Guy Padgett

Padgett, Guy B.
Title Professor
Department Dean Lee Research Station
Address 1 8105 Tom Bowman Drive
Alexandria, LA 71302
Phone 318-473-6520
Fax 318-473-6503

Honors and Awards

  • Louisiana Agriculture Magazine Service Award 2010
  • Louisiana County Agricultural Agents Association Distinguished Service Award, 2007
  • National Association of County Agricultural Agents Distinguished Service Award, 2007
  • Tipton Team Research Award 2006, 2009, 2011
  • Southern Soybean Disease Workers Recognition Award 2004
  • Louisiana Plant Protection Association Outstanding Service Award 2004
  • Louisiana County Agricultural Agents Association Achievement Award, 2003
  • National Association of County Agricultural Agents Achievement Award, 2003
  • American Society of Agronomy, Certificate of Excellence, Peanut Production Field Guide, 1998
  • Georgia Research and Education Award, 1996
  • American Soc. of Agronomy, Certificate of Excellence, News and Views on Grains and Forages, 1996
  • American Soc. of Agronomy, Certificate of Excellence, Intensive Wheat Management, 1997
  • Georgia Association of Agricultural County Agents Young Professional Award, 1995

Grants and Extramural

Grant funding has amounted to $2.1 million during 2004-2011. Grant funds are provided by USB, USDA, EPA, National Peanut Board, commodity check-off, and private industry.

Book Chapters

Schneider, R., Sikora, E., Padgett, G.B., and Sciumbato, G. 2008. Managing late-season diseases and soybean rust: A southern perspective. In: Using Foliar Fungicides to Manage Soybean Rust: A. Dorrance, M. Draper, and D. Hersman, eds. Land-Grant Universities Cooperating NCERA 208 and OMAF. 111 pp.

Selected Refereed Publications

Cai, G., Schneider, R. W., and Padgett, G. B. 2009. Assessment of lineages of Cercospora kikuchii in

Louisiana for aggressiveness and screening soybean cultivars for resistance to Cercospora leaf blight. Plant Dis. 93:868-874.

Mascagni, H.J., Jr., S.A. Harrison, and G.B. Padgett. 2008. Influence of Sulfur Fertility on Wheat Yield

Performance on Alluvial and Upland Soils. Commun. In Soil Sci. and Plant Analysis 39(13) 2133-2145.

Robinson, A.F., Westphal, A., Overstreet, C., Padgett, G.B., Greengerg, S.M., Wheeler, T.A., and Stetina, S.R. 2008. Detection of suppressiveness against Rotylenchulus reniformis in soil from cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) fields in Texas and Louisiana. Journal of Nematology 40(1):35-38.

Robinson, A.F., Akridge, R., Bradford, J.M., Cook, C.G., Gazaway, W.S., Kirkpatrick, T.L.,Lawrence, G.W., Lee,

G.R., McGawley, E.C., Overstreet, C., Padgett, G.B., Rodriguez-Kabana, R., Westpahal, A., and Young, L.D. 2005. Vertical distribution of Rotylenchulus reniformis in cotton fields. J. of Nematology. 37(3):265-271.

Louisiana Agriculture

Padgett, G.B., Schneider, R., and Hollier, C.A. 2011. Soybean disease management. Louisiana Agriculture


Hollier, C.A., Bollich, P.A., and Padgett, G.B. 2011. Soybean rust sentinel plot program. Louisiana Agriculture


Boquet, D.J., Leonard, B.R., Padgett, G.B., and Blanche, S.B. 2011. Improving soybean seed quality. Louisiana

Agriculture 54(2):16-18.

Blanche, S.B., Boquet, D.J., Sterling, S., Harrell, D.L., Padgett, G.B., Udeigwe, T.K., Viator, H.P., and

Hollier, C.A. 2011. Louisiana soybean variety testing program. Louisiana Agriculture 54(2):18-19.

Leonard, B.R., Boquet, D.J., Padgett, G.B., Davis, J.A., Schneider, R., Griffin, J.L., Valverde, R.A., and Levy,

R.J. Soybean green plant malady contributing factors and mitigation. Louisiana Agriculture 54(2):32-34.

Padgett, G.B., Purvis, M.A., Harrison, S.A., Mascagni, R., and Hollier, C.A. 2010. Disease management in

Louisiana wheat. Louisiana Agriculture 53(3):12-13.

Padgett, G.B., Hollier, C.A., Mascagni, H.J., and Purvis, M.A. 2009. Foliar-applied fungicides in corn: Does

it pay? Louisiana Agriculture 52(3):26-27.

