Carl Motsenbocker

Carl Motsenbocker.
Title Professor
Department School of Plant, Environmental and Soil Sciences
Address 1 104 Sturgis Hall
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Phone 225-578-1036
Fax 225-578-1403

Ph.D., Horticultural Science, North Carolina State University, 1990
M.S., Horticultural Science, North Carolina State University, 1987
B.S., General Plant Science, Cornell University, 1980

Louisiana Farm to School, 2021 – 2024, $ 2,100,000 (Primary Investigator). Louisiana Department of Education (USDA State Administrative Funds, CNP)

Louisiana Sustainable Agriculture Professional Model State Program, 2015–present, $ 44,000 per year, with Ms. Mila Berhane, (Southern University). USDA SARE PDP

Grow Louisiana Beginning Farmer Training Program, 2018 - 2021, $ 589,610 (Primary Investigator) USDA Beginning Farmer Rancher Development Program.

Louisiana Farm to School/Institution, 2017 – 2020, $ 2,000,000 (Primary Investigator). Louisiana Department of Education (USDA CNP)

Farm to School/Institution 2017-2018, $ 300,000, Louisiana Department of Education (USDA CNP)

Student Travel to SSAWG Conference, 2018, $ 5,100. LSU Student Government Sustainability Fund

Farm to School/Institution: Expanding Specialty Crop Marketing Opportunities through Farm to School/Institution, 2016-2019, $ 91,308, with J. Westra. USDA Specialty Crops Bock Grant (LDAF)

Student Travel to SSAWG Conference, 2017, $ 3,189. LSU Student Government Sustainability Fund

Hill Farm Teaching Facility Farm Equipment, 2016-2017, $ 12,051. LSU Student Government Sustainability Fund

Louisiana Harvest of the Month State-wide Program for Fruits and Vegetables, 2014-2016, $ 76,670, with A. Savage. USDA Specialty Crops Bock Grant (LDAF)

Supporting/Strengthening Louisiana Farm to School (conference and regional meetings), 2014-2015, $24,993, Co-PI with A. Guarino. USDA Community Food Programs

Improving Fall Organic Vegetable Crops and Soils with Summer Cover Crops, 2010 – 2013, $289,977,with W. Evans (Mississippi State Univ.), University),C.R. Reddy (Alcorn State University), and R. Mentreddy (Alabama A and M University) Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (USDA)

Louisiana Sustainable Agriculture Professional Model State Program, 2010 – 2013, $ 30,000 per year, with Dr. Chris Robichaux (Southern University). USDA Southern SARE PDP

Supporting/Strengthening Louisiana Farmers’ Markets through
Education and Networking, 2011-2013, $ 21,920, with various LSU colleagues and state collaborators. USDA AMS Farmers Market Conference Grant

SARE PDP Enhancement Grant, 2009 – 2010, $ 10,000, with O. Bandele (Southern University). USDA CSREES

Summer Experience Summer Program, 2009, $ 10,000, with Imam Sabree, Advocates for Change (Islamic Complex of Baton Rouge). Baton Rouge Area Foundation

Scholarships for Limited-resource and Minority Farmers to Attend the Southern Sustainable Agriculture Working Group Annual Conference, 2009, $ 7,600, with O. Bandele, Southern University. Southern SARE

Kasetsart University Summer Intern Program, 2009, $ 12,000. LSU AgCenter Chancellor's Office

Summer Experience Summer Program, 2008, $ 17,000, with Imam Sabree, Advocates for Change. Baton Rouge Area Foundation

LSU Interns for Summer Experience Summer Program, 2008, $ 6.000. LSU AgCenter Chancellor's Office

Scholarships for Limited-resource and Minority Farmers to Attend the Southern Sustainable Agriculture Working Group Annual Conference, 2008, $ 6,000, with O. Bandele, Southern University. Southern SARE

Summer Experience Summer Program, 2007, $ 10,000, with Imam Sabree, Advocates for Change, Baton Rouge Area Foundation

Louisiana Sustainable Agriculture Professional Development Program – Model State Program, 2007 – 2009, $ 30,000 per year, with Dr. O. Bandele (Southern University). Southern SARE (USDA)

The Louisiana Collaboration Strengthening the National Good Agricultural Practices Program Through Expanded Collaboration, 2003-2004, $15,000, with Dr. A. Trappey. Cornell University (USDA CSREES)

Establishing Sustainable Production and Information Exchange Systems for Limited-resource Vegetable Farmers in Louisiana, 2000 – 2003, $176,000, with A. Smiley (Baton Rouge Economic and Agricultural Development Alliance) and Dr. O. Bandele (Southern University). Southern Sustainable Agriculture, Research and Education (USDA)

Computer facility enhancement in the Department of Horticulture, 1999-2000, $52,669, with Drs. J. Kuehny and P. Wilson. LSU Technology Fee

Habanero Pepper Research; 1997, $ 3,700 (sole researcher). McIlhenny Company, Avery Island, LA

Tropical Horticulture Curricula and Faculty Development, 1997 - 2000, $ 78,314, project coordinator with Drs. J. Kuehny and D. Picha. USDA Higher Education Challenge Grant

Analysis of Capsicum Fruit Abscission, 1996 - 1998, $ 80,063,
principal investigator with Drs. M. Sundberg, D. Shih, and D. LaBonte. Louisiana Board of Regents

Pepper Fruit Detachment Research; 1994, $ 2,800 (sole researcher). McIlhenny Company, Avery Island, LA

Tabasco Poultry Litter Project; 1996 - 1998, $ 2,600 per year for 3 years. (sole researcher). Tri-State Mineral Consult., St. Louis, Missouri

Multidisciplinary Ph.D. Programs in Agriculture; 1994, $ 32,000, with other College of Agriculture and LSU Agricultural Center faculty. Louisiana Board of Regents

Pepper Herbicide Studies; 1993, $1,000 (sole researcher). S.D.S. Biotech

Pepper Fruit Detachment and Cultural Practices Research; 1993 $1,800 (sole researcher). McIlhenny Company, Avery Island, LA

Development and Evaluation of Mechanical Harvest of Hot Pepper for Processing; 1992; $11,000 (with Drs. B. Buckley, J. Boudreaux, and W. Mulkey; LSU Ag. Center). Commercial Louisiana Pepper Processors

Extension Awards

2021 Farm Credit National MarketMaker Innovation Award (Third Place) - Louisiana Farm to School Program; Alessandro Holzapfel, Crystal Besse and Carl Motsenbocker

2019 Denver T. and Ferne Loupe Extension Team Award – Louisiana Farm to School Program (Crystal Besse, Pam Hodson, Alessandro Holzapfel, Ruthie Losavio, Sydney Melhado, Carl Motsenbocker)

2019 Farm Credit National MarketMaker Innovation Award (First Place) – Louisiana Farm to School Program; Alessandro Holzapfel, Crystal Besse and Carl Motsenbocker

2018 Farm Credit National MarketMaker Innovation Award (First Place) – Louisiana Farm to School Program; Alessandro Holzapfel, Crystal Besse and Carl Motsenbocker

Extension Service

2006 – 2013, 2015 - present, Co-State Coordinator, Louisiana Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Professional Development Program (USDA Southern SARE) in cooperation with the Southern University Agricultural Center. State Specialist in sustainable agriculture for the Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service. Extension Programming: programming and materials and organic/sustainable/ecological gardening and farming extension publications and presentations developed for use by LSU and SU county agents, agricultural professionals, and mentor farmers. SARE PDP sustainable agriculture activities include: website, newsletter and notices, trainings, workshops and field days focused on training agriculture professionals held throughout Louisiana. The Louisiana SARE project also provides scholarships for agriculture professionals and growers to attend the Southern Sustainable Agriculture Working Group annual meetings and other training events around the southern region.

2017 – present, Executive Director, Louisiana Farm to School Program. Team lead for farm to school/institution, local food systems program that promotes the 3 tenets of farm to school: education, gardening, procurement. Extension programming and materials for this statewide farm to school program in collaboration with LSU and LSU AgCenter personnel and cooperating partners: LDAF, Department of Education, USDA, farm to school practitioners, and others. Specific activities include: Louisiana Farm to School Handbook, website ( development and maintenance; institutional procurement training, farmer business training (MarketReady), promotion and support for MarketMaker and Louisiana Harvest of the Month and other educational materials and trainings, and an annual Louisiana Farm to School Conference. Duties include oversight of extension associates and contract employees and short and long-range planning and implementation of program activities.

2018 – 2022, Team leader for Grow Louisiana: Beginning Farmer Training Program. Grow Louisiana is a year-long sustainable agriculture educational program designed for new and beginning farmers in the state of Louisiana focused on horticulture and business training, and local food systems. Grow Louisiana uses a mixed methods approach of classroom sessions, hands-on trainings, on-farm field days, and farmer mentoring and networking. Duties include collaboration with regional partners in conjunction with the LSU program manager and short and long-range planning and implementation of program activities.

Extension Awards:

2021 Farm Credit National MarketMaker Innovation Award (Third Place) - Louisiana Farm to School Program; Alessandro Holzapfel, Crystal Besse and Carl Motsenbocker

2019 Denver T. and Ferne Loupe Extension Team Award – Louisiana Farm to School Program (Crystal Besse, Pam Hodson, Alessandro Holzapfel, Ruthie Losavio, Sydney Melhado, Carl Motsenbocker)

2019 Farm Credit National MarketMaker Innovation Award (First Place) – Louisiana Farm to School Program; Alessandro Holzapfel, Crystal Besse and Carl Motsenbocker

2018 Farm Credit National MarketMaker Innovation Award (First Place) – Louisiana Farm to School Program; Alessandro Holzapfel, Crystal Besse and Carl Motsenbocker


1991 - present, Assistant, Associate and Full Professor, School of Plant, Environmental, and Soil Science (Department of Horticulture), Louisiana State University.

Teaching Awards:
LSU Distinguished Service-Learning Faculty Award (2012)
Kiwanis Club of Louisiana State University Outstanding Service Award (2011)
Gamma Sigma Delta Teaching Merit Honor Roll (2000, 2011)
LSU Service-Learning Fellow (2008-2009)
Fulbright Scholar Thailand (2004)
LSU Service-Learning Incentive Award (2003)

Courses Taught as Primary Instructor (Current)
HORT 2525 – Organic Gardening and Sustainable Crop Production (4) 3 hr lecture / 3 hrs lab. (2014-present)
HORT 3010 - Research Problems. I have guided numerous undergraduate students in independent undergraduate research.
HORT 4545 – Sustainable Agriculture (3) lecture and discussion (Spring 2016 – present).
HORT 4083 - Principles and Practices in Olericulture (4) 3 hrs lecture/ 3 hrs lab. (service learning, 1991 to present)
LSU in Thailand Study Abroad; 3-week international sustainable agriculture study tour in Thailand (2005, 2006, 2008, 2011, 2015, 2017, 2019)
HORT 4012 – Vegetable Crops (3) online course through the ACCEPtS program (Fall 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2021)

Courses Taught as Primary Instructor (Previous)
HORT 2001 - Organic Gardening (2) 1 hr lecture / 2 hrs lab. This course is primarily for non-horticulture majors (service learning; Fall 1999 - 2015).
HORT 3012 - Culture and Management of Fruit, Nut, and Vegetable Crops (3)(co-taught) 2 hrs lecture / 3 hrs lab. This was a required course for all horticulture majors. (2001 – 2005)
HORT 4050 - Horticultural Science Education (3) 1 hr lecture / 3 hrs lab. Service-learning class for the introduction of hands-on science in public elementary schools. (2003 -2004)
HORT 7913 - Graduate Seminar, 1 hr lecture (co-taught)(1995-1997).
Horticulture 7596 – Special Topics: Vegetable Crops Physiology and Production (Kasetsart University, Thailand), 2 hrs lecture, 3 hrs lab (Fall 2004).
HORT 4012: Exploring Campus Sustainability: from Waste Streams to Food Production (seminar class) (1 credit) Spring 2009 and (3 credits) 2011; Campus Sustainability (2 credits) Fall 2011, Spring 2012.

New Courses Developed
HORT 2001 - Organic Gardening (2); HORT 2525 – Organic Gardening and Local Food Systems (4 credits); HORT 3012 - Culture and Management of Fruit, Nut, and Vegetable Crops (3); HORT 4012 - Special Topics in Horticulture (1-3); HORT 4050 (3) - Horticultural Science Education; LSU in Thailand Study Abroad; HORT 4012 (1) Exploring Campus Sustainability/ Campus Sustainability (1-3 credits); Sustainable Agriculture (3 credits); HORT 4545 Sustainable Agriculture (3 credits).

Other Teaching Activities
North Carolina State University:
Graduate Research Assistant, 1985 - 1990. Assisted in the laboratory section of Principles of Plant Propagation, presented class lectures of Herbicide Chemistry, and assisted in Research Methods of Weed Science.
Louisiana State University:
Guest lecturer for General Horticulture (HORT 2050) on vegetable crops and local food systems.
Guest lecturer for Fundamental Problems in Horticulture (HORT 4012), taught in Spring, 1997 via the L.S.U. Compressed Video Network.
Taught part (1/4) of Plant Propagation (HORT 2061) and laboratory section (1997).
Guest lecturer for 2 horticulture classes at Mendel University (November 2016)

International Programs Administrative Partial Appointment (60 %)

Program Coordinator, LSU AgCenter International Programs (2012 to 2016). Principal Investigator for the USAID-funded Food Enterprise Development (FED) in Liberia Program (Subcontract to DAI, USAID Contract 669-C-00-11-00047-00, $ 2,400,000 subcontract). Daily duties included: oversight of LSU AgCenter FED budget, implementation of annual workplan activities, mobilization and oversight of short-term technical support and mobilizations as well as supervision of two long-term LSU AgCenter personnel in country. Mobilizations as a short-term technical consultant (vegetables crops; two-year agriculture certificate program curriculum, syllabus and lesson plan development) and project PI. Other duties included FED project tasks and activities coordination, and project oversight as needed and quarterly, annual and final reporting to DAI and USAID.

Research Experience/Appointment

1991 - 2012, Assistant, Associate and Full Professor, School of Plant, Environmental and Soil Sciences, (Department of Horticulture), Louisiana State University Agricultural Center. Vegetable crops physiology and cultural practices research. Projects included investigation of differential fruit abscission in pepper genotypes, sustainable production practices, fertilization and plant population studies of processed peppers, watermelon plant establishment, postharvest quality evaluation of watermelon and mixed melon, organic fertilizers, cover crops, and colored plastic mulches and row covers for vegetable production, and the effect of hands-on science education on environmental awareness and science achievement of public elementary school students.

1987 - 1990, Graduate Research Assistant, Dept. of Horticultural Science, North Carolina State University. Dissertation research: the tolerance of sweet potato genotypes to various postemergence herbicides was evaluated in field and greenhouse studies. The basis of differential tolerance of sweet potato to asymmetrical triazines was investigated in phytotron and laboratory studies.

1985 - 1987, Graduate Research Assistant, Dept. of Horticultural Science, North Carolina State University. Thesis research: various row cover materials were evaluated for the promotion of early and total yield of trickle-irrigated muskmelons. Several herbicides were investigated for use with different row covers and plastic mulch in muskmelon production.

Extension Publications

Sustainable Gardening for School and Home Gardens Series

Sustainable Gardening for School and Home Gardens: Sustainable Gardening Planting Guide, (J. Frelier, D. Cummins, and C. Motsenbocker) LSU AgCenter, PUB3761-A (online) 11/21.

Sustainable Gardening for School and Home Gardens: Beet & Carrot, (J. Frelier, D. Cummins, and C. Motsenbocker) LSU AgCenter, PUB3761-C (online) 11/21.

Sustainable Gardening for School and Home Gardens: Blueberries, (J. Frelier, D. Cummins, and C. Motsenbocker) LSU AgCenter, PUB3761-H (online) 11/21.

Sustainable Gardening for School and Home Gardens: Broccoli & Cauliflower, (J. Frelier, D. Cummins, and C. Motsenbocker) LSU AgCenter, PUB3761-I (online) 11/21.

Sustainable Gardening for School and Home Gardens: Cabbage, (J. Frelier, D. Cummins, and C. Motsenbocker) LSU AgCenter, PUB3761-J (online) 11/21.

Sustainable Gardening for School and Home Gardens: Cantaloupe & Watermelon, (J. Frelier, D. Cummins, and C. Motsenbocker) LSU AgCenter, PUB3761-K (online) 11/21.

Sustainable Gardening for School and Home Gardens: Citrus, (J. Frelier, D. Cummins, and C. Motsenbocker) LSU AgCenter, PUB3761-L (online) 11/21.

Sustainable Gardening for School and Home Gardens: Cucumber, (J. Frelier, D. Cummins, and C. Motsenbocker) LSU AgCenter, PUB3761-M (online) 11/21.

Sustainable Gardening for School and Home Gardens: Eggplant, (J. Frelier, D. Cummins, and C. Motsenbocker) LSU AgCenter, PUB3761-N (online) 11/21.

Sustainable Gardening for School and Home Gardens: Leafy Greens, (J. Frelier, D. Cummins, and C. Motsenbocker) LSU AgCenter, PUB3761-O (online) 11/21.

Sustainable Gardening for School and Home Gardens: Lettuce, (J. Frelier, D. Cummins, and C. Motsenbocker) LSU AgCenter, PUB3761-P (online) 11/21.

Sustainable Gardening for School and Home Gardens: Radish, (J. Frelier, D. Cummins, and C. Motsenbocker) LSU AgCenter, PUB3761-Q (online) 11/21.

Sustainable Gardening for School and Home Gardens: Snap Beans, Bush and Pole, (J. Frelier, D. Cummins, and C. Motsenbocker) LSU AgCenter, PUB3761-D (online) 11/21.

Sustainable Gardening for School and Home Gardens: Squash, Summer & Winter, (J. Frelier, D. Cummins, and C. Motsenbocker) LSU AgCenter, PUB3761-E (online) 11/21.

Sustainable Gardening for School and Home Gardens: Strawberries, (J. Frelier, D. Cummins, and C. Motsenbocker) LSU AgCenter, PUB3761-F (online) 11/21.

Sustainable Gardening for School and Home Gardens: Sweet Pepper, (J. Frelier, D. Cummins, and C. Motsenbocker) LSU AgCenter, PUB3761-G (online) 11/21.

Sustainable Gardening for School and Home Gardens: Tomato, (J. Frelier, D. Cummins, and C. Motsenbocker) LSU AgCenter, PUB3761-B (online) 11/21.

Louisiana Harvest of the Month Video Series

Louisiana Harvest of the Month Program (2021)

Louisiana Harvest of the Month Video Series: Citrus

Louisiana Harvest of the Month Video Series: Sweet Potatoes

Louisiana Harvest of the Month Video Series: Lettuce

Louisiana Harvest of the Month Video Series: Greens

Louisiana Harvest of the Month Video Series: Strawberries

Louisiana Harvest of the Month Video Series: Mushrooms

Louisiana Harvest of the Month Video Series: Catfish

Harvest of the Month Poster Series

Harvest of the Month: Sweet Potato (C. Motsenbocker and C. Besse, 2021) LSU AgCenter MISC 141.

Harvest of the Month: Broccoli(C. Motsenbocker and C. Besse, 2021) LSU AgCenter MISC 142.

Harvest of the Month: Summer Squash (C. Motsenbocker and C. Besse, 2021) LSU AgCenter MISC 143.

Harvest of the Month: Cucumbers (C. Motsenbocker and C. Besse, 2021) LSU AgCenter MISC 144.

Harvest of the Month: Watermelon(C. Motsenbocker and C. Besse, 2021) LSU AgCenter MISC 145.

Harvest of the Month: Tomato (C. Motsenbocker and C. Besse, 2021) LSU AgCenter MISC 146.

Harvest of the Month: Eggplant (C. Motsenbocker and C. Besse, 2021) LSU AgCenter MISC 147.

Harvest of the Month: Peppers(C. Motsenbocker and C. Besse, 2021) LSU AgCenter MISC 148.

Harvest of the Month: Mushrooms (C. Motsenbocker and C. Besse, 2021) LSU AgCenter MISC 161.

Harvest of the Month: Winter Squash (C. Motsenbocker and C. Besse, 2021) LSU AgCenter MISC 162.

Harvest of the Month: Citrus(C. Motsenbocker and C. Besse, 2021) LSU AgCenter MISC 163.

Harvest of the Month: Strawberry (C. Motsenbocker and C. Besse, 2021) LSU AgCenter MISC 165.

Harvest of the Month: Cabbage (C. Motsenbocker and C. Besse, 2021) LSU AgCenter MISC 166.

Harvest of the Month: Catfish (C. Motsenbocker and C. Besse, 2021) LSU AgCenter MISC 265.

Harvest of the Month: Shrimp (C. Motsenbocker and C. Besse, 2021) LSU AgCenter MISC 266.

Harvest of the Month: Blueberries (C. Motsenbocker and C. Besse, 2021) LSU AgCenter MISC 315.

Harvest of the Month: Lettuce (C. Motsenbocker and C. Besse, 2021) LSU AgCenter MISC 356.

Harvest of the Month: Greens (C. Motsenbocker and C. Besse, 2021) LSU AgCenter MISC 370.

Other Extension Publications

What’s In Season? Louisiana-Grown Seasonality Chart (C. Motsenbocker, C. Robertson, S. Melhado, 2018) LSU AgCenter P3265-A

Urban Agriculture (C. Motsenbocker, R. Williams, 2012) LSU AgCenter Pub. 3233.

School Gardens: Add Gardens to Your School Curriculum (C. Motsenbocker, E. Neustrom, 2008)LSU AgCenter Pub. MISC-36.

Organic Vegetable Gardening (C. Motsenbocker, 2006) Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service, LSU AgCenter, Pub. 2948-A

Organic Gardening (Chapter 13 of the Louisiana Master Gardener Training Manual)

Extension Websites

Louisiana Farm to School Program

Seeds to Success

Louisiana SARE PDP

Research Publications

(Past five years)

Refereed Journal Articles

Coleman M.A., M. Bampasidou, C. Motsenbocker, and W.R. McKinzie. 2021. “Assessing the Educational Needs of New and Beginning Urban Farmers in New Orleans, LouisianaJournal of the National Association County Agricultural Agents, Vol. 14 (1).

Frelier, J. M., M. Bampasidou, M. Coleman, and C. Motsenbocker. “A COVID-19 Impact Assessment of Louisiana Food Producers: Opportunities for research and extension-based support” (Under review in the Journal of Extension, first submission July 2021).

Published Abstracts

Coleman M., C. Motsenbocker, M. Bampasidou, and C. Carmichael. 2020. Grow Louisiana Beginning Farmer Training Program: Empowering Louisiana’s horticulture producers for farming success. Local Food Systems Section. American Society of Horticulture Science Virtual Conference, August 10, 2020.

Coleman, M., M. Bampasidou, C. Motsenbocker, and C. Carmichael. 2020. “Perception vs Reality of Farming Risks: Empowering Louisiana’s beginning farmers ” Extension Risk Management Education National Conference, Denver, April 1-2, 2020.

Presentations at Professional Meetings

Coleman, M., Bampasidou, M., and C. Motsenbocker. Presentation: “Growing Sustainable Farmers.”Presentation as a Research Update at the 2021 Food Distribution Research Society Annual Conference, 10/17-19/2021.

Bampasidou, M., M. Coleman, and C. Motsenbocker. Poster: “Grow Louisiana: Empowering Louisiana’s new and beginning sustainable horticulture farmers.” Louisiana Association County Agricultural Agents, Annual Meetings, Natchitoches. 06/06-09/2021.

Coleman M., C. Motsenbocker, M. Bampasidou, and C. Carmichael. Presentation: “Grow Louisiana Beginning Farmer Training Program: Empowering Louisiana’s horticulture producers for farming success.” Local Food Systems Section. American Society of Horticulture Science Virtual Conference, August 10, 2020.

Coleman M., C. Carmichael, M. Bampasidou, and C. Motsenbocker. Poster: “Perception vs Reality of Farming Risks: Empowering Louisiana’s beginning farmers for business success”. Extension Risk Management Education Conference, Denver, CO. April 1-2, 2020.

  • Regional/local food systems and farm to school.
  • Sustainable beginning farmer training and outreach.
  • Vegetable crops physiology and effect of microclimate modification and cultural practices on vegetable crops growth and development.
  • Sustainable agriculture / vegetable crops production practices.

Other Interests:
Tropical horticulture and international agriculture and development.

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