Title | Associate Professor |
Department | Red River Research Station |
CJeong@agcenter.lsu.edu | |
Address 1 | 262 Research Station Drive Bossier City, LA 71112 |
Phone | 318-741-7430 |
Fax | 318-741-7433 |
Jeong, C.Y., J. Wang, M. Kongchum, X. Zhang, M. H. Lee. Climate-smart strategies of water management - cover crop system to enhance productivity, greenhouse gas mitigation, and soil health in rice production. USDA-NIFA, 6/01/2023 – 5/31/31/2026, $649,957.
Wang, J., Jeong, C.Y., M. Kongchum, X. Zhang, Demonstration of Climate Smart Agricultural Solutions for Sugarcane and Rice Production in Southern USA. USDA- CIG on Farm. 3/01/2024 – 2/28/2027, $1,036,830.
Jeong, C.Y., J. Wang, and Xi Zhang. 2021. A comprehensive demonstration of using agricultural tailwater irrigation for southern crop production. USDA-NRCS National CIG, 2/01/2021 – 2/28/2025, $595,689.
Taylor, J., S. Elias (Red River Soil & Water Conservation District), C.Y. Jeong, N. Adusumilli, S. Dodla. 2019 (LSU AgCenter). Improving Soil and Water Quality in Bayou Pierre. NRCS-RCPP, 9/01/2019 – 8/31/2021, $350,000.
Baiamonte, B., (Caddo Soil and Water Conservation District), C.Y. Jeong, S. Davis, S. Dodla, and N. Adusumilli. Water quality and soil health improvement in Shifttail canal watershed. NRCS-RCPP, 10/01/2016 – 9/31/2019, $503,982.
Jeong, C.Y., J.H. Ham, S. Dodla, D. Fromme, and C. Overstreet. Evaluating the functional aspects of mixed application of cover crop on crop productivity and soil health in Louisiana, Louisiana Soybean and Grain Research and Promotion Board, 4/01/2019 – 03/31/2020. $20,000.
Jeong, C.Y., and K.P. Paudel. Soil and groundwater salinity measurements to address the economic impact and adaptive measures in the Mississippi River Alluvial Aquifer (MRAA). Louisiana Water Resources Research Institute (LWRRI). 03/01/2019 – 2/28/2020, $26,502.
Jeong, C.Y., J.H. Ham, S. Dodla, D. Fromme, and C. Overstreet. Evaluating the functional aspects of mixed application of cover crop on crop productivity and soil health in Louisiana, Louisiana Soybean and Grain Research and Promotion Board, 4/01/2018 – 03/31/2019. $35,000.
Han, K.J., and C.Y. Jeong. Evaluation of Cover Crop Mixture on Row Crop Productivity through Quantified Soil Health and Crop Production. USDA-NRCS CIG, 09/30/2017 – 09/29/2020, $99,751.
Owens, W.E., and C.Y. Jeong. Demonstration and education efforts regarding catastrophic losses in poultry operations. USDA-NRCS. 09/25/2017-09/02/2019. $117,264.
Jeong, C.Y., and S. Dodla. Managing nutrient losses and improving cotton yields using mixed application of winter cover crops. Cotton Incorporated, 01/01/2018 – 12/31/2018. $1,500.
Davis, S., Fromme, D., C.Y. Jeong, S. Dodla, N. Adusumilli, B. Garner, C. Coreil, S. Nipper, and O. Hill. Sustainable row crop irrigation management in Louisiana. Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SARE), 4/01/2015 – 3/31/2017, $69,167.
Jeong, C.Y. Developing Real-Time CO2 Gas Flux Measuring Chamber in the soil system. LSU LIFT2 – Leveraging Innovation for Technology Transfer, Round 5, 01/01/2016 -12/31/2016, $13,100.
Ham, J.H., and C.Y. Jeong. Development of foliar treatment and soil amendment methods to promote soybean health. Louisiana Soybean and Grain Research and Promotion Board, 04/2017 -3/2018, $ 39,000.
Dodla, S., and C.Y. Jeong, Jim Wang, and Magdi Selim. Demonstration of integrated irrigation management to improve water and nutrient use efficiency, soil health, and water quality in furrow irrigated agriculture. USDA-NRCS CIG, 9/30/2015-9/29/2018, $74,408.
Wang, J., S. Dodla, G. Scaglia, and C.Y. Jeong. Demonstration of integrated legume-grass forage system to improve air and water quality through decreased N fertilization. USDA-NRCS CIG, 9/30/2015-9/29/2018, $74,408.
Jeong, C.Y., E. Girouard, S. Dodla, and B. Buckley. Evaluation of recycled tailwater irrigation on soil nutrients, soil salinity distribution, and soybean yield in Louisiana. Soybean and Grain Research and Promotion Board, 4/01/2016 – 3/31/2017, $18,700.