Hollier, C. A., G. Boyd Padgett, and Raymond W. Schneider. 2007. Asian Soybean Rust. Living With...Learning

About...Keeping at Bay. Louisiana Agriculture 50(1):15-16.

Padgett, G.B., Harrison, S., Colyer, P., Masgani, R., and Hollier, C. 2006. Managing stripe rust in Louisiana.

Louisiana Agriculture 49(4):15-16.

Harrison, S., Mascagni, R., and Padgett, G.B. 2006. Wheat and oat variety releases. Louisiana Agriculture


Harrison, S., Arceneaux, K., Mascagni, R., and Padgett, G.B. 2006. Reassembling the mix: Breeding leads to

better wheat, oat varieties. Louisiana Agriculture 49(4):8-10.

Mascagni, H.J., Harrison, S.A., Padgett, G.B., Bell, B. 2006. Influence of seeding rate on wheat yield potential.

Louisiana Agriculture 49(4):19.

Mascagni, R., Harrison, S, Padgett, B., and Bell, B. 2005. Influence of soil type on wheat’s response to sulfur

fertilization. Louisiana Agriculture 48(3):20-21.

Selected Non-referred, Peer Reviewed

Padgett, G.B., and Purvis, M.A. 2011. The effect of Headline, Twinline, or Stratego on leaf rust development in Louisiana wheat, 2010. Plant Disease Management Reports 5:CF001. Online publication. doi:10/1094/PDMR05.

Padgett, G.B., and Purvis, M.A. 2011. The effect of Ballad Plus and Headline on leaf rust development in Louisiana wheat, 2010. Plant Disease Management Reports 5:CF002. Online publication. doi:10/1094/PDMR05.

Padgett, G.B. and Purvis, M.A. 2010. An evaluation of Headline, Quilt, Stratego, and Twinline for managing leaf rust in Louisiana wheat, 2009. Plant Disease Management Reports 4:CF008. Online publication. doi: 10/1094/PDMR04.

Padgett, G.B. and Purvis, M.A. 2010. The efficacy of selected fungicides and application timing on leaf rust development in Louisiana wheat, 2009. Plant Disease Management Reports 4:CF009. Online publication. doi: 10/1094/PDMR04.

Padgett, G.B. and Purvis, M.A. 2009. Evaluating application timing and tank mix combinations on leaf rust development in Louisiana, 2008. Plant Disease Management Reports 3:CF003. Online publication. doi: 10/1094/PDMR03.

Padgett, G.B. and Purvis, M.A. 2009. The impact of selected fungicides and application timing on leaf rust development in Louisiana wheat, 2008. Plant Disease Management Reports 3:CF002. Online publication. doi: 10/1094/PDMR03.

Padgett, G.B., Purvis, M.A., and Guice, J.B. 2008. The impact of selected fungicides on leaf rust development in Louisiana wheat, 2007. Plant Disease Management Reports 2:CF005. Online publication. doi: 10/1094/PDMR02.

Padgett, G.B. and Purvis, M.A. 2007. The effects of application timing of Quadris 2.08SC and Headline 2.08EC on stripe rust development, 2006. Plant Disease Management Reports 1:CF008. DOI: 10:1094/PDMR01.

Padgett, G.B. and Purvis, M.A. 2007. The impact of selected fungicides on stripe rust development, test weight, and yield in Louisiana wheat, 2006. Plant Disease Management Reports 1:CF009. DOI: 10:1094/PDMR01.

Padgett, G.B., Purvis, M.A., Mascagni, H.J., and Bell, R. 2006. Selected fungicide rates and application timings

for managing stripe rust of wheat, 2005. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests (online.) Report 61:CF004. DOI: 10:1094/FN61. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.

Padgett, G.B., Harrison, S.A., Arceneaux, K.J., Purvis, M.A. 2006. Selected fungicide rates and application

timings for managing leaf and stripe rust in south Louisiana, 2005. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests (online.) Report 61:CF005. DOI: 10:1094/FN61. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.

Padgett, G.B., Purvis, M.A., Mascagni, H.J., and Bell, R. 2006. Managing stripe rust using Tilt 3.6EC, Quilt,

Quadris 2.08SC, Headline 2.08EC, or Stratego. 2005. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests (online.) Report 61:CF006. DOI: 10:1094/FN61. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.

Selected Abstracts and Proceedings from 2006-2011

Price, P., Purvis, M.A., Padgett, G.B., and Schneider, R.W. 2011. Survey of multiple seed isolates of Cercospora

kikuchii from Louisiana, Arkansas, and Missouri for resistance to thiophanate-methyl, azoxystrobin, and pyraclostrobin in vitro. In: Proceedings of the Southern Soybean Disease Workers 38th Annual Meeting. March 9-10. Pensacola, Florida.

Padgett, G.B., Purvis, M., and Price, P. III. 2011. The Influence of Fungicide Seed Treatments on Plant

Establishment and Grain Yield Establishment and Grain Quality and Yield. In: Proceedings of the Southern Soybean Disease Workers 38th Annual Meeting. March 9-10. Pensacola, Florida.

Padgett, G.B., Purvis, M.A., , and Hollier, C.A. 2009. The impact of timing and fungicides on soybean disease management. p. 3. In: Proceedings of the Southern Soybean Disease Workers 36rd Annual Meeting. March 11-12. Pensacola, Florida.

Padgett, G.B., Allen, T.W., Coker, C.M., Greer, A., and Purvis, M.A. 2009. The impact of strobilurin fungicides on disease development and yield in corn and cotton. Phytopathology 99:S98.

Padgett, G.B., Purvis, M.A., Hogan, A., and Hollier, C.A. 2009. The impact of timing and fungicides on soybean disease management. p. 3. In: Proceedings of the Southern Soybean Disease Workers 36rd Annual Meeting. March 11-12. Pensacola, Florida.

Padgett, Guy B., Lanclos, David Y., Purvis, Myra, Hollier, Clayton A. 2008. "Do foliar applications of fungicides benefit corn production in the Mid-South?", Proceedings APS Southern Division,

Overstreet, C., E. Burris, E.C. McGawley, G.B. Padgett, and M. Wolcott. 2008. Site-specific nematode management – population dynamics. pp. 203-209. In: Beltwide Cotton Conferences. Nashville, TN, January 8-11. National Cotton Council, Memphis, TN.

Padgett, G.B., Harrison, S.A., Colyer, P., Mascagni, H.J., Garber, B.W., and Purvis, M.A. 2006. Managing stripe rust in Louisiana: A new challenge. p. 19. In: 1st Proceedings of Louisiana Agricultural Science Association. April 6. LSUA, Alexandria, LA.

2006 - present: Professor, Research/Extension Plant Pathology, LSU
1999 - 2006: Associate Professor/Spec Research/Extension Plant Pathology, LSU
1996 - 1999: Assistant Specialist Extension Cotton Agronomist, LSU
1992 - 1996: Assistant Professor Extension Plant Pathologist, University of Georgia
1989 - 1992: Research Associate, LSU

Professional Society Activity

  • American Phytopathological Society, Southern Div (1987-present) (Vice-Pres. 2008, Pres. Elect 2009, Pres. 2010)
  • American Phytopathological Society (1987-present)
  • American Peanut Research and Education Society (1993-1996, 2002, 2006)
  • Georgia Association of Agricultural County Agents, (1993-1996)
  • Georgia Association of Plant Pathologists, (1985-1987, 1993-1996)
  • Louisiana Agricultural Science Association (2006)
  • Louisiana Association of Agronomist, (1996-present)
  • Louisiana Plant Protection Association (1996-present) (Vice-President 2002, President 2003)
  • Louisiana County Agricultural Agents Association (1997-present)
  • Mid-South Association of Wheat Scientists, Program Chair 2004
  • National Agricultural County Agents Association (1993-present)
  • National Peanut Council, 1994
  • Phi Kappa Phi. 1984-present
  • Southern Soybean Disease Workers (Vice-Pres. 2002-03, Pres. 2003-04, Vice-Pres. 2008-09, Pres. 09-10)

Key Professional Service Activities

  • Faculty Council 2010-2013
  • Louisiana Agriculture Magazine Editorial Board 2008-2010.
  • LAES ACE Committees for cotton, corn, sorghum, soybean & wheat 1996-present
  • CREES S302, Secretary 2004, Chair 2005
  • LSU AgCenter Variety Release Committees, 2004-2005
  • LSU AgCenter Chancellor’s Oversight Committee
  • Promotion and Tenure Planning Committee


100 % LSU Agricultural Center (25% Research/75% Extension)

Research Projects:

LAB03460: Disease management in cotton.

Other responsibilities include research on identification and management of diseases affecting field crops, including corn, soybean, and small grains.

1992 - Ph.D., Plant Pathology, LSU
1987 - M.S., Plant Pathology, University of Georgia
1984 - B.S., Agricultural Business, Louisiana
Tech University

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