Rose Rosette Disease - Identification and Management

Raghuwinder Singh, Wilson, Mark, Owings, Allen D.

Figure 1jpg

Early symptoms of RRD

Figure 2JPG

Witch’s broom

Rose rosette disease symptoms:

1. Early symptoms of RRD.
2. Witch’s broom.
3. Excessive thorns.
4. Excessive red pigmentation.
5. Leaf deformations.
6. Early infection on Knock Out roses.
7. Severe infection of RRD on drift roses.

Figure 3JPG

Excessive thorns

Figure 4JPG

Excessive red pigmentation

Figure 5JPG

Leaf deformations

Figure 6JPG

Early infection on Knock Out roses

Figure 7jpg

Severe infection of RRD on drift roses

RRD look-alikes:

  • Herbicide injury
  • Injury caused by chilli thrips
  • Normal red pigmentation of rose foliage

Integrated Disease Management of Rose Rosette Disease

1. Buy disease-free, healthy roses from reliable sources.

2. Plant roses in well-drained, fertile soils in sunny locations.

3. Plant roses at wider spacing to reduce mites crawling from plant to plant.

4. Follow a proper fertilization program for healthy, vigorous growth.

5. Follow recommended pruning practices to avoid unnecessary stress to roses.

6. Familiarity with rose rosette disease symptoms and its look-alikes is critical in successful management of the disease.

7. Scout for rose rosette disease regularly. If the disease is suspected, consult your local horticulture specialist for confirmation.

8. Remove symptomatic plants immediately and discard them properly. Double bag infected material before disposing of it. Remove all plant debris from infected sites.

9. Spray registered miticides to manage eriophyid mites on roses.

10. Clean tools, clothes and hands to avoid carrying mites from infected to healthy roses. Commercial landscapes must avoid cross-contamination between healthy and infected sites.

11. Remove wild roses from the neighborhood. They may harbor both RRD virus and eriophyid mites.


Raj Singh, LSU AgCenter
Mark Wilson, LSU AgCenter
Allen Owings, LSU AgCenter (retired)
Mark Wingham, University of Tennessee
Visit our website:
William B. Richardson, LSU Vice President for Agriculture, Louisiana State University
Agricultural Center, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station
Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service, LSU College of Agriculture
MISC-278 (500) 9/18
The LSU AgCenter and LSU provide equal opportunities in programs and employment.

Figure 8JPG

Herbicide Injury

Figure 9jpg

Injury caused by chilli thrips

Figure 10jpg

Normal red pigmentation of rose foliage

10/26/2018 7:17:51 PM
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