1-3: LSU AgCenter Office Closed
17: LSU AgCenter Office Closed
18: 4-H Culinary Arts Contest Submission (Beef & Bento); 4-H Jr. Leader Club Meeting
5: 4-H Pancakes and Pajamas
15: 4-H Culinary Arts Contest Submission (Egg, Poultry, Sugar); 4-H Jr. Leader Meeting
1: LSU AgCenter Office Closed
4: 4-H Night with the Pelicans
5: 4-H Trash Bash
23: 4-H Culinary Arts Contest Submission (Seafood); 4-H Jr. Leader Club Meeting
15: LSU AgCenter Office Closed
20: 4-H Achievement Day
10: 4-H Regional Culinary Arts Contest
Happy New Year, 4-H’ers! We hope that all of you are ready to start your new year by participating in the many opportunities that 4-H has to offer. Now is the time to try something new – a new contest, activity, or maybe even a new project club! Check out the newsletter for more details. Remember to mark those important dates and deadlines on your new calendars at home.
We are happy to announce that 4-H Camp is moving back to Camp Grant Walker this year as we celebrate 100 years of 4-H Camping at the facility. As you are planning your new 2022 year, consider saving these dates for summer 4-H activities:
4-H Summer Camp at Camp Grant Walker
for 4th-6th graders of the 2021-2022 school year
July 25 – 28, 2022
4-H University at LSU
for 8th-12th graders of the 2021-2022 school year
June 21-24, 2022
*More information to come on both events
This year St. Charles Parish 4-H is providing several venues for 4-H members and families to stay updated with 4-H News.
St. Charles Parish LSU AgCenter Website www.lsuagcenter.com/stcharles
Visit this page and click on the 4-H tab for articles and updates including 4-H newsletters, contests, and upcoming opportunities
St. Charles 4-H Facebook Page www.facebook.com/scp4h
Like or Follow this page for daily posts, updates, and resources
St. Charles 4-H Instagram
Follow us on Instagram for highlights and announcements
Google Classroom
or Microsoft Teams
Many school clubs will use Google
Classroom to communicate with
their 4-H’ers. Our parish 4-H
Community Clubs and members-at-large club will use Microsoft Teams
to communicate with 4-H‘ers. See
your 4-H Club Leader for
information on how to gain access
to these communication tools.
All students K-12th grade have an opportunity to join a 4-H Club. You may join your school club and/or a community club. Yes, you can be a member of more than one 4-H club. These are a few tips on how to join a 4-H club.
Complete and submit a
4-H Enrollment Form.
See 4-H Club Leader for Form.
Pay 4-H Club Dues.
See 4-H Club Leader for club dues
amount and payment methods.
Submit Any Other Forms.
See 4-H Club Leader for any
additional forms needed to join.
Attend Monthly Meetings
Participate in meetings (face-to-face or virtually)
Read 4-H Newsletters
Bring the newsletters home or show your parents online for more opportunities, contests, and more!
Participate in 4-H Activities
Participate in 4-H activities within your club, community, country, and world.
Communicate with 4-H Leader
Stay updated with meeting dates and 4-H activities and opportunities
St. Charles Parish 4-H hosts major parish events open to all 4-H members. Attendance will be taken at all events. Participation in multiple events will increase opportunities for awards presented at 4-H Achievement Day. Please save the dates and be on the lookout for more information regarding these events in the monthly newsletter.
4-H Pancakes and Pajamas
Healthy Living Program on February 5, 2022
4-H Trash Bash
Civic Engagement Program on March 5, 2022
4-H Achievement Day
Awards Recognition Program
*by invitation only on April 20, 2022
June 21-24, 2022 4-H University (for 8th-12th grade members)
July 25-28, 2022 4-H Camp (for 4th-6th grade members)
If you have livestock animals, rabbits, or horses and are interested in participating in this year’s LSU AgCenter Livestock, Rabbit, and/or Horse Shows, please contact 4-H Agent Kali Zammit at kzammit@agcenter.lsu.edu to receive information, rules, and regulations for participation.
