Title | Associate Professor |
Department | Rice Research Station |
MKongchum@agcenter.lsu.edu | |
Address 1 | 1373 Caffey Road Rayne, LA 70578 |
Phone | 337-788-7531 |
Fax | 337-788-7553 |
Ph.D. Agronomy (Soil Science), Louisiana State University, 2005
M.S. Environmental Sciences, Louisiana State University, 2005
M.S. Soil Science, Khon Kaen University, Thailand, 1986
B.S. Agriculture (Soil Science), Khon Kaen University, Thailand, 1983
1987-2001: Soil Scientist/Agronomist, International Rice Research Institute
2001-2004: Wetland Biogeochemistry Institute, School of the Coast and Environment, Louisiana State University
2004-2014: Instructor and Laboratory Manager, School of Plant, Environmental and Soil Sciences, Louisiana State University
2014-present: Instructor, H. Rouse Caffey Rice Research Station, LSU Agricultural Center
2015-present: Assistant Proffessor-Research, H. Rouse Caffey Rice Research Station, LSU Agricultural Center
American Society of Agronomy
Crop Science Society of Agronomy
Soil Science Society of America
Society of Wetland Scientists
Articles in Refereed Journals
Kongchum M, Materne MD, Williamson GB,Bissett L (2017) Effect of elevation on soil properties in reconstructed back barrier island coastal marsh using dredged materials. Wetlands 37:301-311.
Gedik, K, M. Kongchum, R. D. DeLaune and J.J. Sonnier (2017) Distribution of arsenic and other metalsin crayfish tissues (Procambarus clarkii) under different production practices. Science of the Total Environment 574:322-331.
Gedik, K., M. Kongchum, and R. D. DeLaune. 2016. Adsorption and desorption of arsenate in Louisiana rice soils. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 62 (6): 856-864.
Sigua, G.C., M. Williams, C.C. Chase, Jr., J. Grabowski, and M. Kongchum. 2013.
Nitrogen recovery and agronomic efficiency of forages with nitrogen fertilization under flooded condition. Agricultural Sciences, 4 (3): 138-148.
Sadubthummarak, U., P. Parkpian, M. Ruchirawat, M. Kongchum., and R.D. DeLaune. 2013.
Potential treatments to reduce phorbol esters levels in jatropha seed cake for improving the value added product. Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Toxic/hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering. 48:11, 974-982.
DeLaune, R.D., M. Kongchum, J.R. White, and A. Jugsujinda. 2013. Freshwater diversions as an ecosystem management tool for maintaining soil organic matter accretion in coastal marshes. Catena, 107 (2013): 139-144.
Noicharoen, D, P Parkpian, O.V Shipin, C Polprasert, R.D Delaune, and M Kongchum. 2012. Effect of Salinity on Adsorption and Desorption of Paraquat in Pak Phanang River Sediment, Thailand. Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part A Toxic/hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering. 47.12 (2012): 1897-1908.
Sigua, G.C., M. Williams, J. Grabowski, C.C. Chase, Jr., and M. Kongchum. 2012. Effect of flooding duration and nitrogen fertilization on yield and protein content of three forage species. Agronomy Journal, 104 (3): 791-798.
Sigua, G.C., M. Williams, J. Grabowski, C.C. Chase, Jr., J. Albano, and M. Kongchum. 2012. Yield and uptake of bahiagrass under flooded environment as affected by nitrogen fertilization. Science Research, 3 (4): 491-500.
Kongchum, M, W H Hudnall, and R. D. DeLaune. 2011. Relationship between sediment clay minerals and total mercury. Environmental Science and Health Part A., 46: 534-539.
Kongchum, M., M. Wascom, M. Reams, and R. D. DeLaune. 2011. Water conservation practices for improving water-use policy in irrigated rice, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 57 (Issue 3), 261-271.
DeLaune, R. D., R.P. Gambrell, I. Devai, A. Jugsujinda, and M. Kongchum. 2009. Total Hg and methyl Hg distribution in sediments of selected Louisiana water bodies. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 44 (6): 557-567.
Prudente, J. A., G. C. Sigua, M. Kongchum, and A.D. Prudente. 2008. Improving yield and nutrient uptake potentials of Japonica and Indica varieties with Nitrogen fertilization. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 4(3): 326-332
Kongchum, M. and R. DeLaune. 2008. Effect of plant residue on rice germination and seedling establishment of selected rice cultivars. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 39: 715-725.
Kongchum, M., R. DeLaune, W. Hudnall, and P. Bollich. 2007. Effect of straw incorporation on 15N labeled ammonium nitrogen uptake and rice growth. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 38: 2149-2161.
Sirianuntapiboon, S., M. Kongchum, and W. Jitmaikasem. 2006. Effects of hydraulic retention time and media of constructed wetland for treatment of domestic wastewater. African Journal of Agricultural Research. 1 (2): 027-037.
Kongchum, M., P.K. Bollich, W.H. Hudnall, R.D. DeLaune, and C.W. Lindau. 2006.Decreasing methane emission of rice by better crop management. Agron. Sustain. Dev. 26 (2006): 45-54.
Kongchum, M., I. Devai, A. Jugsujinda, and R.D. DeLaune. 2006. Total mercury and methyl mercury in Mississippi river fresh water and salt marsh soils. Chemosphere.63 (2006):1300-1303.
DeLaune, R.D., A. Jugsujinda, J.L. West, C.B. Johnson, and M. Kongchum. 2005. A screening of the capacity of Louisiana freshwater wetlands to process nitrate in diverted Mississippi River water. Ecological Engineering. 25 (4):315-321.
Devai, I., W.H. Patrick Jr., H.U. Neue, R.D. DeLaune, M. Kongchum, and J. Rinklebe. 2005.Methyl mercury and heavy metal content in soils of rivers Saale and Elbe (Germany).Analytical Letters, 38: 1037-1048.
Dobermann, A., C. Witt, D. Dawe, G.C. Gines, R. Nagarajan, S. Satawathananont, T.T. Son, P.S. Tan, G.H. Wang, N.V. Chien, V.T.K. Thoa, C.V. Phung, P. Stalin, P. Muthukrishnan, V. Ravi, M. Babu, S. Chatuporn, M. Kongchum, J. Sookthongsa, Q. Sun, R. Fu, G.C. Simbahan, and M.A.A. Adviento. 2002. Site-specific nutrient managementfor intensive rice cropping systems in Asia. Field Crops Res. 74: 37-66.
Book Chapters:
Gedik, K., R.D. DeLaune, M. Kongchum, and R.P. Gambrell. 2015. Physicochemical factors controlling stability of toxic heavy metals and metalloids in wetland soils and sediments. In: Trace elements in temporary waterlogged soils and sediments. Rinkiebe, J. (editor), Boca Raton, Fl. CRC Press (Chapter 2).
Reddy, K.R., M.W. Clark, R.D. DeLaune, and M. Kongchum. 2013. Physicochemical characterization of wetland soils. In Methods in biogeochemistry of wetlands. R.D. DeLaune, K.R. Reddy, C.J. Richardson, and J.P. Megonigal (editors). SSSA Book Series 10. pp 41-54 (Chapter 3).
Satawathananont, S., S. Chatuporn, L. Niyomvit, M. Kongchum, J. Sookthongsa, and A. Dobermann. 2004. Site-specific nutrient management in irrigated rice systems of Central Thailand. In: Increasing productivity of intensive rice systems through site-specific nutrient management. (Eds) A. Dobermann, C. Witt, and D. Dawe. Enfield, N.H. (USA) and Los Banos (Philippines): Science Publishers, Inc., and International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) pp. 125-143 (Chapter 8).
Research Reports
Harrell, D.L., M. Kongchum, J.P. Leonards, J.S. Fluitt, and J.R. Hartman. 2016. Rice Agronomy. In 108th Annual Research Report, H. Rouse Caffey Rice Research Station. La. Agri. Exp. Stn., LSU AgCenter, 108:97-262.
Harrison, S.A. et al. 2016. 2016 SMALL GRAIN PERFORMANCE TRIALS. LAES Research Summary No. 208.
Materne, M.D., I. A. Mendelssohn, S. A. Graham, S. Rohwer, and M. Kongchum. 2012. Controls on the successful use of dredged sediments for the restoration and rehabilitation of brackish marshes on the Barataria Basin Landbridge. 39p. Submitted to Office of Coastal Protection & Restoration (OCPR). Baton Rouge, LA.
Materne, M.D., M. Kongchum, and G. Bruce Williamson. 2011. Section 7- Physical and chemical soils data analysis and interpretation. Submitted to Chevron Energy Technology Company, Houston TX. 27p.
