Md Rasel Parvej

Address 1

LSU AgCenter Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management

  • Doctor of Philosophy – Crop, Soil, & Environmental Sciences (Soil Fertility/Plant Nutrition)
    (May 2012 – Dec. 2015)
    University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR.
  • Master of Science – Crop Botany (Crop Physiology/Ecology)
    (Jan. 2007 – Jun. 2009)
    Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh.
  • Bachelor of Science (Honors) – Agriculture (Agronomy/Soil Science/Crop Protection/Genetics)
    (Jul. 2002 – Jun. 2006)
    Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh.

  • Assistant Professor & State Soil Fertility Specialist (Oct. 2019 – Present)
    Louisiana State University AgCenter, Scott Research & Extension Center, Winnsboro, LA.
  • Professor (currently on lien; Jan. 2020 – Present)
    Associate Professor (Dec. 2015 – Dec. 2019)
    Assistant Professor (Nov. 2010 – Dec. 2015)
    Lecturer (Nov. 2008 – Nov. 2010)A
    Bangladesh Agricultural University, Dept. of Seed Science and Technology, Bangladesh.
  • Postdoctoral Research Associate (Jul. 2018 – Sep. 2019)
    Iowa State University, Dept. of Agronomy, Ames, IA.
  • Senior Graduate Research Assistant (May 2012 – Dec. 2015)
    University of Arkansas, Dept. of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences, Fayetteville, AR.
  • Researcher (Jul. 2007 – Jun. 2008)
    Bangladesh Agricultural University, Dept. of Crop Botany, Bangladesh.
Associate Editor
  • Soil Science Society of America Journal (Jan. 2022 – Present)
  • Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management (Jan. 2021 – Present)


  • Agronomy Journal
  • Soil Science Society of America Journal
  • Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management
  • Journal of Plant Nutrition
  • Agronomy
  • Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment
  • LSU AgCenter Hatch Project
  • Delmarva Land Grant Institute Cooperative Research Seed Funding Program


  • American Society of Agronomy, Madison, WI (Nov. 2013 – Present)
  • Crop Science Society of America, Madison, WI (Nov. 2013 – Present)
  • Soil Science Society of America, Madison, WI (Nov. 2013 – Present)
  • Louisiana Agricultural Consultants Association, Cheneyville, LA (Apr. 2020 – Present)
  • Louisiana County Agricultural Agents Association, Baton Rouge, LA (Apr. 2020 – Present)
  • National Association County Agricultural Agents, Maroa, IL (Apr. 2020 – Present)
  • Seed Science Society of Bangladesh, Mymensingh, Bangladesh (Feb. 2009 – Present)

Joint Secretary

  • Seed Science Society of Bangladesh, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. (Feb. 2011 – Feb. 2013)

Certified Crop Advisor

  • (CCA – 385120; AR, LA, & MS) (Sep. 19, 2018 – Present) American Society of Agronomy, Madison, WI.

My research interest is to understand site-specific soil fertility, nutrient stratification and uptake dynamics, soil and tissue testing, crop sensing, soil management and environmental factors, and yield goals for improving nutrient management, increasing crop yield and profitability, and building resiliency in agriculture.

I have state-wide research and extension soil fertility responsibilities mainly for row crops such as corn, soybean, cotton, rice, and grain sorghum. I also help interpret soil-test results and provide fertilizer recommendations for horticulture crops. Some of my research responsibilities are to develop and/or update fertilizer recommendations, identify yield limiting factors, diagnose in-season nutrient deficiencies, develop best nutrient management practices, improve soil health, and reduce off-site fertilization impact by understanding site-specific soil fertility, nutrient stratification and uptake dynamics, soil and tissue testing, crop sensing, soil management and environmental factors, and yield goals. My routine extension responsibilities are to help producers, crop consultants, and extension agents understand soil sampling, testing, and interpretation of soil-test results, crop fertilization for maximizing crop yield and improving soil fertility based on different fertilization philosophies, tissue testing for diagnosing and correcting in-season nutritional deficiencies, 4R nutrient stewardship and adopting the best nutrient management practices, and building resiliency in agriculture.

Refereed Books/Book Chapters (n = 3; published)

  1. Licht, M.A., M.R. Parvej, and W. Pierson. 2020. Corn production. In: Hodgson, E.W., M.A. Licht, and A.J. Sisson, editors, Field crop production handbook: An introduction to farming practices. Iowa State University, Ames, IA. p. 11-20.
  2. Licht, M.A., M.R. Parvej, and W. Pierson. 2020. Soybean production. In: Hodgson, E.W., M.A. Licht, and A.J. Sisson, editors, Field crop production handbook: An introduction to farming practices. Iowa State University, Ames, IA. p. 21-28.
  3. Parvej, M.R. 2012. Tomato production under polyhouse climate: A technological advancement in Bangladesh. Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, Germany.

Dissertation/Thesis (n = 2; published)

  1. Parvej, M.R. 2015. Defining the potassium nutritional requirements and distribution among plant parts of representative soybean cultivars from different maturity groups. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Arkansas and UMI ProQuest.
  2. Parvej, M.R. 2009. Phenological development and late winter production potentials of tomato under polyhouse. M.S. Thesis. Bangladesh Agricultural University.

Refereed Extension Management Guides/Fact Sheets/Ag Magazine (n = 5; published)

  1. Parvej, R., M. Foster, D. Moseley, A. Reis, and S. Dodla. 2023. Managing nitrogen for corn and soybean crops. Louisiana Agriculture Magazine. Winter Issue, 2023.
  2. Moseley, D., A. Reis, M. Kongchum, R. Parvej, B. Padgett, T. Gentimis, B. Woolam, and L. Lee. 2022. Soybean planting dates: a historical review and current evaluation of the effects on growth, development, and yield in central Louisiana. Louisiana Agriculture Magazine. Spring Issue, 2022.
  3. Ortel, C., T. Roberts, N. Slaton, G. Drescher, J. Ross, M. Fryer, and R. Parvej. 2022. In-season potassium management in Arkansas soybean. University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service. FSA2200. Little Rock, AR.
  4. Licht, M.A., M.R. Parvej, and M.E. Baum. 2019. Guide to Iowa corn planting. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, Ames, IA. CROPR 3161.
  5. Parvej, M.R., and D.L. Holshouser. 2017. Predicting soybean reproductive stages in Virginia. Virginia Coop. Ext., Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA. CEES-197P.

Refereed Extension Articles (n = 4; in progress)

  1. Parvej, R. 2023. Soil sampling and soil test interpretation for fertilizer recommendations. Louisiana Agriculture Magazine. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA (in progress).
  2. Parvej, R. 2022. Soil acidity and liming. Louisiana Agriculture Magazine. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA (in progress).
  3. Parvej, R. 2022. Development of soil-test-based fertilizer recommendations. Louisiana Agriculture Magazine. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA (in progress).
  4. Parvej, R. 2022. Tissue sampling for crop nutrient management. Louisiana Agriculture Magazine. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA (in progress).

Refereed Journal Articles (n = 25; published; *corresponding author)

