Pub 3368 Sweet Olive Leaf Scorch_revpdf / 1.69MB
Publication ID: 3368
Sweet olive (Osmanthus fragrans Lour.) is an evergreen upright shrub native to Asia. It is a small ornamental tree that can grow up to 20 feet tall. Sweet olive’s dark, shiny green leaves and white fragrant flowers make it a popular choice of gardeners and landscape professionals.
Sweet olive is susceptible to a bacterial disease called leaf scorch, which is caused by Xylella fastidiosa. Different strains of this bacterium are known to cause several economically important diseases, including Pierce’s disease of grapevine, plum leaf scald and leaf scorch of almond, coffee, pear, pecan, oak, oleander and several other landscape trees.
See pdf for more detail.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture