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Louisiana Home Lawn Series: A guide to maintaining a healthy Louisiana lawn.
A guide to maintaining a healthy Louisiana lawn.
Louisiana soybeans are susceptible to damage from a variety of insects, the most economically impactful of which are stink bugs.
Because of the complicated winter, LSU AgCenter entomologist Jeff Davis said he’s not sure what to expect from insect pressure this growing season.
Matt Foster was drawn to agriculture at an early age, even though no one in his family was involved in farming.
Supplying soybeans and other plants with the nutrients they need to thrive is crucial for producing a profitable crop.
Precision agriculture is anything that helps grow crops more efficiently.
Heavy rains early in the growing season caused damage to corn and other crops around the state. But that’s not the only problem producers saw.
From insurance and policy issues to productions costs, LSU AgCenter economists are researching a number of topics to help farmers maximize profits.
LSU AgCenter researchers are comparing commercially available corn hybrids from six seed companies in 15 on-farm demonstrations in corn-growing parishes of the
There are many variables a farmer cannot control, including rain, extreme temperatures and pest pressure.
Louisiana’s hot, humid conditions are conducive to many crop diseases.
Picking a planting date isn’t always an easy decision for soybean growers. Planting too early in cool or wet soils can result in replanting.
2021 Soybean and Grain Research and Promotion Board-funded projects
Andre Reis was born and raised in the big city of Sao Paulo, Brazil, but at 16, he decided he wanted to go to the countryside and study agriculture.
Controlling weeds is one of the biggest obstacles to a good crop of any kind in Louisiana.
Feral pigs are a nuisance in many areas of the country, causing billions of dollars in damage.
It’s been a trying year for researchers in general in terms of collecting good data, according to LSU AgCenter plant breeder Stephen Harrison of the School of
LSU AgCenter Nematode Advisory Service researchers are working to learn more about a nematode that’s new to Louisiana while also taking a fresh look at control
Row width is one of the management practices most often considered by growers and researchers as important for increasing corn and soybean yields and profits.
The year 2020 — as well as 2021 — will be remembered in history for the COVID-19 pandemic.
With variables like weather, insects and weeds always a danger, Louisiana’s soybean farmers can never rest easy.
Small grain variety trials are conducted annually by scientists of the Louisiana State University Agricultural Center Agricultural Experiment Station (LSUAC) to
Taproot decline of soybean (TRD), is an emerging fungal disease affecting soybean production in the southern U.S.
Spring gardening tips for homeowners in Northwest Louisiana.
Survey of forest easement landowners in Louisiana.
The benefits of cover crops for sugarcane grown in Louisiana.
Food pantries supplement the diets of people across the country. To ensure that all pantry clientele receive safe food, pantries must follow proper food handlin
When you return to your home, make sure you assess all food and food preparation areas and equipment carefully.
Citrus is the most popular fruit tree grown commercially and in home backyards in Louisiana.
Elevation is the most reliable method of reducing damage from floods.
While food pantries share the common goal of addressing food insecurity in communities, they can vary widely in terms of operation, food and services provided,
Background information including biology, sampling methods, and control methods for the cotton bollworm in Louisiana row crops.
Spring gardening tips for homeowners in Southwest Louisiana.
Spring gardening tips for homeowners in Southeast Louisiana.
Spring gardening tips for homeowners in Northeast Louisiana.
Spring gardening tips for homeowners in Central Louisiana.
2020 National Survey
Saving money at the grocery store could be a challenge, but it could also be fun! It feels good to save money and to stretch those grocery dollars.
Good nutrition and routine physical activity help keep you healthy and minimize the impact of stress to your body.
Many fungicides are available to help farmers fight the diseases that attack their crops.
In 2018, the guava root-knot nematode was discovered on a farm in northern Louisiana. It was the first — and so far, the only — sighting of the destructive pes
Retirements and new hires
Diseases continually threaten yield and profitability of soybean, corn, wheat and sorghum crops in Louisiana.
Weeds will decrease crop yield if they are not properly managed, but successfully tackling weeds means keeping pace with their developing resistance to herbici
LSU AgCenter sugarcane pest specialist Al Orgeron has two projects underway that could help soybean yields.
Producers in Louisiana have used cover crops for years to help protect their soil, and now two LSU AgCenter researchers are studying the practice to precisely
Demonstration plots of new soybean and wheat varieties along with new corn hybrids is a tradition that would make Seaman Knapp proud.
LSU AgCenter entomologists and graduate students are conducting two research projects to determine ways to improve the economics of soybean farming.
Drones have been used for years to help identify the overall plant health of crops, but the cost of that equipment has been a limitation for many farmers.