  1. Lyons, S.E., J.D. Clark, D.L. Osmond, M.R. Parvej, N.A. Slaton, and J.T. Spargo. 2023. Current status of US soil test phosphorus and potassium recommendations and analytical methods. Soil Science Society of America Journal. DOI:10.1002/saj2.20536.
  2. Campos, P., D. Miller, J. Copes, M. Netterville, S. Brown, P. Price, D. Moseley, T. Gentimis, P. Egbedi, and M.R. Parvej. 2023. Influence of harvest aid on seed quality impact from delayed harvest and environment. Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management.
  3. Marcos, F.M., J. Acharya, M.R. Parvej, A. Robertson, and M.A. Licht. 2023. Cereal rye cover crop seeding method, seeding rate, and termination timing effects corn development and seedling disease. Agronomy Journal.
  4. Pearce, A.W., N.A. Slaton, S.E. Lyons, C.H. Bolster, T.W. Bruulsema, J.H. Grove, J.D. Jones, J.M. McGrath, F.E. Miguez, N.O. Nelson, D.L. Osmond, M.R. Parvej, E.M. Pena-Yewtukhiw, and J.T. Spargo. 2022. Defining relative yield for soil test correlation and calibration trials in the fertilizer recommendation support tool. Soil Science Society of America Journal 2022:1-16.
  5. Spargo, J.T., S.E. Lyons, J.D. Clark, D.L. Osmond, M.R. Parvej, et al. 2022. A survey to evaluate the current status of land grant university and state department of agriculture soil fertility recommendations and analytical methods. USDA Ag Data Commons.
  6. Slaton, N.A., G.L. Drescher, M.R. Parvej, and T.L. Roberts. 2021. Dynamic critical potassium concentrations in soybean leaves and petioles for monitoring potassium nutrition. Agronomy Journal 2021:1-11.
  7. Parvej, M.R.*, D.L. Holshouser, R.J. Kratochvil, C. Whaley, J. Dunphy, G.W. Roth, and G.S. Faé. 2020. Early high-moisture wheat harvest improves double-cropping system: I. Wheat yield and quality. Crop Science 2020:2633-2649. (Awarded as 2021 Outstanding Paper in the Crop Ecology, Management and Quality section for Crop Science)
  8. Parvej, M.R.*, D.L. Holshouser, R.J. Kratochvil, C. Whaley, J. Dunphy, G.W. Roth, and G.S. Faé. 2020. Early high-moisture wheat harvest improves double-cropping system: II. Soybean growth and yield. Crop Science 2020:2650-2666.
  9. Parvej, M.R.*, C. Hurburgh, M. Hanna, and M.A. Licht. 2020. Dynamics of corn dry matter content and grain quality after reaching physiological maturity. Agronomy Journal 2020:1-14. doi:10.1002/agj2.20042
  10. Licht, M.A., M.R. Parvej, and E.E. Wright. 2019. Corn yield response to row spacing and plant population in Iowa. Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management 5:1-7. doi:10.2134/cftm2019.05.0032 (Awarded as 2020 Outstanding Paper in the Crop Management Section for Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management)
  11. Hansel, D.S.S., R.A. Schwalbert, D.E. Shoup, D.L. Holshouser, R. Parvej, P.V. Vara Prasad, and I.A. Ciampitti. 2019. A review of soybean yield when double-cropped after wheat. Agronomy Journal 111:677-685. doi:10.2134/agronj2018.06.0371
  12. Parvej, M.R.*, A.S. Williams, D.L. Holshouser, W.H. Frame, and M.S. Reiter. 2018. Double-crop soybean response to potassium on mid-atlantic coastal plain and piedmont soils. Agronomy Journal 110:399-410. doi:10.2134/agronj2017.07.0397
  13. Williams, A.S., M.R. Parvej*, D.L. Holshouser, W.H. Frame, and M.S. Reiter. 2018. Correlation and calibration of soil-test potassium from different soil depths for full-season soybean on coarse-textured soils. Agronomy Journal 110:369-379.
  14. Williams, A.S., M.R. Parvej*, D.L. Holshouser, W.H. Frame, and M.S. Reiter. 2017. Correlation of field-moist, oven-dry, and air-dry soil potassium for Mid-Atlantic USA soybean. Soil Science Society of America Journal 81:1586-1594.
  15. Parvej, M.R.*, N.A. Slaton, L.C. Purcell, and T.L. Roberts. 2016. Critical trifoliolate leaf and petiole potassium concentrations during the reproductive stages of soybean. Agronomy Journal 108:2502-2518. doi:10.2134/agronj2016.04.0234
  16. Parvej, M.R.*, N.A. Slaton, M.S. Fryer, T.L. Roberts, and L.C. Purcell. 2016. Postseason diagnosis of potassium deficiency in soybean using seed potassium concentration. Soil Science Society of America Journal 80:1231-1243. doi:10.2136/sssaj2016.02.0030
  17. Parvej, M.R.*, N.A. Slaton, L.C. Purcell, and T.L. Roberts. 2016. Soybean yield components and seed potassium concentration responses among nodes to potassium fertility. Agronomy Journal 108:854-863. doi:10.2134/agronj2015.0353
  18. Parvej, M.R.*, N.A. Slaton, L.C. Purcell, and T.L. Roberts. 2015. Potassium fertility effects yield components and seed potassium concentration of determinate and indeterminate soybean. Agronomy Journal 107:943-950. doi:10.2134/agronj14.0464
  19. Parvej, M.R.*, M.A.H. Khan, and M.A. Awal. 2010. Phenological development and production potentials of tomato under polyhouse climate. The Journal of Agricultural Sciences 5:19-31. doi: 10.4038/jas.v5i1.2329
  20. Khan, M.A.H., and M.R. Parvej*. 2010. Impact of conservation tillage under organic mulches on the reproductive efficacy and yield of quality protein maize. The Journal of Agricultural Sciences 5:52-63. doi: 10.4038/jas.v5i2.2782
  21. Khan, M.A.H., and M.R. Parvej*. 2010. Morpho-physiological attributes and dry matter accumulation of quality protein maize as influenced by conservation tillage under different indigenous mulches. International Journal of Eco-toxicology and Agricultural Technology 1:9-18.
  22. Sarkar, M.A.R., M.R. Parvej*, and K.R. Das. 2010. Effect of depth of transplanting and plant spacing on the growth and yield of aus rice. Bangladesh Journal of Seed Science and Technology 14:51-55.
  23. Sarkar, M.A.R., M.R. Parvej*, and N.K. Pramanik. 2010. Effect of different levels of phosphorus and irrigation at different growth stages on the yield of groundnut. Bangladesh Journal of Environmental Science 18:95-98.
  24. Rahman, M.M., M.A. Awal, A. Amin, and M.R. Parvej. 2009. Compatibility, growth and production potentials of mustard/lentil intercrops. International Journal of Botany 5:100-106.
  25. Amin, A., M.A. Awal, and M.R. Parvej. 2008. Variation in growth parameters and partitioning of dry matter in sesame varieties. Bangladesh Journal of Crop Science 19:151-159.

Refereed Journal Articles (n = 12; under review/in progress; *corresponding author)

  1. Victoria, M., H. R. Leggette, J.L. Foster, M.L. Orem, P. Egbedi, L.M. Fultz, K. L. Lewis, J. Lofton, C. Neely, H.L. Neely, M.R. Parvej, P. Smith, Y. Wang, and J.M. Welch. 2023. Producers as soil health managers: Using the diffusion of innovation to explore the adoption of soil health management practices among wheat producers in the southeastern United States. Journal of Agricultural & Food Information (under review).
  2. Marcos, F.M., M.R. Parvej, M.A. Licht, and A. Robertson. 2023. Does grazing winter cereal rye in Iowa, USA, make it profitable? Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (under review).
  3. Campos, P., D. Miller, J. Copes, M. Netterville, S. Brown, P. Price, D. Moseley, T. Gentimis, P. Egbedi, and M.R. Parvej. 2023. Influence of fungicide on seed quality impact from delayed harvest and environment. Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management (under review).
  4. Campos, P., D. Miller, J. Copes, M. Netterville, S. Brown, P. Price, D. Moseley, T. Gentimis, P. Egbedi, and M.R. Parvej. 2023. Influence of planting date, maturity group, and harvest timing on soybean (Glycine max (L.) yield and seed quality. Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management (under review).
  5. Parvej, M.R.*, and M.A. Licht. 2023. Impact of soybean defoliation on canopy recovery, yield, and seed quality. Agronomy Journal (in progress).
  6. Parvej, M.R.*, and F.M.J. Uddin. 2023. Reevaluation of soil-test-based phosphorus recommendations under different soil depths for Louisiana soybean. Soil Science Society of America Journal (in progress).
  7. Parvej, M.R.*, and F.M.J. Uddin. 2023. Reevaluation of soil-test-based potassium recommendations under different soil depths for Louisiana soybean. Soil Science Society of America Journal (in progress).
  8. Parvej, M.R.*, and F.M.J. Uddin. 2023. Impact of commercial foliar fertilizers for corn production in Louisiana. Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management (in progress).
  9. Parvej, M.R.*, and F.M.J. Uddin. 2023. Impact of commercial foliar fertilizers for soybean production in Louisiana. Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management (in progress).
  10. Parvej, M.R.*, and F.M.J. Uddin. 2023. Impact of commercial foliar fertilizers for cotton production in Louisiana. Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management (in progress).
  11. Parvej, M.R.*, and D.L. Holshouser. 2023. A review of double-crop soybean production system in the United States. Agronomy Journal (in progress).
  12. Parvej, M.R.*, and D.L. Holshouser. 2023. Soybean relative maturity choices may not be related to latitude only. Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management (under review).

Extension Articles (n = 78; published)

  1. Parvej, R. 2023. Frost injury and nitrogen management in corn. Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 13(2).
  2. Parvej, R. 2023. Are you applying enough starter nitrogen at corn planting for maximizing yield components? Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 13(1).
  3. Drescher, G.L., N.A. Slaton, M.R. Parvej, A.D. Smartt, and T.L. Roberts. 2022. Soybean yield components among nodes are influenced by phosphorus fertility. Arkansas Soybean Research Studies 2021, Univ. Arkansas Agri. Exp. Stn. Res. Ser. 689:166-171.
  4. Parvej, R., D. Moseley, M. Foster, and J. Uddin. 2022. Fall phosphorus and potassium application considerations. Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 12(9).
  5. Parvej, R., B. Tubana, J. Wang, S. Dodla, J. Uddin, J. Hendrix, and F. Majs. 2022. Lime quality and application rate. Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 12(8).
  6. Parvej, R., B. Tubana, J. Wang, S. Dodla, J. Uddin, J. Hendrix, and F. Majs. 2022. Liming consideration and application time. Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 12(8).
  7. Hendrix, J., R. Parvej, and J. Uddin. 2022. Scheduling soil fertility tests can vary with cropping systems. Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 12(8).
  8. Parvej, R., B. Tubana, J. Wang, S. Dodla, J. Uddin, J. Hendrix, and F. Majs. 2022. Soil sampling, testing, and fertilizer recommendations. Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 12(8).
  9. Parvej, R., and J. Uddin. 2022. When should we take soil sample after rice and corn harvest? Mid-America Farmer Grower (MAFG). Issue 34, Aug. 26, 2022.
  10. Parvej, R. 2022. Corn leaf tissue testing for determining pre-tassel nitrogen need. Louisiana Farm & Ranch. 18(6):18-19.
  11. Moseley, D., R. Parvej, and S. Dodla. 2022. Identifying and correcting manganese deficiency in soybean. Louisiana Farm & Ranch. 18(6):36.
  12. Parvej, R. 2022. Importance of corn leaf tissue testing for determining pre-tassel nitrogen need. Mid-America Farmer Grower (MAFG). Issue 22, June 3, 2022.
  13. Parvej, R., and J. Uddin. 2022. Optimum time for soil sampling after rice and corn harvest. Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 12(7).
  14. Parvej, R., and J. Uddin. 2022. Soybean in-season potassium deficiency diagnosis. Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 12(5).
  15. Parvej, R., and J. Uddin. 2022. Cotton in-season nitrogen deficiency diagnosis. Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 12(5).
  16. Parvej, R. 2022. Benefits of molybdenum application for soybean production in low pH soils. Louisiana Farm & Ranch. 18(5):32.
  17. Parvej, R., and S. Dodla. 2022. Leaf tissue testing for determining pre-tassel nitrogen need in corn. Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 12(4).
  18. Parvej, R., and D. Moseley. 2022. Benefits of molybdenum application for soybean production in low pH soils. Mid-America Farmer Grower (MAFG). Issue 18, May 6, 2022.
  19. Parvej, R. 2022. Which fertilizer should corn producer use as starter: 10-34-0 Rr 32-0-0? Mid-America Farmer Grower (MAFG). Issue 17, April 29, 2022.
  20. Parvej, R. 2022. Optimum nitrogen rate and timing for Louisiana corn. Mid-America Farmer Grower (MAFG). Issue 16, April 22, 2022.
  21. Parvej, R. 2022. Benefits of split application of nitrogen in Louisiana corn. Mid-America Farmer Grower (MAFG). Issue 15, April 15, 2022.
  22. Parvej, R. 2022. Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers application time effects fertilizer loss and crop yield. Mid-America Farmer Grower (MAFG). Issue 14, April 8, 2022.
  23. Parvej, R. 2022. Phosphorus and potassium fertilization decision in 2022. Mid-America Farmer Grower (MAFG). Issue 13, April 1, 2022.
  24. Parvej, R., and D. Moseley. 2022. Consider molybdenum application for soybean production in low pH soils. Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 12(3).
  25. Parvej, R. 2022. Louisiana corn: which fertilizer (10-34-0 or 32-0-0) should we use as starter? Louisiana Farm & Ranch. 18(4):27-28.
  26. Parvej, R., D. Moseley, S. Dodla, and R. Karim. 2022. How can we cut down phosphorus and potassium fertilizer rates in 2022? Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 12(2).
  27. Parvej, R., D. Moseley, M. Foster, and R. Karim. 2022. Spring application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers reduces fertilizer loss and improves yield. Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 12(2).
  28. Parvej, R., S. Dodla, M. Foster, and R. Karim. 2022. Which fertilizer (10-34-0 or 32-0-0) should we use as starter in corn production? Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 12(2).
  29. Parvej, R., S. Dodla, M. Foster, and R. Karim. 2022. Optimum nitrogen fertilizer rate and timing for corn production in Louisiana. Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 12(2).
  30. Parvej, R., S. Dodla, M. Foster, and R. Karim. 2022. Split application of nitrogen can reduce nitrogen fertilizer inputs in Louisiana corn. Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 12(2).
  31. Mosely, D., R. Parvej, S. Dodla, and J. Wang. 2022. Consider Nitrogen Fixation When Planting Soybean. Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 12(2).
  32. Dodla, S., J. Wang, R. Parvej, and M. Foster. 2022. Should you use N-stabilizers to improve corn nitrogen use efficiency? Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 12(1).
  33. Parvej, R., B. Tubana, and J. Wang. 2021. Soil sampling and testing in Fall. Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 11(8).
  34. Parvej, R., B. Tubana, and J. Wang. 2021. Soil test interpretation for fertilizer recommendations. Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 11(8).
  35. Parvej, R., B. Tubana, and J. Wang. 2021. Soil liming and lime qualities. Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 11(8).
  36. Foster, M., and R. Parvej. 2021. Potential nutrient losses from burning of crop residue. Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 11(8).
  37. Parvej, R., B. Tubana, and S. Dodla. 2021. Louisiana cotton: petiole sampling for in-season nitrogen management. Mid-America Farmer Grower (MAFG). Issue 33, Aug. 13, 2021.
  38. Parvej, R., and D. Moseley. 2021. Does late-season nitrogen application increase soybean yield? Mid-America Farmer Grower (MAFG). Issue 32, Aug. 6, 2021.
  39. Parvej, R. 2021. Diagnosing in-season potassium deficiency in cotton. Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 11(7).
  40. Parvej, R., D. Moseley, B. Tubana, and S. Dodla. 2021. How to diagnose in-season potassium deficiency in soybean? Mid-America Farmer Grower (MAFG). Issue 31, July 30, 2021.
  41. Parvej, R., and D. Moseley. 2021. Late-season nitrogen application in soybean: does it work? Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 11(6).
  42. Parvej, R., B. Tubana, and S. Dodla. 2021. Cotton in-season nitrogen management. Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 11(6).
  43. Parvej, R., D. Moseley, B. Tubana, and S. Dodla. 2021. Diagnosing in-season potassium deficiency in soybean. Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 11(5).
  44. Parvej, R., B. Tubana, S. Dodla, and M. Foster. 2021. In-season nitrogen loss assessment and aftermath management in corn. Mid-America Farmer Grower (MAFG). Issue 23, June 4, 2021.
  45. Parvej, R., B. Tubana, S. Dodla, and M. Foster. 2021. Evaluation of in-season nitrogen loss and aftermath management in corn. Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 11(4).
  46. Moseley, D., and R. Parvej. 2021. Do soybean plants require supplemental nitrogen? Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 11(4).
  47. Parvej, R., B. Tubana, S. Dodla, and D. Moseley. 2021. Fertilizer recommendations for soybean production in Louisiana. Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 11(3).
  48. Parvej, R., S. Dodla, and M. Foster. 2021. Nitrogen rate and fertilization timing in corn production. Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 11(2).
  49. Parvej, R., S. Dodla, and M. Foster. 2021. Starter fertilizer in corn production: Is it needed? Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 11(2).
  50. Foster, M., and R. Parvej. 2021. Grain sorghum planting and nutrient management tips. Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 11(2).
  51. Parvej, R., B. Tubana, S. Dodla, D. Moseley, and M. Foster. 2021. Fall vs. spring phosphorus and potassium fertilizers application. Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 11(1).
  52. Moseley, D., B. Padgett, S. Brown, D. Stephenson, and R. Parvej. 2021. Planting considerations for soybean. Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 11(1).
  53. Copes, J., R. Parvej, J. Hendrix, L. Fultz, S. Dodla, and N. Adusumilli. 2020. Winter cover crops: Benefits and planning strategies for cover crop success. Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 10(8).
  54. Parvej, R., B. Tubana, and J. Wang. 2020. Soil pH, liming, and liming materials. Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 10(7).
  55. Parvej, R., B. Tubana, and J. Wang. 2020. Soil-test-based fertilizer recommendations and fertilizer application. Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 10(7).
  56. Parvej, R., B. Tubana, and J. Wang. 2020. Soil sampling and testing. Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 10(7).
  57. Parvej, R., B. Tubana, J. Copes, and S. Dodla. 2020. Petiole sampling for in-season nitrogen management in cotton. Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 10(6).
  58. Parvej, R., D. Moseley, J. Copes, and S. Dodla. 2020. Management of in-season potassium deficiency in soybean. Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 10(5).
  59. Parvej, R., D. Fromme, J. Copes, and S. Dodla. 2020. Should you apply pre-tassel nitrogen in corn? Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 10(4).
  60. Moseley, D., and R. Parvej. 2020. Nitrogen fixation in soybean. Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 10(4).
  61. Copes, J., R. Parvej, S. Dodla, and D. Fromme. 2020. Should you apply an in-furrow starter fertilizer to corn? Louisiana Crops Newsletter. Louisiana State University AgCenter, Baton Rouge, LA. 10(1).
  62. Fryer, M.S., N.A. Slaton, T.L. Roberts, R.E. DeLong, R.J. Dempsey, M.R. Parvej, J. Hedge, and S. Hayes. 2015. Validation of soil-test based fertilizer recommendations for irrigated soybean. In: N.A. Slaton, editor, W.E. Sabbe Arkansas Soil Fertility Studies 2014. Univ. Arkansas Agri. Exp. Stn. Res. Ser. 624:37-40.
  63. Parvej, M.R., N.A. Slaton, T.L. Roberts, R.E. DeLong, R.J. Dempsey, and M.S. Fryer. 2015. Potassium uptake and partitioning in determinate and indeterminate soybean genotypes differing in maturity group. In: N.A. Slaton, editor, W.E. Sabbe Arkansas Soil Fertility Studies 2014. Univ. Arkansas Agri. Exp. Stn. Res. Ser. 624:50-59.
  64. Parvej, M.R., N.A. Slaton, T.L. Roberts, and R.E. DeLong. 2015. Potassium deficiency effects on nodal seed yield and potassium concentration of determinate and indeterminate soybean. In: N.A. Slaton, editor, W.E. Sabbe Arkansas Soil Fertility Studies 2014. Univ. Arkansas Agri. Exp. Stn. Res. Ser. 624:56-59.
  65. Parvej, M.R., N.A. Slaton, T.L. Roberts, J. Hedge, R.E. DeLong, and M. Fryer. 2016. Seasonal variation of trifoliolate leaf potassium concentration in soybean genotypes differing in maturity group. Arkansas Soybean Research Studies 2014, Univ. Arkansas Agri. Exp. Stn. Res. Ser. 631:212-214.
  66. Slaton, N.A., T.L. Roberts, W.J. Ross, R.E. DeLong, J. Hedge, S. Hayes, M. Fryer, R. Parvej, and R. Dempsey. 2016. Soybean plant structure chloride concentration as affected by chloride rate and cultivar chloride includer/excluder rating. Arkansas Soybean Research Studies 2014, Univ. Arkansas Agri. Exp. Stn. Res. Ser. 631:208-211.
  67. Slaton, N.A., T.L. Roberts, W.J. Ross. R.E. DeLong, J. Hedge, M. Fryer, R. Parvej and R. Dempsey. 2016. Soybean yield as affected by phosphorus fertilization source and foliar application of selected products. Arkansas Soybean Research Studies 2014, Univ. Arkansas Agri. Exp. Stn. Res. Ser. 631:205-207.
  68. Fryer, M., N.A. Slaton, T.L. Roberts, R.E. DeLong, R. Dempsey, M.R. Parvej, J. Hedge, and S. Hayes. 2016. Validation of soil-test-based fertilizer recommendations for irrigated soybean. Arkansas Soybean Research Studies 2014, Univ. Arkansas Agri. Exp. Stn. Res. Ser. 631:200-204.
  69. Slaton, N.A., R.E. DeLong, T.L. Roberts, J. Ross, M.S. Fryer, M.R. Parvej, R.J. Dempsey, J. Hedge, and S. Hayes. 2015. Soybean yield as affected by chloride rate and cultivar chloride includer/excluder rating. In: N.A. Slaton, editor, W.E. Sabbe Arkansas Soil Fertility Studies 2014. Univ. Arkansas Agri. Exp. Stn. Res. Ser. 624:63-68.
  70. Parvej, M.R., N.A. Slaton, T.L. Roberts, R.E. DeLong, C.G. Massey, R.J. Dempsey, and M.S. Fryer. 2014. Dry matter and potassium accumulation and partitioning in determinate and indeterminate soybean varieties. In: N.A. Slaton, editor, W.E. Sabbe Arkansas Soil Fertility Studies 2013. Univ. Arkansas Agri. Exp. Stn. Res. Ser. 616:34-42.
  71. Parvej, M.R., N.A. Slaton, T.L. Roberts, R.E. DeLong, and C.G. Massey. 2014. Nodal seed yield and potassium concentration as affected by variety and long-term potassium fertilization. In: N.A. Slaton, editor, W.E. Sabbe Arkansas Soil Fertility Studies 2013. Univ. Arkansas Agri. Exp. Stn. Res. Ser. 616:43-47.
  72. Slaton, N.A., T.L. Roberts, R.E. DeLong, C.G. Massey, M.R. Parvej, R.J. Dempsey, M.S. Fryer and S. Hayes. 2014. Corn yield response to nitrogen source and time of application. In: N.A. Slaton, editor, W.E. Sabbe Arkansas Soil Fertility Studies 2013. Univ. Arkansas Agri. Exp. Stn. Res. Ser. 616:48-51.
  73. Slaton, N.A., T.L. Roberts, R.E. DeLong, C.G. Massey, M.R. Parvej, R.J. Dempsey, M.S. Fryer, J. Hedge, and S. Hayes. 2014. Corn yield response to nitrogen source, time of application, and/or placement. In: N.A. Slaton, editor, W.E. Sabbe Arkansas Soil Fertility Studies 2013. Univ. Arkansas Agri. Exp. Stn. Res. Ser. 616:52-56.
  74. Slaton, N.A., T.L. Roberts, R.E. DeLong, C.G. Massey, M.R. Parvej, R.J. Dempsey, M.S. Fryer, and S. Hayes. 2014. Corn yield response to nitrogen fertilization strategies with and without a pretassel nitrogen application. In: N.A. Slaton, editor, W.E. Sabbe Arkansas Soil Fertility Studies 2013. Univ. Arkansas Agri. Exp. Stn. Res. Ser. 616:57-59.
  75. Slaton, N.A., M.S. Fryer, T.L. Roberts, R.E. DeLong, R.J. Dempsey, M.R. Parvej, J. Hedge, and C.G. Massey. 2014. Validation of soil-test based fertilizer recommendations for irrigated soybean. In: N.A. Slaton, editor, W.E. Sabbe Arkansas Soil Fertility Studies 2013. Univ. Arkansas Agri. Exp. Stn. Res. Ser. 616:68-71.
  76. Parvej, R., D. Moseley, J. Copes, and S. Dodla. 2020. Soybean potassium deficiency and management. Louisiana Farm & Ranch. 16(7):16-19.
  77. Parvej, R., D. Fromme, J. Copes, and S. Dodla. 2020. Pre-tassel nitrogen application for Louisiana corn in 2020. Louisiana Farm & Ranch. 16(6):28-29.
  78. Slaton, N.A., R.E. DeLong, T.L. Roberts, M.R. Parvej, R.J. Dempsey, J.A. Hedge, and J.B. Shafer. 2014. Wheat yield response to phosphorus fertilization on soils with optimal phosphorus levels. In: N.A. Slaton, editor, W.E. Sabbe Arkansas Soil Fertility Studies 2013. Univ. Arkansas Agri. Exp. Stn. Res. Ser. 616:78-80.

PI (Total $1,755,583; $1,665,419 in Current Position)

  • Improving soil fertility and nutrient management recommendations for corn and soybean in Louisiana. Louisiana Soybean & Grain Research and Promotion Board. Apr. 2023 – Mar. 2024. $70,000.
  • Spatial and temporal variation of soil sampling affecting phosphorus and potassium recommendations for soybean. Mid-South Soybean Board. Apr. 2023 – Mar. 2024. $20,000.
  • Spatial and temporal variation of soil sampling affecting phosphorus and potassium recommendations for corn and soybean. Louisiana Soybean & Grain Research and Promotion Board. Apr. 2022 – Mar. 2024. $40,000.
  • Spatial and temporal variation of soil sampling affecting phosphorus and potassium recommendations for cotton. Cotton Incorporated, Louisiana State Support Committee. Jan. 2022 – Dec. 2022. $5,000.
  • Reevaluation of phosphorus and potassium fertility at different soil depths for soybean production in Louisiana. Louisiana Soybean & Grain Research and Promotion Board. Apr. 2020 – Mar. 2023. $98,000.
  • Correlation and calibration study: Corn response to phosphorus and potassium rates. Fertilizer Recommendation Support Tool (FRST). Apr. 2023 – Mar. 2024. $10,000.
  • Correlation and calibration study: Soybean response to phosphorus and potassium rates. Fertilizer Recommendation Support Tool (FRST). Apr. 2021 – Mar. 2022. $10,000.
  • Evaluation of commercial foliar fertilizers for corn and soybean production in Louisiana. Louisiana Soybean & Grain Research and Promotion Board. Apr. 2020 – Mar. 2023. $90,000.
  • Effect of crop inputs on corn and soybean yields in Louisiana. Louisiana Soybean & Grain Research and Promotion Board. Apr. 2020 – Mar. 2023. $95,000.
  • Investigation of cotton response to soil-applied liquid fertilizers. Cotton Incorporated, Louisiana State Support Committee. Jan. 2021 – Dec. 2023. $22,500.
  • Soybean yield components and seed nutrient concentration responses among nodes to phosphorus fertility. Mid-South Soybean Board. Apr. 2021 – May 2024. $106,357 ($37,000 subaward from University of Arkansas).
  • Evaluation of commercial foliar fertilizers for cotton production in Louisiana. Cotton Incorporated, Louisiana State Support Committee. Jan. 2020 – Dec. 2020. $8,000.
  • . USDA NRCS-CIG. Sep. 2018 – Sep. 2022. $1,090,562 ($150,000 subaward from Texas A&M University).
  • Increasing profitability of small grain-soybean double-crop systems in the mid-Atlantic U.S. to improve soil health and minimize off-site impacts. Delmarva Land Grant Inst. Coop. Research Seed Funding Program. Apr. 2017 – Mar. 2019. $29,933.
  • Increasing yield and profitability for mid-Atlantic double-crop soybean. Virginia Soybean Board. Apr. 2017 – Jun. 2018. $34,156.
  • Increasing yields and profitability for Mid-Atlantic double-crop soybean. Virginia Soybean Board. Apr. 2016 – Jun. 2017. $26,075.

Co- PI (Total $11,137,291; $11,097,486 in Current Position)

  • Modernizing fertilizer recommendations for climate-smart crop production in the southern region: The fertilizer recommendation support tool (FRST). USDA NRCS-CIG. Oct. 2023 – Sep. 2026. $553,413.
  • Climate resilient innovations for sustainable production of RICE (CRISP-RICE). USDA-NIFA. Apr. 2023 – Mar. 2027. $10,000,000 ($339,000 for soil fertility program).
  • Improving crop yield and soil carbon accumulation in Louisiana soybean and corn production with sugarcane bagasse biochar. USDA NRCS-CIG. Sep. 2021 – Aug. 2024. $150,000 ($30,000 for soil fertility program).
  • Harvesting UAV and machine learning technologies to promote resilient soybean and corn productions. Louisiana Soybean & Grain Research and Promotion Board. Apr. 2022 – Mar. 2024. $70,000.
  • Evaluation of phosphorus and potassium applications to commercial corn fields in northeast Louisiana. Louisiana Soybean & Grain Research and Promotion Board. Apr. 2020 – Mar. 2024. $88,073.
  • Sulfur fertilization updates: Application rates, sources, and potential of biostimulant. Louisiana Soybean & Grain Research and Promotion Board. Apr. 2021 – Mar. 2024. $96,000.
  • Evaluation of mature seed damage resistance, fertilizer inputs, and planting practices to increase soybean yield and profits in Louisiana. Louisiana Soybean & Grain Research and Promotion Board. Apr. 2021 – Mar. 2024. $60,000.
  • Evaluation of micronutrient fertility to increase corn yields in Louisiana. Louisiana Soybean & Grain Research and Promotion Board. Apr. 2021 – Mar. 2024. $80,000.
  • Increasing profitability for Virginia's double crop wheat-soybean system. Virginia Agricultural Council. Jul. 2017 – Jun. 2018. $20,093.
  • Increasing yields and profitability for mid-Atlantic double-crop soybean. North Carolina Soybean Producers Association. Apr. 2017 – Mar. 2018. $9,212.
  • Increasing yields and profitability of double-crop soybean. University of Delaware. Mar. 2017 – Feb. 2018. $4,882.
  • Increasing yields and profitability for mid-Atlantic double-crop soybean. Pennsylvania Soybean Board. Feb. 2017 – Mar. 2018. $5,618.
  • Spatial and temporal variation of soil sampling affect phosphorus and potassium recommendations for soybean. Mid-South Soybean Board. Apr. 2022 – Mar. 2023. (Wrote & Submitted as PI; Budgeted $45,000)
  • Evaluation of rhizobacterium seed inoculation for improving soybean grain yield. Louisiana Soybean & Grain Research and Promotion Board. Apr. 2022 – Mar. 2023. (Contributed to proposal writing as Co-PI; Budgeted $32,000)
  • Investigating cover crop and fertilization timing in refining fertilizer recommendations and soil health for row crop production. USDA-AFRI. Jan. 2022 – Dec. 2024. (Contributed to proposal writing as Co-PI; Budgeted $750,000)
  • Discovery of natural genetic variants for enhanced nitrogen use efficiency to improve the environmental sustainability of rice farming. USDA-AFRI. Jan. 2022 – Dec. 2025. (Contributed to proposal writing as Co-PI; Budgeted $649,863)
  • Sustainable and environmentally conscious undertaking to revitalize the rice industry using climate-resilient enhancements (SECURE RICE). USDA-AFRI Foundation Program. Oct. 2021 – Sep. 2025. (Contributed to proposal writing as Co-PI; Budgeted $9,830,000)
  • Investigation of rice response to soil applied liquid fertilizers. Louisiana Rice Research Board. Jan. 2021 – Dec. 2021. (Wrote & Submitted as PI; Budgeted $30,000)
  • Evaluation of commercial foliar fertilizers for cotton production in Louisiana. Cotton Incorporated, Louisiana State Support Committee. Jan. 2021 – Dec. 2021. (Wrote & Submitted as PI; Budgeted $12,000)
  • Investigation of corn and soybean response to soil applied liquid fertilizers. Louisiana Soybean & Grain Research and Promotion Board. Apr. 2021 – Mar. 2022. (Wrote & Submitted as PI; Budgeted $40,000)
  • Evaluation of agriculture lime application strategies for corn and soybean production systems. Louisiana Soybean & Grain Research and Promotion Board. Apr. 2021 – Mar. 2022. (Submitted as PI; Budgeted $44,000)
  • Sustainably increasing profitability of double-crop small grain-soybean systems. USDA AFRI. Oct. 2017 – Sep. 2020. (Wrote & Submitted as PI; Budgeted $500,000)
  • Improving profitability and expanding small grain-soybean systems in the U.S. to improve soil health and minimize off-site impacts. NRCS-CIG. Oct. 2017 – Apr. 2018. (Wrote & Submitted as PI; Budgeted $544,182)
  • Predicting in-season soybean yield and quality using canopy reflectance. Iowa Soybean Association. Oct. 2019 – Sep. 2022. (Wrote & Submitted as Co-PI; Budgeted $150,000)

