Assistant Extension Agent | |
Jefferson Parish | | | |
1221 Elmwood Park Boulevard, Suite 300 Jefferson, LA 70123 |
504-736-6519 | |
504-736-6527 |
Io moth caterpillar, Common Chickweed, Pesalotia leaf spot, Firespike, Carless Pruner
Butterweed (Packera glabella), Bare Trees, Gray Mold (Botrytis cinera), Flour Beetles (Tribollium), Tears for Shears - pruning muhly grass.
Jolt Dianthus, Yellowmargined Leaf Beetle, Hollyday Road, Pecan Scab, Oxalis Stricta.
Swamp SunflowersHelianthus simulans & Helianthus angustifolius, No-see-ums Ceratopogonidae sp., Goosegrass , Kool Season and the Gang, Lawn Soil Compaction
Rain lilies, Southern sandbur, armillaria root rot, peppers varieties, cigarette beetles, staking trees and Fall Webworms.
Bird of Paradise, Golden Rain Tree, Pepper Diseases, Cottony Cushion Scale, Bananas, Fig Rust
Zinnia, Pepper Pests, Hemp Sesbania, Ips Beetles, Stacey's Lawn, Large Milkweed Beetle.
Growing Peppers, Century Plant, Introducing Asha McIntyre, Cercospora leaf spot on Hydrangea, To Pick or not, Dwarf Cinquefoil Weed.
Peppers, Bacterial Leaf Spot, Asiatic Hawksbeak, Cicadas, Soil Solaraization, Vitex Trees
Long lasting bouquets, Growing strawberries, bordered plant bug, Mowing, Southern bacterial wilt, Chinese Fringe tree.
Bottlebrush tree, pincushion flower, two-lined spittlebug, narrowleaf vetch, periodical cicadas, lawn thatch.
Slash pine, Meadow Garlic, Crane Flies, Container Gardening Part 4-the plants, Little Pink Blossoms, Large Patch Disease in Lawns.
Taiwan Cherry, Bedstraw, Black Knot Disease, Leaf Mulch Benefits Arthropods, I Saw the Sign, Galls on Trees
Phyllis Fancy’ Salvia, After the Freeze, boxwood dieback, Pansies, Karma Camellia
Lantana bud galls, citrus chimera, container gardening growing medium, common ragweed, beet armyworm, cinnamon distylium.
Croton Codiaeum variegatum, Southern salt marsh aster, cypress twig gall midge, Container Gardening: Water Movement and Irrigation, November Rain Collecion.
Common Purslane Portulaca oleracea, Black soldier fly Hermetia illucens, Termites in trees, Ants quest for water, Hire an arborist, marquerite daisy.
Cinnamon Girl’ Distylium, Annual Grasses, barnacle scale, Sphaeropsis knot of hollies, irrigation spray heads.
Sunpatiens, revisiting old landscape classics, container gardening part 1, Eriophyid mites, Alligatorweed, mosquitos in the garden.
Barbados cherry, wood decay fungi, how much to plant, mulberry weed, engaging your ears in the landscape, vegetable recommendations.
Peggy Martin roses, Websites for Gardeners, Bushkiller Vine, Spartococera fusca, Yellow poplar weevil Odontata calceatus, Zippering, Red Imported Fire Ant.
Gardening Gloves, Tuber Vervain Verbena rigida, Peanut Greauxing Guide, Sunscald, Sunscorch, & Sunburn and more.
Comprehensive article with everything that you need to know about growing peanuts.
Bottlebrush tree, okra growing guide, Henbit Lamium amplexicaule, lawn mower maintenance, Green peach aphid, melon aphids, planting guide, garden tips, lawn.
Small magnolia cultivars and hybrids, crapemyrtle bark scale, damping off, oxalis, false shamrock, woodsorrel.
Every year deciduous trees drop tons of leaves. These leaves can be used as mulch or composted to make humus to use in our gardens and lawns.
Articles on roselle hibiscus, cabbage loopers, minute pirate bug, dandelions, phytophthora root rot, and will chill and plants.
Carolina Jessamine, White-ramping Fumitory, Plumbago, Growing Cucumbers,
Nasturtiums, Free Leaves - Compost and Mulch, Gulf Fritillary Butterfly, Soil Test Results, Holly Trees, Lady Beetles Coccinellidae, Cold Weather Invaders.
Giant Ironweed (Vernonia gigantea), Peppervine (Ampelopsis arborea), Tree Selection, Take-All Root Rot Turf Disease.
Articles on Queen palm dates, frogfruit (Phyla nodiflora), Cercospora leaf spot, the 4 R's of Nutrient Managment, Walkingsticks.
Scarlet Creeper, Spotted Lanternfly, Slow release vs. Control Release Fertilizer, Eucalyptus Tree, Joro Spider, Phomopsis Fruit Rot.
Hurricanes vs. Trees, Fall Tomatoes, Poison Hemlock, Organic vs. Chemical Fertilizer, Chamberbitter, Beacon Impatiens
Mimosa Vine (Mimosa strigillosa) as a Lawn Alternative, Crêpe Myrtles, Sweetbay Magnolia (Magnolia virgininana, American Cockroach, Plant Nutrition N-P-K.
Articles on Tulips, Louisiana Irises, Lespedeza, Yellowmargined leaf beetle (Microtheca ochroloma). Insect pheromones and attractants.
Information on the native plant including description, growing conditions, environmental benefits and uses.
This article covers some basic information about the history of daylilies in gardens along with descriptions and growing practices.
Articles on daylilies, breeding daylilies, elderberry, hammerhead worms, torenias, and cutting back milkweed.
Articles on Mamou/Coral Bean, The Danger of Dead Branches, Florida Betony (Stachys floridana), Large Patch Turf Disease, Easter Buck Moth.
Includes articles on Salvia Super Plants, Encore Azaleas, Powdery Mildew on Roses, and Lawn Sod Installation.
Drummond’s Swamp Maple, Bandana Lantana, Pruning Crapemyrtles, Ambrosia Beetles, Downy Mildew of Brassica.
Includes articles on Loropetalum, Common Firebush, Pellitory, and Hoof Fungus.
Includes Articles On: Intenze classic celosia, Holiday Cacti and their Care, Common Goldenrod, Homo sapiens, Black Rot of Crucifers, Raising Soil pH.
Includes Lowering soil pH, cabbage aphids, doveweed, plants with potential, container growing media.
Articles on Lycoris plant, fall armyworms, container soil properties, supertunia vista, fall lawn weeds.
Includes articles on Curcuma plant, inorganic growing media, Io moth caterpillars Leslie Ann camellias, Sida rhombifolia, plus the vegetable planting guide.
Articles on Crinum lily, palmetto bugs, American cockroaches, Container growing media, Willow oak, torpedograss (Panicum repens).
Includes information on Evening Primrose, Hummingbirds, oleander aphids, cat's claw vine, 2021 super plants and penstemons.
In this issue: Candelabra bush, Collecting seed and growing native plants, Large Milkweed Beetle, Ruellia nudiflora, beneficial fungi.
In This Issue: Caesalpina Pulcherrima, Successional Planting with Cool Weather Crops, Tropical Sod Webworms, Ragweed parthenium, Entomopathhogenic nematodes.
Our COVID-19 Victory Garden Issue with articles on growing fruit and vegetables in containers and raised beds. Plus more on finding fresh produce garden centers
Articles on Crane Flies, Fight the Bite, Microbial Biopesticides, Super Plants, planting guide, lawn care tips.
Includes Articles on: Fresh Cut Culinary Herbs, Specialty Peppers, Microgreens vs. Sprouts, Incorporating Cut Flowers on a Small Farm, Growing Cucuzza
Articles on Rabbiteye blueberries, insecticidal soap, citrus leafminers, balled-and-burlapped tree and shrub care.
Articles on seed saving, mealy bugs, neem, Louisiana super plant sorbet violas, planting guide, local farmers markets, garden checklist, upcoming events.
Articles on healthful benefits of plants, horticulture oil, citrus rust mites, redbor kale, tips on gardening and lawn maintenance.
Includes articles on Louisiana Soils, Soil Compaction, Compost as Fertilizer, Red Cabbage Trials, Nutrient Management, the Web Soil Survey, Soilless Media.
Contains articles on Pruning Tomatoes, Geaux Grow Natives Project, Common Compost Problems and Solution, Azalea Lacebugs, and 4-H On the Move.
Includes articles on Spring Vegetable Gardens, Southern Bacterial Wilt , Organic Weed Control, Mushroom Cultivation, Soil Solarization, Cover Cropping.
Articles on Sunflowers, Dr. Heather Kirk-Ballard, Louisiana Irises, Buckmoths, plus planting guide, garden and lawn tips.
Articles on Edible flowers, tips for shopping farmer's markets, and monarch migration
Articles on Camellias, Evergreen Trees & Shrubs, Home Citrus Production, and Benefits of Compost.
Includes articles on Master Gardeners 20 year anniversary in NOLA, an argument for leaving leaves in place, building a rooting chamber, and indicator weeds in
Aquatic Milkweed, Termites and other Wood Destroying Insects, Orange Dog Caterpillars, Pink Muhly Grass,Termites in Trees and Gardens, and Glyphosate research.
Includes articles on shade gardening, fragrant flowers, fall armyworms, sharpening pruning shears, soil organic matter.
Includes articles on root pruning update, Wooly aphids, Mealybugs, Mealybug destroyer, or Lacewing, and Mirliton growing info.
Information about selecting and calibrating commonly available lawn spreaders.
Regional newsletter published by the Greater New Orleans Area Horticulture agents.
Regional newsletter published by the Greater New Orleans Area Horticulture agents.
Information about growing avocados in Louisiana. Includes recommeded varieties.
Taking care of your mower's engine is critical to its continuing operation.
Features information that is pertinent to the time and location. Includes articles on wild beehives, Okra, and repotting root bound plants.
Regional newsletter published by the Greater New Orleans Area Horticulture agents. Features information that is pertinent to the time and location.
Selecting Garden Gloves, February Vegetable Planting Guide, Identifying and Controlling Tea Scale, Upcoming Events, Soil Testing, February Garden Tips.
Regional newsletter published by the Greater New Orleans Area Horticulture agents. Features information that is pertinent to the time and location.
Regional newsletter published by the Greater New Orleans Area Horticulture agents. Features information that is pertinent to the time and location.
Regional newsletter published by the Greater New Orleans Area Horticulture agents. Features information that is pertinent to the time and location.
Regional newsletter published by the Greater New Orleans Area Horticulture agents. Features information that is pertinent to the time and location.
Regional newsletter published by the Greater New Orleans Area Horticulture agents.
Articles on Luna Moths, American Beautyberry, and building a compost screen.
Regional newsletter published in cooperation with the Orleans and Jefferson Parish agents.
Regional newsletter published in cooperation with Orleans and Jefferson Parish agents.