Materne, M.D., M. Kongchum, Williamson, G. B., S. Rohwer, H Utomo, T Croughan, and G L. Fine. 2010. A vegetative model for restoration, conservation, and habitat enhancement on beneficial-use dredge sediment. A summary report submitted to Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuarine Program, Nicholls State University, Thibodaux, Louisiana, USA; In Fulfillment of LUMCON Project #674-GMRD. 90p.
DeLaune, R.D, W.H. Patrick. Jr., I Devai, and M. Kongchum. 2004. Total mercury and methyl mercury distribution in sediment of selected Louisiana lakes and water bodies. Final Report Submitted to Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality. Sept 2004.
Article in Journal
Manoch Kongchum. 2013. Effect of elevations on soil properties of restored Louisiana salt marshes. Louisiana Agriculture, Spring 2013. 56 (2): 37.
Jim J. Wang, Syam K. Dodla, Sonny Viator, Manoch Kongchum, Stephen Harrison, Sanku D. Mudi, Shuai Liu and Zhou Tian. 2013. Agricultural field management practices and greenhouse gas emissions from Louisiana soils. Louisiana Agriculture, Spring 2013. 56 (2):8-9.
Manoch Kongchum and Michael D. Materne. 2007. Wetlands Soils Lab helps improve environment. Louisiana Agriculture, Spring 2007. 50 (2):37.
Published Abstracts
Adotey, N., D.L. Harrell, J. Li, and M. Kongchum. 2015. Ammonia Volatilization of Experimental Zinc Sulfate Coated Urea Fertilizer on Four Rice Soils. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Annual Meeting. 15-18 Nov. Minneapolis, MN. Available online: https://scisoc.confex.com/scisoc/2015am/webprogram/Paper92563.html
Kongchum, M., D.L. Harrell, N. Adotey, and J. Li. 2015. Methane Emissions from Main and Ratoon Rice Crop Under Different Water Management Systems in Louisiana. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Annual Meeting. 15-18 Nov., Minneapolis, MN. Available online: https://scisoc.confex.com/scisoc/2015am/webprogram/Paper94809.html
Kongchum, M., D. Harrell, J. Leonards, and J. Fluitt. 2016. Effect of water management practices on N uptake and grain yield of main and ratoon rice crops. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings. Nov 6-9, 2016, Phoenix, AZ.
Adotey, N., D.L. Harrell, M. Kongchum, and J. Li. Distribution and Transformation of Zinc Fractions from Zinc Sulfate Coated Urea Fertilizer on Three Rice Soils. CSSA-SSSA-ESA International Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, Nov. 6-9, 2016.
Adotey, N., D.L. Harrell, M. Kongchum, and J. Li. Distribution and Transformation of Zinc Fractions from Zinc Sulfate Coated Urea Fertilizer on Three Rice Soils. CSSA-SSSA-ESA International Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, Nov. 6-9, 2016.
Barron, M., D.L. Harrell, M. Kongchum, N. Adotey, J. Li, J. Leonards, R. Regan, and J. Fluitt. 2014. Effect of water management on greenhouse gas emissions in the main and ratoon rice crops grown on a Crowley Silt Loam soil. 35th Meeting of the Rice Technical Working Group. February 18-21, 2014. New Orleans, LA.
Kongchum, M., D.L. Harrell, M. Barron, J. Li, N. Adotey, J. Leonards, R. Regan, and J. Fluitt. 2014. Effect of redox potential on greenhouse gas emissions on a Crowley Silt Loam Soil. 35th Meeting of the Rice Technical Working Group. February 18-21, 2014. New Orleans, LA.
Adotey, N., D.L. Harrell, M. Barron, J. Li, M. Kongchum, J. Leonards, R. Regan, and J. Fluitt. 2014. Effect of water management on efficiency of pre-flood nitrogen applications in a drill-seeded, delayed flood rice production system. 35th Meeting of the Rice Technical Working Group. February 18-21, 2014. New Orleans, LA.
Harrell, D.L., M. Kongchum, M. Barron, N. Adotey, J. Li, J. Leonards, R. Regan, and J. Fluitt. 2014. Effect of soil moisture and pre-flood nitrogen source on volatilization, NUE and yield of rice grown on a Crowley Silt Loam soil. 35th Meeting of the Rice Technical Working Group. February 18-21, 2014. New Orleans, LA.
Kongchum, M., B. Tubana, T. Babu, P. Lunliu and L. Datnoff. 2013. Effect of silicon sources on rice biomass silicon uptake and grain yield. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings. Nov 3-7, 2013, Tampa FL.
Asis, Jr., C., B. Tubaña, M. Kongchum, R. DeLaune, and C. Narayanaswamy. 2012. Agronomic and environmental impacts of silicon fertilizer application on rice grown in Louisiana soils. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings. October 21-24, 2012, Cincinnati, OH.
Kongchum, M., M. Materne, G. Bruce Williamson, and L. Bissett. 2011. Influence of depositional patterns on dredged materials on soil properties of restored coastal Louisiana salt marsh. In Agronomy Abstracts. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings. October 16-19, 2011, San Antonio, TX.
Kongchum, M., and M. Materne. 2010. Factors Affecting Organic Matter Analysis by Weight Loss on Ignition in Louisiana Coastal Wetland Soils. In ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting. Oct.31- Nov.3. Long Beach, CA. Agronomy Abstracts.
Harrell, D., M. Kongchum, B. Tubana, J. Lofton, J. Leonards, R. Regan, and J. Fluitt. 2010. Rice response to zinc fertilization on a high pH, low zinc soil. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting. Oct.31- Nov.3. Long Beach, CA. Agronomy Abstracts [online].
Tubana, B., H. Viator, R. Johnson, J Wang, J. Teboh and M. Kongchum. 2009. Establishing the components of a Remote Sensor-Based Nitrogen Decision Tool for Sugarcane Production. American Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. (www.SugarJournal.com) June 2009: 19-20.
Kongchum, M., R.D. DeLaune, A. Jugsujinda, and B Tubana. 2008. Effect of soil redox and pH on nutrient availability in paddy soils. In Abstract, 72nd SSSA Annual Meeting, Houston, TX. Oct 5-9, 2008.
Prudente, J. A., G. C. Sigua, M. Kongchum, and A.D. Prudente. 2007. Improving yield and nutrient uptake potentials of Japonica and Indica varieties with Nitrogen fertilization. In Abstract, 71st SSSA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA. Nov 4-8, 2007.
Kongchum, M., R. DeLaune, W. Hudnall, and P. Bollich. 2006. Effect of straw incorporation on 15N labeled ammonium nitrogen uptake and rice growth. In Abstract, 70th SSSA Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN. Nov 12-16, 2006.
Kongchum, M., P.K. Bollich, W.H. Hudnall, R.D. DeLaune, and C.W. Lindau. 2005. Assessment of water management practices for reducing methane emission from irrigated rice fields in Louisiana. In Abstract, 69th SSSA Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. Nov 6-10, 2005.
Kongchum, M, W.H Hudnall, and R.D. DeLaune. 2004. Relationship between clay minerals and total mercury content. In Abstract, 68th SSSA Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. Oct 31- Nov 4, 2004.
Kongchum, M., I. Devai, A. Jugsujinda, and R.D. DeLaune. 2004. Total mercury and methyl mercury in Mississippi river fresh water and salt marsh soils. In Abstract, 68th SSSA Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. Oct 31-Nov 4, 2004.
Kongchum, M., W. H. Hudnall, P. K. Bollich, R.D. DeLaune, and C.W. Lindau. 2004. Methane emission from rice field with high residual organic matter. Rice Technical Working Group. New Orleans, 29 Feb –3 Mar 2004. (Abstract).
Kongchum, M., W.H. Hudnall, R.D. DeLaune, and P.K. Bollich. 2003. Effect of organic matter on soil pH, Eh, and rice growth. 24th Annual meeting, Society of Wetland Scientists. Jun 8-23, 2003. New Orleans, LA (Abstract).
Kongchum, M., R. DeLaune, and W.H. Hudnall. 2003. Effect of varying levels of organic matter on growth and grain yield of rice. Abstracts of Technical Papers 2003, Louisiana Association of Agronomists Annual Meeting. April 04, 2003. Alexandria, LA.
Harrell, Dustin L., Brown, Sebe, Famoso, Adam, Fontenot, Keith A., Groth, Donald E., Hebert, Jeremy P., Kongchum, Manoch, Linscombe, Steven D., Oard, James H., Stout, Michael J., Webster, Eric P. "Rice Varieties and Management Tips 2017". 2016, Publication No. 2270.
Han, K.J., W.M. Alison, M. Kongchum, and M.E. McCormick. 2016. Application of overseeded forage radish for enhancement of warm-season grass pasture soil properties. 2016 AFGC Annual Conference, January 10 -13, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA.
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