Industry Financial Support (Total $167,720)
  • Evaluation of soil-applied liquid K (K-fuel). Nachurs Alpine Solutions. Apr. 2021 – Mar. 2022. $24,000.
  • Evaluation of foliar bioscience and nutritionals for yield enhancement in soybean. Helena Agri-Enterprises, LLC. Apr. 2020 – Mar. 2022. $8,400.
  • Evaluation of Nu3zer application on rice yield and milling and nitrogen uptake. IBEX Bionomics, LLC. Apr. 2021 – Dec. 2021. $5,000.
  • Evaluation of micronutrients for yield enhancement in corn, cotton, and soybean. Earth Science Laboratories. Apr. 2020 – Mar. 2022. $20,700.
  • Investigation of PhytoGen cotton genotypes response to nitrogen, potassium, and sulfur fertility. PhytoGen Cottonseed. Apr. 2021 – Mar. 2023. $30,000.
  • Investigation of cotton response to MicroEssentials (MES). The Mosaic Company. Apr. 2021 – Mar. 2023. $17,000.
  • Effect of nanobubble-infused N fertilizer on corn yield. RainAg. Apr. 2021 – Dec. 2021. $2,000.
  • Soil fertility and nutrient management field day. Helena Agri-Enterprises, LLC. July 29, 2021. $500.
  • Soil fertility and nutrient management field day. Ouachita Fertilizer Company. July 29, 2021. $1500.
  • Soil fertility and nutrient management field day. Earth Science Laboratories. July 29, 2021. $500.
  • Effect of bio huma netics on soybean yield. Huma Gro. Apr. 2020 – Mar. 2021. $3,000.
  • Soybean, corn, cotton, and grain sorghum official variety testing (OVT). Seed Companies. Jan. 2020 – Mar. 2022. $58,120.

Industry In-kind Support

  • Earth Science Laboratories. Provided foliar zinc and manganese fertilizers. 2020 – 2022.
  • Wakefield Biochar. Provided wood biochar for soil health research. 2022 – 2023.
  • American Biocarbon. Provided sugarcane biochar for soil health research. 2022 – 2023.
  • Frit Industries Inc. Provided granular zinc (F420G) fertilizer. 2021.
  • Asgrow Seed Co LLC. Provided soybean seeds for research plots. 2022.
  • Dekalb Genetics Corporation. Provided corn seeds for research plots. 2022.
  • Dynagro Seed. Provided corn and soybean seeds for research plots. 2021 – 2022.
  • Pioneer. Provided corn and soybean seeds for research plots. 2021 – 2022.
  • Progeny Ag. Provided corn and soybean seeds for research plots. 2021 – 2022.
  • PhytoGen Cottonseed. Provided cotton seeds for research plots. 2021 – 2022.
  • Ouachita Fertilizer Company. Provided foliar nutrient products. 2020 – 2023.
  • Helena Agri-Enterprises, LLC. Provided foliar nutrient products. 2020 – 2022.
  • Nutrien. Provided foliar nutrient products (LoKomotive). 2020 – 2023.
  • Nachurs Alpine Solutions. Provided foliar nutrient products. 2020 – 2023.
  • LSB Industries. Provided ammonium nitrate fertilizer. 2020 – 2021.
  • Koch Industries Inc. Provided foliar nitrogen fertilizer (Nitamin). 2020 – 2021.

Project Manager (Total $710,622)

  • Corn and soybean seed and foliar nutritional field testing. Cytozyme. May 2019 – Apr. 2020. $21,400.
  • Corn schist-based in-furrow and foliar nutritional field testing. MicroXisto. May 2019 – Apr. 2020. $35,000.
  • Stand reduction and green snap for corn. National Crop Insurance Services. May 2019 – Apr. 2020. $12,000.
  • Improving cereal rye cover crop BMPs to increase adoption of cover crops by Iowa farmers. Iowa Nutrient Research Center. Jul. 2018 – Jun. 2020. $340,621.
  • Corn management following cereal rye cover crop with strip tillage and in-row starter N fertilization. Iowa Nutrient Research Center. Jul. 2018 – Jun. 2020. $114,822.
  • Evaluating the effect of Anabaena and bio-fertilizer on corn growth and development in a control environment. Algenol Biotech LLC. Jul. 2018 – Jun. 2019. $35,696.
  • Soybean defoliation at R4 and R5: Canopy recovery and effects on yield and quality. National Crop Insurance Services. Jul. 2016 – Jun. 2019. $30,000.
  • Development of a new and improved soybean staging system for soybean. Virginia Soybean Board. Apr. 2017 – Jun. 2018. $20,000.
  • Increasing yields and profitability for Mid-Atlantic double-crop soybean. United Soybean Board. Oct. 2015 – Dec. 2016. $101,083.

  • 2021 Outstanding Paper in the Crop Ecology, Management and Quality section for Crop Science “Parvej, M.R., D.L. Holshouser, R.J. Kratochvil, C. Whaley, J. Dunphy, G.W. Roth, and G.S. Faé. 2020. Early high-moisture wheat harvest improves double-cropping system: I. Wheat yield and quality. Crop Science 2020:2633-2649.”
  • 2020 Outstanding Paper in the Crop Management Section for Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management “Licht, M.A., M.R. Parvej, and E.E. Wright. 2019. Corn yield response to row spacing and plant population in Iowa. Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management 5:1-7. doi:10.2134/cftm2019.05.0032”
  • 1st Place. Poster Presentation.Louisiana County Agricultural Agents Association Annual Meeting, Natchitoches, LA. June 2021.
  • 1st Place. Poster Presentation.ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. Nov. 2015.
  • 1st Place. Oral Presentation.ASA Southern Branch Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA. Feb. 2015.
  • 1st Place. Poster Presentation.ASA Southern Branch Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA. Feb. 2015.
  • 1st Place. Oral Presentation. ASA Southern Branch Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX. Feb. 2014.
  • 2nd Place. Oral Presentation. Gamma Sigma Delta Meeting, Fayetteville, AR. Mar. 2014.
  • 5th Place. Oral Presentation. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA. Nov. 2014.
  • Travel Grant. 2015 ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Annual Meeting. Nov. 15-18. Minneapolis, MN. Graduate School and International Education, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR. $1,000.
  • Travel Grant. 2014 ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Annual Meeting. Nov. 2-5. Long Beach, CA. Graduate School and International Education, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR. $1,000.
  • Travel Grant. 2014 ASA Southern Branch Annual Meeting. Feb. 2-4. Dallas, TX. Graduate School and International Education, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR. $1,000.
  • NSICT Fellowship.Ministry of Science and Information & Communication Technology, Bangladesh. Jul. 2008 – May 2009.
  • Graduate Research Scholarship. Dep. of Crop Botany, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh. Jan. 2007 – Jun. 2008.
  • Undergraduate Scholarship. Faculty of Agriculture, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh. Jul. 2002 – Jun. 2006.

  • Current Lab Member
    F M Jamil Uddin – Postdoctoral Researcher
    Md Moklesur Rahman – Research Associate
    Abrar B Wahid – M.S. Student
    Md Enamul Haque Moni – M.S. Student
  • Previous Lab Member
    Md Rezaul Karim – Postdoctoral Researcher
    Sohaib Chattha – M.S. Student
    Adam Easterling – Research Associate
    Emily Dean – M.S. Student
    Ian Soignier – Research Associate

Scientific Presentations/Abstracts/Proceedings (n = 69; *presenting author)

  1. Parvej, R.* 2023. Foliar studies: corn and soybean. Louisiana Agricultural Technology & Management Conference. Marksville, LA. Feb. 8-10, 2023. (Invited Presenter)
  2. Parvej, R.* 2023. Updated phosphorus and potassium recommendations for soybean. Louisiana Agricultural Technology & Management Conference. Marksville, LA. Feb. 8-10, 2023. (Invited Presenter)
  3. Parvej, R.*, and J. Copes. 2023. Fertilizer recommendations and management strategies in light of high input costs. 26th Annual National Conservation System Cotton & Rice Conference. Baton Rouge, LA. Jan. 31- Feb. 1, 2023. (Invited Presenter)
  4. David, M., D. Smith, and Parvej, R. 2023. Louisiana on-farm potassium trial. 26th Annual National Conservation System Cotton & Rice Conference. Baton Rouge, LA. Jan. 31- Feb. 1, 2023.
  5. Slaton, N.A., M.R. Parvej*, and O. Ruiz. 2023. Understanding your soil test recommendations. 26th Annual National Conservation System Cotton & Rice Conference. Baton Rouge, LA. Jan. 31-Feb. 1, 2023. (Invited Presenter)
  6. Parvej, M.R.*, and F.M.J. Uddin. Corn and soybean responses to soil applied liquid phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. Nov. 6-9, 2022.
  7. Parvej, M.R.*, F.M.J. Uddin, and D.O. Moseley. Impacts of commercial foliar fertilizers for soybean production in Louisiana. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. Nov. Nov. 6-9, 2022. (Poster)
  8. Parvej, M.R.*, F.M.J. Uddin, and S.K. Dodla. Impacts of commercial foliar fertilizers for corn production in Louisiana. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. Nov. Nov. 6-9, 2022. (Poster)
  9. Drescher, G.L., N.A. Slaton, R. Parvej, T.L. Roberts, and A.D. Smartt. 2022. Soybean yield components among nodes and temporal tissue-P concentration responses to phosphorus fertility. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. Nov. 6-9, 2022.
  10. Rontani, F.A., T. Setiyono, L.S. Shiratsuchi, S.K. Dodla, R. Parvej, and B. Tubana. 2022. The impact of simulated torrential rain after N side dress in maize. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. Nov. 6-9, 2022.
  11. Setiyono, T., F.A. Rontani, L.S. Shiratsuchi, S.K. Dodla, M.R. Parvej, and D.O. Moseley. 2022. Monitoring plant stand & N status of agronomic crops under extreme climate events using remote sensing and artificial intelligence. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. Nov. 6-9, 2022.
  12. Egbedi, P.E., L.M. Fultz, and M.R. Parvej. 2022. Tillage and cover crops influence on soil properties in wheat double cropping systems. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. Nov. 6-9, 2022.
  13. Dodla, S.K., T. Setiyono, L.S. Shiratsuchi, and M.R. Parvej. 2022. Effect of winter cover crops on soybean growth and yield parameters under different tillage systems. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. Nov. 6-9, 2022.
  14. Moseley, D.O., R. Parvej, M. Kongchum, A.B. Reis, and P. Chen. 2022. Location, planting date, and maturity group effect on soybean protein and oil content. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. Nov. 6-9, 2022.
  15. Orem, M., H. Leggette, M. Victoria, J.L. Foster, M. Welch, C. Neely, H. Neely, K. Lewis, J. Lofton, and M.R. Parvej. 2022. Cultivating conversation: A pilot study using Q methodology to understand information needs of U.S. wheat industry professionals. 77th Soil and Water Conservation Society International Annual Conference, Denver, CO, United States. July 31 – Aug. 3, 2022. (Poster)
  16. Parvej, M.R.*, B.S. Tubana, S.K. Dodla, and D.O. Moseley. 2022. Reevaluation of soil-test-based potassium fertilizer recommendations for Louisiana soybean. National Association County Agricultural Agents (NACAA). Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conferences. July 17-22, 2022. (Poster)
  17. Parvej, M.R.* 2022. Correlation and calibration of soil-test P and K concentrations from various soil depths with soybean yield. Southern Extension and Research Activity Information Exchange Group 6 (SERA-IEG-6) Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN. June 6-8, 2022.
  18. Parvej, M.R.*, B.S. Tubana, S. Dodla, and D.O. Moseley. 2022. Correlation and calibration of soil-test-based potassium fertilizer recommendations for Louisiana soybean. ASA Southern Branch Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA. Feb. 12-14, 2022.
  19. Parvej, R.* 2022. Soil and tissue test based nutrient management for corn, soybean, and cotton. Louisiana Agricultural Technology & Management Conference. Marksville, LA. Feb. 9-11, 2022.
  20. Parvej, R.*, and H. Jones. 2022. Corn and soybean responses to phosphorus and potassium fertilizer source and application timing. 25th Annual National Conservation System Cotton & Rice Conference. Jonesboro, AR. Feb. 1-2, 2022.
  21. Drescher, G.L., M.R. Parvej*, and N.A. Slaton. 2022. Soybean yield components and seed nutrient concentration responses among nodes to phosphorus fertility. 25th Annual National Conservation System Cotton & Rice Conference. Jonesboro, AR. Feb. 1-2, 2022.
  22. Slaton, N.A., J. Harris, L. Oldham, and M.R. Parvej*. 2022. Understanding your soil test recommendations. 25th Annual National Conservation System Cotton & Rice Conference. Jonesboro, AR. Feb. 1-2, 2022.
  23. Parvej, M.R.*, B.S. Tubana, S. Dodla, and D.O. Moseley. 2021. Reevaluation of soil-test-based potassium fertilizer recommendations for Louisiana soybean. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. Nov. 7-10, 2021.
  24. Parvej, M.R.*, B.S. Tubana, S. Dodla, and D.O. Moseley. 2021. Reevaluation of soil-test-based phosphorus fertilizer recommendations for Louisiana soybean. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. Nov. 7-10, 2021. (Poster)
  25. Pearce, A., S.E. Lyons, N.A. Slaton, D.L. Osmond, J.M. McGrath, J.T. Spargo, E.M. Pena-Yewtukhiw, J.H. Grove, C.H. Bolster, R. Parvej, N.O. Nelson, T.W. Bruulsema. 2021. Relative yield: The importance of definitions and FRST. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. Nov. 7-10, 2021.
  26. Parvej, M.R.*, B.S. Tubana, S. Dodla, and D.O. Moseley. 2021. Reevaluation of soil-test-based potassium fertilizer recommendations for Louisiana soybean. Louisiana County Agricultural Agents Association Annual Meeting, Natchitoches, LA. June 7-9, 2021. (Poster)
  27. Parvej, R.* 2021. Fertilizer recommendations for soybean and corn production in Louisiana. Louisiana Agricultural Technology & Management Conference. Virtual. Feb. 10, 2022.
  28. Parvej, M.R.* 2021. Reevaluation of fertilizer recommendations for soybean production in Louisiana. 24th Annual National Conservation System Cotton & Rice Conference. Virtual. Feb. 10, 2021. Recognized as outstanding contributor to the advancement of conservation systems.
  29. Parvej, M.R.*, B.S. Tubana, J.T. Copes, S. Dodla, and D.O. Moseley. 2020. Correlation and calibration of soil-test potassium concentration from various depths for soybean. SSSA Division: Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Virtual. Nov. 9-13, 2020. (Poster)
  30. Parvej, M.R.*, B.S. Tubana, J.T. Copes, S. Dodla, and D.O. Moseley. 2020. Correlation and calibration of soil-test phosphorus concentration from various depths for soybean. SSSA Division: Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Virtual. Nov. 9-13, 2020. (Poster)
  31. Marcos, F.M., J. Acharya, R. Parvej, A.E. Robertson, M.D. McDaniel, and M.A. Licht. 2020. Improving cereal rye cover crop BMPs to increase adoption of cover crops by Iowa farmers. ASA Section: Land Management and Conservation. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Virtual. Nov. 9-13, 2020. (Poster)
  32. Spargo, J.T., J. Clark, D.L. Osmond, M.R. Parvej, and N.A. Slaton. 2021. Survey of the land-grant university soil test recommendations and analytical methodology. SSSA Division: Nutrient Management and Soil and Plant Analysis. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Virtual. Nov. 9-13, 2020.
  33. Parvej, M.R.*, Wright, E., and M. Licht. 2019. Crop yield response to row spacing and plant population in Iowa. C03 Section: Crop Ecology, Management and Quality. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX. Nov. 10-13, 2019. (Poster)
  34. Parvej, M.R.*, S. Casteel, M. Zarnstorff, and M. Licht. 2019. Soybean defoliation at R4 and R5: Canopy recovery and effects on yield and quality. ASA Section: Agronomic Production Systems. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX. Nov. 10-13, 2019.
  35. Licht, M., M. Mathiason, and M.R. Parvej. 2018. Using hybrid performance trails to win the game. Integrated Crop Management Conference, Ames, IA. Nov. 28-29, 2018.
  36. Parvej, M.R.*, C. Hurburgh, M. Hanna, and M. Licht. 2018. Dynamics of corn dry matter content after reaching physiological maturity. C03 Section: Crop Ecology, Management and Quality. ASA-CSSA International Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. Nov. 4-7, 2018. (Poster)
  37. Wright, E., M.R. Parvej*, S. Casteel, M. Zarnstorff, and M. Licht. 2018. Impact of soybean defoliation on canopy recovery, yield, and quality. ASA Section: Agronomic Production Systems. ASA-CSSA International Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. Nov. 4-7, 2018. (Poster)
  38. Holshouser, D.L., M.R. Parvej*, R.J. Kratochvil, C. Whaley, J. Dunphy, G.W. Roth, and G.S. Faé. 2018. Early high-moisture wheat harvest improve yield and profitability of double-crop wheat-soybean systems. ASA-CSSA International Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. Nov. 4-7, 2018. (Poster)
  39. Hansel, D.S.S., R.A. Schwalbert, D.E. Shoup, M.R. Parvej, P.V. Vara Prasad, and I.A. Ciampitti. 2018. Soybean double-cropped yields after winter wheat: A review. ASA-CSSA International Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. Nov. 4-7, 2018. (Poster)
  40. Holshouser, D.L., A.S. Williams, M.R. Parvej, and M.S. Reiter. 2018. Soybean response to potassium on mid-Atlantic coastal plain and piedmont soils. ASA-CSSA International Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. Nov. 4-7, 2018. (Poster)
  41. Parvej, M.R.*, and D.L. Holshouser. 2017. Early high moisture wheat harvest improves wheat and double-crop soybean yield and quality. C03 Section: Crop Ecology, Management and Quality. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL. Oct. 22-25, 2017. (Poster)
  42. Parvej, M.R.*, and D.L. Holshouser. 2017. Seeding rates for full-season and double-crop soybean. C03 Section: Crop Ecology, Management and Quality. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL. Oct. 22-25, 2017. (Poster)
  43. Parvej, M.R.*, and D.L. Holshouser. 2017. Double-Crop Soybean Production System in the USA - Literature Review. C03 Section: Crop Ecology, Management and Quality. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL. Oct. 22-25, 2017. (Poster)
  44. Holshouser, D.L. and M.R. Parvej. 2017. Better soybean variety selection using maturity group probabilities and yield potential. ASA Section: Agronomic Production Systems. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL. Oct. 22-25, 2017.
  45. Parvej, M.R., D.L. Holshouser, R.J. Kratochvil, C. Whaley, G.S. Faé, G.W. Roth, and J. Dunphy. 2017. Early high moisture wheat harvest improves wheat and double-crop soybean yield and quality. World Soybean Research Conference 10, Savannah, GA. Sep. 10-15, 2017.
  46. Parvej, M.R.*, A.S. Williams, D.L. Holshouser, W.H. Frame, and M.S. Reiter. 2017. Full-season and double-crop soybean response to potassium on Mid-Atlantic coastal plain and piedmont soils. ASA Southern Branch Annual Meeting, Mobile, AL. Feb. 5-7, 2017.
  47. Holshouser, D.L., M.R. Parvej*, R.J. Kratochvil, C. Whaley, G.S. Faé, and G.W. Roth. 2017. Early high moisture wheat harvest improves wheat and double-crop soybean yield and quality. ASA Southern Branch Annual Meeting, Mobile, AL. Feb. 5-7, 2017.
  48. Holshouser, D.L., M.R. Parvej, R.J. Kratochvil, C. Whaley, G.S. Faé, and G.W. Roth. 2017. Increasing yields and profitability for Mid-Atlantic double-crop soybean. ASA Southern Branch Annual Meeting, Mobile, AL. Feb. 5-7, 2017. (Poster)
  49. Parvej, M.R.*, D.L. Holshouser, R.J. Kratochvil, C. Whaley, G.S. Faé, and G.W. Roth. 2016. Early high moisture wheat harvest improves wheat and double-crop soybean yield and quality. ASA Section: Agronomic Production Systems. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. Nov. 6-9, 2016.
  50. Parvej, M.R.*, N.A. Slaton, T.L. Roberts, L.C. Purcell, R.E. DeLong, and M.S. Fryer. 2015. Critical trifoliolate leaf and petiole potassium concentrations for soybean beyond the R2 growth stage. SSSA Division: Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. Nov. 15-18, 2015.
  51. Parvej, M.R.*, N.A. Slaton, T.L. Roberts, L.C. Purcell, R.E. DeLong, and M.S. Fryer. 2015. In-season diagnosis of potassium deficiency in soybean using leaf and petiole potassium concentrations. SSSA Division: Nutrient Management & Soil & Plant Analysis. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. Nov. 15-18, 2015.
  52. Parvej, M.R.*, N.A. Slaton, M.S. Fryer, T.L. Roberts, L.C. Purcell, and R.E. DeLong. 2015. Post-season diagnosis of potassium deficiency in soybean using seed potassium concentration. SSSA Division: Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. Nov. 15-18, 2015. (Poster)
  53. Parvej, M.R.*, N.A. Slaton, T.L. Roberts, R.E. DeLong, R.J. Dempsey, and M.S. Fryer. 2015. Potassium uptake and trifoliolate leaf potassium concentration in determinate and indeterminate soybean. Gamma Sigma Delta Meeting, Fayetteville, AR. Mar. 20, 2015.
  54. Fryer, M.S., N.A. Slaton, T.L. Roberts, R.J. Norman, R.E. DeLong, M.R. Parvej, and R.J. Dempsey. 2015. Validation of soil-test based phosphorus and potassium fertilizer recommendations for soybean. Gamma Sigma Delta Meeting, Fayetteville, AR. Mar. 20, 2015.
  55. Parvej, M.R.*, N.A. Slaton, T.L. Roberts, R.E. DeLong, R.J. Dempsey, and M.S. Fryer. 2015. Dry matter and potassium accumulation and partitioning in three soybean genotypes. ASA Southern Branch Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA. Feb. 1-3, 2015.
  56. Parvej, M.R.*, N.A. Slaton, T.L. Roberts, R.E. DeLong, R.J. Dempsey, and M.S. Fryer. 2015. Nitrogen and phosphorus uptake in determinate and indeterminate soybean of different maturity groups. ASA Southern Branch Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA. Feb. 1-3, 2015. (Poster)
  57. Fryer, M.S., N.A. Slaton, T.L. Roberts, R.J. Norman, R.E. DeLong, M.R. Parvej, and R.J. Dempsey. 2015. Validation of soil-test based phosphorus and potassium fertilizer recommendations for soybean. ASA Southern Branch Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA. Feb. 1-3, 2015.
  58. Parvej, M.R.*, N.A. Slaton, T.L. Roberts, R.E. DeLong, R.J. Dempsey, and M.S. Fryer. 2014. Potassium deficiency effects on nodal seed yield and yield components of an indeterminate soybean. Arkansas Crop Protection Association Meeting, Fayetteville, AR. Dec. 1-2, 2014.
  59. Dempsey, R.J., N.A. Slaton, R.J. Norman, T.L. Roberts, R.E. DeLong, M.S. Fryer, and M.R. Parvej. 2014. Ammonia volatilization and rice grain yield as affected by simulated rainfall amount and nitrogen fertilizer amendment. Arkansas Crop Protection Association Meeting, Fayetteville, AR. Dec. 1-2, 2014.
  60. Fryer, M.S., N.A. Slaton, T.L. Roberts, R.J. Norman, R.E. DeLong, R.J. Dempsey, and M.R. Parvej. 2014. Validation of soil-test based phosphorus and potassium fertilizer recommendations for rice. Arkansas Crop Protection Association Meeting, Fayetteville, AR. Dec. 1-2, 2014.
  61. Parvej, M.R.*, N.A. Slaton, T.L. Roberts R.E. DeLong, R.J. Dempsey, and M.S. Fryer. 2014. Soybean seed yield and composition responses among nodes to potassium availability. ASA Section: Agronomic Production Systems. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA. Nov. 2-5, 2014.
  62. Parvej, M.R.*, N.A. Slaton, T.L. Roberts, R.E. DeLong, M.S. Fryer, and R.J. Dempsey. 2014. Potassium accumulation and partitioning in three soybean genotypes differing in maturity group. SSSA Division: Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA. Nov. 2-5, 2014. (Poster)
  63. Dempsey, R.J., N.A. Slaton, T.L. Roberts, R.J. Norman, R.E. DeLong, M.S. Fryer, and M.R. Parvej. 2014. Ammonia volatilization and rice grain yield as affected by simulated rainfall amount and nitrogen fertilizer amendment. SSSA Division: Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA. Nov. 2-5, 2014.
  64. Parvej, M.R.*, and N.A. Slaton. 2014. Characterization of potassium deficiency effects on soybean yield and seed composition. Gamma Sigma Delta Meeting, Fayetteville, AR. Mar. 12, 2014.
  65. Fryer, M.S., N.A. Slaton, T.L. Roberts, R.J. Norman, R.E. DeLong, R.J. Dempsey, and M.R. Parvej. 2014. Validation of soil-test based phosphorus and potassium fertilizer recommendations for rice. Gamma Sigma Delta Meeting, Fayetteville, AR. Mar. 12, 2014.
  66. Parvej, M.R.*, and N.A. Slaton. 2014. Soybean yield and seed potassium concentration response to long-term potassium fertilization. ASA Southern Branch Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX. Feb. 2-4, 2014.
  67. Parvej, M.R.*, and N.A. Slaton. 2013. Soybean yield and seed potassium concentration responses to long-term potassium fertilization. Arkansas Crop Protection Association Meeting, Fayetteville, AR. Dec. 2-3, 2013.
  68. Parvej, M.R.*, and N.A. Slaton. 2012. Sensitivity of determinate and indeterminate soybean variety to potassium deficiency. Arkansas Crop Protection Association Meeting, Fayetteville, AR. Nov. 26-27, 2012.
  69. Chowdhury, M.M., M.R. Parvej, and M.S.A. Fakir. 2012. Effect of Stages of Capsule Maturity on Capsule Morphology, Calyx and Seed Yield in Hibiscus sabdariffa (var. sabdariffa). Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Quality Seed for Food Security under Changing Climate. Seed Science Society of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. Feb. 8-10, 2012.
Extension Presentations (n = 62; Agent Training, Extension Meeting, Field Day, Ag Expo)
  1. Using urea vs. uan for fertilizing nitrogen in corn. Wheat, Oat, and Cover Crop Field Day. Winnsboro, LA. Apr. 20, 2023. (Invited).
  2. Soil fertility class for home/master gardener. Ouachita Extension Auditorium, West Monroe, LA. Mar. 10, 2023. (Invited)
  3. Soil class for master gardener. Scott Research, Extension, and Education Center, Winnsboro, LA. Feb. 27, 2023. (Invited)
  4. Nitrogen management in corn. Concordia Parish Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification Meeting. Vidalia, LA. Feb. 8, 2023. (Invited)
  5. Nitrogen management in corn. Catahoula Parish Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification Meeting. Harrisonburg, LA. Feb. 7, 2023. (Invited)
  6. Fertilizer recommendations in soybean considering high input cost. Soybean Producers’ Meeting, Northeast Research Station, St. Joseph, LA. Sep.10, 2022. (Invited)
  7. Soil class for master gardener. Northeast Research Station, St. Joseph, LA. Sep. 29, 2022. (Invited)
  8. Ammonium sulfate application in soybean. Dean Lee Research and Extension Center Agronomic Crops School and Agent Training. Alexandria, LA. Aug. 4, 2022.
  9. Fertilization decisions in 2022. Wheat, Oat, and Cover Crop Field Day. Winnsboro, LA. Apr. 20, 2022. (Invited)
  10. Soil sampling, testing, and interpretation class for home gardeners. Harrisonburg, LA. Apr. 13, 2022. (Invited)
  11. Fertilizer decision in 2022. Franklin Parish Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification Meeting. Winnsboro, LA. Feb. 22, 2022. (Invited)
  12. Fertilizer decision in 2022. Concordia Parish Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification Meeting. Harrisonburg, LA. Feb. 15, 2022. (Invited)
  13. Fertilizer decision in 2022. Catahoula Parish Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification Meeting. Vidalia, LA. Feb. 8, 2022. (Invited)
  14. How can we reduce fertilizer inputs in 2022? Franklin Parish Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification Meeting. Winnsboro, LA. Jan. 20, 2022. (Invited)
  15. How can we reduce fertilizer inputs in 2022? Richland Parish Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification Meeting. Rayville, LA. Jan. 20, 2022. (Invited)
  16. Fertilizer recommendations based on soil testing and tissue analysis. Avoyelles Parish Soybean, Cotton, and Feed Grain Production Meeting. Mansura, LA. Jan. 18, 2022. (Invited)
  17. Fertilizer recommendations based on soil testing and tissue analysis. Ag Alley Production Meeting. Monroe, LA. Jan. 14, 2022. (Invited)
  18. Soil pH and liming in field crops. Dean Lee Research & Extension Center Agronomic Crops School and Agent Training. Alexandria, LA. Aug. 4, 2021. (Invited – Agent Training)
  19. Soybean response to phosphorus and potassium rates. Soil Fertility & Nutrient Management Field Day. Winnsboro, LA. July 29, 2021. (Agent Training)
  20. Corn, soybean, and cotton response to soil-applied liquid phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. Soil Fertility & Nutrient Management Field Day. Winnsboro, LA. July 29, 2021. (Agent Training)
  21. Corn and soybean response to phosphorus and potassium application method and timing. Soil Fertility & Nutrient Management Field Day. Winnsboro, LA. July 29, 2021. (Agent Training)
  22. Corn, soybean, and cotton response to sulfur source and application timing. Soil Fertility & Nutrient Management Field Day. Winnsboro, LA. July 29, 2021. (Agent Training)
  23. Corn response to pre-tassel nitrogen application under different nitrogen stress conditions. Soil Fertility & Nutrient Management Field Day. Winnsboro, LA. July 29, 2021. (Agent Training)
  24. Foliar fertilization in corn, soybean, and cotton. Soil Fertility & Nutrient Management Field Day. Winnsboro, LA. July 29, 2021. (Agent Training)
  25. Updating the progress of commodity board funded projects. Northeast Research Station 30 Inch Corn/Soybean - 60 Inch Cotton Production Field Tour. St. Joseph, LA. July 27, 2021. (Invited)
  26. Introducing soil fertility program. Louisiana County Agricultural Agents Association (LCAAA) Annual Meeting & Professional Improvement Conference. June 8, 2021.
  27. Corn sidedress nitrogen application. Wheat, Oat, and Cover Crop Field Day. Winnsboro, LA. Apr. 22, 2021. (Invited)
  28. Wheat nitrogen application timing. Wheat, Oat, and Cover Crop Field Day. Winnsboro, LA. Apr. 22, 2021. (Invited)
  29. N reference strips. Louisiana Soil Health Forum Field Day. St. Joseph, LA. Mar. 17, 2021. (Invited)
  30. Fertilizer recommendations and foliar fertilization for corn and soybean. Concordia Parish Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification Meeting. Vidalia, LA. Feb. 25, 2021.
  31. Fertilizer recommendations and foliar fertilization for corn and soybean. Catahoula Parish Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification Meeting. Jonesville, LA. Feb. 24, 2021.
  32. Fertilizer recommendations for soybean and corn production in Louisiana. 2021 Louisiana Agricultural Technology and Management Conference. Virtual. Feb. 10, 2021. (Invited)
  33. Fertilizer recommendations for soybean. East Carroll Parish Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification Meeting. Lake Providence, LA. Feb. 9, 2021.
  34. Corn nitrogen management: split application and reference strips. Avoyelles Parish Soybean, Cotton, and Feed Grain Production Meeting. Virtual. Jan. 29, 2021. (Invited)
  35. Reevaluation of fertilizer recommendations for soybean production in Louisiana. Avoyelles Parish Soybean, Cotton, and Feed Grain Production Meeting. Virtual. Jan. 29, 2021. (Invited)
  36. Nitrogen management: split application/reference strips. Advanced Corn Production Meeting. Winnsboro, LA. Jan. 28, 2021. (Invited)
  37. Fertilizer recommendations for soybean. Franklin Parish Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification Meeting. Winnsboro, LA. Jan. 27, 2021.
  38. Fertilizer recommendations for soybean. Tensas Parish Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification Meeting. St. Joseph, LA. Jan. 26, 2021.
  39. Fertilizer recommendations for soybean. Madison Parish Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification Meeting. Tallulah, LA. Jan. 26, 2021.
  40. Fertilizer recommendations for soybean. Richland Parish Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification Meeting. Alto, LA. Jan. 21, 2021.
  41. Introducing soil fertility program. Northeast Row Rice Production Meeting. Oak Grove, LA. Jan. 19, 2021.
  42. Introducing soil fertility program. Louisiana County Agricultural Agents Association (LCAAA) Annual Meeting & Professional Improvement Conference. Virtual. Aug. 18, 2020. (Invited)
  43. Corn fertilization recommendations in Louisiana in 2020. 2020 Wheat and Oat Field Day. Winnsboro, LA. Apr. 23, 2020. (Invited)
  44. Introducing soil fertility program. Northeast Region Taylor Project Field Day and Soil Health Symposium, St. Joseph, LA. Feb. 26, 2020.
  45. Fertilizer recommendation philosophies. Northeast Louisiana Crops Forum, Delhi, LA. Feb. 6, 2020. (Invited)
  46. Introducing soil fertility program. Tensas Parish Crop Production and Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification Meeting, St. Joseph, LA. Jan. 24, 2020.
  47. Introducing soil fertility program. Avoyelles Cotton, Soybean and Feed Grain Clinic, Mansura, LA. Jan. 17, 2020.
  48. Introducing soil fertility program. Catahoula Parish Crop Production and Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification Meeting, Harrisonburg, LA. Jan. 13, 2020.
  49. Introducing soil fertility program. Concordia Parish Crop Production and Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification Meeting, Ferriday, LA. Jan. 13, 2020.
  50. Soybean growth and development. Iowa State University Crop Scout School, Ames, IA. Mar. 30, 2019.
  51. Liming materials and efficiency criteria. Soil Science, Soil Fertility, and Crop Production School, Sandston, VA. Dec. 8, 2017. (Invited)
  52. Agriscience Class. Gates Co. Senior High School, Gatesville, NC. Sep. 22, 2017. (Invited)
  53. Early high-moisture wheat harvest improves wheat and double-crop soybean yield and quality. Eastern Virginia Agricultural Research and Extension Center Field Day, Warsaw, VA. Aug. 16, 2017.
  54. Seeding rates for full-season and double-crop soybean. Southeast Virginia Soybean Field Day, Chesapeake, VA. Aug. 4, 2017.
  55. What is the best relative maturity for your farm? Virginia Ag Expo, Charles City, VA. Aug. 3, 2017.
  56. Early high-moisture wheat harvest improves wheat and double-crop soybean yield and quality. Northeast Ag Expo, Belvedere, NC. Jul. 27, 2017.
  57. Liming materials and efficiency criteria. Soil Science, Soil Fertility, and Crop Production School, Sandston, VA. Dec. 8, 2016. (Invited)
  58. Agriscience Class. Riverview High School, Courtland, VA. Oct. 4, 2016. (Invited)
  59. Early high-moisture wheat harvest improves wheat and double-crop soybean yield and quality. Southern Soybean Breeders Tour, Eastern Virginia Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Warsaw, VA. Sep. 7, 2016.
  60. Soybean maturity group choices across planting dates in Virginia. Southeast Virginia Soybean Field Day, Virginia Beach, VA. Aug. 5, 2016.
  61. Soybean maturity group choices across planting dates in Virginia. Virginia Ag Expo, Dinwiddie, VA. Aug. 4, 2016.
  62. Increasing yields and profitability for Mid-Atlantic double-crop soybean. Northeast Ag Expo, Gates, NC. Jul. 28, 2016.

Research Proposal/Report Presentations (n = 25; Commodity Board Annual Meetings)

  1. Spatial and temporal variation of soil sampling affect phosphorus and potassium recommendations for cotton. Cotton Incorporated, Louisiana State Support Committee Annual Meeting. Nov. 29, 2022. Project Report.
  2. Investigation of cotton response to soil-applied liquid fertilizers. Cotton Incorporated, Louisiana State Support Committee Annual Meeting. Nov. 29, 2022. Project Report.
  3. Reevaluation of phosphorus and potassium fertility at different soil depths for corn production in Louisiana. Louisiana Soybean & Grain Research and Promotion Board Annual Meeting. Nov. 17-18, 2022. Project Proposal.
  4. Continuous evaluation of foliar fertilizers, biostimulants, fall vs. spring application, and liquid vs. dry phosphorus and potassium for corn and soybean. Louisiana Soybean & Grain Research and Promotion Board Annual Meeting. Nov. 17-18, 2022. Project Proposal.
  5. Reevaluation of current soil-test-based sulfur recommendations, sulfur source, and application time for soybean. Louisiana Soybean & Grain Research and Promotion Board Annual Meeting. Nov. 17-18, 2022. Project Proposal.
  6. Spatial and temporal variation of soil sampling affect phosphorus and potassium recommendations for corn and soybean. Louisiana Soybean & Grain Research and Promotion Board Annual Meeting. Nov. 17-18, 2022. Project Report.
  7. Spatial and temporal variation of soil sampling affect phosphorus and potassium recommendations for soybean. Mid-South Soybean Board. Aug. 26, 2022. Project Proposal.
  8. Spatial and temporal variation of soil sampling affect phosphorus and potassium recommendations for cotton. Cotton Incorporated, Louisiana State Support Committee Annual Meeting. Nov. 30, 2021. Project Proposal.
  9. Investigation of cotton response to soil-applied liquid fertilizers. Cotton Incorporated, Louisiana State Support Committee Annual Meeting. Nov. 30, 2021. Project Proposal.
  10. Spatial and temporal variation of soil sampling affect phosphorus and potassium recommendations for corn and soybean. Louisiana Soybean & Grain Research and Promotion Board Annual Meeting. Nov. 18-19, 2021. Project Proposal.
  11. Reevaluation of phosphorus and potassium fertility at different soil depths for soybean production in Louisiana. Louisiana Soybean & Grain Research and Promotion Board Annual Meeting. Nov. 18-19, 2021. Project Report.
  12. Evaluation of commercial foliar fertilizers for corn and soybean production in Louisiana. Louisiana Soybean & Grain Research and Promotion Board Annual Meeting. Nov. 18-19, 2021. Project Report.
  13. Evaluation of agronomic production practices on corn and soybean yields. Louisiana Soybean & Grain Research and Promotion Board Annual Meeting. Nov. 18-19, 2021. Project Report.
  14. Spatial and temporal variation of soil sampling affect phosphorus and potassium recommendations for soybean. Mid-South Soybean Board. Sep. 8, 2021. Project Proposal.
  15. Evaluation of commercial foliar fertilizers for cotton production in Louisiana. Cotton Incorporated, Louisiana State Support Committee Annual Meeting. Dec. 8, 2020. Project Report.
  16. Investigation of cotton response to soil-applied liquid fertilizers. Cotton Incorporated, Louisiana State Support Committee Annual Meeting. Dec. 8, 2020. Project Proposal.
  17. Reevaluation of phosphorus and potassium fertility at different soil depths for soybean production in Louisiana. Louisiana Soybean & Grain Research and Promotion Board Annual Meeting. Nov. 19-20, 2020. Project Report.
  18. Evaluation of commercial foliar fertilizers for corn and soybean production in Louisiana. Louisiana Soybean & Grain Research and Promotion Board Annual Meeting. Nov. 19-20, 2020. Project Report.
  19. Evaluation of agronomic production practices on corn and soybean yields. Louisiana Soybean & Grain Research and Promotion Board Annual Meeting. Nov. 19-20, 2020. Project Report.
  20. Investigation of corn and soybean response to soil applied liquid fertilizers. Louisiana Soybean & Grain Research and Promotion Board Annual Meeting. Nov. 19-20, 2020. Project Proposal.
  21. Evaluation of agriculture lime application strategies for corn and soybean production systems. Louisiana Soybean & Grain Research and Promotion Board Annual Meeting. Nov. 19-20, 2020. Project Proposal.
  22. Investigation of rice response to soil applied liquid fertilizers. Louisiana Rice Research Board Annual Meeting. Nov. 5, 2020. Project Proposal.
  23. Evaluation of commercial foliar fertilizers for cotton production in Louisiana. Cotton Incorporated, Louisiana State Support Committee Annual Meeting. Dec. 3, 2019. Project Proposal.
  24. Reevaluation of phosphorus and potassium fertility at different soil depths for soybean production in Louisiana. Louisiana Soybean & Grain Research and Promotion Board Annual Meeting. Nov. 21-22, 2019. Project Proposal.
  25. Evaluation of commercial foliar fertilizers for corn and soybean production in Louisiana. Louisiana Soybean & Grain Research and Promotion Board Annual Meeting. Nov. 21-22, 2019. Project Proposal.

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