MISC-244_SurveyRecruitmentFlyer_HPennpdf / 0.11MB
Publication ID: MISC-244
We are doing a two-step survey to understand the current Varroa mite check preferences of Louisiana beekeepers.
The results of this survey better equip LSU and the USDA to keep you informed of pest- and disease-management techniques.
Any individual over 18 years old who manages at least one hive.
The LSU AgCenter Department of Entomology is partnering with the USDA honeybee lab. The primary contacts are Dr. Kristen Healy ( and Dr. Hannah Penn (
To learn more, please email Hannah Penn ( or go to the survey website ( You can sign up online.
We will need your contact information if you wish to receive your mite-check kit, take the second part of the survey and have your bees tested in the fall. Normal risks of beekeeping may also apply.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture