Denyse Cummins

Cummins, Denyse B.
Title WAE
Department School of Plant, Environmental and Soil Sciences
Address 1 104 Sturgis Hall
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Phone 225-578-2110
Fax 225-578-1403

  • B.S. in Horticulture from Louisiana Tech State University. 1989
  • M.S. in Floriculture from Colorado State University. 1991
  • Horticulture County Agent with Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service from 1997 to present. Currently working as an Area Horticulture Agent in northwest Louisiana, housed in Shreveport.
  • A cut-flower grower from 1993 to 1998, growing field-grown specialty cut flowers in Lafayette, La., Ms. Cummins was a frequent traveler to El Salvador to teach cut-flower production to small farmers and developer of a cut-flower marketing cooperative in Lafayette. Current responsibilities include all aspects of horticulture, both consumer and commercial, with a focus on sustainable horticulture.
  • Originated the Master Gardener Program in Lafayette, assisted in the development of Master Gardener programs throughout the NW Region and currently coordinator of the Northwest Louisiana Master Gardener Program.

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