4-H members have the opportunity to conduct research and present their findings through a national 4-H essay contest about honey bees sponsored by the Foundation for the Preservation of Honey Bees.
2019 Contest Theme: Honey Varietals, State to State
Each jar of honey reflects an unrepeatable combination of climate, soil, weather and flowers. Each state has unique honey varietals that beekeepers can market to their customers. Please identify one unique varietal to your state and discuss the flower’s uniqueness and how beekeepers can effectively market that varietal. In your essay, please include a photo of the varietal’s flower, an interview with a local beekeeper who collects this varietal and a recipe that highlights the varietal.
An essential judging criterion is the scope of research you put forth in developing the ideas behind your essay—accounting for 40% of your score. The number of sources consulted, the authority of the sources and the variety of the sources are all evaluated. Personal interviews with beekeepers and others familiar with the subject are valued sources of information and should be documented.
Note that “honey bee” is properly spelled as two words, even though many otherwise authoritative references spell it as one word.
The 2019 National 4-H Beekeeping Essay Competition is open to active 4-H Club members only (grades 4th – 12th). Any 4-H Club member who placed first, second or third in previous years of the national competition is NOT eligible to win in 2019, however, state competition winners remain eligible to enter the national competition. Entered essays must encompass the designated topic only. There will be NO exceptions.
Essay requirements for national judging: o Essay must be typewritten or computer-generated on single-sided pages and formatted following standard manuscript format using double-spaced type and 12pt font in legible font face.
Deadline for St. Charles Parish 4-H Essay Entries: Friday, January 25, 2019
How to submit essay:
To submit a 4-H Beekeeping Essay, 4-H members need to complete and submit all sections using the link below: https://forms.lsuagcenter.net/form.aspx?pid=55d2084f-b9d4-4d70-8ba5-186f35f6fc5e&formid=912472f7-8e3f-43d8-8b9c-3fcf546e1adb
The online form has four steps:
Section 1: Student Information
Section 2: Biographical Sketch
Section 3: Essay
Section 4: Submission
Three cash prizes and plaques will be awarded to the 3 Top Winners of the State 4-H Beekeeping Essay Contest. The State Contest Sponsor is the Foundation for the Preservation of Honey Bees, in which the prizes are as follows:
Three cash prizes and plaques will be awarded in the 2019 National 4-H Beekeeping Essay Competition. The author of the highest scoring essay will win first prize. The author of the second-highest scoring essay will win second prize. The author of the third-highest scoring essay will win third prize. The National Contest Sponsors are The American Beekeeping Federation, Inc. and the Foundation for the Preservation of Honey Bees, Inc., in which the prizes are as follows:
The three National prize-winning essays will be published in ABF Quarterly, the magazine of the American Beekeeping Federation. All authors of essays submitted to the national competition will receive a relevant book on honey bees, beekeeping or honey.