Vinit Sehgal

Vinit Sehgal.
Title Assistant Professor
Department School of Plant, Environmental and Soil Sciences
Address 1 311 Sturgis Hall
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Phone 225-578-2110
Fax 225-578-1403

  • Ph.D. in Water Management & Hydrological Science, Texas A&M University (2023)
  • M.S. in Biological Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech (2017)
  • B.E. in Civil Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, India (2013)

  • Soil physics/ Soil hydrology
  • Scaling issues in hydrology
  • Satellite remote sensing
  • Terrestrial water-energy-carbon dynamics
  • Hydrologic modeling
  • Drought monitoring and impact assessment

  • Dissertation Fellowship, Graduate & Professional School, Texas A&M University (2022)
  • Data Science Ambassador Scholarship, Texas A&M Institute of Data Science (2022)
  • Charles & Frances Fleming Academic Excellence Scholarship, Texas A&M University (2022)
  • Class of 2017 Endowed Aggie Ring Scholarship, Texas A&M University (2022)
  • Kirkham Conference Travel Award, Soil Science Society of America (2022)
  • Valeen Silvy Fellowship, Water Management and Hydrologic Science Program, Texas A&M University (2021)
  • Robert E. Stewart Graduate Excellence Award, Dept. of Bio & Ag. Eng., Texas A&M University (2021)
  • Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing award by Journal of Applied Soft Computing (2018) & Journal of Hydrology (2017), Elsevier

  • AGRO 4092-02: R for Spatial Analysis & Visualization (2 CR, as Special topics in Soil Science)
    This course focuses on hands-on knowledge of accessing, analyzing, and visualizing open-source satellite remote-sensing and geospatial datasets for hydrological, agricultural, and climatological studies within the R environment. The objective of this course is to learn R tools for i) analyzing geospatial datasets (raster and vector) ii) performing statistical analysis for each feature/ layer, and iii) mapping and visualizing spatial datasets. The course includes the latest R tools for working with global earth observational datasets, such as from NASA’s MODIS and SMAP satellites. Basic operations of geospatial analysis such as (re)projection, (re)sampling, summary statistics, merge/join, and (re)shape are covered. The students are introduced to structured/layered spatial datasets such as NetCDF and HDF formats used in climate modeling. Special emphasis is placed on the application of available out-of-the-box parallel computing techniques for geospatial analysis available in R. Course notes and material is available on GitHub
  • AGRO 4077: Environmental Soil Physics (3 CR)
    The physical soil system; the soil components and their physical interactions; processes involving water flow in saturated and unsaturated soils, air, and heat; fate and transport of applied chemicals in the soil profile and processes governing the mobility of contaminants.

  1. Sehgal, V., Mohanty, B. P., & Reichle, R. H. (2024). Rootzone soil moisture dynamics using terrestrial water‐energy coupling. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2024GL110342.
  2. Sehgal, V., Gaur, N., & Mohanty, B. P. (2021). Global flash drought monitoring using surface soil moisture. Water Resources Research, 57(9), e2021WR029901.
  3. Sehgal, V. and Mohanty, B.P., (2023). Preferential hydrologic states and tipping characteristics of global surface soil moisture. Water Resources Research 60, no. 4 (2024): e2023WR034858.
  4. Mohanty, B.P., Mbabazi, D., Miller, G., Moore, G., Everett, M., Rajan, N., Morgan, C., Gaur, N., Sehgal, V., Sedaghatdoost, A. and Hong, M., 2024. Texas Water Observatory: A Distributed Network for Monitoring Water, Energy, and Carbon Cycles Under Variable Climate and Land Use on Gulf Coast Plains. Journal of Hydrometeorology.
  5. Sehgal, V., Gaur, N., & Mohanty, B. P. (2020). Global surface soil moisture drydown patterns. Water Resources Research, 57(1), e2020WR027588.
  6. Sachindra, D., A., K., Rashid, M., Sehgal, V., Shahid, S., Perera, B., et al. (2019). Pros & cons of using wavelets in conjunction with genetic programming & generalised linear models in statistical downscaling of precipitation. Theoretical & Applied Climatology, 138(1), 617–638.
  7. Sehgal, V., & Sridhar, V. (2019). Watershed−scale retrospective drought analysis & seasonal forecasting using multi−layer, high−resolution simulated soil moisture for southeastern US. Weather & Climate Extremes, 23, 100191.
  8. Sehgal, V., Lakhanpal, A., Maheswaran, R., Khosa, R., & Sridhar, V. (2018). Application of multi−scale wavelet entropy & multi−resolution Volterra models for climatic downscaling. Journal of Hydrology, 556, 1078–1095.
  9. Sehgal, V., & Sridhar, V. (2018). Effect of hydroclimatological teleconnections on the watershed−scale drought predictability in the southeastern United States. Int’l Journal of Climatology, 38, e1139–e1157.
  10. Sehgal, V., Sridhar, V., Juran, L., & Ogejo, J. A. (2018). Integrating climate forecasts with the soil & water assessment tool (SWAT) for high−resolution hydrologic simulations & forecasts in the southeastern U.S. Sustainability, 10(9), 3079.
  11. Lakhanpal, A., Sehgal, V., Maheswaran, R., Khosa, R., & Sridhar, V. (2017). A non−linear & non−stationary perspective for downscaling mean monthly temperature: A wavelet coupled second order Volterra model. Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessment, 31(9), 2159–2181.
  12. Sehgal, V., Sridhar, V., & Tyagi, A. (2017). Stratified drought analysis using a stochastic ensemble of simulated & in−situ soil moisture observations. Journal of Hydrology, 545, 226–250.
  13. Agarwal, A., Maheswaran, R., Sehgal, V., Khosa, R., Sivakumar, B., & Bernhofer, C. (2016). Hydrologic regionalization using wavelet−based multiscale entropy method. Journal of Hydrology, 538, 22–32.
  14. Sahay, R. R., & Sehgal, V. (2014). Wavelet−ANFIS models for forecasting monsoon flows: Case study for the Gandak river (India). Water resources, 41(5), 574–582.
  15. Sehgal, V., & Chatterjee, C. (2014). Auto updating wavelet based MLR models for monsoonal river discharge forecasting. Int. J. Civ. Eng. Res, 5, 401–406.
  16. Sehgal, V., Sahay, R. R., & Chatterjee, C. (2014). Effect of utilization of discrete wavelet components on flood forecasting performance of wavelet based ANFIS models. Water resources management, 28(6), 1733–1749.
  17. Sehgal, V., Tiwari, M. K., & Chatterjee, C. (2014). Wavelet bootstrap multiple linear regression−based hybrid modeling for daily river discharge forecasting. Water resources management, 28(10), 2793–2811.
  18. Sahay, R. R. & Sehgal, V. (2013). Wavelet regression models for predicting flood stages in rivers: A case study in Eastern India. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 6(2), 146–155.
  19. Sharma, N. K., Mitra, S., Sehgal, V., & Mishra, S. (2012). An assessment of physical properties of coal combustion residues w.r.t. their utilization aspects. Int. J. Environ. Protection, 2(2), 31–38.

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