Jeong, C.Y., and E. Girouard. Evaluation of recycled tailwater quantity and quality on soil nutrients, soil salinity, soil moisture distribution, and cotton yield in Northwest Louisiana. Cotton Incorporated, 01/01/2016 – 12/31/2016, $3,000.
Jeong, C.Y. (Mentor), Water-use efficiency for drought resilience during rain water harvest (Bangladesh). Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Program. USDA- Foreign Agricultural Service, 02/15/2016 – 12/16/2016, $36,080.
Jeong C.Y. (Mentor with S. Dodla). Influence of water conserving practices on water balance, energy fluxes and crop growth with an objective to enhance water use efficiency (India). Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Program. USDA- Foreign Agricultural Service, 04/15/2016 – 3/14/2017, $36,121.
Girouard, E., and C.Y. Jeong. Efficiency of circular irrigation practices impact on nutrient recycling in rice and soybean fields, and improve water quality through the reuse of irrigation system. NRCS, 05/01/2014 – 4/30/2016, $50,000.
Wang, J., C.Y. Jeong, Sonny Viator, and Syam Dodla Use of sugarcane residue and rice straw as biochar soil amendment to reduce greenhouse gas emission, enhance soil carbon sequestration, and improve water quality in sugarcane and rice production (Main role scientist), USDA-NRCS CIG, 01/10/2011 – 09/30/2015, $503,954.
Janntul Ferdush, J., C.Y. Jeong, H.J. Jeon, J. Wang, K. Ro, X. Zhang, M.S. Lee. 2024. Assessing the long-term effects of conservation agriculture on cotton production in Northeast Louisiana using the denitrification–decomposition model. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment, 7, e20514. https://doi.org/10.1002/agg2.20514.
Chen, H., T. Shin, B. Park, K. Ro, C.Y. Jeong, H.J. Jeon, P-L, Tan. 2024. Coupling hyperspectral imaging with machine learning algorithms for detecting polyethylene (PE) and polyamide (PA) in soils. Journal of Hazardous Materials 471 (2024) 134346. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2024.134346.
Shin, J.D., D.K. Lee, C.K. shim, J.H. Nam, S.W. Park, S.G. Hong, J-S. Song, C.Y. Jeong.2024. Nutrient release pattern and mitigation of N2O emissions under the application of activated poultry manure compost biochar with organic resources. Environmental Pollution 356 (2024) 124250. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2024.124250.
Farru, G., F.B. Scheufele, D.M. Paniagua, F. Keller, C.Y. Jeong, D. Basso. 2024. Business and Market Analysis of Hydrothermal Carbonization Process: Roadmap toward Implementation. Agronomy. 2024, 14, 541. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy14030541.
Chau, H.D., G. Cappai, J.W. Chung, C.Y. Jeong, B. Kulli, F. Marchelli, K.S. Ro, and S. Román. 2024. Research Needs and Pathways to Advance Hydrothermal Carbonization Technology. Agronomy, 2024, 14, 247. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy14020247.
Kim, M., C.Y. Jeong, M.J. Kim, J.H. Nam, C.K. Shin, and J.D. Shin. 2022. Evaluation of activated biochar - manure compost pellet fertilizer on volatile organic compound emissions and heavy metal saturation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022, 19, 12405. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph191912405.
Ducey T.F., C.Y. Jeong, and K.S. Ro. 2022. Renewable energy, cleaner environments, and sustainable agriculture from pyrolysis and hydrothermal carbonization of residuals. Chapter 30. p. 401-409. In Biochar in Agriculture for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals.D.C. Tsank and Y.S. Ok (eds), Elsevier, Academic Press,
Shin, J-D., D-G Park, S-G Hong, C.Y. Jeong, and H. Kim. 2021. Influence of activated biochar pellet fertilizer application on greenhouse gas emissions and carbon sequestration in rice (Oryza sativa L.) production. Environmental Pollution. 285(15): 117457. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2021.117457.
Calderon, R.B., C.Y. Jeong, H-H. Ku, L.M. Coghill, Y.J. Ju., N. Kim, and J.H. Ham. 2021. Changes in the Microbial Community in Soybean Plots Treated with Biochar and Poultry Litter. MDPI Agronomy. 11:1428. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy11071428.
Wei, Z., J. Wang, L.M. Fultz, P. White, and C.Y. Jeong. 2020. Application of biochar in estrogen hormone-contaminated and manure-affected soils: Impact on soil respiration, microbial community and enzyme activity. Chemospre. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.128625.
