Ashok Mishra

Mishra, Ashok
Address 1

• 2013 LSU Distinguished Faculty Award, Louisiana State University
• 2013 Distinguished Achievement in Agriculture Award of Merit Gamma Sigma Delta, LSU Chapter
• 2012 Mid-Career Scholar Rainmaker Award, Louisiana State University
• 2012 Research Certificate of Merit, Gamma Sigma Delta, LSU Chapter
• 2007 American Journal of Agricultural Economics Outstanding Journal Article Award
• 2006 Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics Outstanding Journal Article Award
• Citation of Excellence-1999. International recognition for outstanding contribution to the literature and body of knowledge for the   paper published in Applied Economics. Awarded by Editorial Advisory Board of ANBAR, Anbar Electronic Intelligence, West Yorkshire, UK.
• Awarded Sir Vincent Meredith Fellowship for graduate studies at McGill University, Montreal, Canada (1989-1990).
• Awarded Overseas Development Administration (ODA) Scholarship and European Community Research Fellowship for M.Sc. studies at University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, U.K. (1988-1989).
• Awarded University Sports Scholarship, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, India (1987-1988).
• Awarded University Merit Certificate for Academic Excellence, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, India (1986-1988).

• Teaching Award: Teacher Merit Honor Roll—Gamma Sigma Delta, 2010.
• Teaching Award: Teacher Merit Honor Roll—Gamma Sigma Delta, 2011.
• Teaching Award: Teacher Merit Honor Roll—Gamma Sigma Delta, 2012.

Grants and Contract Funded

18. Co-Principal Investigator (Barbato, Holton and Mishra), “Feasibility Study for Low-Cost Hurricane-Resistant Residential Buildings made of Earth Blocks” Funded for $35,000 (2014-2015). Funded by LSU Coastal Sustainability Studio.

17. Principal Investigator (Mishra), “The Changing Structure of Retail Food Stores and Its Impact on Direct Marketing” funded for $20,000 (2014-2015). Funded by Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington DC.

16. Principal Investigator (Mishra), “Domestic Commodity Support: Usage by Households, Credit Implications, and Economic Impacts” funded for $15,000 (2014-2015). Funded by Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington DC.

15. Co-Principal Investigator (Fannin and Mishra), “Assessing Vulnerability of Sectors and Regions to OCS Oil and Gas Industry Volatility” Funded for $499,346 (2012-2015). Funded by Bureau of Ocean Energy and Management, U.S. Department of Interior.

14. Principal Investigator (Mishra), “Demand for H2-B Visa Workers in Louisiana Seafood Industry” funded for $9,999 (2012-2013). Funded by Louisiana Sea Grant Development Office.

13. Co-Project Director (Detre, Mishra, and Fannin), “Improving the Economic Resiliency of Rural Communities Under Natural Disaster and Environmental Risk” Funded for $231,000 (2013-2016) by USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) National Needs Graduate and Postgraduate Fellowships Program.

12. Co-Principal Investigator (Fannin, Mishra, and Detre), “Debris Removal Planning for Louisiana Communities in Advance of Future Tropical Natural Disasters” Funded for $156,027 (2010-2013). Funded by Louisiana Sea Grant Development Office.

11. Principal Investigator, “Determine the Status of Precision Farming Technology Adoption by Cotton Farmers.” Funded for $11,000 per year for 2010-present. Cotton Incorporated.

10. Principal Investigator, “Current Economic Status of Conservation and No-Till Production in the Southeastern United States.” Funded for $4,000 per year for 2010-present by Cotton Incorporated

9. Co-Principal Investigator (Fannin and Mishra), “Evaluating Alternative Units of Analysis to Define Regions of Influence within Outer Continental Shelf” Funded for $174,886. 2009-2011. U.S. Department of Interior.

8. Principal Investigator (Mishra and Livingston). “Impact of Off-Farm Work and Insurance-Coverage on Fuel Use and Pollution.” Funded for $16,321., 2009-2010. U.S. Department of Agriculture.

7. Co-Principal Investigator (Kimhi, Mishra, and Goodwin). “The Dynamics of Off-Farm Employment, Farm Size, and Farm Structure.” $140,000: 2003-2006. Bilateral Agriculture Research and Development (BARD), US-Israel Scientific Exchange.

6. Co-Principal Investigator (Mishra and Goodwin) Cooperative Agreement 43-3AEL-3-80088, “An Evaluation of the Interrelationships among Conservation, Risk Management, and Income Supporting Farm Programs in the Post-FAIR Environment.” North Carolina State University. Funded for $25,000: 2004-2006.

5. Co-Principal Investigator, (Mishra and Gardner) Cooperative Agreement 43-3AEL-3-80089, “Consumption Expenditures and Savings of Farm Households.” The University of Maryland. Funded for $30,000: 2004-2006.

4. Co-Principal Investigator USDA-CSREES, NRI. Co-Principal Investigator (Tauer and Mishra). “Can the Small Dairy Farm Remain Competitive in U.S. Agriculture,” $130,000, 2003-2004.

3. Co-Principal Investigator (Moss, Schmitz, and Mishra), USDA-CSREES, NRI. “Conference on Government Policy and Farmland Markets: Implications of the New Economy,” Collaborator, $10,000. Conference held in May 2002.

2. Co-Principal Investigator (Mishra and Goodwin), Cooperative Agreement 43-3AEL-0-80057, “Determinants of a Producer’s Relative Cropping Performance.” The Ohio State University. Funded for $15,000: 2001-2002.

1.Co-Principal Investigator (Mishra and Goodwin), Cooperative Agreement 43-3AEL-8-80114, “An Assessment of Economic Risks for Farms: Results from the Farm Costs and Returns Survey.” North Carolina State University. Funded for $15,000: 1999-2000.

A. Articles in Refereed Journals

112. Koiral, K.H., Ashok K. Mishra, J.M D’Antoni, and J. Mehlhorn. “Energy Prices and Agricultural Commodity Prices: Testing Correlation Using Copulas Method Energy.” Forthcoming Energy Journal, 2015.

111. Schaible, G.D., Ashok K. Mishra, D. M. Lambert, and G. Panterov. “Factors Influencing Environmental Stewardship in U.S. Agriculture: Conservation Program Participants vs. Non-Participants.” Forthcoming Land Use Policy, 2015.

110. Mottaleb, K.A., S. Sene, and Ashok K. Mishra. “Impact of Remittance Income on House Prices: Evidence from Bangladesh” Forthcoming International Real Estate Review, 2015.

109. Mottaleb, K.A., S. Mohanty, and Ashok K. Mishra. “Intra-Household Resource Allocation under Negative Income Shock: A Natural Experiment.” World Development, Vol. 66(Feb.), 2015: 557-571.

108. Mishra, Ashok K., K.A. Mottaleb, A. R. Khanal, and S. Mohanty. “Abiotic Stress and Its Impact on Production Efficiency: The Case of Rice Farming in Bangladesh” Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, Vol. 199, 2014: 146-153.

107. Mottaleb, K.A., M. Gumma, Ashok K. Mishra, and S. Mohanty. “Quantifying Production Losses due to Drought and Submergence of Rainfed Rice at the Household Level Using Remotely Sensed MODIS data.” Forthcoming Agricultural Systems, 2015.

106. D’Antoni, J.M., Ashok K. Mishra, and A. R. Khanal. “Effect of Health Insurance Coverage on Labor Allocation: Evidence from US Farm Households.” Health Economics Review Journal, Vol. 4(19), 2014: 1-11.

105. Mishra, Ashok K., K.A. Mottaleb, and S. Mohanty. “Impact of Off-Farm Income on Food Consumption Rural Bangladesh: An Unconditional Quantile Regression Approach” Forthcoming, Agricultural Economics: An International.

104. Khanal, A.R., and Ashok K. Mishra. “Buying winners and selling losers” trading strategy profitable in the New Economy?” Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 21 (15) 2014: 1090-1093.

103. Khanal, A.R., Ashok K. Mishra, and K.H Koirala.Access to the Internet and Financial Performance of Small Business Households” Forthcoming Electronic Commerce Research, 2015.

102. Khanal, A.R., and Ashok K. Mishra. “Agritourism and Off-farm Work: Survival Strategies for Small Farms.” Agricultural Economics: An International Journal, 45 supplement, 2014: 65–76.

101. Khanal, A.R., Ashok K. Mishra, and K.A. Mottaleb. “Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on Financial Performance: The U.S. Ethanol-Based Fuel Industry.” Biomass and Bioenergy, Vol. 61 (Feb), 2014: 138-145.

100. Joo, H., A. Khanal, and Ashok K. Mishra. “Farmers’ participation in Agritourism: Does it affect the Bottom Line?” Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, Vol. 42(3), 2013: 491-490.

99. Mishra, Ashok K. Mishra, J.M Fannin, and H. Joo. “Off-Farm Work, Intensity of Government Payments, and Farm Exits: Evidence from a National Survey in the United States.” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 62(2), 2014: 283-306.

98. D’Antoni, J.M., Ashok K. Mishra, and A. R. Khanal. “Examining Labor Substitution: Does Family Matter for U.S. Cash Grain Farmers?” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 46(2), 2014: 273-284.

97. Mishra, Ashok K., and A. R. Khanal. “Is Participation in Agri-Environmental Programs Affected by Liquidity and Solvency: Land Use Policy, Vol. 35, 2013: 163-170.

96. Adhikari, A., J. M. Fannin, and Ashok K. Mishra. “Decomposing Changes in Employment Rate after Natural Disasters.” Forthcoming, Journal of Policy Modeling Policy, 2013.

95. Park, T. A., Ashok K. Mishra, and S. Wozniak. “Do Farm Operators Benefit from Direct to Consumer Marketing Strategies?” Agricultural Economics: An International Journal, 45(2014): 213-224.

94. Uematsu, H., A. R. Khanal, and Ashok K. Mishra. “The Impact of Natural Amenity on Farmland Values: A Quantile Regression Approach.” Land Use Policy, 33, 2013: 151-160.

93. Ahearn, M.C., H.S. El-Osta, and Ashok K. Mishra. “Considerations in Work Choices of U.S. Farm Households: The Role of Health Insurance.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Vol. 38(1), 2013: 19-33.

92. Mishra, Ashok K., and C. B. Moss. “The Effect of Off-Farm Income on Farmland Values.” Economic Modelling, 32, 2013: 361-368.

91. D’Antoni, J., Ashok K. Mishra, and D. Blayney. “Assessing Participation in the Milk Income Loss Contract Program and its Impact on Milk Production.” Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol. 35(2), 2013: 243-254.

90. Viaggi, D., S. Gomez-Y-Paloma, Ashok K. Mishra, and M. Raggi. “The Role of the EU Common Agricultural Policy: Assessing Multiple Effects in Alternative Policy Scenarios” Land Use Policy, Vol. 31 (1), 2013: 99-101.

89. D’Antoni, J. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Welfare Implications of Reduced Government Subsidies to Farm Families: Accounting for Fringe Benefits.” Agricultural Economics: An International Journal, Vol. 44(2013), 191-202.

88. Pandit, M., K. Paudel, and Ashok K. Mishra. “Do Agricultural Subsidies Affect Labor Allocation Decisions? Comparing Parametric and Semiparametric Methods.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Vol. 38(1), 2013: 1-18.

87. Mishra, Ashok K., H. Uematsu, and J. Matt Fannin. “Measuring Precautionary Wealth Using Cross-Sectional Data: The Case of Farm Households.” Review of the Economics of Households, Vol. 11(1) 2013: 131-141.

86. D’Antoni, J., Ashok K. Mishra., and J. Joo. “Farmers' Perception of Precision Technology: The Case of Autosteer Adoption by Cotton Farmers.” Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Vol. 87 (Sept.) 2012: 121-128.

85. Uematsu, H., and Ashok K. Mishra. “Organic Farmers or Conventional Farmers: Where's the Money?” Ecological Economics, Vol. 78(2012): 55-62.

84. Mishra, Ashok K., J. M. Harris, K. W. Erickson, C. Hallahan, and J. Detre. “Drivers of Agricultural Profitability in the US: An Application of the DuPont Expansion Method.” Agricultural Finance Review, Vol. 72 (3), 2012: 325-340.

83. Chang, H.H. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Chemical Usage in Production Agriculture: Do Crop Insurance and Off-Farm Work Play a Part?” Journal of Environmental Management, 105(2012): 76-82.

82. Livingston, M.L. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Risk Attitudes and Premia of U.S. Corn and Soybean Farmers: An Empirical Investigation.” Empirical Economics, Vol. 44(3): 2013: 1337-1351.

81. D’Antoni, J., Ashok K. Mishra, and A. Barkley. “Feast or Flee: Government Payments and Labor Migration from Agriculture.” Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol. 34(2), 2012: 181-192.

80. Shaik, S., Ashok K. Mishra, and J. Atwood. “Aggregation Issues in the Estimation of Nonparametric Linear Programming Productivity Measures.” Journal of Applied Economics, Vol. XV, 1(2012): 171-189.

79. Uematsu, H., Ashok K. Mishra, and R. Powell. “An Alternative Method to Estimate Income Variance in Cross-sectional Data.” Applied Economics Letters, 2012, 19 (12): 1431-1436.

78. Mishra, Ashok K., H. Uematsu, and R. Powell. “Precautionary Wealth Income Uncertainty: A Household-Level Analysis” Journal of Applied Economics, XV (2), 2012: 353-369.

77. D’Antoni, J. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Determinants of Dairy Farmers Participation in the Milk Loss Contract Program.” Journal of Dairy Science, Vol. 95(1), 2012: 476-483.

76. Mishra, Ashok K. and H. H. Chang. “Can Off-Farm Employment Affect the Privatization of Social Safety Net? The Case of Self-Employed Farm Households.” Food Policy, Vol. 37(1), 2012: 94-101.

75. D’Antoni, J. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Testing Dependence Using Copulas: The Case of Dual Employment.” Applied Economics Letters, 2012, 19(13): 1265-1269.

74. Mishra, Ashok K., H.S. El-Osta, M. Ahearn. “Determinants of Health Care Expenditures of the Self Employed: The Case of U.S. Farm Households.” Agricultural Economics: An International Journal, Vol. 43(1), 2012: 75-88.

73. Mishra, Ashok K., G.T. Livanis, and C.B. Moss. “Did the Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996 Affect Farmland Values?” Entropy, Vol. 13, 2011:668-682.

72. Pandit, M., Ashok K. Mishra, and K. Paudel. “Comparison between Parametric and Semiparametric Models of Farm Labor Allocation Decisions.” The Empirical Economic Letters, 10(12) 2011: 1211-1219.

71. Moss, C. B. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Imputing Missing Information in the Estimation of Production Functions and Systems.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 93(2), 2011:619-626.

70. Gillespie, J. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Off-farm Employment and Reasons for Entering Farming as Determinants of Production Enterprise Selection in US Agriculture.” The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Vol. 55, 2011: 411-428.

69. Uematsu, H. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Use of Direct Marketing Strategies by Farmers and Its Impact on Farm Business Income.” Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, Vol. 40(1), 2011: 1-19.

68. Garcia-Jimenez, C. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Determinants of Meat Purchasing Behavior by Ethnic Groups.” Journal of Food Distribution Research, Vol. XLII, 3 (2011): 96-105.

67. Paxton, K., Ashok K. Mishra, et al. “Intensity of Precision Agriculture Technology Adoption by Cotton Producers.” Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, Vol. 40(1), 2011: 133-144.

66. Detre, J., H. Uematsu, and Ashok K. Mishra. “The Influence of GM Crop Adoption on the Profitability on Farms Operated by Young and Beginning Farmers.” Agricultural Finance Review, Vol. 71(1), 2011:41-61.

65. Garcia-Jimenez, C. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Role of Ethnicity in Consumption of Meat Products.” Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 18(7), 2011: 665-669.

64. Mishra, Ashok K. and K. Paudel. “Estimating Permanent Income and Wealth of U.S. Farm Households.” Applied Economics, Vol. 43(12), 2011: 1521-1533.

63. Chang, H.H. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Does the Milk Income Loss Contract Program Improve the Technical Efficiency of US Dairy Farms? Journal of Dairy Science, Vol. 94, 2011: 2945-2951.

62. Mishra, Ashok K. and H.H. Chang. “Tax-Deferred Retirement Savings of Farm Households: An Empirical Investigation.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics Vol. 36(1), 2011: 160-176.

61. Chang, H.H., Ashok K. Mishra, and M. Livingston. “Agricultural Policy and Its Impact on Fuel Usage: Empirical Evidence from Farm Household Analysis.” Applied Energy, Vol. 88, 2011:348-353.

60. Detre, J., T. B. Mark, Ashok K. Mishra, and A. Adhikari. “Linkage between Direct Marketing and Farm Income: Double Hurdle Approach.” Agribusiness: an International Journal, Vol. 27(1), 2011:19-23.

59. Mishra, Ashok K., H.S. El-Osta, and S. Shaik. “Agricultural Policy Reform and Its Effect on Income Inequality.” Journal of Income Distribution, Vol. 19(1), 2010:75-95.

58. Mishra, Ashok K, H.S. El-Osta, and S. Shaik. “Succession Decisions in U.S. Family Farm Businesses.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 35(1), 2010:133-152.

57. Detre, J., Ashok K. Mishra, and A. Adhikari. “Factor Affecting the Adoption of Genetically Modified Crops by Young and Beginning U.S. Farmers and Rancher” Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers Vol. 71 (1), 2010: 130-144.

56. Mishra, Ashok K., R. P. Williams, and J. D. Detre. “Internet Access and Internet Purchasing Patterns of Farm Households” Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, Vol. 38(2), 2009: 1-10.

55. Mishra, Ashok K., C. H. Wilson, and R. P. Williams. “Factors Affecting the Financial Performance of New and Beginning Farmers.” Agricultural Finance Review, 69(2), 2009: 160-79.

54. Thompson, W., Ashok K. Mishra, and J. Dewbre. “Farm Household Income and Transfer Efficiency: An Evaluation of U.S. Farm Program Payments.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 91(5), 2009: 1296-1301.

53. Mishra, Ashok K. and H. H. Chang. “Factors Affecting Precautionary Savings of Self-Employed Farm Households.” Agricultural Finance Review, Vol. 69(3), 2009:300-13.

52. Mishra, Ashok K. and H. S. El-Osta. “Estimating Wealth of Self-Employed Farm Households.” Agricultural Finance Review, 69(2), 2009: 248-62.

51. Mishra, Ashok K., H.S. El-Osta, and J.M. Gillespie. “Effect of Agricultural Policy on Regional Income Inequality among Farm Households.” Journal of Policy Modelling, 31 (2009): 325-340.

50. Mishra, Ashok K., C. Moss, and K. Erickson. “Regional Differences in Agricultural Profitability, Government Payments, and Farmland Values: Implications of DuPont Expansion.” Agricultural Finance Review, Vol. 69(1), 2009: 49-66.

49. Chang, H.H. and Mishra, Ashok K. “Impact of Off-Farm Labor Supply on Food Expenditures of Farm Household.” Food Policy, 33, 2008: 657-664.

48. Mishra, Ashok K. and H.S El-Osta. “Effect of Agricultural Policy on Succession Decisions of Farm Households” Review of Economics of Households, Vol. 6, 2008: 285-307.

47. Mishra, Ashok K, C. B. Moss, and K. Erickson. “The Role of Credit Constraint and Government Subsidies in Farmland Valuations in the U.S: The Options Pricing Model Approach.” Empirical Economics Vol. 34 (2), 2008: 285-297.

46. Dewbre, J. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Impact of Program Payments on Time Allocation and Farm Household Income.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 39, (3), 2007: 489-505.

45. Chang, H.H., D. M. Lambert, and Ashok K. Mishra. “Does Participation in the Conservation Reserve Program Impact the Economic Well-Being of Farm Households? Agricultural Economics: An International Journal, Vol. 38, 2008: 201-212.

44. El-Osta, H., Ashok K Mishra, and M. Morehart. “Off-farm labor Allocation Decisions of Married Farm Couples and the Role of Government Payments” Review of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 30(2), 2008:311-332.

43. Mishra, Ashok K., C. Moss, and K. Erickson. “Changes in the Distribution of Farm Wealth in the United States.” Agricultural Finance Review, Vol. 67 (1), 2007: 119-134.

42. El-Osta, H., Ashok. K Mishra, and M. Morehart. “Determinants of Economic Well-Being among U.S. Farm Households.” Agricultural Economics: An International Journal 36, 2007: 291-304.

41. Mishra, Ashok K. and Hisham S. El-Osta. “Factors Affecting Succession Decisions in Family Farm Businesses: Evidence from a National Survey” Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, Vol. 70 (1), 2007: 1-10.

40. Mishra, Ashok K., C. Moss, and K. Erickson. “Farm Wealth Inequality Within and Across States in the United States” Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 35(2), 2006: 251-264.

39. Moss, C.B., Mishra, Ashok K., and K.W. Erickson. “Rates of Return on U.S. Farm Investments, 1940-2003: A Comparison of Imputed Returns versus Residual Income Approach.” Agricultural Finance Review, Vol. 66 (1), 2006: 91-107.

38. Tauer, L.W. and Mishra, Ashok K. “Dairy Farm Cost Efficiency” Journal of Dairy Science, 89, 2006:4937-4943.

37. Mishra, Ashok K. and S. Lence. “Risk Management by Farmers, Agribusiness, and Lenders.” Agricultural Finance Review, Vol. 65(2), 2005: 131-148.

36. Goodwin, B.K. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Are ‘Decoupled’ Farm Program Payments Really Decoupled? An Empirical Evaluation.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 88(1), 2006: 73-89.

35. Mishra, Ashok K and C. B. Moss. “Measurement of Inequality by Components of Farm Household Consumption Expenditures” Applied Economics, Vol. 40 (10), 2008:1241-1252.

34. Mishra, Ashok K. and T. Park. “An Empirical Analysis of Internet Use by U.S. Farmers.” Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, Vol. 34(2), 2005: 253-264.

33. Mishra, Ashok K. and B. K. Goodwin. “Revenue Insurance Purchase Decisions of Farmers.” Applied Economics, Vol. 38 (2), 2005: 149-159.

32. Tauer, L.W. and Mishra, Ashok K. “Can the Small Dairy Farm Remain Competitive in U.S. Agriculture?” Food Policy, Vol. 31, 2006: 458-468.

31. Mishra, Ashok K. and C. Moss. “Adapting a Nonparametric Pooling Test for Use in Panel Cointegration Models.” Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 13 (May), 2006: 355-357.

30. Goodwin, B.K. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Another Look at Decoupling: Additional Evidence on the Production Effects of Direct Payments.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 87(5), 2005: 1200-1210.

29. Moss, C.B., Ashok K. Mishra, and K.W. Erickson. “Next year on the U.S. Farmland Market: An Informational Approach.” Applied Economics, Vol. 39(5), 2007: 581-585.

28. Variyam, J., and Ashok K. Mishra. “The Well-being of U.S. Farm Workers: A Look at Health.” Review of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 27 (3) (2005): 369-376.

27. Mishra, Ashok K, and H.S. El-Osta. “Decomposition of Variability in Farm Household Assets and Debt.” Journal of Agribusiness, Vol. 23 (2), 2005: 163-182.

26. Kim, C., G. Schluter, G. Schaible, Ashok K. Mishra, and C. Hallahan. “A Decomposed Negative Binomial Regression Model of Structural Change in U.S. Agriculture.” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 53, 2005: 161-176.

25. Mishra, Ashok K., H.S. El-Osta, and C.L.Sandretto. “Factors Affecting Farm Enterprise Diversification.” Agricultural Finance Review, Vol. 64(2), 2004: 151-166.

24. Fernandez Cornejo, J., C. Hendricks, and Ashok K. Mishra. “Technology Adoption and Off-Farm Household Income: The Case of Herbicide-Tolerant Soybeans.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 37(3), 2005:549-563.

23. Mishra, Ashok K., R. W. Nimon, and H. El-Osta. “Is Moral Hazard Good for the Environment? Revenue Insurance and Chemical Input Use.” Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 74(1), 2005: 11-20.

22. El-Osta, H. S. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Dimensions of Wealth Dispersion among Farm Households: An Assessment of the Impact of Farm Subsidies.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 37(1), April 2005: 187-202.

21. Goodwin, B.K. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Farming Efficiency and the Determinants of Multiple Job Holdings by Farm Operators.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 86(3), 2004: 722-29.

20. Mishra, Ashok K., F. Tegegne, and C. Sandretto. “The Impact of Participation in Cooperatives on the Success of Small Farms.” Journal of Agribusiness, Vol. 22(1): 2004 31-48.

19. Erickson, K., C.B. Moss, and Mishra, Ashok K. “Rates of Return in the Farm and Non-farm Sectors: How Do They Compare?” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 36(3), 2004: 789-795.

18. Mishra, Ashok K., C. Moss, and K. Erickson. “Valuing Farmland With Multiple Quasi-Fixed Inputs.” Applied Economics, 36 (15), 2004: 1669-1676.

17. El-Osta, H., Ashok K. Mishra, and Mary Ahearn. “Labor Supply by Farm Operators and ‘Decoupled’ Farm Program Payments.” Review of Economics of Households Vol. 2 (4), 2004: 367-85.

16. Lence, S. H. and Ashok K. Mishra. “The Impact of Different Farm Programs on Cash Rents.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 85(3), 2003: 753-761.

15. Mishra, Ashok K and B.K. Goodwin. “Adoption of Crop versus Revenue Insurance: A Farm-Level Analysis.” Agricultural Finance Review, Vol. 63(2), 2003: 143-156.

14. Goodwin, B. K., Ashok K. Mishra., and F. Ortal Magne. “What’s Wrong With Our Models of Agricultural Land Values.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 85(3), 2003: 744-752.

13. Mishra, Ashok K. and C. L. Sandretto. “Stability of Farm Income and the Role of Nonfarm Income in U.S. Agriculture.” Review of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 24(1) 2002: 208-221.

12. Mishra, Ashok K. and H.S. El-Osta. “Managing Risk in Agriculture Through Hedging and Crop Insurance: What Does a National Survey Reveal?” Agricultural Finance Review, Vol. 62(2), 2002: 135-148.

11. Mishra, Ashok K. and D.M. Holthausen. “Effect of Farm Income and Off-Farm Wage Variability on Off-Farm Labor Supply.” Agricultural and Resources Economics Review, 31(2), 2002:187-199.

10. Mishra, Ashok K. and M.J. Morehart. “Factors Affecting Returns to Labor and Management on U.S. Dairy Farms.” Agricultural Finance Review, 61(2), Fall 2001: 123-140.

9. Mishra, Ashok K. and H.S El-Osta. “A Temporal Comparison of Sources of Variability of Farm Household Income,” Agricultural Finance Review, 61(2), 2001:181-198.

8. Mishra, Ashok K. and M.J. Morehart. “Off-Farm Investment of Farm Households: A Logit Analysis.” Agricultural Finance Review, 61 (1), 2001: 87-101.

7. Goodwin, B.K. and Mishra, Ashok K. “An Analysis of Risk Premia in U.S. Farm-Level Interest Rates.” Agricultural Finance Review, 60(1), 2001: 1-17.

6. Mishra, Ashok K., H.S. El-Osta, and C.J. Steele. “Factors Affecting the Profitability of Limited Resource and Other Small Farms.” Agricultural Finance Review, 59, 1999: 77-91.

5. Mishra, Ashok K. and Janet E. Perry. “Forward Contracting of Inputs: A Farm Level Analysis,” Journal of Agribusiness, Vol. 17(2), 1999: 77-92.

4. Mishra, Ashok K., H.S. El-Osta, and J.D. Johnson. “Factors Contributing to Earnings Success of Cash Grain Farms,” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 31(3), 1999: 623-637.

3. Mishra, Ashok K. and B.K. Goodwin. “Income Risk and Allocation of Labour Time: An Empirical Investigation.” Applied Economics, 30(12) 1998: 1549-1555.

2. Mishra, Ashok K. and B. K. Goodwin. "Farm Income Variability and the Supply of Off-farm Labor." American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 79(3), 1997: 880-887.

Mishra, Ashok K. and A.N. Rezitis. “The Effect of Technological Change on the Demand and Supply of Hired Farm Workers in the United States.” Journal of Agribusiness, Vol. 16(1), 1998: 23-42.

Books Reviewed 

1. Mishra, Ashok K., “Agriculture and Rural Development in India since 1947.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 92(4), 2010: 1256-1259.

B. Refereed Articles in Review 

15. Mary, S., Ashok K. Mishra, and S. Gomez-y-Paloma. “An Impact Assessment of EU’s Post-2013 CAP Income Stabilization Payments.” In review American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 

14. Joo, H. A. Khanal., and Ashok K. Mishra. “Off-Farm Income and its Impact on Food Security: Evidence from South Korea.” In review Food Security. 

13. Khanal, A., Ashok K. Mishra, D. Lambert, and K Paudel. “The Role of Expectations in Post-Adoption Decisions of Precision Technology: The Case of GPS Guidance System.” In review Technological Forecasting & Social Change. 

12. Khanal, A., Ashok K. Mishra, and K.A. Mottaleb. “Access to the Internet and Financial Performance of Small Farm Business Households” In review Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 

11. Khanal, A., Ashok K. Mishra, and K.A. Mottaleb. “Heterogeneity in Household Food Demand and the Role of Demographics: Evidence from a Developing Country.” In review Empirical Economics. 

10. Khanal, A., Ashok K. Mishra, and K.A. Mottaleb. “Impact of mergers and acquisitions on financial performance: the U.S. ethanol-based fuel industry.” In review Biomass and Bioenergy.
9. Mishra, Ashok K. and H.S. El-Osta. “Occupational Choice in Later Life: Does Food Policy Matter?” In review Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

8. Pandit, M., K. P. Paudel., Ashok K. Mishra, and R, Rejesus. “Adoption of Precision Farming Technologies: Can Environmental Benefits Trump Profitability.” In review American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 

7. Mishra, Ashok K., K. A. Mottaleb, S. Mohanty. “Impact of Off-Farm Income on Food Expenditures in Rural Bangladesh: A Simultaneous Quantile Regression Approach.” In review Food Policy. 

6. D’Antoni, J.M. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Testing Jointness in Labor Supply with Copulas: Assessing the Impact of Health Insurance Coverage and Farm Policy.” In review Agricultural Economics. 

5. Goodwin, B.K., Ashok K. Mishra, and A. Kimhi. “Household Time Allocation and Endogenous Farm Structure: Implications for the Design of Agricultural Policies.” In review American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 

4. D’Antoni, J. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Does Family Matter? Examining Labor Substitution on U.S. Farms.” Submitted to Journal of Agricultural & Applied Economics. 

3. Moss, C.B., R. Clouser, and Ashok K. Mishra. “Effect of Housing Value Lump on Florida Farmland Values: A Time-Series Analysis.” In Review Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 

2. Moss, C.B., Ashok K. Mishra, and G. Livanis. “Impact of Capital Gains and Urban Pressures on Farmland Values: A Spatial Correlation Analysis.” In Review Journal of Economic Geography.

1. Mishra, Ashok K., C. Dedah., and C.B. Moss “Farmland Prices, Government Payments, and the Overall Risk to U.S. Agriculture: A Structural Equation-Latent Variable Model. In review Agricultural Finance Review. 

C. Book Chapters and Working Papers 

1. Bjørnsen. M. H., and Ashok K. Mishra. “Labor Allocation in a Household and its Impact on Production Efficiency: A Comparison of Panel Modeling Approaches.” Chapter in Advances in Econometrics Vol. 29, Emerald Press, London, UK, 2013.

2. Goodwin, B.K., Ashok K. Mishra, and F. Ortalo-Magne. “The Buck Stops Where? The Distribution of Agricultural Subsidies,” 2012. Chapter in The Intended and Unintended Effects of U.S. Agricultural and Biotechnology Policies. Eds. J.G. Zivin and J. Perloff, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.

3. Goodwin, B.K., Ashok K. Mishra, and F. Ortalo-Magne. “The Buck Stops Where? The Distribution of Agricultural Subsidies,” National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper No. 16693. 2011, Cambridge MA.

4. Shaik. S. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Alternative Random Effects Panel Gamma SML Estimation with Heterogeneity in Random and One-Sided Error.” Chapter in Advances in Econometrics, Vol. 26: 299-322, Emerald Press, London, UK, 2011.

5. Goodwin, B.K. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Are “Decoupled” Farm Payments Really Decoupled: An Empirical Evaluation” Chapter in The Economics of Natural and Human Resources in Agriculture. NOVA Publishers, New York, 2009.

6. Livingston, M., Ashok K. Mishra, and K. Erickson. “Estimating U.S. Corn Farmer Risk Attitudes Using ARMS Data.” Chapter in Forthcoming Book, The Economic Impact of Public Support for Agriculture. Springer Press, New York, 2009.

7. Erickson, K., Ashok K. Mishra, and C.B. Moss. “Cash Rents, Imputed Returns and the Valuation of Farmland.” Chapter in Government Policy and Farmland Markets: Implications of the New Economy. Iowa State University Press, Ames, 2003.

8. Goodwin, B.K., Ashok K. Mishra, and F. Ortalo-Magne. “Explaining Regional Differences in the Capitalization of Policy Benefits into Agricultural Land Values.” Chapter in Government Policy and Farmland Markets: Implications of the New Economy. Iowa State University Press, Ames, 2003.


Articles in Research Bulletins 

26.Mishra, Ashok K., and K. H. Koirala. “Beginning Farms: How Does Louisiana Compare?” Louisiana Agriculture, Vol. 57(3), 2014: 20-23.

25.Mishra, Ashok K., H. Joo., and J. M. Gillespie. “Seafood Processors Preferences for Hiring Nonimmigrant Labor.” Louisiana Agriculture, Vol. 57(1), 2014: 17.

24.Mishra, Ashok K., H. Joo., and J. M. Gillespie. “Economic Impact of H-2B Visa Workers in the Louisiana Seafood Processing Industry.” Louisiana Agriculture, Vol. 56(3), 2013: 18-21.

23.Mishra, Ashok K. and A.R. Khanal. “Economic Profile of Louisiana Agriculture and Farm Households.” Louisiana Agriculture, Vol. 55(3), 2012: 14-15.

22.Uematsu, H. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Internet Use by Louisiana Farming Operations and Farm Households.” Louisiana Agriculture, Vol. 54(3), 2011: 26-27.

21.Ahearn, M. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Access of Farm Households to Health Care.” Choices, 24(4), 2009.

20.Jones, C., T. Parker, M. C. Ahearn, Ashok K. Mishra, and J. Variyam. “Health Status and Health Care Access of Farm and Rural Populations” Economic Information Bulletin (EIB-77), Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. August 2009.

19.Fernandez Cornejo, J., Ashok K. Mishra, R. Nehring, C. Hendricks, M. Southern and A. Gregory. “Off-Farm Income, Production Decisions and Farm Economic Performance.” Economic Research Report (ERR), 36, Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. Jan. 2007.

18.Kandel, W. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Immigration and Farm Labor” White Paper Report prepared for the Undersecretary of Research, Economics, and Extension and the ERS Administrator, June, 2006.

17.Mishra, Ashok K. “Farm Household Income and Wealth” Agricultural Income and Finance Outlook, AIS-84, Nov. 2006.

16.El-Osta, H., Ashok K. Mishra, and M.J. Morehart. “Composite Measure of Economic Well-Being.” Amber Waves Vol. 3(4). Sept. 2005.

15.Mishra, Ashok K., R. Durst, H. S. El-Osta. “How Do U.S. Farmers Plan for Retirement?” Amber Waves Vol. 3(2). Feb 2005.

14.Tauer, L., and Ashok K. Mishra. “U.S. Dairy Farm Cost Efficiency.” Working Paper, WP 2005-12, Department of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University, 2005.

13.Mishra, Ashok K. “Farm Operator Household Income and Wealth” Agricultural Income and Finance Outlook, AIS-83, pp: 22-31, Nov. 2005.

12.Mishra, Ashok K. “Economic Well-Being of Farm Households: Joint Income and Wealth Outcomes” Agricultural Income and Finance Outlook, AIS-83, pp: 33-37, Nov. 2005.

11.Mishra, Ashok K. “Economic Well-Being of Farm Households Includes Income and Wealth” Agricultural Income and Finance Outlook, AIS-82, pp: 26-29, Nov. 2004.

10. Tauer, L., and Ashok K. Mishra. “Can the Small Dairy Farm Remain Competitive in U.S. Agriculture?” Working Paper, WP 2003-28, Department of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University, 2003.

8.Mishra, Ashok K. “Farm Household and Business Income Forecast” Agricultural Income and Finance Outlook, AIS-81, pp: 3-7, Nov. 2003.

8. Mishra, Ashok K., M.J. Morehart, H.S. El-Osta, J. D. Johnson, and J. W. Hopkins. “Income, Wealth, and Well-Being of Farm Operator Households.” Agricultural Economics Report # 812, Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. Sept. 2002.

7. Goodwin, B. and Ashok K. Mishra. “The Effects of Direct Payments of Crop Production and Marketing Decisions of United States Farmers.” Working Paper, Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics, The Ohio State University, 2002.

6. Mishra, Ashok K., M.J. Morehart, H.S. El-Osta, J. D. Johnson, and Jeffery W. Hopkins. “Wealth and Income Contribute Jointly to the Economic Well-Being of Farm Operator Households.” Rural America, 17(2), Summer 2002:2-13.

5. Mishra, Ashok K., M.J. Morehart, H. S. El-Osta, J. D. Johnson, and Jeffery W. Hopkins. “Assessing the Economic Well-Being of Farm Households.” Agricultural Outlook, August 2002:31-34.

4. Mishra, Ashok K. and M.J. Morehart. “Farm Families’ Savings: Findings from the ARMS Survey.” Agricultural Outlook, April 2002:27-30.

1.Gundersen, C., M. Morehart, L. Whitener, L. Ghelfi, J. Johnson, K. Kassel, B. Kuhn, Mishra, Ashok K., S. Offutt, and L. Tiehen. A Safety Net for Farm Households. Agricultural Economics Report 788, Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. Sept. 2000.

1.Mishra, Ashok K.and J. D. Johnson. “Managers and Management Units of U.S. Farm Businesses” Chapter in Agricultural Resources and Environmental Indicators, 2002-2003. Agricultural Handbook, Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 2003.

1.Morehart, Mitchell, Janet Perry, and Ashok K. Mishra. Financial Performance of U.S. Farm Businesses, 1997. , 1998.

E. Proceedings 

1. Pandit, M., K.P. Paudel., Ashok K. Mishra., and E. Segarra. “Adoption and Non-Adoption of Precision Farming Technologies by Cotton Farmers” In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Precision Agriculture, Indianapolis, IN, July 15-18, 2012.

2. Mishra, Ashok K. and C.B. Moss. “Does Off-Farm Income Influence Farmland Values? A Quantile Regression Approach.” Proceedings Regional Research Committee NC-1177: Agricultural and Rural Finance Markets in Transition. Kansas City, KS, Sept. 30-Oct.1, 2010.

3. Mooney, D. F., R. K. Roberts, B. C. English, J. A. Larson, D. M. Lambert, M. Velandia, S. L. Larkin, K. W. Paxton, Ashok K. Mishra, S. W. Martin, M. C. Marra, R. Rejesus, E. Segarra, C. Wang, and J. M. Reeves. 2010. Cotton Precision Farming Adoption in the Southern United States: Findings from a 2009 Survey. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Precision Agriculture, Denver, CO, July 18-21, 2010.

4. Lence, S. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Land Rental Arrangement in U.S. Agriculture: Evidence from a National Survey.” Proceedings Regional Research Committee NC-1177: Agricultural and Rural Finance Markets in Transition. Oct. 1-2, 2009, Chicago, IL: pp.1-9.

5. Mark, T., Ashok K. Mishra, and J. Detre. “Expectations of Farm Policy: An Empirical Evaluation Investigation” Proceedings Regional Research Committee NC-1014: Agricultural and Rural Finance Markets in Transition. Sept. 25-26, 2008, Kansas City, MO: pp.3-13.

6. Mishra, Ashok K. and S. H. Lence. “An Empirical Investigation of Farm Loan Determinants” Proceedings Regional Research Committee NC-1014: Agricultural and Rural Finance Markets in Transition, October 4-5, 2007, St. Louis, Missouri: pp.1-11.

7. Durst, R., and Ashok K. Mishra, “Estimating the After-Tax Income of Farm Households.” Proceedings Regional Research Committee NC-1014: Agricultural and Rural Finance Markets in Transition, October 2-3, 2006, Washington DC: pp. 201-211.

8. Mishra, Ashok K., Charles B. Moss, and Timothy G. Baker. “Debt-Equity Structure and Risk Balancing by Farm Businesses.” Proceedings of Regional Research Committee NC-1014, held in Minneapolis, MN. October 3-4, 2005. pp.187-192.

9. Mishra, Ashok K., Charles B. Moss, and Kenneth W. Erickson. “Valuing Farmland with Multiple Quasi-fixed Inputs.” Proceedings of Regional Committee NC-221, held in McLean, VA. October 1-2, 2001. Pp. 190-205.
10. Mishra, Ashok K., Charles B. Moss, and Kenneth W. Erickson. “Effect of Debt Servicing, Returns, and Government Payments on Changes in Farmland Values: A Fixed and Random Effects Model.” Proceedings of Regional Committee NC-221, held in Minneapolis, MN. October 2-3, 2000.

11. Mishra, Ashok K. and M.J. Morehart. “Tax-Deferred Savings and Off-Farm Investment of Farm Households,” Proceedings of Regional Committee NC-221, held in Minneapolis, MN. October 2-3, 2000. pp.142-169.

12. Mishra, Ashok K. and M.J. Morehart. “Income and Wealth Accumulation of U.S. Farm Households. Proceedings of Southeast Decision Sciences Institute held Feb. 21-23, 2001, Charlotte, NC. pp.75-81.

13. Mishra, Ashok K. and B.K. Goodwin. “Time Allocation and Off-Farm Labor Supply in U.S. Agriculture,” Proceedings of Southeast Decision Sciences Institute, held Feb. 21-23, 2001, Charlotte, NC. pp. 67-71.

14. Mishra, Ashok K. and M. J. Morehart. “Factors Affecting Off-Farm Investment of Farm Households: A Logit Analysis” Proceedings of Regional Committee NC-221, held Oct. 4-6, 1999, Mississauga, ON, Canada. pp.43-59.

15. Mishra, Ashok K. and M.J. Morehart. “Farm Household Savings” Financing Agriculture and Rural America: Issues of Policy, Structure, and Technical Change. Proceedings of Regional Committee NC-221, held Oct. 5-6, 1998, Louisville, KY. pp. 148-174.

F. Abstracts in Journals 

48.Mishra, Ashok K., J.M. D’Antoni., R. Powell, and S. Martin. “Factors Affecting Adoption of Autosteer Technology among Cotton Farmers.” Abstract in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 44(3), 2012.

47.D’Antoni, J. M. and Ashok. K. Mishra. “Health Insurance and Joint Off-Farm Labor Allocation Decisions of Farm Families.” Abstract in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 44(3), 2012.

46.Uematsu, H. and Ashok K. Mishra. “The Impact of Natural Amenity on Farmland Values: A Quantile Regression Approach.” Abstract in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 44(3), 2012.

45.D’Antoni, J. M., Ashok. K. Mishra, and J. M. Gillespie. “Homogeneity of Farm Labor: A Dual Approach.” Abstract in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 43(3), 2011.

44.Uematsu, H. and Ashok K. Mishra. “A Categorical Data Analysis on Risk Preferences of U.S. Farmers.” Abstract in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 43(3), 2011.

43.Garcia-Jimenez, C.I., Ashok K. Mishra, K.W., Paxton, D.M., Lambert, M. Velandia, R.W. Rejesus, and E. Segarra. “The Relevance of Information Sources on Adoption of Precision Farming Technologies by Cotton Producers.” Abstract in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 43(3), 2011.

42.Pandit, M., Ashok K. Mishra, K.P. Paudel, S.L. Larkin, R.M. Rejesus, D.M. Lambert, B.C. English, J.A. Larson, M. Velandia, R.K. Roberts, S. Kotsiri. “Reasons for Adopting Precision Farming: A Case Study of U.S. Cotton Farmers.” Abstract in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 43(3), 2011.

41.Uematsu, H., Ashok K. Mishra., R.K. Roberts, D.M. Lambert, J.A. Larson, B.C. English.Motivation for Technology Adoption and Its Impact on Abandonment: A Case Study of U.S. Cotton Farmers.” Abstract in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 43(3), 2011.

40. Uematsu, H. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Net Effect of Education on Technology Adoption by U.S. Farmers.” Abstract in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 42(3), 2010.

39.Paxton, K., Ashok K. Mishra et al. “Precision Agriculture Technology Adoption for Cotton Production.” Abstract in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 42(3), 2010.

38.Reimbaeva, M., S. Shaik, and Ashok K. Mishra. “Returns to Scale of Production Function: Pooled, Within, and Between Quantile Regression Approach.” Abstract in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 42(3), 2010.

37.D’Antoni, J. M. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Agricultural Policy and Its Impact on Labor Migration from Agriculture.” Abstract in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 42(3), 2010.

36.Garcia, C. and Ashok K. Mishra. “The Effects of Public Debt on Labor Demand in the U. S.” Abstract in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 42(3), 2010.

35.Dedah, C., and Ashok K. Mishra. “Precautionary Wealth Among U.S. Farm Households.” Abstract in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 41(2), 2009.

34.D’Antoni, J. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Predicting Financial Stress in Young and Beginning Farmers in the U.S.” Abstract in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 41(2), 2009.

33.Mark, T., Ashok K. Mishra., and J. Detre. “Farmer Operators Attitude Toward Farm Policy” A National Perspective.” Abstract in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 41(2), 2009.

32.Chintawar, S., Ashok K. Mishra., and J. Gillespie. “The Impact of Adoption of Genetically Modified Corn on Off-Farm Labor Supply in the U.S.” Abstract in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 41(2), 2009.

31. Adhikari, A., Ashok K. Mishra., and S. Chintawar. “Adoption of Technology and Its Impact on Profitability of Young and Beginning Farmers: Quantile Regression Approach.” Abstract in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 41(2), 2009.

30. Mishra, Ashok K. and K. Paudel. “Policy Reform and Off-farm Labor Supply by Operators in the Delta Region: A Semiparametric Approach” Abstract in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 40(2), 2008.

29.Paudel, K. and Mishra, Ashok K. “Effect of Land Tenancy on Total Factor productivity and Total Resource Productivity.” Abstract in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 40(2), 2008.

28.Acharya, R., P. Gentle, Ashok K. Mishra., and K. Paudel. “Examining the CRB Index as an Indicator for U.S. Inflation.” Abstract in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 40(2), 2008.

27. Gillespie, J. and Ashok K. Mishra. “The Role of Goal Structure in Enterprise Selection in U.S. Agriculture.” Abstract in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 39(2), 2007.

26. Mishra, Ashok, K., C.B. Moss, and K. Erickson. “Implications of Specialization, Integration, and Size: Application of the DuPont Expansion at the Farm Level.” Abstract in Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Vol. 32(3), 2007.

25. Mishra, Ashok, K. and K. Erickson. “Farm Household Wealth: A Farm Level Time-Series and Cross-Sectional Analysis.” Abstract in Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Vol. 32(3), 2007.

24. Ahmadov, F., Ashok K. Mishra, and B. Barnett. “Perception of Decoupled Government Payments: Evidence from a National Survey.” Abstract in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics Aug. 2006.

23. Mishra, Ashok, K. and H.H. Chang. “Savings by Farm Households: Who Does it and How Much?” Abstract in Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Vol. 31(3), 2006.

22. Mishra, Ashok, K., and J. Variyam. “Demand for Health Insurance by Farm Households.” Abstract in Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Vol. 31(3), 2006.

21. Tauer, L. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Can Small Dairy Farm Remain Competitive in U.S. Agriculture?” Abstract in Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, Vol. 34(2), 2005.

20. Erickson, K., S. Blank, C.B. Moss, and Ashok K. Mishra. “Regional Changes in the Distribution of Net Value Added in U.S. Agriculture, 1960-2002.” Abstract in Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Vol. 29(3), 2004.

19. Sandretto, C., Ashok K. Mishra, and R. Hoppe. “Financial Performance, Conservation, and Farm Diversity in the Northeast.” Abstract in Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, Vol. 32(2), 2003.

18. Fernandez-Cornejo, F., Ashok K. Mishra, A. Gregory, and M. Southern. “Off-Farm Income and the Adoption of Agricultural Innovations: Four Case Studies.” Abstract in Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Vol. 31(3), 2003.

17. Dubman, R., Ashok K. Mishra, and K. Erickson. “The Distribution of Net Farm Income: An Aggregate and Farm-Level Analysis.” Abstract in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 34(2), 2002.

16. Mishra, Ashok K., and J. Dewbre. “Revenue Insurance Decision and Financial Characteristics of Farms.” Abstract in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 34(2), 2002.

15. Kim, C.S. and Ashok K. Mishra.“Changing U.S. Farm Structure and Factor Productivity.” Abstract in Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Vol. 26(2), 2001.

14. Mishra, Ashok K., C.B. Moss, and K. Erickson. “Changes in the Distribution of Farm Wealth in the United States.” Abstract in Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Vol. 26(2), 2001.

11.Mishra, Ashok K. and F. Tegegne. “Role of Cooperatives in the Success of Small Farms.” Abstract in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 32(2), 2000.

12. Gulati, S. and Ashok K. Mishra. “A Nonparametric Analysis of Economies of Scale in U.S. Agriculture.”Abstract in American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 81(5)., 1999.

11. Mishra, Ashok K., and M.J. Morehart. “Permanent Income and Wealth Accumulation: An Empirical Analysis of U.S. Farm Households.” Abstract in American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 81(5), 1999.

8.Mishra, Ashok K., and H.S. El-Osta. “Sources of Variability of Farm Household Income: A Cross-Sectional Analysis (1991-1995).” Abstract in American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 81(5), 1999.

9. Steele, C. J. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Determinants of Financial Performance of Small and Limited Resource Farms.” Abstract in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 31(1), 1999.

8. Peterson, N. R. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Determinants of Real Farm Size Growth and Distribution, 1930-1992.” Abstract in American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 80(5), 1998.

7. Mishra, Ashok K. and B.K. Goodwin. “Income Risk and Allocation of Labor Time: An Empirical Investigation.” Abstract in American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 79(5), 1999.

6. Brown, A.B., Ashok K. Mishra., and A.N. Rezitis. “Analysis of Farm Workers in the United States.” Abstract in American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 79(5), 1999.

5. Mishra, Ashok K. and M.U. Ahmed. “An Empirical Analysis of the Factors Affecting Average Farm Acreage.” Abstract in American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 78(5), 1998.

4. Mishra, Ashok K. and M.U. Ahmed. “Temporal Aggregation and Agricultural Product Prices.” Abstract in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 28(1), 1996.

3. Mishra, Ashok K. “An Economic Analysis of the Demand for and Supply of Hired Farm Workers in the U.S. (1950-1992).” Abstract in American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 77(5), 1995.

1.Mishra, Ashok K., and B.K. Goodwin. “Crop Diversity, Credit, Government Programs, and Income Variability. Is Risk Preference Exogenous?” Abstract in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 27(1), 1995.

1.Mishra, Ashok K., and B.K. Goodwin. “Farm Income Variability and Off-farm Labor Supply of the Farmers and their Spouses.” Abstract in American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 76(5), 1994.

G. Research Symposia/Seminar Conducted 

18. Organized Symposium Session/Seminar Presentation “Food Security in an Imperfect World: Economic Analysis of Causes and Remedies" at the 2015Southern Agricultural Economics Association 2015 Annual Meetings, Atlanta, GA, January 31-Feb. 3, 2015.

17. Organized Symposium Session/Seminar Presentation “New Data Opportunities and Data Challenges for Agricultural Economics Research" at the 2014 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA), Minneapolis, MN, July 27–July 29.

16. Organized Symposium Session/Seminar Presentation “Innovative Approaches to Retain and Sustain Young and Beginning Producers n Agriculture” to 2012 Southern Agricultural Economics Association (SAEA) Annual Meeting, Birmingham, Alabama, February 5–8, 2012.

15. Seminar Presentation “Agricultural Policy and Fringe Benefits: Do they Affect labor Allocation of Farm Households.” Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS. Nov. 2011.

15.Organized Symposium Session/Seminar Presentation “Some of Your Data Is Imputed: What Should You Do?" at the 2011 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) & Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association (NAREA) Joint Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, July 24–July 26.

13. Organized Symposium Session/Seminar Presentation “Quantifying the Determinants of Land Values: The Impacts of Irrigation, Recreational Amenities, and Off-farm Income” at the 2010 AAEA meetings, Denver, CO, July 25-27, 2010.

12. Organized Symposium Session /Seminar Presentation “Government Job-Path to a Successful Career” to graduate students at the 2009 AAEA meetings, Milwaukee, WI, July 26-28, 2009.

8.Organized Symposium Session, “Rural Households’ Health and Access to Health Care.” 2006 Western Agricultural Economics Association (WAEA) meetings, Anchorage, AK, June 28-30, 2006.

10. Seminar Presentation “Succession Decisions among Self-Employed Farm Households.” Department of Economics and Agricultural and Resource Economics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. Dec. 2006.

9.Organized Conference on “Government Policy and Farmland Markets: Implications for the New Economy.” Funded by National Research Initiatives (NRI, CSREES), May 2002.

8. Organized Invited Paper Session.Demographics, Well-Being, and Health of Agricultural Workers in the U.S.” 2005 ASSA meetings, Philadelphia, PA.

7. Seminar Presentation “Demand for Revenue Insurance among U.S. Farm Households: Evidence from a National Survey.” Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics”, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI., July 2005.

6. Organized Invited Paper Session “Off-Farm Employment, Government Policy, and the Structure of Agriculture: An International Perspective” 2004 ASSA meetings, S. Diego, CA.

5. Organized training session for State enumerators at the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) training school to inform and educate enumerators about how the ARMS data are used in ERS research activities and to give them a better understanding of how to collect information related to production practices, labor allocation, and finances. Workshop held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2004.

4. Organized Invited Paper Session “Agricultural Land Values, Government Payments, and Production” 2003 ASSA meetings, Washington D.C.

1.Organized workshop on “Farm Savings Account and the Farm Safety Net”, Economic Research Service, USDA, 2003.

2. Organized Principal Paper Session “Farmland Prices as an Indicator of Competitiveness in the New Global Economy: Prospects for Western U.S. Agriculture.” 2002 WAEA meetings, Long Beach, CA.

1.Symposium Organizer “Successful Small Farms: How Do They Do It?” Symposium held at the 2000 AAEA Summer Meetings, Tampa Bay, Florida.


170. Regmi, M., K. Paudel, and Ashok. K. Mishra. “Impact of Migration and Remittance on Food Security in Bangladesh.” Selected paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association 2015 Annual Meetings, Atlanta, GA, January 31-Feb. 3, 2015.

169. Paudel, K., M. Regmi, Ashok. K. Mishra, D. Lambert, and J. Reeves. “Bundling and Adoption of Precision Agriculture Technologies by Cotton Farmers.” Selected paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association 2015 Annual Meetings, Atlanta, GA, January 31-Feb. 3, 2015.

168. Sitienei, I. and Ashok. K. Mishra. “Impact of Off-Farm Labor on Food Security in Malawi” Symposium paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association 2015 Annual Meetings, Atlanta, GA, January 31-Feb. 3, 2015.

167. Sene, S. and Ashok. K. Mishra. “The Brunt of Oil Demand and US-Dollar Exchange Rate: Evidence from Net-Oil Importing Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.” Selected paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association 2015 Annual Meetings, Atlanta, GA, January 31-Feb. 3, 2015.

166. Khanal, A. and Ashok. K. Mishra. “Interlinked Farm Diversification Strategies: Evidence from US Farm Business Households.” Selected paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association 2015 Annual Meetings, Atlanta, GA, January 31-Feb. 3, 2015.

165. Joo, H. and Ashok. K. Mishra. “The Impact of Public Subsidy on Farmland Values: The Case of South Korea.” Selected paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association 2015 Annual Meetings, Atlanta, GA, January 31-Feb. 3, 2015.

164. Koirala, K., Ashok. K. Mishra, I. Sitienei. “Farm Productivity and Technical Efficiency of Rural Malawian Households: does gender make a difference?” Selected paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association 2015 Annual Meetings, Atlanta, GA, January 31-Feb. 3, 2015.

163. Koirala, K., Ashok. K. Mishra, S. Mohanty. “Role of Gender and Agricultural Productivity.” Selected paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association 2015 Annual Meetings, Atlanta, GA, January 31-Feb. 3, 2015.

162. Khanal, A., Ashok. K. Mishra and K. Koirala. “Effect of Stock Split and Stock Dividend Announcement on Stock Prices in Food and Agribusiness Industry.” Paper presented at the NC-1177 Annual meetings, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Kansas City, MO. Oct. 16-17, 2014.

161. Mishra, Ashok K. “The Future Face of Farming: Do Women have an Upper Hand?” Paper presented at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Seminar series, Los Baños, Philippines, July 2014.

160. Mishra, Ashok K., and A. Tripathi. “Wheat Sector in India.” Paper presented at workshop The Eurasian Wheat Belt: Future Perspectives on Regional and International Security, Istanbul, Turkey, May 20-22, 2014.

159. Sonoda, T., and Ashok. K. Mishra. “Estimating the Production Elasticity of Labor: A Partial Identification Approach.” Paper presented at the China meeting of the Econometric Society, Xiamen University, China, June 25-27, 2014.

158. Williams, R., J.M Harris, and Ashok. K. Mishra. “New and Beginning Farm Operations”. Selected Paper presented at the 2013 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meetings, Minneapolis, MN, July 27-27, 2014.

157. Koirala, K., Ashok. K. Mishra, S. Mohanty. “Impact of Land Ownership on Productivity and Efficiency of Rice Farmers: A Simulated Maximum Likelihood Approach.” Selected Paper presented at the 2013 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meetings, Minneapolis, MN, July 27-27, 2014.

156. Koirala, K., Ashok. K. Mishra, J. Mehlhorn. “Using Copula to Test Dependency between Energy and Agricultural Commodities.” Selected Paper presented at the 2013 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meetings, Minneapolis, MN, July 27-27, 2014.

155. Khanal, A., Ashok. K. Mishra, M. Bhattarai. “Weather Risk and Cropping Intensity: A Non-Stationary and Dynamic Panel Modeling Approach.” Selected Paper presented at the 2013 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meetings, Minneapolis, MN, July 27-27, 2014.

154. Mottaleb, K.A., Ashok. K. Mishra, S. Mohanty. “Impacts of Drought and Flood on Production Efficiency among Rice Farmers: The Case of Bangladesh.” Selected paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association 2014 Annual Meetings, Dallas, TX, February 1–4, 2014.

153. Sitienei, I., Ashok. K. Mishra, A. Khanal, C. Mengist, and J. Gillespie. “Participation in Informal Off-farm Labor Market and its Impact on Household Income and Food Security in Malawi.” Selected paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association 2014 Annual Meetings, Dallas, TX, February 1–4, 2014.

152. Khanal, A., Ashok. K. Mishra, and K. Koirala. “Participation in Agritourism and Off-farm Work: Do Small Farms Benefit?” Selected paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association 2014 Annual Meetings, Dallas, TX, February 1–4, 2014.

151. Koirala, K., Ashok. K. Mishra, and S. Mohanty. “Determinants of Rice Productivity and Technical Efficiency in the Philippines” Selected paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association 2014 Annual Meetings, Dallas, TX, February 1–4, 2014.

150. Pandit, M., K. Paudel, Ashok. K. Mishra, and D. Lambert. “Adoption and Nonadoption of Precision Farming Technologies by Cotton Farmers.” Selected paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association 2014 Annual Meetings, Dallas, TX, February 1–4, 2014.

149. Mishra, Ashok K., J. Detre, and A. Khanal. “The Role of the Internet: Are Producers Using it to Procure Inputs and its Effect of Gross Cash Income.” Selected Paper presented at the 2013 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meetings, Washington DC. Aug. 4-6, 2013.

148. Khanal, A., Ashok. K. Mishra, D. Lambert. “A Bayesian Analysis of GPS Guidance System in Precision Agriculture: The Role of Expectations.” Selected Paper presented at the 2013 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meetings, Washington DC. Aug. 4-6, 2013.

147. Mary, S., Ashok. K. Mishra, S. Gomez-y-Paloma. “An Ex-Ante Impact Assessment of EU’s CAP Income Stabilization Tools.” Selected Paper presented at the 2013 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meetings, Washington DC. Aug. 4-6, 2013.

146. Joo, H., and Ashok. K. Mishra. “Labor Supply and Food Consumption Behavior of Farm Households: Evidence from South Korea.” Selected Paper presented at the 2013 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meetings, Washington DC. Aug. 4-6, 2013.

145. Nehring, R., Ashok. K. Mishra, J. A. Fernandez-Cornejo, C. Hallahan, K.W. Erickson. “The Impacts of Off-farm Income on Efficiency, Scale and Profitability of Corn Farms.” Selected Paper presented at the 2013 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meetings, Washington DC. Aug. 4-6, 2013.

144. Joo, H., Ashok. K. Mishra, J. Gillespie. “Seafood Processor Preferences for Hiring Non-Immigrant Labor: A Conjoint Analysis.” Selected paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association 2013 Annual Meetings, Orlando, FL, February 3–5, 2013.

143. Khanal, A., and Ashok. K. Mishra. “Assessing the Impact of Internet Access on Household Income and Financial Performance of Small Farms.” Selected paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association 2013 Annual Meetings, Orlando, FL., February 3–5, 2013.

142. Khanal, A., Ashok. K. Mishra, and D. Lambert. “Expectation and Application of GPS guidance System in Precision Agriculture: A Bayesian Approach” Selected paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association 2013 Annual Meetings, Orlando, FL, February 3–5, 2013.

141. Moss, C. B., Ashok. K. Mishra, and H. Uematsu. “Capital Structure in Modern American Agriculture: Evidence from a National Survey.” Selected Paper presented at the 2012 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meetings, Seattle, WA, Aug. 12-14, 2012.

140. D’Antoni, J. M., Ashok. K. Mishra, and H. Joo. “Welfare Implications of a Reduction in Government Payments: The Role of Fringe Benefits.” Selected Paper presented at the 2012 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meetings, Seattle, WA, Aug. 12-14, 2012.

139. Paudel, K. P., M. Pandit., Ashok. K. Mishra, and E. Segarra. “Adoption and Non-Adoption of Precision Technology by Cotton Farmers” Selected Paper presented at the 2012 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meetings, Seattle, WA, Aug. 12-14, 2012.

138. Harris, J., M., Ashok. K. Mishra, and R. Williams. “The Impact of Farm Succession Decisions on the Financial Performance of the Farm” Selected Paper presented at the 2012 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meetings, Seattle, WA, Aug. 12-14, 2012.

137. Bjørnsen, H. M., and Ashok. K. Mishra. “Off-Farm Employment and Farming Efficiency in Modern Agriculture: A Dynamic Panel Model Approach” Selected Paper presented at the 2012 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meeting Seattle, WA, Aug. 12-14, 2012.

136. Uematsu, H. and Ashok K. Mishra. “The Impact of Natural Amenity on Farmland values: A Quantile Regression Approach.” Selected paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association 2012 Annual Meetings, Birmingham, AL, February 5–8, 2012.

135. Mishra, Ashok K., J. D’Antoni, R. Powell and S. Martin. “Factors Affecting Adoption of Autosteer Technology among Cotton Farmers.” Selected paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association 2012 Annual Meetings, Birmingham, AL, February 5–8, 2012.

134. D’Antoni, J. M. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Health Insurance and Joint Off-Farm Labor Allocation Decisions of Farm Families.” Selected paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association 2012 Annual Meetings, Birmingham, AL, February 5–8, 2012.

133. Park, T., Ashok. K. Mishra and S. Wozniak. “Farm Operator Benefits From Direct Marketing Strategies: Does Choice of Local Food Channel Impact Farm Revenue.” Selected Paper presented at the 2011 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) & Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association (NAREA) Joint Annual Meetings, Pittsburgh, PA, July 24–July 26.

132. Pandit, M., K. Paudel, and Ashok K. Mishra. “Precision Farming Technology Adoption in Cotton Farming: Duration Analysis.” Selected Paper presented at the 2011 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) & Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association (NAREA) Joint Annual Meetings, Pittsburgh, PA, July 24–July 26.

131. Uematsu, H. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Can Financial Risk Be a Barrier to Conservation Program Participation?” Selected Paper presented at the 2011 Joint Annual Meetings of the Canadian Agricultural Economics Society (CAES) & Western Agricultural Economics Association (WAEA), Banff, Alberta, Canada, June 29–July 1, 2011.

130. D’Antoni, J. M. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Assessing the Participation and Impact of the Milk Income Loss Contract Program for Dairy Farmers.” Selected Paper presented at the 2011 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) & Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association (NAREA) Joint Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, July 24–July 26, 2011.

129. Paudel, K., Ashok. K. Mishra, M. Pandit., E. Segarra. “Why Don’t Farmers Adopt Precision Farming Technologies in Cotton Production?” Selected Paper presented at the 2011 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) & Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association (NAREA) Joint Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, July 24–July 26, 2011.

128. Uematsu, H. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Are Organic Farmers Really Better off Than Conventional Farmers?” Selected Paper presented at the 2011 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) & Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association (NAREA) Joint Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, July 24–July 26, 2011.

127. Uematsu, H. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Adoption Intensity of Precision Farming Technologies and Its Impact on Cotton Yield.” Selected Paper presented at the 2011 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) & Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association (NAREA) Joint Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, July 24–July 26, 2011.

126. Uematsu, H. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Learning by Doing, Risk Aversion and Use of Risk Management Strategies” Selected Paper presented at the 2011 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) & Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association (NAREA) Joint Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, July 24–July 26, 2011.

125. D’Antoni, Jeremy M., Ashok. K. Mishra, and J. M. Gillespie. “Homogeneity of Farm Labor: A Dual Approach.” Selected paper presented at 2011 Southern Agricultural Economics Association meeting, Corpus Christi, TX, February 5-8, 2011.

124. Uematsu, H. and Ashok K. Mishra. “A Categorical Data Analysis on Risk Preferences of U.S. Farmers.” Selected paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association 2011 Annual Meeting, Corpus Christi, Texas, February 5 – 8, 2011.

123. Garcia-Jimenez, C.I., Mishra, A.K., Paxton, K.W., Lambert, D.M., Velandia, M., Rejesus, R.M., and Segarra, E. 2011. “The Relevance of Information Sources on Adoption of Precision Farming Technologies by Cotton Producers” Selected paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association 2011 Annual Meeting, Corpus Christi, Texas, February 5 – 8, 2011.

122. Pandit, M., Ashok K. Mishra, Paudel, K.P., Larkin, S.L., Rejesus, R.M., Lambert, D.M., English, B.C., Larson, J.A., Velandia, M., Roberts, R.K., and Kotsiri, S. 2011. “Reasons for Adopting Precision Farming: A Case Study of U.S. Cotton Farmers” Selected paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association 2011 Annual Meeting, Corpus Christi, Texas, February 5 – 8, 2011.

121. Uematsu, H., Ashok K. Mishra., Roberts, R.K., Lambert, D.M., Larson, J.A., and English, B.C. 2011. “Motivation for Technology Adoption and Its Impact on Abandonment: A Case Study of U.S. Cotton Farmers” Selected paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association 2011 Annual Meeting, Corpus Christi, Texas, February 5 – 8, 2011.

120. Mishra, Ashok K. and C.B. Moss. “Does Off-Farm Income Influence Farmland Values? A Quantile Regression Approach.” Paper presented at the NC-177 Annual Meetings, Kansas City, KS, Sept. 30-Oct.1, 2010.

119. Moss, C.B. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Estimating Cost and Production Functions Using Multiple Imputed Data.” Principal paper presented at the 2010 AAEA meetings in Denver, CO, July 25-27, 2010.

118. Mishra, Ashok K., S. Shaik, and C.B. Moss. “Does Off-farm Income Influence Farmland Values” Spatial Quantile Analysis. Selected paper presented at the 2010 AAEA meetings in Denver, CO, July 25-27, 2010.

117. Uematsu, H. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Can Education Be a Barrier to Technology Adoption?” Selected paper presented at the 2010 AAEA meetings in Denver, CO, July 25-27, 2010.

116. Uematsu, H. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Does “Convenience Agriculture” Affect Off-farm Labor Allocation Decisions?” Selected paper presented at the 2010 AAEA meetings in Denver, CO, July 25-27, 2010.

115. Garcia-Jimenez, C. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Determinants of Meats Purchase Behavior by Ethnic Groups” Selected presentation presented at the 2010 AAEA meetings in Denver, CO, July 25-27, 2010.

114. Moss, C.B., Ashok K. Mishra, and Tyler Mark. “The Effect of U.S. Energy Policy and Farm Program Payments on Biofuel Sector: A Regime-Switching Approach.” Selected paper presented at the 2010 AAEA meetings in Denver, CO, July 25-27, 2010.

113. Erickson, K.E., Ashok K. Mishra, J. Harris, and C. Hallahan. “Analyzing and Predicting Farm Financial Stress: A Categorical Logit Analysis.” Selected presentation presented at the 2010 AAEA meetings in Denver, CO, July 25-27, 2010.

112. Uematsu, H., and Ashok K. Mishra. “Intensity and Impact of Direct Marketing Strategies on Farm Income: Evidence from a National Survey.” Selected Workshop presented at the Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association meetings, Atlantic City, NJ, June13-15, 2010.

111. Mishra, Ashok K., M. Raggi, and D. Viaggi. “Determinants of Farm Exit: A Comparison between Europe and United States.” Paper presented at the 114 European Association of Agricultural Economics Seminar Series, Hamburg, Germany, 15-16 April, 2010.

110. Adhikari, A. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Adoption of Genetically Modified Crops in the Delta Region: A Distributional Analysis.” Paper presented at 2010 Southern Agricultural Economics Association meetings, Orlando, FL. Feb 6-9, 2010.

109. Reimbaeva, N., A. Glazrina, S. Shaik and Ashok K. Mishra. “Production Function Returns to Scale: Within, Between Groups/Time Periods Quantile Regression Approach.” Paper presented at 2010 Southern Agricultural Economics Association meetings, Orlando, FL. Feb 6-9, 2010.

108. Garcia-Jimenez, C. and Ashok K. Mishra. “The Effects of Public Debt on Labor Demand in the United States.” Paper presented at 2010 Southern Agricultural Economics Association meetings, Orlando, FL. Feb 6-9, 2010.

107. D’Antoni, J. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Agricultural Policy and Its Impact on Labor Migration from Agriculture.” Paper presented at 2010 Southern Agricultural Economics Association meetings, Orlando, FL. Feb 6-9, 2010.

106. Paxton, K., Ashok K. Mishra and Others. “Yield Variability and Adoption of Precision Agriculture Technologies by Southern Cotton Producers.” Paper presented at 2010 Southern Agricultural Economics Association meetings, Orlando, FL. Feb 6-9, 2010.

105. Uematsu, H. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Net Effect of Education on Technology Adoption by U.S. Farmers.” Paper presented at 2010 Southern Agricultural Economics Association meetings, Orlando, FL. Feb 6-9, 2010.

104. Ranjan, R., S. Shaik., and Ashok K. Mishra. “Do Farm Programs Explain the Technical Efficiency? Empirical Application to U.S. Regional Analysis.” Paper presented at 2010 Southern Agricultural Economics Association meetings, Orlando, FL. Feb 6-9, 2010.

103. Lence, S. H. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Land Rental Arrangements in U.S. Agriculture: Evidence from a National Survey.” Selected paper presented at the Regional Research Committee meetings, NC-1177, October 1-2, 2009 in Chicago, IL.

102. Goodwin, B.K., Ashok K. Mishra, and Francois Ortalo-Magne. “Farmland Values, Government Policy and Its Implications.” Paper to be presented at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) conference on Agricultural Policy, Dec. 2009.

101. Moss, C.B., Ashok K. Mishra, and C. Dedah. “Decomposing Agricultural Profitability Using DuPont Expansion and Theil’s Information Approach.” Selected paper presented at the 2009 AAEA meetings in Milwaukee, WI, July 26-28, 2009.

100. Shaik, S. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Does Risk or Economies of Scope and Scale Cause Efficiency Gains/Losses Due to Diversification.” Paper presented at the 2009 SCC-76 Information Exchange Group on Economics and Management of Risk in Agriculture and Natural Resources, held March 19-21, 2009 in Hotel Galvez, Galveston, TX.

99. Mark, T., A. Adhikari, J. Detre, and Ashok K. Mishra. “Linkages Between Direct Marketing and Farm Income: A Double Hurdle Approach.” Selected paper presented at the 2009 AAEA meetings in Milwaukee, WI, July 26-28, 2009.

98. Dedah, C., and Ashok K. Mishra. “Permanent Income and the Importance of Precautionary Savings: An Instrumental Variable Approach.” Selected paper presented at the 2009 AAEA meetings in Milwaukee, WI, July 26-28, 2009.

97.Dedah, C., and Ashok K. Mishra. “Precautionary Wealth among U.S. Farm Households.” Selected paper presented at 2009 Southern Agricultural Economics Association meetings, Atlanta, GA. Jan. 31-Feb. 3, 2009.

96. D’Antoni, J. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Predicting Financial Stress in Young and Beginning Farmers in the U.S.” Selected paper presented at 2009 Southern Agricultural Economics Association meetings, Atlanta, GA. Jan. 31-Feb. 3, 2009.

95. Mark, T., Ashok K. Mishra., and J. Detre. “Farmer Operators’ Attitude toward Farm Policy: A National Perspective.” Selected paper presented at 2009 Southern Agricultural Economics Association meetings, Atlanta, GA. Jan. 31-Feb. 3, 2009.

94. Chintawar, S., Ashok K. Mishra, and J. Gillespie. “The Impact of Adoption of Genetically Modified Corn on Off-Farm Labor Supply in the U.S.” Selected paper presented at 2009 Southern Agricultural Economics Association meetings, Atlanta, GA., Jan. 31-Feb. 3, 2009.

93. Adhikari, A., Ashok Mishra, and S. Chintawar. “Adoption of Technology and Its Impact on Profitability of Young and Beginning Farmers: Quantile Regression Approach.” Selected paper presented at 2009 Southern Agricultural Economics Association meetings, Atlanta, GA., Jan. 31-Feb. 3, 2009.

92. Thompson, W., Ashok K. Mishra., and J. Dewbre. “Directly Estimated Effects of Payments on Farm Income.” Paper presented at the 2009 Allied Social Science Association, ASSA, meetings in San Francisco, CA, Jan. 3-5, 2009.

91. Livingston, M. Ashok K. Mishra, and K. Erickson. “Estimating U.S. Corn Farmer Risk Attitudes Using ARMS Data: 2000-2006.” Paper presented at the Conference on “The Economics Impact of Public Support for Agriculture” Bologna, Italy. June 19-21, 2008.

90. Mark, T., Ashok K. Mishra., and J. Detre. “Expectations of Farm Policy: An Empirical Evaluation.” Paper presented at the NC-1014 Agricultural and Rural Finance Markets in Transition Annual Meetings, Kansas City, MO., Sept. 25-26, 2008.

89. Mishra, Ashok K., M. Harris and K. Erickson. “What Drives Agricultural Profitability in the United States: Application of the DuPont Expansion Method.” Selected paper presented at the 2008 AAEA meetings in Orlando, FL., July 27-29, 2008.

88. Mishra, Ashok K. and C. Dedah. “Government Program Payments, Farmland Prices, and the Overall Risk to U.S. Agriculture: A Structural Equation-Latent Variable Model. Selected paper presented at the 2008 AAEA meetings in Orlando, FL., July 27-29, 2008.

87. Ahearn, M., H. El-Osta, and Ashok K. Mishra. “Considerations in Farmers’ Work Choices: The Role of Health Insurance.” Invited Paper presented at the Southern Regional Science Association meetings, Arlington, VA., March 27-29, 2008.

86.Mishra, Ashok K., H. El-Osta, and M. Ahearn. “Demand for Healthcare: The Case of U.S. Farm Households.” Invited Paper presented at the Southern Regional Science Association meetings, Arlington, VA., March 27-29, 2008.

85. Mishra, Ashok K. and K. Paudel. “Policy Reform and Off-farm Labor Supply by Operators in the Delta Region: A Semiparametric Approach” Selected paper presented at 2008 Southern Agricultural Economics Association meetings, Dallas TX., Feb. 02-05, 2008.

84. Mishra, Ashok K. and H.H. Chang. “Does Decision to Purchase Crop Insurance and to Work off the Farm Benefit the Environment.” Invited Paper presented at the SCC-76 Economics and Management of Risk in Agriculture and Natural Resources Annual meetings, Orange Beach, AL., March 13-15, 2008.

83. Shaik, S. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Does Crop Insurance and Off-Farm Income Affect Farmland Values.” Invited Paper presents at the SCC-76 Economics and Management of Risk in Agriculture and Natural Resources Annual meetings, Orange Beach, AL., March 13-15, 2008.

82. Paudel, K. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Effect of Land Tenancy on Total Factor productivity and Total Resource Productivity.” Selected paper presented at 2008 Southern Agricultural Economics Association meetings, Dallas TX. Feb. 02-05, 2008.

81. Acharya, R., P. Gentle, Ashok K. Mishra, and K. Paudel. “Examining the CRB Index as an Indicator for U.S. Inflation.” Selected paper presented at 2008 Southern Agricultural Economics Association meetings, Dallas TX. Feb. 02-05, 2008.

80. Mishra, Ashok K. and S. Lence. “An Empirical Investigation of Farm Loan Determinants.” Selected Paper presented at NC-1014 Agricultural and Rural Finance Markets in Transition, 2007 Annual meetings, Creve Coeur, MO Oct. 4-5, 2007.

79. Moss, C., Ashok K. Mishra and G. Livanis. “Impact of Capital Gains and Urban Pressure on Farmland Values: A Spatial Correlation Analysis.” Selected paper presented at the 2007 AAEA meetings in Portland, OR, July 29-Aug. 1, 2007.

78. Mishra, Ashok K. “Impact of Agricultural Policies on Farm Household Time Allocation.” Paper presented at the Conference on Income and Factors Markets Under the 2003 CAP Reform. Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (Seville), Spain, June 28-29, 2007.

77. Mishra, Ashok K., C. Wilson., and R. Williams. “Technology Adoption, Management Practices, and Profitability of Young and Beginning Farmers: Evidence from a National Survey.” Selected paper presented at the 2007 AAEA meetings in Portland, OR, July 29-Aug.1, 2007.

76. Goodwin, B., Ashok K. Mishra, and A. Kimhi. “Policy Interactions at the Farm Level: An Evaluation of Conservation Adoption and Related Policy Decisions. Selected paper presented at the 2007 AAEA meetings Portland, OR, July 29-Aug.1, 2007.

75. Mishra, Ashok K., C. Moss, and K. Erickson. “Implications of Specialization, Integration, and Size: Application of the DuPont Expansion at the Farm Level.” Selected paper presented at the 2007 WAEA meetings in Portland, OR, July 29-Aug.1, 2007.

74. Mishra, Ashok K. and K. Erickson. “Farm Household Wealth.” Selected paper presented at the 2007 WAEA meetings in Portland, OR, July 29-Aug.1, 2007.

73. Kendal, William and Ashok K. Mishra. “Immigrants in the U.S. Agriculture: A Demographic Overview.” Paper presented at the Agricultural Outlook Forum 2007, Crystal City, VA. March 1-2, 2007.

72. Mishra, Ashok K., M. Livingston, and K. Erickson. “Crop Insurance and Risk Attitudes of Grain Farmers: A Bayesian Analysis.” Selected paper presented at the 2007 NAREA meetings in Rehoboth Beach, DE, June 10-13, 2007.

71. Mishra, Ashok K. and Hung Hao Chang. “Short-term Savings of Farm Households: What Do We Know? Paper presented at PACIOLI-14 Workshop, Vught, Netherlands, Oct.1-4, 2006.

70. Kendal, W. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Immigration Reform and Agriculture.” Presentation to the Under Secretary of Research, Education, and Extension and other heads of USDA Agencies (ERS, ARS, CSREES, NASS), September 18, 2006.

69. Mishra, Ashok K. and H. H. Chang. “Savings by Farm Households: Who does it and How Much?” Selected paper presented at the 2006 WAEA meetings in Anchorage, AK, June 28-30, 2006.

68. Fernandez Cornejo, J., Ashok K. Mishra, C. Hendricks, A. Gregory, and M. Southern. “Off-Farm Income and the Adoption of Agricultural Innovations: Four Case Studies.” Selected paper presented at the 2006 WAEA meetings in Anchorage, AK, June 28-30, 2006.

67. Mishra, Ashok K., and J. Variyam. “Demand for Health Insurance by Farm Households.” Symposia paper presented at the 2006 WAEA meetings in Anchorage, AK, June 28-30, 2006.

66. Goodwin, B., and Ashok K. Mishra. “How Do Farm Programs Affect Acreage Decisions? The Role of Base Updating, Decoupling, and Counter-Cyclical Payments.” Paper presented at the 2006 AAEA Organized symposium “Implications and Impacts of Decoupled Payments.” 2006 AAEA meetings in Long Beach, CA, July 23-26, 2006.

65. Mishra, Ashok K. and J. Variyam. “Demand for Health Insurance by Farm Households.” Selected paper presented at the 2006 WAEA Organized Symposium in Anchorage, AK, June 28-30, 2006.

64. Mishra, Ashok K. and H.H. Chang. ““Savings by Farm Households: Who Does it and How Much?” Selected paper presented at the 2006 WAEA meetings in Anchorage, AK, June 28-30, 2006.

63. Mishra, Ashok K. and R. Williams. “Internet Access and Use by Farm Households.” Selected paper presented at the 2006 AAEA meetings in Long Beach, CA, July 23-26, 2006.

62. Ahmadov, F., Ashok K. Mishra, and B. Barnett. “Explaining Allocations of Fixed Payments across Various Farm and Household Uses.” Paper presented at the 2006 AAEA Organized symposium “Implications and Impacts of Decoupled Payments.” 2006 AAEA meetings in Long Beach, CA, July 23-26, 2006.

61. Goodwin, B. K., Ashok K. Mishra, and A. Kimhi. “Household Time Allocation, Wealth, and Productivity: Implications for the Design of Agricultural Policies.” Invited paper, USDA and AIEA2 International meeting “Competitiveness in Agriculture and the Food Industry: US and EU Perspective” Bologna, Italy, June 15-16, 2006.

60. Ahmadov, F., Ashok K. Mishra, and B. Barnett. “Perception of Decoupled Government Payments: Evidence from a National Survey.” Paper presented at the 2006 SAEA annual meetings in Orlando, FL. Feb. 5-8, 2006.

59. Mishra, Ashok K., C. Moss, and T. Baker. “Debt-Equity Structure and Risk Balancing: Evidence from a National Survey.” Paper presented at the NC-1014 Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, MN, Oct. 5-6, 2005.

58. Moss, C., Ashok K. Mishra, and K. Erickson. “Next Year on the Farmland Market: An Informational Approach.” Selected paper presented at the 2005 AAEA meetings in Providence, RI, July 24-27, 2005.

57. Tauer, L. and Ashok K. Mishra “Can Small Dairy Farm Remain Competitive in U.S. Agriculture?” Selected paper presents at 2005 Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association meetings, June 2005.

56. Mishra, Ashok K. and H. El-Osta. “Wealth Accumulation by Farm Households: Evidence from a National Survey.” Selected paper presented at the 2005 AAEA meetings in Providence, RI, July 24-27, 2005.

55. Goodwin, B. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Another Look at Decoupling: Do Direct Payments Affect Production Decisions.” Principal paper presented at the 2005 AAEA meetings in Providence, RI, July 224-27, 2005.

54. Goodwin, B., Ashok K. Mishra, F. Ortalo-Magne “Landowners' Riches: The Distribution of Agricultural Subsidies.” Paper presented at the CESIfo Applied Economics Conference, Munich, Germany, March 2005.

53. Mishra, Ashok K., Hisham El-Osta, J. Johnson. “Succession Decisions and Retirement Income of Farm Households.” Paper presented at the Agricultural Outlook Forum 2005, Crystal City, VA. Feb 24-25.

52. Goodwin, B., and Ashok K. Mishra. “An Empirical Evaluation of the Acreage Effects of U.S. Farm Program Payments” Paper presented at the Workshop on Modeling U.S. and EU Agricultural Policy: Focus on Decoupled Payments, Joint workshop ERS and Farm Foundation. Oct.4-5, 2004.

51. Mishra, Ashok K., H. El-Osta, and J. Johnson. “Succession in Family Farm Business: Empirical Evidence from the U.S. Farm Sector.” Selected paper presented at the 2004 AAEA meetings in Denver, CO, Aug. 1-4, 2004.

50. Mishra, Ashok K., C. Moss, and K. Erickson. “Effect of Debt Solvency on Farmland Values: A Panel Cointegration Approach.” Selected paper presented at the 2004 AAEA meetings in Denver, CO, Aug. 1-4, 2004.

49. Erickson, K., S. Blank, C. Moss, and Ashok K. Mishra. “Regional Changes in the Distribution of Net Value Added in Agriculture, 1960-2002.” Selected paper presented at the Western Agricultural Economics Association Meetings, Honolulu, July 2004.

48. Johnson, J. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Specifying Information Needs for the Analysis of Farm Household Income.” Presented at the OECD Workshop on Information Needs for the Analysis of Farm Households. Paris, France, April 29-30, 2004.

47. Tauer, L. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Granger Causality of Farm Efficiency Change.” Paper presented at the North American Productivity Workshop, Toronto, Canada. June 22-25, 2004.

46. Hodges, J. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Effect of Strategic Management on Farm Financial Performance” Paper presented at the NC-1014 Agricultural and Rural Finance meetings at Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Oct. 4-5, 2004.

45. Mishra, Ashok K., H. El-Osta, and J. Johnson. “Retirement and Succession Planning of Farm Households: Results from a National Survey.” Paper presented at the National Public Policy Education Committee, Salt lake City, UT, Sept. 21-23, 2003.

44. Mishra, Ashok K. and J. Johnson “Value Added, Work Choices, and the Measurement of Income of U.S. Farm Households.” Paper presented at the PACIOLI-XI Workshop in Przysiek, Poland. Oct.4-9, 2003.

43. Mishra, Ashok K. and M. Morehart. “An Analysis of Tax-Deferred Retirement Savings of Farm Households.” Selected paper presented at the 2003 AAEA meetings in Montreal, QC., July 27-30, 2003.

42. Tauer, L. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Efficiency of Small Dairy Farms in the USA.” Paper presented at the VIII European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity, University of Oviedo, Spain. Sept. 25-27, 2003.

41. Park, T. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Adoption of Internet by Farmers: Evidence from a National Survey.” Selected paper presented at the 2003 AAEA meetings in Montreal, QC. July 27-30, 2003.

40. Mishra, Ashok K. “Savings and Off-farm Investment by Farm Households.” Paper presented at the Farm Savings Account Workshop sponsored by Risk Management Agency and the Farm Foundation. June 2, 2003.

39. Goodwin, B.K. and Ashok K. Mishra. “An Empirical Analysis of the Production Effects of Decoupled Payments in Marginal Growing Areas.” Selected paper presented at the 2003 AAEA meetings in Montreal, QC. July 27-30, 2003.

38. Sandretto, C., Ashok K. Mishra, and R. Hoppe. “Financial Performance, Conservation, and Farm Diversity in the Northeast: Characteristics of Family Farm Operators and Their Farms.” Selected paper presented at the 2003 NAREA meetings in Portsmouth, NH. June 8-10, 2003.

37. Mishra, Ashok K., Mitchell Morehart, and James Johnson. “Economic Outlook for Farm Households and Their Farming Establishments,” Paper presented at the Agricultural Outlook Forum 2003, Crystal City, VA. Feb 20-21.

36. Mishra, Ashok K. “Farming’s Contribution to the Economic Well-Being of Farm Households.” Presented to ERS Employees, November 21, 2002. Waugh Auditorium, ERS. Washington DC.

35. Mishra, Ashok K. “Farming’s Contribution to the Economic Well-Being of Farm Households.” Presented to the National Agricultural Research, Extension, Education, and Economics Advisory Board. October 30, 2002. Waugh Auditorium, ERS. Washington DC.

34. Mishra, Ashok K. and H.S El-Osta. “Risk Management through Enterprise Diversification: A Farm-Level Analysis.” Paper presented at the 2002 AAEA meeting in Long Beach, CA.

33. Goodwin, B. K. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Explaining Regional Differences in the Capitalization of Policy Benefits into Agricultural Land Values.” Study presented at the Land Values conference in Washington D.C. May 2002.

32. Dewbre, J. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Farm Household Incomes and U.S. Government Program Payments.” Paper presented at the 2002 AAEA meeting in Long Beach, CA.

31. Erickson, K., C. Moss, and Ashok K. Mishra. “The Measurement of Inequality in Canadian and U.S. Agricultural Income by Components of Net Value Added.” Paper presented at the 2002 AAEA meeting in Long Beach, CA.

30. Goodwin, B. K. and Ashok K. Mishra. “An Empirical Evaluation of Yield Performance, Yield Correlation, and Cropping Efficiency.” Paper presented at the 2002 WAEA meeting in Long Beach, CA.

28.Dubman, R., Ashok K. Mishra, and K. Erickson. “The Distribution of Net Farm Income: An Aggregate and Farm-Level Analysis.” Paper presented at the 2002 SAEA meeting in Orlando, FL.

28.Mishra, Ashok K. and J. Dewbre. “Revenue Insurance Decision and Financial Characteristics of Farms.” Selected paper presented at the 2002 SAEA meetings in Orlando, FL. Feb.3-6, 2002.

27. Moss, C. B., Ashok K. Mishra, K.W. Erickson., and R. C. Nehring. “Valuing Farmland: Spatial Productivity Differences and Financial Solvency.” Invited paper presented at the Joint ECE/FAO/Eurostat/OECD Meetings on Food and Agricultural Statistics in Europe in Geneva, Oct. 17-19, 2001.

26. Mishra, Ashok K., C. B. Moss, and K. W. Erickson. “Valuing Farmland with Multiple Quasi-Fixed Inputs.” Selected paper presented at the NC-221 Annual Meetings in McLean, VA., Oct. 1-2, 2001.

24.Mishra, Ashok K. and H.S. El-Osta. “Decomposition of Variability in Assets and Debts of Farm Household in the United States.” Selected paper presented at the 2001 AAEA meetings in Chicago, IL, Aug. 5-8, 2001.

24. El-Osta, H.S. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Adoption and Economic Impact of Site Specific Technologies in U.S. Agriculture.” Selected paper presented at the 2001 AAEA meetings in Chicago, IL, Aug. 5-8, 2001.

23. Nimon, R.W. and Ashok K. Mishra.Revenue Insurance and Chemical Input Use Rates.” Selected paper presented at the 2001 AAEA meetings in Chicago, IL. Aug. 5-8, 2001.

22. Mishra, Ashok K., C. B. Moss, and K. W. Erickson. “Changes in the Distribution of Farm Wealth in the United States.” Selected paper presented at the 2001 WAEA meetings in Logan, UT., July 2001.

21. Kim, C.S. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Changing U.S. Farm Structure, Factor Productivity, and Environment.” Selected paper presented at the 2001 WAEA meetings in Logan, UT., July, 2001.

20. Erickson, K.W., and Ashok K. Mishra.Rates of Return in the Farm and Non-Farm Sectors: A Time Series Comparison.” Selected paper presented at the 2001 WAEA meetings in Logan, UT., July 2001.

19. Mishra, Ashok K. and D.M. Holthausen. “Effect of Income and Off-Farm Wage Variability on Off-Farm Labor Supply.” Selected paper presented at the 2000 AAEA meetings in Tampa, FL, July. 30-Aug. 2, 2000.

18. Mishra, Ashok K., M. Gopinath, and U. Vasavada. “Effect of Public Policies on the Size Distribution of Farms.” Selected paper presented at the 2000 AAEA meetings in Tampa, FL, July. 30-Aug. 2, 2000.

17. Gulati, S. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Government Payments and Economies of Scale in U.S Agriculture.” Selected paper presented at the 2000 AAEA meetings in Tampa, FL, July. 30-Aug. 2, 2000.

16. Mishra, Ashok K. and F. Tegegne. “Role of Cooperatives in the Success of Small Farms.” Selected paper presented at the 2000 SAEA meetings in Lexington, KY., Jan-Feb. 2000.

15.Gulati, S. and Ashok K. Mishra. “A Nonparametric Analysis of Economies of Scale in U.S. Agriculture.” Selected paper presented at the 1999 AAEA meetings in Nashville, TN., July-Aug. 1999.

14. Mishra, Ashok K. and M.J. Morehart. “Permanent Income and Wealth Accumulation: An Empirical Analysis of U.S. Farm Households.” Selected paper presented at the 1999 AAEA meetings in Nashville, TN., July-Aug. 1999.

13. Mishra, Ashok K. and H.S. El-Osta. “Sources of Variability of Farm Household Income: A Cross-Sectional Analysis (1991-1995).” Selected paper at the 1999 AAEA meetings in Nashville, TN., July-Aug. 1999.

8.Morehart, M.J. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Saving and Investment Behavior of U.S. Farmers.” Brown Bag Seminar, Resource Economics Division, ERS, USDA, June 2, 1998.

11. Steele, C. J. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Determinants of Financial Performance of Small and Limited Resource Farms.” Paper presented at the 1999 SAEA meetings in Memphis, TN., Feb. 1999.

9.Peterson, Neal R. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Determinants of Real Farm Size Growth and Distribution, 1930-1992.” Paper presented at the 1998 AAEA meetings in Salt Lake City, UT., July-Aug. 1998.

9.Mishra, Ashok K. and M.J. Morehart. “Farm Household Savings” in selected paper session, at the NC-221 (Agricultural Finance Research Group), 1998 Annual meetings in Louisville, KY., Oct. 5-6, 1998.

8. Steele, C.J. and Ashok K. Mishra. “Behavioral and Economic Characteristics of Limited Resource and Other Small Farms” Poster presented at the 56th Professional Agricultural Workers Conference, Tuskegee University, AL., Dec. 3-6, 1998.

7. Mishra, Ashok K. and B.K. Goodwin. “Income Risk and Allocation of Labor Time: An Empirical Investigation.” Paper presented at the 1997 AAEA meetings in Toronto, Canada. July-Aug. 1997.

6. Brown, A.B., Ashok K. Mishra, and A.N. Rezitis. “Analysis of Farm Workers in the United States.” Paper presented at the 1997 AAEA meetings in Toronto, Canada, July-Aug. 1997.

5. Mishra, Ashok K. and M.U. Ahmed. “An Empirical Analysis of the Factors Affecting Average Farm Acreage.” Paper presented at the 1996 AAEA meetings in San Antonio, TX., Aug. 1996.

1.Mishra, Ashok K. and M.U. Ahmed. “Temporal Aggregation and Agricultural Product Prices.” Paper presented at the SAEA meetings in Greensboro, NC, January 1996.

3. Mishra, Ashok K. “An Economic Analysis of the Demand for and Supply of Hired Farm Workers in the U.S. (1950-1992).” Paper presented at the 1995 AAEA meetings in Indianapolis, IN, Aug. 1995.

1.Mishra, Ashok K. and B.K. Goodwin. “Crop Diversity, Credit, Government Programs, and Income Variability. Is Risk Preference Exogenous?” Paper presented at the SAEA meetings in New Orleans, LA, January 1995.

1.Mishra, Ashok K. and B.K. Goodwin. “Farm Income Variability and Off-farm Labor Supply of the Farmers and their Spouses.” Paper presented at the 1994 AAEA meetings in San Diego, CA, Aug. 1994.


  • Section Chair, Agricultural Finance and Management Section of the AAEA (2014-2015).
  • Chairman of the Economics, Statistics Research Information Committee of the AAEA (2014-2017).
  • Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LSU (2014-2017).
  • Council on Research, Louisiana State University, 2014—to present.
  • College of Agriculture Awards committee, 2014—to present.
  • Graduate Committee, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LSU (2007-present)
  • Junior Faculty Advisor, Agribusiness Club, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, LSU (2013-2014)
  • Graduate Council, College of Agriculture, LSU (2012-2015)
  • Library Committee (2007-present)
  • College of Agriculture Promotion and Tenure Committee (2011-2014)
  • Awards Committee—Gamma Sigma Delta Society (2011-12)
  • Treasurer —Gamma Sigma Delta Society (2012-14)

·Life member, Gamma Sigma Delta Society, LSU Chapter

·Board of Directors, Council on Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics (C-FARE), AAEA: 2014 to present.

·Member, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association

·Member, American Economic Association

·Member, Southern Agricultural Economics Association

·Member, Western Agricultural Economics Association

·Member, Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association

·Member, Agricultural Finance Society

·Member, NC-1177 Regional Research Committee on Agricultural and Rural Finance Markets in Transition

·Member, SCC-76 Regional Research Committee on Economics and Management of Risk in Agriculture and Natural Resources

Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, Louisiana State University and LSU AgCenter, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, July 2010—present.

Adjunct Professor, Real Estate Research Institute, Department of Finance, E.J. Ourso College of Business, Louisiana State University, July 2011-present.

Research Fellow, Social Sciences Division, International Rice Research Institute, Manila, Philippines, May 2013 to present.

Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, July 2007-June 2010.

Senior Economist, Resource Economics Division, Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington D.C., July 2003-June 2007.

Economist, Resource Economics Division, Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington D.C., June 1997-June 2003.

Economist, Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Raleigh, NC., April 1996-May 1997.

Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Economics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. January 1991-March 1996.


• Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Decoupling farm payments and its impact on resource allocation: 2005-2007.

• European Commission, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (EU-IPTS), Government transfers and their impacts on income and factors market: 2007-2010.

• European Commission, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (EU-IPTS), Cost of production: an international comparison: 2010-2011.

• International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Adoption of technology, income diversification, off-farm income in Southeast Asian Countries: 2011-present.

• AGEC-7313 Agricultural Production and labor Supply (Fall 2013)
• AGEC-7103 Advanced Statistical Methods in Agriculture (Spring 2013)
• AGEC -7113 Agribusiness Research Applications (Fall 2010)
• AGEC-7710 Human Capital and Labor Supply in Agriculture (Fall 2009)
• AGEC-2003 Introduction to Agricultural Economics (Spring 2008)
• EC-201 Principles of Economics, North Carolina State University (1993-1995).
• EC-202 Economic Problems and Issues, North Carolina State University (Aug. 1995-Dec. 1995).
• EECON-545 Econometrics, Graduate School of U.S. Department of Agriculture (Aug. 1999-Dec.2002).
• EECON-700 Advanced Econometrics, Guest Lecturer, Graduate School of U.S. Department of Agriculture (Aug. 1999-Dec.2001).

• Finance and Management
• Human Capital and Development
• Applied Econometrics
• Labor and Household Economics
• Agricultural Policy



    ·Doctor of Philosophy. Major: Economics; Minor: Statistics, NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY, Raleigh, NC, December 1996.

    ·Master of Science. Major: Agricultural Economics; Minor: Statistics, UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN, Aberdeen, UNITED KINGDOM (UK), July 1989.

    ·Bachelor of Science (Summa cum Laude): Major: Agriculture and Agricultural Economics; Minor: Animal Husbandry, G. B. PANT UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND TECHNOLOGY, Pantnagar, INDIA, June 1988.


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