2020 Soybean and Grain Research and Promotion Board-funded projects
LSU AgCenter entomologist Sebe Brown has several research projects for controlling insect pests on corn, soybeans and grain sorghum.
Improving soybean seed quality is the goal of LSU AgCenter research that has been ongoing for the past three years.
On-farm precision agriculture experimentation allows farmers to better select crop varieties and allocate needed resources to targeted zones in their fields, s
LSU AgCenter researchers exploring new approaches for managing Cercospora leaf blight are learning more about what triggers toxin production, when mitigation ef
Rasel Parvej, LSU AgCenter soil fertility specialist, is in the first year of a study on soybean yield response to phosphorus and potassium levels at different
A new type of nanoparticle could aid in protecting soybean seeds from fungal pathogens.
AgCenter economist Lawson Connor is evaluating the rating methods and returns to crop insurance in Louisiana.
A biomedical engineer accustomed to studying the composition of human bone is turning his eye toward determining the quality of soybeans.
Small grain variety trials are conducted annually by scientists of the Louisiana State University Agricultural Center Agricultural Experiment Station (LSUAC) to
The factsheet give tips on reducing risk of infection when handling takeout or delivered foods.
This factsheet is developed to provide some guidance for retail store managers to take precautions during public health emergency.
Floodwaters commonly contain microbial contaminants and can directly affect public health.
4-H Livestock Home Visit Checklist for Agents.
COVID-19 is a respiratory illness, and there is currently no evidence of food or food packaging being associated with its transmission.
Due to high demand of PPE for healthcare workers, it is anticipated that pesticide applicators may have difficulty finding needed PPE for pesticide applications
Horticulture and plants can benefit individuals and families by supporting health and well-being.
In November 2016 and March 2017, the LSU AgCenter offered two agritourism workshops series titled “Managing Financial and Legal Liabilities” and “Safety and Eme
This guide is for growing garden herbs in Louisiana.
Encamine a sus hijos hacia una alimentación saludable para toda la vida limitando la cantidad de azúcares añadidos que comen.
Limit the amount of foods and beverages with added sugars your kids eat and drink.
Descubra los muchos beneficios de agregar vegetales y frutas a sus comidas.
Es posible incluir vegetales y frutas en todo presupuesto.
Cada comida es un bloque de construcción en su estilo de alimentación saludable.
Use MiPlato para construir su estilo de alimentación saludable y mantenerlo durante toda la vida.
Una parte crítica de la alimentación saludable es mantener la sanidad de los alimentos.
A critical part of healthy eating is keeping foods safe.
La actividad física es importante en niños y adultos de todas las edades.
Physical activity is important for children and adults of all ages.
Discover the many benefits of adding vegetables and fruits to your meals.
It is possible to fit vegetables and fruits into any budget. Making nutritious choices does not have to hurt your wallet.
A healthy meal starts with more vegetables and fruits and smaller portions of protein and grains.
El lunes 16 de marzo del 2020, el gobernador de Luisiana John Bel Edwards ordenó a los restaurantes solamente a entrega de comida, pedidos a domicilio o auto se
En 2019, una nueva cepa del coronavirus fue descubierta. La enfermedad asociada a esta nueva cepa es conocida como COVID-19, y los síntomas de esta enfermedad p
Nuestra Salud está en Nuestras Manos
The coronavirus that causes COVID-19 is mainly spread through person-to-person contact and by droplets from coughs and sneezes.
COVID-19 não é uma doença transmitida por alimentos. Atualmente, não há evidências de que alimentos ou embalagens de alimentos estejam associados à transmissão
De acordo com o centro de controle de doenças (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - CDC), o coronavírus COVID-19 pode se manter viável por várias horas
Atualmente, não há evidências de que comida ou embalagens de alimentos tenham sido associados à transmissão do vírus COVID-19.
Los alimentos proteínicos incluyen tanto fuentes animales (carne, aves, pescado y huevos) como plantas (frijoles, guisantes, productos de soya, frutos secos y s
We all need protein—but most Americans eat enough, and some eat more than they need. How much is enough?
El grupo de Lácteos incluye leche, yogur, queso y leche de soya fortificada.
The Dairy Group includes milk, yogurt, cheese, and fortified soymilk.
Cualquier alimento hecho de trigo, arroz, avena, harina de maíz, cebada u otro grano de cereal es un producto de grano.
People who eat whole grains as part of a healthy diet have a reduced risk of some chronic diseases.
Eating fruit provides health benefits.
Para incorporar más vegetales en su día, tómelos como bocadillos y agréguelos a sus comidas.
Comer fruta proporciona beneficios para la salud.
To fit more vegetables in your meals, follow these simple tips. It is easier than you may think.