Upcoming Livestock Show Dates:
Southeast District Livestock Show
February 3-5, 2022
LSU AgCenter State 4-H Livestock Show
February 12-19, 2022
Throughout this year 4th – 12th grade 4-H members are encouraged to complete a 4-H Portfolio, which focuses on record-keeping skills and is helpful when completing award, scholarship, and future job applications. Prizes or opportunities will be awarded to top members who complete the 4-H Portfolio. In addition to completing your 4-H Story and the other sections of the 4-H Portfolio, read the newsletter for opportunities to list in your 4-H Portfolio this year. Download a Digital Version of the 4-H Portfolio to begin working
St. Charles Parish 4-H is offering the following leadership opportunities this month. List your participation in these activities in the 4-H Leadership (Section 2) of your 4-H Portfolio.
Use your hands to larger service by participating in 4-H Service Projects. List your activities in the 4-H Citizenship/Community Service Section (Section 3) of your Portfolio.
Read the newsletter for more details on each of these projects. If you need verification of service hours for another organization, contact the 4-H Agent.
There are several award opportunities this month for 4-H members. List your participation in the 4-H Awards and Recognition Section (Section 4) of your 4-H Portfolio.
Join the 4-H Agent and other 4-H’ers and volunteers throughout St. Charles Parish by viewing our 4-H Update Podcasts. The 4-H Update Podcast will feature music requested by your 4-H peers, the 4-H Agent reviewing the upcoming 4-H events, an FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section, and/or interviews with 4-H members, leaders, or volunteers. Podcast videos will be posted on your school 4-H club Google Classroom or your 4-H Community Club Microsoft Team. To request music or ask questions to be featured in the Podcast, complete the 4-H Update Podcast Form.
As we continue to rebuild St. Charles Parish, we are in the process of planning for events for our 4-H Community Clubs. There are 5 St. Charles Parish 4-H Community Clubs that you can join. Each community club focuses on a specific project-related area. At this time, we are asking for interested students to contact the 4-H Office if you are interested in joining any of the 4-H community clubs listed. Yes, you may be in more than one community club in addition to your 4-H club at school.
• 4-H Cloverbud Community Club - for all K-3rd grade students
• 4-H CHEF (Cooking, Healthy Eating, & Fitness) Club - for all 4th-6th grade students
• 4-H Shooting Sports Club – for students 10 years old through 12th grade
• 4-H Jr. Leader Club – for all 7th – 12th grade students
• 4-H Fashion Club - for all 4th-12th grade students
For more information or to join any of the project clubs listed below, please contact the St. Charles Parish LSU AgCenter (4-H) Office at 985-785-4473 or stcharles@agcenter.lsu.edu.
During the upcoming months, 4-H members are encouraged to explore the world of photography by participating in monthly 4-H Photography Contests. To participate in the photography contest, complete the form by clicking on the link below. All forms must be completed by February 28, 2022. Photos may be submitted early. No late submissions will be accepted. Official rules are listed in the online form.
4-H Photography Contest Categories:
Landscape - Horizontal photo that captures nature or man-made feature
People - Photo of person or group of people that captures their essence
Animals - Photo of animal or group of animals that captures natural habitat
Still Life - Photo of inanimate object or group of objects
To submit your photo, complete the 4-H Photography Contest Form for each category.
Learning how to use your resources is a great skill to learn through 4-H. For this contest, we do not want you to buy anything! We want for you to use 1 piece of clothing in your closet to be the feature article of clothing that you style for three different occasions: (1) casual, (2) dressy, and (3) job interview. Official rules are listed in the online form. No late submissions will be accepted. Complete 4-H All-Around Style Contest Form by January 31, 2022. Contest submissions may be submitted early. No late submissions will be accepted.
Do you have a talent that you would like to share with our 4-H family? Here is your opportunity to participate in a Virtual Talent Show by submitting a video (60-90 seconds) of you performing your talent. Complete the 4-H Talent Show Contest Form by January 31, 2022. Contest submissions may be submitted early. No late submissions will be accepted.
Do you have a pet that you take care of at home? We would like to hear all about it! Consider participating in our 4-H Pet Show Contest by submitting a video of you and your pet while answering questions. Complete the 4-H Pet Show Contest Form by January 31, 2022. Contest submissions may be submitted early. No late submissions will be accepted.
Each month we will highlight a quote recommended by the Louisiana 4-H Citizenship Board to address our mental health. Set aside some time to take deep breaths and think about this: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou
• The 2021 Louisiana Beef Industry Council Beef Poster Contest Theme: All About Beef.
• Open to 4-H members K-12th grade. Only 4th-12th grade are eligible to move on to the state level. Entries will be collected by the 4-H Agent at February club meetings. All entries are due by March 1 to the 4-H Office.
• Poster must be 22” x 28” poster board only. Posters should generate positive images and promotion of beef (not live cattle production) using the indicated theme. Posters should promote beef without projecting any negative messages towards other agricultural commodities (chicken, pork, etc.). Place your name, address, age, grade in school, and parish on the back, upper right corner of the poster.
• High School digital entries must be designed using either Microsoft Publisher, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, or Canva. Designs should be formatted for “22x28” poster size and saved in high-resolution 300 DPI in all of the following: original design file, .png file format, and .pdf file format. Digital designs should be saved to a blank jump drive, placed in an envelope with name, address, age, grade in school, and parish on front of envelope.
• Do not use copyrighted materials. You may develop ideas from magazines, parents, friends, nutrition bulletins, etc., but the end concept should be original and not copied material. Pictures, clipart, and materials (i.e., cartoon characters, advertisements, logos, etc.) that are copyrighted may not be used on the poster. Computer generated clipart may be used if it is not copyrighted. No templates used in digital division. All design work must be original and from scratch, just as a poster would be designed.
• Eligible 1st place posters will be submitted to the state competition for judging and become the property of the LSU AgCenter and Louisiana Beef Industry Council. Divisions include the following: Cloverbuds (Grades K-3), Elementary (Grades 4 – 6), Middle (Grades 7 – 9), and High School Poster or High School Digital (Grades 10 – 12)
This year we would like to encourage all 4-H members to participate in at least one culinary arts contest. These contests are intended to help our 4-H members grow in their cooking experience and skill level while enjoying quality time with families who assist them with the safety rules and sharing of traditional family recipes. This year the 4-H Culinary Arts contest will be split into 3 submission dates. Members will bring 1-2 servings of their dish on the designated day and times to the St. Charles Parish LSU AgCenter Office. Members will also need to complete the 4-H Culinary Arts Registration Form by the submission date to be considered for judging. All rules are posted on the online registration form.
Submission dates for our
2021-2022 Culinary Arts Contests are as follows:
January 18, 2022
Beef and Bento Box Contests
February 15, 2022
Egg, Poultry, and Sugar Contests
March 23, 2022
Seafood Contest
4-H members will be allowed to bring 1-2 servings of their dish in a sealed, non-returnable
container on the date specified between 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. at the St. Charles Parish LSU
AgCenter Office, which is located at 453 Spruce Street in Norco, La.
(See online form for specific rules and details for the event.)
A Healthy Living 4-H Youth Development Program of the LSU AgCenter
Saturday, February 5, 2022
at the St. Charles Parish LSU AgCenter Office
located at 453 Spruce Street in Norco, La.
8:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. Arrival and Sign in
8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Healthy Living Activities
Activities Included:
Registration information:
4-H Award Information:
Visit us at: www.lsuagcenter.com/stcharles • www.facebook.com/scp4h • Instagram @scp4h The LSU AgCenter and LSU provides equal opportunities in employment and programs. Should you need an ADA accommodation, please contact the St. Charles Parish LSU AgCenter Office at least two weeks prior to the event.
Each month 4-H’ers will be provided with a list of upcoming opportunities on a parish, regional, state, and/or national level. Contact the 4-H Agent or visit the St. Charles Parish LSU AgCenter Website under “4-H Youth Development” for all rules, applications, and more information.
4-H Senior Honor Cord and Senior Jacket Awards – Awards for current 12th grade members
Current graduating senior 4-H members may apply to receive a 4-H honor cord to wear for graduation and a 4-H senior jacket to wear to show off their 4-H accomplishments. Complete the St. Charles Parish 4-H Senior Jacket Application online to apply for the senior jacket award. To apply for the honor cord, visit the Louisiana 4-H Honor Cord Application Website. Application deadline: Friday, January 28, 2022. (No late applications will be accepted.)
4-H Junior Leadership Conference (JLC) – Adventure for current 8th-12th grade members - $50.00 fee
This is a conference hosted by youth leaders of the Louisiana 4-H Executive Board. There is a limited number of youth who may attend. To receive more information on this opportunity, complete the St. Charles Parish 4-H JLC Application. Application deadline: January 31, 2022. (No late applications will be accepted. Submit applications as soon as possible.)
Louisiana 4-H Foundation Scholarships – Scholarship applications for graduating senior 4-H members
Graduating senior members may apply for scholarships through the Louisiana 4-H Foundation toward continuing education. Contact the 4-H Agent at kzammit@agcenter.lsu.edu to receive an application for this scholarship and future 4-H scholarships. Application deadline for LA 4-H Foundation Scholarship: February 18, 2022
4-H Cooperative Enterprise Teen Leadership Conference – Overnight adventure for 8th-12th grade members - $50.00 fee
This teen leadership conference focuses on learning how to establish and manage a cooperative business. 4-H’ers will enhance leadership, marketing, and money management skills at this conference. Application deadline: February 11, 2022 (Contact 4-H Agent at kzammit@agcenter.lsu.edu if you are interested in applying prior to the application deadline.)
4-H Night with the Pelicans – Professional basketball game fundraiser for Louisiana 4-H - On your own; Fees apply
4-H’ers and families can attend a New Orleans Pelicans game in support of Louisiana 4-H. Packages include 4-H Night PreGame Access, t-shirt, and opportunities to participate in on-court experiences. Game is on March 4, 2022. Order deadline:
February 11, 2022. (Note: There are vaccination requirements for attendance. Contact the 4-H Agent for more information.)
Benjamin Brock (MAL) wins Best Record Keeping Award for the State 4-H Pumpkin contest.
Ethan Bellanger (JBM) participates in the Southeast Region 4-H Challenge Camp Ropes Course in New Orleans, La.
Door Prize Winners for 4-H Week of Service:
Olivia Arrant (SCB), Ethan Bellanger (JBM), MacKenzie Bellanger (LWE), Beau Kimble (ESE), and Rhyan Rodriguez (ESE)
This year we will be doing some activities from the Choose Health: Food, Fun, and Fitness curriculum. This month we will focus on eating more vegetables and fruits. At your club meeting or at home, try the activity below to learn more.
Healthy Living Activity:
Color Your Plate! Try to eat more dark green vegetables, red and
orange vegetables, and dried beans, which helps to provide an
assortment of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Fruits and vegetables
can add color to your meal and to your life. Think of the colors of
the rainbow. Can you name fruits and vegetables in each color?
Reflect on “Veggies and Fruits” completing your MyPlate:
Remember that vegetables and fruits should consist of half of
your MyPlate each meal. You should strive to have 2 ½ cups of
vegetables and 1 ½ cups of fruits each day.
What can you eat to get 5 (1/2) cups of veggies and 3 (1/2) cups
of fruits to your day?
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture