. Hollier, F. Huang, D. Kerns, M. Kongchum, J. Leonard, P. Price, C. Roider, K. Shannon, B. Waltman, and C. Woodard. 2016. Performance of grain sorghum hybrids in Louisiana. LAES Research Summary No. 210.
  • Mascagni, H.J., S. Brown, B. Bluckley, D. Ezell, D. Fromme, D. Kerns, B. Padgett, P. Price, K. Shannon, J. Stapp, T. Talbot, and B. Waltman. 2015. Performance of corn hybrids in Louisiana. LAES Research Summary No. 207.
  • Mascagni, H.J., K. Arceneaux, J. Beuzelin, S. Brown, B. Buckley, J. Fluitt, D. Fromme, Don Groth, D. Harrell, S. Harrison, C. Hollier, F. Huang, D. Kerns, M. Kongchum, J. Leonards, J. Lofton, P. Price, C. Roider, K. Shannon, B. Waltman, and C. Woodard. 2015. Performance of grain sorghum hybrids in Louisiana. LAES Research Summary No. 208.
  • Mascagni, H.J., S. Brown, B. Buckley, D. Fromme, D. Kerns, J. Lofton, K. Miller, B. Padgett, P. Price, K. Shannon, J. Stapp, T. Talbot, and B. Waltman. 2014. Performance of corn hybrids in Louisiana. LAES Research Summary No. 203.
  • Mascagni, H.J., K. Arceneaux, S. Brown, B. Buckley, K. Miller, J. Fluitt, D. Fromme, D. Groth, D. Harrell, S. Harrison, C. Hollier, D. Kerns, J. Leonards, J. Lofton, P. Price, R. Regan, K. Shannon, J. Stapp, T. Talbot, and B. Waltman. 2014. Performance of grain sorghum hybrids in Louisiana. LAES Research Summary No. 204.

  • Mascagni, H.J., B. Buckley, D. Ezell, D. Fromme, B. Padgett, P. Price, K. Shannon, J. Stapp, B. Waltman, and S. Washam. 2017. Performance of corn hybrids in Louisiana. LAES Research Summary No. 213.

Leadership Roles in Organizations, Committees, and Meetings

  • Journal of Cotton Science, Assistant Editor, 2017 – present
  • Louisiana Crops Newsletter, Editor, 2017 – present
  • Crop Science Society of America, Chairman, Extension Education Award Committee, 2015-2016
  • Beltwide Extension Cotton Specialist, President, 2018-2019
  • Beltwide Extension Cotton Specialist, Vice President, 2016 – 2017
  • Beltwide Extension Cotton Specialist, Secretary, 2014-2015
  • Texas Plant Protection Association, Past President, 2012
  • Texas Plant Protection Association, President, 2011
  • Texas Plant Protection Association, Vice-President, 2010
  • Cotton Incorporated, National COTMAN Program Chair, 2008-2013

Work and Research Experience

  • January 2016 – Present: Associate Professor, State Specialist-Corn, Cotton, and Grain Sorghum, Dean Lee Research and Extension Center, LSU Agricultural Center, Alexandria, LA
  • November 2013 – 2015: Associate Professor, State Specialist-Corn and Cotton, Dean Lee Research and Extension Center, LSU Agricultural Center, Alexandria, LA
  • September 2013 – November 2013: Associate Professor, Extension Agronomist, Texas A&M Research and Extension Center, Corpus Christi, TX
  • February 2008 – August 2013: Assistant Professor, Extension Agronomist, Texas A&M Research and Extension Center, Corpus Christi, TX
  • May 2007 – January 2008: Assistant Professor, Extension Agronomist, Texas A&M Research and Extension Center, Uvalde, TX
  • April 1997 – April 2007: Integrated Pest Management Agent, Texas A&M University, Wharton, TX

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