Through participation in 4-H, members gain knowledge and skills that they can use throughout their lifetime. 4-H is a lifelong learning experience that does not stop with high school – it continues through education and volunteering.
To support post-secondary education among 4-H’ers, the St. Charles 4-H Foundation, United Way of St. Charles, and Scott Foundation provide funds for graduating senior 4-H members to assist with attending a college, university, technical school, or other educational training after high school.
The current scholarships being offered to St. Charles Parish 4-H graduating seniors are as follows:
State 4-H Scholarships –
St. Charles Parish 4-H Deadline - due Friday, February 22, 2019
(Members must apply by submitting completed paper copy of application to the St. Charles Parish LSU AgCenter Office.)
Parish 4-H Scholarships -
St. Charles Parish 4-H Deadline - due Friday, April 5, 2019 to 4-H Office
(Members must apply by submitting completed paper copy of application to the St. Charles Parish LSU AgCenter Office.)
To apply for the Parish 4-H Scholarships, you must meet the following criteria:
Please download the La. 4-H Scholarship and St. Charles Parish 4-H Scholarship applications below. For questions or more information, contact the St. Charles Parish LSU AgCenter Office at 985-785-4473.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture