One of the many leadership opportunities that 4-H has to offer is our annual 4-H Challenge Camp! This educational trip is a 3-day adventure for 7th – 8th graders. Campers participate in fun leadership activities, sleep in air conditioned cabins at the Lion King Retreat Center in Amite, La., and enjoy walking through nature, canoeing, doing challenge activities, and meeting friends from 15 other parishes in the Southeast Region! Space is limited, so be sure to turn in your application soon in order to attend this unforgettable, one-of-a-kind 4-H adventure!
When: Wednesday, November 14, 2018 – Friday, November 16, 2018
Where: Lion King Retreat Center in Amite, La.
Cost: $50.00 (includes transportation, lodging, and t-shirt)
Application Deadline – October 5: Please submit your application and necessary forms along with your deposit to the St. Charles Parish 4-H Office as stated on the application.
Additional information: A letter will be sent to selected campers with more details regarding this educational trip. The selection process is stated in the application. Please complete the following pages on the attached health form: Pages 1-5, Page 9.The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture