Don’t miss the opportunity to have a great adventure with 4-H this summer at 4-H Summer Camp! This educational camp is a 4-day, 3-night adventure for 4th-6th graders (of the current school year). Campers enjoy interactive recreational activities such as swimming, canoeing, archery, volleyball, line dancing, arts and crafts, and much more. Camp participants have opportunities to enjoy the outdoors and learn about getting along with others, being part of a group, and appreciating different interests and backgrounds. While at 4-H Camp, campers select an educational track in which they participate in fun activities each morning that are focused on that area. In the evening, campers enjoy free time, which includes hanging out with new friends at the dance, movies, swimming pool, or arts and crafts building.
St. Charles Parish also has a tradition of decorating their cabins and competing in the cleanest cabin awards throughout the week! Campers sleep in large, air-conditioned cabins at the Grant Walker 4-H Educational Center in Pollock, Louisiana. At the LSU AgCenter’s Grant Walker 4-H Educational Center, youth are:
4-H Camp offers opportunities in fields ranging from science and technology to food and fitness, as well as almost everything in between. There’s something at 4-H camp for everyone!
To register for 4-H camp, you must complete and submit the following information to the St. Charles Parish LSU AgCenter Office by the deadline – March 31, 2024.
Camping Dates: July 8-11, 2024
Where: Grant Walker 4-H Educational Center in Pollock, La.
(Selected participants will receive information on bus meeting times and location.)
Cost: $190.00 (includes transportation, lodging, t-shirt and meal on the ride home; cost does not include optional items)
*Scholarships and payment plans are available. See application for details.
Application Deadline – March 31, 2024. Please submit your application and necessary forms along with your deposit to the St. Charles Parish 4-H Office as stated on the application.
Additional information: An e-mail will be sent to selected campers with more details regarding this educational trip. The selection process is stated in the application.The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture