a. Refereed Publications (2 senior-authored, 7 total)
7. Beuzelin, J.M., A. Mészáros, M.O. Way, T.E. Reagan. 2012. Rice harvest cutting height and ratoon crop effects on late season and overwintering stem borer (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) infestations. Crop Protection 34: 47-55.
6. Beuzelin, J.M., A. Mészáros, T.E. Reagan, L.T. Wilson, M.O. Way, D.C. Blouin, and A.T. Showler. 2011. Seasonal infestations of two stem borers (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in non-crop grasses of Gulf Coast rice agroecosystems. Environmental Entomology 40(5): 1036-1050.
5. Beuzelin, J.M., T.E. Reagan, M.O. Way, A. Mészáros, W. Akbar, and L.T. Wilson. 2011. Potential impact of Mexican rice borer non-crop hosts on sugarcane IPM. International Sugar Journal (in press). Originally published as Paper BE10, pp. 806-814. In Proceedings, XXVII Congress of the International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, March 7-11,Veracruz, Mexico.
4. Mészáros, A., J.M. Beuzelin, M.J. Stout, P.L. Bommireddy, M.R. Riggio, and B.R. Leonard. 2011. Jasmonic acid-induced resistance to the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, in conventional and transgenic cottons expressing Bacillus thuringiensis insecticidal proteins. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 140: 226-237.S.
3. Beuzelin, J.M., A. Mészáros, W. Akbar, and T.E. Reagan. 2011. Sugarcane planting date impact on fall and spring sugarcane borer (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) infestations. Florida Entomologist 94: 242-252.
2. Beuzelin, J.M., W. Akbar, A. Mészáros, F.P.F. Reay-Jones, T.E. Reagan. 2010. Field assessment of novaluron for sugarcane borer, Diatraea saccharalis (F.) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), management in Louisiana sugarcane. Crop Protection 29(10): 1168-1176.
1. Mészáros, A., M.-S.Tixier, B. Cheval, Z. Barbar, and S. Kreiter. 2007. Cannibalism and intraguild predation in Typhlodromus exhilaratus Ragusa and T. phialatus Athias-Henriot (Acari: Phytoseiidae) under laboratory conditions. Experimental and Applied Acarology 41: 37-43.
b. Extension Publications
3. Stout M.J., N.A. Hummel, S. Lanka, J.C. Hamm, A. Mészáros, W.R. McLain, M.J. Frey, and G.C. Barbee. 2011. Making rice fields safe for crawfish. Louisiana Agriculture 54(3): 13.
2. Stout M.J., N.A. Hummel, S. Lanka, J.C. Hamm, A. Mészáros, W.R. McLain, M.J. Frey, and G.C. Barbee. 2011. Rice water weewils: New tactics for managing this insect pest. Louisiana Agriculture 54(3): 10-12.
1. Johnson S.J., D. Henne, A. Mészáros, and L.J. Eisenberg. 2010. Zombie fire ants: Biological control of the red imported fire ant in Louisiana with decapitating phorid flies. Louisiana Agriculture 53(4): 40-41.
c. Pesticide and Non-Target Impact Evaluation Research
2. Beuzelin, J.M., W. Akbar, A. Mészáros, B.E. Wilson, T.E. Reagan, and M.O. Way. 2010. Small plot assessment of insecticides against the Mexican rice borer, 2009. Arthropod Management Tests 35: F50.
1. Beuzelin, J.M., A. Mészáros, W. Akbar, and T.E. Reagan. 2008. Effects of insect growth regulators and pyrethroid aerial application on non-target arthropods in the sugarcane borer management system, 2007. Arthropod Management Tests 33: F2.
a. Senior-Authored Oral Presentations at Professional Meetings
7. Mészáros, A., N.A. Hummel, J. Saichuk, D. Droth, C. Hollier, and L. West. New rice insects and diseases pages at Annual Agricultural Technology & Management Conference, Marksville, LA. February 15-17, 2012.
6. Mészáros, A., S.J. Johnson, L.J. Eisenberg, M.J. Grodowitz, and K. Parys. Biological control of water hyachinth with Megamelus scuttelaris (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) in Louisiana. Annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Reno, NV. November 13-16, 2011.
5. Mészáros, A. and N.A. Hummel. Online delivery of extension education programs via multiple chanels. Annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Reno, NV. November 13-16, 2011.
4. Mészáros, A., S.J. Johnson, and J.M. Beuzelin. Impact of decapitating flies (Diptera: Phoridae) on red imported fire ant populations in Louisiana. Annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America, San Diego, CA. December 12-15, 2010.
3. Mészáros, A., D. Henne, and S.J. Johnson. Spread of fire ant decapitating flies Pseudacteon tricuspis and Pseudacteon curvatus in Louisiana. 81st Rocky Mountain Conference of Entomologists, Silverton, CO. August 2-3, 2010. by Seth Johnson.
2. Mészáros, A. and S.J. Johnson. Spread of fire ant decapitating flies Pseudacteon tricuspis and Pseudacteon curvatus in Louisiana. Annual Imported Fire Ant Conference, Little Rock, AR. April 19-22 2010.
1. Mészáros. A. and S.J. Johnson. Spread of fire ant parasitic flies Pseudacteon tricuspis and Pseudacteon curvatus in Louisiana. 84th Annual Meeting Southeastern Branch ESA, Atlanta, GA. March 7-10, 2010.
b. Senior-Authored Posters at Professional Meetings
8. Mészáros, A., N. A. Hummel, J. Saichuk, D. Droth, C. Hollier, and L. West. New rice insects and diseases pages at Joint meeting of the Southeastern and Southwestern Branches of the Entomological Society of America, Little Rock, AR. March 4-7, 2012.
7. Mészáros, A., N. A. Hummel, J. Saichuk, D. Droth, C. Hollier, and L. West. New rice insects and diseases pages at 34th meeting of the Rice Technical Working Group, Hot Springs, AR. February 27-March 1, 2012.
6. Mészáros, A., N.A. Hummel, B.B. Blackman, M.J. Stout, M.O. Way, K.V. Tindal, G. Lorenz, J. Gore, J. Bernhardt, and K. Machtmes. 2010 multi-state rice insect survey. Annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Reno, NV. November 13-16, 2011.
5. Mészáros, A., N.A. Hummel, and L. West. Development of Louisiana Online Rice Pest Identification Guide. Annual meeting of the Southeastern Branch of the Entomological Society of America, San Juan, PR. March 19-22, 2011.
4. Mészáros, A. and S.J. Johnson. Status of biological control of red imported fire ants with phorid flies in Louisiana. Annual meeting of the Southeastern Branch of the Entomological Society of America, San Juan, PR. March 19-22, 2011.
3. Mészáros, A., M.J. Stout, J.M. Beuzelin, M.R. Riggio, and B.R. Leonard. Evaluating jasmonic acid-induced resistance to the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, in conventional and transgenic Bt cottons. International Plant Resistance to Insects 19th Biennial Workshop, Charleston, SC. March 28-31, 2010.
2. Mészáros, A. and S.J. Johnson. Distribution of fire ant decapitating flies Pseudacteon spp. (Diptera: Phoridae) in Louisiana. Annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America. Indianapolis, IN. December 13-16, 2009.
1. Mészáros, A. , J.M. Beuzelin, M.J. Stout, M.R. Riggio, and B.R. Leonard 2009 Jasmonic Acid-Induced Resistance to the Fall Armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Conventional and Bt Cotton. Annual meeting of the Southeastern Branch of the Entomological Society of America, Montgomery, AL. March 8-11, 2009.
c. Co-Authored Presentations at Professional Meetings
18. Hummel, N.A., and Mészáros, A., D.T. David, and K.L. Machtmes. Integration of social media and blogging into extension program. Joint meeting of the Southeastern and Southwestern Branches of the Entomological Society of America, Little Rock, AR. March 4-7, 2012. (Poster presentation)
17. Beuzelin, J.M., T.E. Reagan, W.H. White, M.O Way, B.E. Wilson, R.T. Richard, M.T. VanWeelden, A. Mészáros. Is energycane more resistant to stem borers than sugarcane? Joint meeting of the Southeastern and Southwestern Branches of the Entomological Society of America, Little Rock, AR. March 4-7, 2012. (Oral presentation)
16. Hummel, N.A., A. Mészáros, R.D. Cartwright, S.M. Fiser, D.E. Groth, D.L. Harrell, C.A. Hollier, F.P. Piazza, J.K. Saichuk, B.R. schultz, M.O. May, and E.P. Webster. Development of the RiceScout mobile application. 34th meeting of the Rice Technical Working Group, Hot Springs, AR. February 27-March 1, 2012. (Oral presentation)
15. Hummel, N.A., A. Mészáros, M.J. Stout, J.M. Beuzelin, D.R. Burns, T.P. Clark, B.A. Courville, V.P. Deshotel, R.E. Ferguson, K.A.
Fontenot, S.J. Gauthier, D.R. Lee, R.J. Levy, M.A. Martin, J.M. Meaux, D.J. Zaunbrecher. The Louisiana rice water weevil demonstration program. 34th meeting of the Rice Technical Working Group, Hot Springs, AR. February 27-March 1, 2012. (Oral presentation)
14. Beuzelin, J.M., A. Mészáros, M.O. Way, T.E. Reagan, L.T. Wilson. Beyond rice field boundaries and harvest: Mexican rice borer and sugarcane borer IPM. 34th meeting of the Rice Technical Working Group, Hot Springs, AR. February 27-March 1, 2012. (Oral presentation)
13. Hummel, N.A. and Mészáros, A. Social media workshop: Introduction to social media for Ag Consultants - How and why you can use it efficently in your buisness. Annual Agricultural Technology & Management Conference, Marksville, LA. February 15-17, 2012.
12. Beuzelin, J.M., A. Mészáros, M.O. Way, T.E. Reagan. Impact of rice harvest cutting height and ratoon cropping on late season and overwintering stem borer infestations. Annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Reno, NV. November 13-16, 2011. (oral)
11. Hummel, N.A., A. Mészáros, B.B. Blackman, M.J. Stout, M.O. Way, K. Tindal, G. Lorenz, J. Gore, J. Bernhardt, and K. Machtmes. Multi-state rice insect survey, 2009. Annual meeting of the Southeastern Branch of the Entomological Society of America, San Juan, PR. March 19-22, 2011. (Poster presentation)
9. Beuzelin, J.M., L.T. Wilson, A. Mészáros, A.T. Showler, T.E. Reagan, and M.O. Way. Can non-crop host management advance Mexican rice borer IPM? Annual meeting of the Southeastern Branch of the Entomological Society of America, San Juan, PR. March 19-22, 2011. (Oral presentation)
8. Hummel, N.A., A. Mészáros, M. Stout, D. Burns, B. Courville, G. Daniels, V. Deshotel, K. Fontenot, S. Gauthier. LSU AgCenter Rice Water Weevil Demonstration Tests 2010 in Louisiana. Annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America, San Diego, CA. December 12-15, 2010. (Poster presentation)
7. Hummel, N.A. and A. Mészáros. 2008 Louisiana rice insects survey. 33rd Rice Technical Working Group Meeting, Biloxi, MS. February 22-25, 2010. (Poster presentation)
6. Beuzelin, J.M., A. Mészáros, L.T. Wilson, A.T. Showler, T.E. Reagan, and M.O. Way. Alternate hosts for sugarcane borer and Mexican rice borer. Louisiana Agricultural Technology & Management Conference, Alexandria, LA. February 10-12, 2010. (Invited)
5. Beuzelin, J.M., L.T. Wilson, A.T. Showler, T.E. Reagan, and A. Mészáros. Mexican rice borer (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) oviposition preference and larval performance on primary non-crop hosts. Annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Indianapolis, IN. December 13-16, 2009. (Oral presentation)
4. Beuzelin, J.M., A. Mészáros, T.E. Reagan, W. Akbar, L.T. Wilson, and M.O. Way. Seasonal role of non-crop hosts in Mexican rice borer (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) populations invading Gulf Coast rice agroecosystems. Annual meeting of the Southeastern Branch of the Entomological Society of America, Montgomery, AL. March 8-11, 2009. (Oral presentation)
3. Beuzelin, J.M., T.E. Reagan, A. Mészáros, W. Akbar, L.T. Wilson, and M.O. Way. Seasonal and regional dynamics of invasive stem borers on dominant cultivated and weed plant hosts. Louisiana Agricultural Technology & Management Conference, Alexandria, LA. February 11-13, 2009. (Invited oral presentation)
2. Beuzelin, J.M., T.E. Reagan, A. Mészáros, W. Akbar, L.T. Wilson, and M.O. Way. Non-crop grass hosts: is their contribution to the overall stem borer populations in crop fields important? Symposium: Stalk boring lepidopteran pests in multi-crop ecosystems of the United States: Current status, challenges, and prospects. Annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Reno, NV. November 16-19, 2008. (Invited oral presentation)
1. Beuzelin, J.M., A. Mészáros, W. Akbar, T.E. Reagan, and M.O. Way. Impact of selected cultural practices on late season and overwintering stem borer infestations in sugarcane and rice. Annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Reno, NV. November 16-19, 2008. (Oral presentation)
d. Extension Presentations
4. Mészáros, A., N.A. Hummel, and L. West. Development of Louisiana Online Rice Pest Identification Guide. Rice Research Station Field Day, Crowley, LA, Jun 30, 2011. (Poster presentation)
3. Hummel, N.A., A. Mészáros, B.B. Blackman, M.J. Stout, M.O. Way, K. Tindal, G. Lorenz, J. Gore, J. Bernhardt, and K. Machtmes. Multi-state rice insect survey, 2009. Rice Research Station Field Day, Crowley, LA, Jun 30, 2011. (Poster presentation)
2. Hummel, N.A., A. Mészáros, M.J. Stout, D. Burns, B. Courville, G. Daniels, V. Deshotel, K. Fontenot, S. Gauthier. LSU AgCenter Rice Water Weevil Demonstration Tests 2010 in Louisiana. Rice Research Station Field Day, Crowley, LA, July 1, 2010. (Poster presentation)
1. Hummel, N.A. and A. Mészáros. 2008 Louisiana rice insects survey. Rice Research Station Field Day, Crowley, LA, July 1, 2010. (Poster presentation)
Research and extension associate, Louisiana State University, Department of Entomology
Biological Control Laboratory, Supervisor: Dr. Seth. J. Johnson
Rice and Sugarcane Extension Entomology, Supervisor: Dr. Natalie A. Hummel
Transient worker, Louisiana State University, Department of Entomology
Rice Entomology Laboratoty, Supervisor: Dr. Michael. J. Stout
Sugarcane Entomology Laboratory, Supervisor: Dr. Thomas E. Reagan
Intern, Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Montpellier (AGRO-M.) Montpellier, France
Department of acarology and zoology, Supervisor: Dr. Serge Keiter
Intern (M.Sc.), Plant Protection Institute of Budapest, Hungary
Department of acarology and zoology, Supervisors: Drs. Gabor. Szőcs and Attila. Haltrich
Intern, Baranya County Institute of Plant and Soil Protection, Pécs, Hungary
I have a 50 percent extension appointment with Dr. Natalie Hummel in sugarcane and rice entomology and a 50 percent research appointment with Dr. Seth Johnson working on fire ant and water hyacinth biological control.
My responsabilities in the rice and sugarcane extension entomology lab include survey work, CMS website design, mobile app project development coordination, coordinating field trials (insecticide evaluations and demonstration work), inputting data and conducting statistical analysis, preparing reports, writing manuscripts, coordinating meeting logistics, managing accounts, supervising student workers, acquiring supplies, preparing for field work, and preparing presentations for professional meetings.
My responsabilies in the biological control lab include biological control agent (Pseudacteon spp., Cyrtobagous spp., and Megamelus sp.) release evaluation and survey of their establishment and dispersal. I'm also responsible for analyzing data and preparing presentations for professional national meetings and manuscripts for publication.
2005 - One-year graduate level degree after M.Sc.
Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Montpellier (AGRO-M), France
Diplôme d'Agronomie Approfondie in Crop Protection and Environment
Thesis title:
Etude du cannibalisme et de la prédation intra-guilde entre deux espèces d'acariens prédateurs : Typhlodromus phialatus Athias-Henriot et T. exhilaratus Ragusa (Acari: Phytoseiidae)
Cannibalism and intraguild predation in Typhlodromus exhilaratus Ragusa and T. phialatus Athias-Henriot (Acari: Phytoseiidae) under laboratory conditions.
2004 - M.Sc.
CORVINUS University of Budapest, Faculty of Horticultural Science, Department of Entomology, Hungary
Okleveles Kertészmérnök (M.Sc. in Horticultural Engineering / Crop Protection)
Thesis title:
A mandula-magdarázs (Eurytoma amygdali Enderlein, Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae) fajtapreferenciája és napszaki ritmusa magyarországi körülmények között
Cultivar preference and daily activity pattern of almond seed wasp, Eurytoma amygdali Enderlein, (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae) in Hungary.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture