Judy Weisgerber

Mrs. Judy Weisgerber has been a 4-H Leader in Vernon Parish for more than 40 years. She is a Master Horseman and has a true love and gift for horses and youth. She has worked diligently as an Organizational 4-H Leader for over 30 years and as a 4-H Horse Project Leader for over 40 years at the local and parish level. As an organizational leader she helped lead her members and clubs to successes as she worked with her officers to guide them through club meetings and her members as she prepared them for contests, events, community service projects and more. As a semi-retired teacher, she continues to share her love of horses with others through her involvement in training youth individually for speed and performance events, interviews, presentations, and more. She has received the State 4-H Horse Leader Award and the Regional Outstanding Lifetime 4-H Volunteer Award. Today, she serves as an unofficial mentor to many and continues to support the 4-H program through her leadership and loyalty. We are so thankful for all your hard work and dedication, Ms. Weisgerber!
11/10/2022 9:08:04 PM
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