Dattamudi, S., J.J. Wang, S.K. Dodla, R. DeLaune, A. Hiscox, H. Viator, C.Y. Jeong. 2020. Mass concentration and size distribution of particles released from harvesting and biomass burning of sugarcane. Agricultural & Environmental Letters. 2020;5:e20028. https://doi.org/10.1002/ael2.20028.
Shin, J.D., S.W. Park, C.Y. Jeong. 2020. Assessment of Agro-Environmental Impacts for Supplemented Methods to Biochar Manure Pellets during Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Cultivation. MDPI Energies.13: 2070; doi:10.3390/en13082070.
Ku, H-H.†, J-H. Ryu, H-S. Bae, C.Y. Jeong, and S.E. Lee. 2019. Modeling a long-term effect of rice straw incorporation on SOC content and grain yield in rice field. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science online: Latest Articles, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/03650340.2019.1583330.
Dattamudi, S., J. Wang, S. Dodla, H. Viator, R. DeLaune, A. Hiscox, C.Y. Jeong. 2019. Greenhouse Gas Emissions as Influenced by Nitrogen Fertilization and Harvest Residue Management in Sugarcane Production. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment. 2:190014 (2019) doi:10.2134/age2019.03.0014.
Park, J-H., J.J. Wang, S-H. Kim, S-W. Kang, C.Y. Jeong, J-R. Jeon, J-S. Cho, R.D. Delaune, and D.C. Seo. 2019. Cadmium adsorption characteristics of biochars derived using various pine tree residues and pyrolysis temperatures. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 553: 298-307.
Wei, Z., J. Wang, A.B. Hernandez, A. Warren, J.-W Park, Y. Meng, S. Dodla, and C.Y. Jeong. 2019. Effect of biochar amendment on sorption-desorption and dissipation of 17αEthinylestradiol in sandy loam and clay soil. Science of the Total Environment. 686: 959-967.
Kang, S-K.†, C.Y. Jeong, D.C. Seo, S.Y. Kim, and J-S. Cho. 2019. Liquid fertilizer production by alkaline hydrolysis of pig carcasses and the evaluation of developed fertilizer in hot pepper cultivation. Process safety and Environmental Protection 122: 307-312.
Ku, H.H.†, C.Y. Jeong, and P. Colyer. 2018. Modelling long-term effects of hairy vetch cultivation on cotton production in northwest Louisiana. Science of the Total Environment 624: 744 – 752.
Miah, M.G.†, H.M. Abdullah, and C.Y. Jeong. 2017. Exploring standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index for drought assessment in Bangladesh. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 189 (11): 547. DOI 10.1007/s10661-017-6235-5.
Jeong, C.Y., and J.H. Ham. 2017. Comparative analysis of the microbial community in the sediments of two constructed wetlands differentially influenced by the concentrated poultry feeding operations. Journal of Soils and Sediments 17(2): 557 –
Jeong, C.Y., S.D. Dodla, and J.J. Wang. 2016. Fundamental and molecular composition characteristics of biochars produced from sugarcane and rice crop residues and by-products. Chemosphere 142: 4 – 13.
DeRamus, H.A., C.Y. Jeong, T.J. Clement, and J.C. Berry. 2015. Comparison of Beef Cattle Grazing Management Practices and their Effects on Runoff Water Quality in Louisiana. Global Journal of Agricultural Innovation, Research & Development 2: 1 – 15.
Jeong, C.Y., H.A. DeRamus, J.J. Wang, and L.L. Goodeaux. 2014. Effects of residue management on nitrogen losses in surface and sub-surface water from sugarcane fields. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 60: 103 – 118.
Poudel, D.D, T. Lee, R. Srinivasan, K. Abbaspour, and C.Y. Jeong. 2013. Assessment of seasonal and spatial variation of surface water quality, identification 1 of factors associated with water quality variability, and the modeling of critical nonpoint source pollution areas in an agricultural watershed. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 68: 155 – 171.
Jeong C.Y., J.J. Wang, S.D. Dodla, T.L. Eberhardt, and L. Groom. 2012. Effect of biochar amendment on tylosin adsorption/desorption and transport in two different soils. Journal of Environmental Quality 41: 1185 – 1192.
Jeong, C. Y., and H.M. Selim. 2011. Adsorption-desorption kinetics of imidacloprid in soils: Influence of phosphate. Soil Science 176: 582 – 588.
Jeong, C.Y., D.C. Weindorf, H.A. DeRamus, and L.L. Goodeaux. 2011. Surface and subsurface phosphorus losses from sugarcane fields with different management practices. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 217: 649 – 661.
Jeong, C.Y., and H.M. Selim. 2010. Retention kinetics of insecticides in soils: Imidacloprid adsorption-desorption. Soil Science 175: 214 – 222.
Selim, H.M., C.Y. Jeong, and A. Elbana. 2010. Transport of Imidacloprid in soils: Miscible displacement experiments. Soil Science 175: 375 – 381.
Poudel, D.D., C.Y. Jeong, and H.A. DeRamus. 2010. Surface run-off water quality from agricultural lands and residential areas. Outlook on Agriculture 39: 95 – 105.
Poudel, D.D., and C.Y. Jeong, 2009. Comparison of flow-paced discrete and the manual composite sampling strategies for edge-of-field surface runoff water quality. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 64: 324 – 335.
Jeong, C.Y., S.D. Young, and S.J. Marshall. 2007. Competitive adsorption of heavy metals on humic surface by a simple ligand model. Soil Science Society of America Journal 71: 515 – 528.
Jeong, C.Y., C.W. Park, J.G. Kim, and S.K. Lim. 2007. Carboxylic content of humic acid determined by modeling, calcium acetate, and precipitation methods. Soil Science Society of America Journal 71: 86 – 94.
Xia, K., and C.Y. Jeong. 2004. Photodegradation of Endocrine-Disrupting Chemical 4-Nonylphenol in biosolids Applied to Soil. Journal of Environmental Quality 33: 1568 – 1574.
Jeong, C.Y., J. Wang, and X. Zhang. 2024. Climate-Smart rice growing strategies in Louisiana. Louisiana Agriculture, Spring 2024, p 26-27.
Zhang, X. and C.Y. Jeong. 2024. Soil health improvement from a soil physics perspective. Louisiana Agriculture, Winter 2024, p 30-31.
Jeong, C.Y. J. Hendrix, J. Copes, and L.M. Fultz. Impact of cover crop residue management on nitrous oxide emission in Louisiana. Louisiana Agriculture, Fall 2020, Vol. 63 (4), p 30 – 31.
Jeong, C.Y. and E. Girouard. 2017. Monitoring and assessing water quality changes in the Red Bayou watershed. Louisiana Agriculture, Fall 2017, Vol. 60 (4), p 14 – 15.
Jeong, C.Y. and E. Girouard. 2017. Recirculating irrigation water to manage pollution in a rice-soybean rotation. Louisiana Agriculture, Fall 2017, Vol. 60 (4), p 20 – 21.
Jeong, C.Y., C. Lott, N. Glenn, and P. Colyer. 2016. Impact of salinity stress using recycled potting media in greenhouse tomato production. Louisiana Agriculture 59 (3), p 20 – 21.
Gaston L., J.J. Wang, and C.Y. Jeong. 2013. Soil Quality for Environmental Resilience. Louisiana Agriculture 56 (2), p 38.
Selim, H.M., C.Y. Jeong, A.E. Arceneaux, and R.L. Bengtson. 2011. Effect of best management strategies. Louisiana Agriculture 54 (4), p 22 – 23.
Jeong, C.Y. 2019. Harmful Algal Blooms. Web address: https://www.lsuagcenter.com/profiles/bneely/articl...
Jeong, C.Y. and E. Girouard. 2018. Monitoring and Assessing Water Quality Changes in the Red Bayou Watershed. Web address:
Jeong, C.Y. 2015. Well Water and Drinking Water Analysis at the LSU AgCenter. Web address: http://www.lsuagcenter.com/NR/rdonlyres/20AB91B7-7...
July 2020 – Present:
Associate Professor at the Red River Research Station, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center.
February 2014 – June 2020:
June 2008 – January 2014:
Research Scientist at the School of Plant, Environmental and Soil Sciences, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center.
November 2002 – May 2008:
Research Basin Coordinator at Department of Renewable Resources, the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
January 2000 – October 2002:
Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Department of Agronomy, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS.
Evaluation tailwater recovery system to utilize more surface water for irrigation to increase crop production. The implementation of a tailwater recovery system reduced demand for irrigation water sourced from underground reservoirs.
Monitoring water quality from the agricultural watersheds and modeling water quality changes based on the landue types and climate changes.
Evaluate greenhouse gas emissions under the influence of cover crop cultivation and following main crops and long-term simulation of the carbon and nitrogen dynamics under a different management system.
Determine spatial and temporal variation of microcystin (harmful algal blooms) in water and sediments from the agricultural watershed, and evaluate the impact of best management practices (BMPs) to mitigate eutrophication associated with the occurrence of microcystins in lakes and agricultural watersheds.
Examine greenhouse gas emissions and nutrient leaching under different poultry carcasses burial options.
Ph.D. 1998 Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Science Section, School of Biological Science, University of Nottingham, UK.
M.S. 1991 Agricultural Chemistry, Korea University, Seoul, Korea.
B.Sc. 1987 Agricultural Chemistry, Korea University, Seoul, Korea.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture